Smash Cadet
Hello my Northern Indiana Smash farm! I'm happy to announce our third installment in our monthly series, RNG: 3rd Times The Charm. This month once again we will be running Melee and Sm4sh. Both will have singles and doubles. We are including a $200 pot bonus. NOW FOR THE BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! This monthly will be a qualifier tournament for a Sponsorship invitational tournament. We are looking to add members to the RG Squad and we will be using this monthly to scope out talent in our region. More details to come. Hope to see you all there!
Venue: $10
Singles: $10
Doubles: $5 per player/ $10 per team.
Tentative Schedule:
11:00 - Venue Opens/ Registration Starts
12:00 - Doubles Registration Closes
12:30 - Melee Doubles Start
1:00 - Doubles Registration Closes
1:30 - Sm4sh Doubles Start
2:00 - Melee Singles Registration Closes
2:30 - Melee Singles Start
3:00 - Sm4sh Singles Registration Closes
3:30 - Sm4sh Singles Start.
9:00 - Venue Closes.
< 32 - 60 / 30 / 10
> 32 - 55 / 25 / 15 / 5
> 50 - 50 / 25 / 15 / 5 / 2.5 / 2.5
> 100 - 50 / 25 / 15 / 4 / 2 / 2 / 1 / 1
- 4 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit
- No Items
- Pause Disabled
- If Pause is left on, any player who pauses mid-match must forfeit their current stock (even if accidental)
- Friendly Fire Enabled
- Sets will be Best of 3
- All Top 8 matches will be Best of 5
- Wobbling is legal (past 300% is considered stalling)
- Freezing the game and infinite stalls are banned
- Master Hand is banned
- If a match goes to time, the winner is decided by highest stock count, then lowest percent. If stocks and percent are tied exactly, a 1 stock, 3 Minute rematch will be played on the same stage
Stage List:
Final Destination
Yoshi’s Story
Dream Land
Fountain of Dreams [Singles Only]
Pokemon Stadium [Doubles Only]
Counter-Pick Stages:
Pokemon Stadium [Singles Only]
Stage Striking:
- Best of 3 sets are allowed 1 stage ban
- Best of 5 sets are not allowed to ban stages
- Dave's Stupid Rule (players are not allowed to play on a stage they have already won on in the set, unless mutually agreed upon)
- Sets are played out in the following manner:
1. Players choose characters (double blind picks may be called for, please ask a TO if you need one)
2. Players strike stages from the starter list (P1 P2 P2 P1) (use Rock-Paper-Scissors to determine first strike; if Port Priority was disputed, the loser may strike first)
3. Players play out the match
4. The winner of the match bans 1 stage (if Best of 3)
5. The loser of the match picks a stage
6. The winner may choose a different character
7. The loser may choose a different character
- 2 Stock, 6 Minute Time Limit
- 3 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit (DOUBLES)
- No Items
- Customs are banned
- Mii Fighters are banned
- G&W/Sheik bucket combos in doubles are banned (The combination of G&W/Sheik themselves is not banned, however intentional use & abuse of the bucket w/ Sheik’s Up B and Grenades is banned)
- Suicide moves are always won by the initiating player.
- Pause Disabled
- If Pause is left on, any player who pauses mid-match must forfeit their current stock (even if accidental)
- Friendly Fire Enabled
- Sets will be Best of 3
- All Top 8 matches will be Best of 5
- Freezing the game, infinite stalls, or any unknown exploits are banned
- If a match goes to time, the winner is decided by highest stock count, then lowest percent. If stocks and percent are tied exactly, a 1 stock, 2 Minute rematch will be played on the same stage
Starter Stages:
Dream Land 64
Final Destination
Town and City
Counter Picks:
Duck Hunt
Lylat Cruise
Stage Striking:
- Best of 3 sets are allowed 2 stage bans
- Best of 5 sets are not allowed to ban stages
- Dave's Stupid Rule (players are not allowed to play on a stage they have already won on in the set, unless mutually agreed upon)
- Sets are played out in the following manner:
1. Players choose characters (double blind picks may be called for, please ask a TO if you need one)
2. Players strike stages from the starter list (P1 P2 P2 P1) (use Rock-Paper-Scissors to determine first strike)
3. Players play out the match
4. The winner of the match bans 2 stages (if Best of 3)
5. The loser of the match picks a stage
6. The winner may choose a different character
7. The loser may choose a different character
8. Rinse and repeat until a winner is decided
TOs for the event:
RG | Tryhard
RG | Bajef
RG | SSDninja
Contact Info:
Facebook- ReactionGames0
Twitter- ReactionGames0
Venue: $10
Singles: $10
Doubles: $5 per player/ $10 per team.
