eBash Presents: Landlocked!
How can you drown in pools if there's no water?
Featuring $1,000 in Pot Bonuses!
Pre-Registration is open NOW at smash.gg/ll!
Venue Fee:
$10 until Feburary 1st, 2016
$15 starting February 2nd, until Registration closes on February 13th!
Bringing a set-up will get you $5 back at the end of the event!
Entry Fee:
Smash 4 Singles [Featuring a $500 pot bonus!]: $10
Smash 4 Doubles: $20 per team ($10 per player)
Melee Singles [Featuring a $500 pot bonus!]: $10
Melee Doubles: $20 per team ($10 per player)
Wii U Singles
2 Stock, 6 Minute Timer
Customs Off, DLC Characters Legal, 1 Stage Ban
Customizable Guest Miis [Equipment Banned]
Starter: Final Destination, Battlefield, Smashville, Lylat Cruise, Town & City
Counterpick: Duck Hunt, Dreamland 64, Ω*
*Equivalent to Final Destination when counterpicking.
Dave's Stupid Rule Applies
Best Of 5 for Top 8 Matches
Wii U Doubles
3 Stock, 8 Minute Timer
Team Attack On, Customs Off, DLC Characters Legal, 1 Stage Ban
Customizable Guest Miis [Equipment Banned]
Starter: Final Destination, Battlefield, Smashville, Lylat Cruise, Town & City
Counterpick: Duck Hunt, Dreamland 64, Ω*
*Equivalent to Final Destination when counter-picking.
Dave's Stupid Rule Applies
Best Of 5 for Winner's, Loser's, and Grand Finals
2 Stock, 6 Minute Timer
Customs Off, DLC Characters Legal, 1 Stage Ban
Customizable Guest Miis [Equipment Banned]
Starter: Final Destination, Battlefield, Smashville, Lylat Cruise, Town & City
Counterpick: Duck Hunt, Dreamland 64, Ω*
*Equivalent to Final Destination when counterpicking.
Dave's Stupid Rule Applies
Best Of 5 for Top 8 Matches
Wii U Doubles
3 Stock, 8 Minute Timer
Team Attack On, Customs Off, DLC Characters Legal, 1 Stage Ban
Customizable Guest Miis [Equipment Banned]
Starter: Final Destination, Battlefield, Smashville, Lylat Cruise, Town & City
Counterpick: Duck Hunt, Dreamland 64, Ω*
*Equivalent to Final Destination when counter-picking.
Dave's Stupid Rule Applies
Best Of 5 for Winner's, Loser's, and Grand Finals
Melee Singles
4 Stock, 8 Minute Timer
Wobbling Legal, 1 Stage Ban
Neutral: Battlefield, Yoshi's Story, Final Destination, Dreamland 64, Fountain Of Dreams
Counterpick: Pokemon Stadium
Dave's Stupid Rule Applies
Best Of 5 for Top 8 Matches
Melee Doubles
4 Stock, 8 Minute Timer
Team Attack On, Wobbling Legal, 1 Stage Ban
Neutral: Battlefield, Yoshi's Story, Final Destination, Dreamland 64, Pokemon Stadium
Counterpick: N/A
Dave's Stupid Rule Applies
Best Of 5 for Winner's, Loser's, and Grand Finals
4 Stock, 8 Minute Timer
Wobbling Legal, 1 Stage Ban
Neutral: Battlefield, Yoshi's Story, Final Destination, Dreamland 64, Fountain Of Dreams
Counterpick: Pokemon Stadium
Dave's Stupid Rule Applies
Best Of 5 for Top 8 Matches
Melee Doubles
4 Stock, 8 Minute Timer
Team Attack On, Wobbling Legal, 1 Stage Ban
Neutral: Battlefield, Yoshi's Story, Final Destination, Dreamland 64, Pokemon Stadium
Counterpick: N/A
Dave's Stupid Rule Applies
Best Of 5 for Winner's, Loser's, and Grand Finals
11:00AM: Check-In
11:45AM: Check-In Ends For Doubles
12:00PM: Smash Wii U Doubles
12:00PM: Melee Doubles
03:45PM: Check-In Ends For Singles
04:00PM: Singles Wave A [Both Games]
05:30PM: Singles Wave B [Both Games]
07:00PM: Singles Bracket Begins [Both Games]
11:59PM: Venue "Closes"
12:00AM: Overnight Lock-In Begins [Optional]
(317) 815-6635
You may also contact our Tournament Organizers directly on Twitter:
A. Brando Corsaro (Xiivi) [@XiiviZV]
Jake Jacobson (DtJ Composer) [@Th3Composer]
Other Links!
Smash.GG - smash.gg/ll
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/events/439660826231100/