This is the premier Melee monthly event in Massachusetts! Note that since moving to Waltham, we are operating on new hours.
11:00 AM - Doors open
12:00 PM - Registration opens
2:30 PM - Doubles
4:00 PM - Singles registration closes
5:00 PM - Singles Pools
9:30 PM - Tournament Ends (Subject to attendance)
11:00 PM - Venue closes
Entry fees
$5 Venue Fee* waived w/ a full setup
$10 Doubles entry per team ($5 per person)
$10 Singles entry per person
New England Melee is where we organize other Melee events in the area!
You can find the group on Facebook here:
11:00 AM - Doors open
12:00 PM - Registration opens
2:30 PM - Doubles
4:00 PM - Singles registration closes
5:00 PM - Singles Pools
9:30 PM - Tournament Ends (Subject to attendance)
11:00 PM - Venue closes
Entry fees
$5 Venue Fee* waived w/ a full setup
$10 Doubles entry per team ($5 per person)
$10 Singles entry per person
New England Melee is where we organize other Melee events in the area!
You can find the group on Facebook here:
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