Tentative Schedule:
11:00 - Venue Opens/ Registration Starts
12:00 - Doubles Registration Closes
12:30 - Melee Doubles Start
1:00 - Doubles Registration Closes
1:30 - Sm4sh Doubles Start
2:00 - Melee Singles Registration Closes
2:30 - Melee Singles Start
3:00 - Sm4sh Singles Registration Closes
3:30 - Sm4sh Singles Start.
9:00 - Venue Closes.
< 32 - 60 / 30 / 10
> 32 - 55 / 25 / 15 / 5
> 50 - 50 / 25 / 15 / 5 / 2.5 / 2.5
> 100 - 50 / 25 / 15 / 4 / 2 / 2 / 1 / 1
- 4 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit
- No Items
- Pause Disabled
- If Pause is left on, any player who pauses mid-match must forfeit their current stock (even if accidental)
- Friendly Fire Enabled
- Sets will be Best of 3
- All Top 8 matches will be Best of 5
- Wobbling is legal (past 300% is considered stalling)
- Freezing the game and infinite stalls are banned
- Master Hand is banned
- If a match goes to time, the winner is decided by highest stock count, then lowest percent. If stocks and percent are tied exactly, a 1 stock, 3 Minute rematch will be played on the same stage
Stage List:
Final Destination
Yoshi’s Story
Dream Land
Fountain of Dreams [Singles Only]
Pokemon Stadium [Doubles Only]
Counter-Pick Stages:
Pokemon Stadium [Singles Only]
Stage Striking:
- Best of 3 sets are allowed 1 stage ban
- Best of 5 sets are not allowed to ban stages
- Dave's Stupid Rule (players are not allowed to play on a stage they have already won on in the set, unless mutually agreed upon)
- Sets are played out in the following manner:
1. Players choose characters (double blind picks may be called for, please ask a TO if you need one)
2. Players strike stages from the starter list (P1 P2 P2 P1) (use Rock-Paper-Scissors to determine first strike; if Port Priority was disputed, the loser may strike first)
3. Players play out the match
4. The winner of the match bans 1 stage (if Best of 3)
5. The loser of the match picks a stage
6. The winner may choose a different character
7. The loser may choose a different character
- 2 Stock, 6 Minute Time Limit
- 3 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit (DOUBLES)
- No Items
- Customs are banned
- Mii Fighters are banned
- G&W/Sheik bucket combos in doubles are banned (The combination of G&W/Sheik themselves is not banned, however intentional use & abuse of the bucket w/ Sheik’s Up B and Grenades is banned)
- Suicide moves are always won by the initiating player.
- Pause Disabled
- If Pause is left on, any player who pauses mid-match must forfeit their current stock (even if accidental)
- Friendly Fire Enabled
- Sets will be Best of 3
- All Top 8 matches will be Best of 5
- Freezing the game, infinite stalls, or any unknown exploits are banned
- If a match goes to time, the winner is decided by highest stock count, then lowest percent. If stocks and percent are tied exactly, a 1 stock, 2 Minute rematch will be played on the same stage
Starter Stages:
Dream Land 64
Final Destination
Town and City
Counter Picks:
Duck Hunt
Lylat Cruise
Stage Striking:
- Best of 3 sets are allowed 2 stage bans
- Best of 5 sets are not allowed to ban stages
- Dave's Stupid Rule (players are not allowed to play on a stage they have already won on in the set, unless mutually agreed upon)
- Sets are played out in the following manner:
1. Players choose characters (double blind picks may be called for, please ask a TO if you need one)
2. Players strike stages from the starter list (P1 P2 P2 P1) (use Rock-Paper-Scissors to determine first strike)
3. Players play out the match
4. The winner of the match bans 2 stages (if Best of 3)
5. The loser of the match picks a stage
6. The winner may choose a different character
7. The loser may choose a different character
8. Rinse and repeat until a winner is decided
TOs for the event:
RG | Tryhard
RG | Bajef
RG | SSDninja
Contact Info:
Facebook- ReactionGames0
Twitter- ReactionGames0