Hey guys, sorry I'm late (again... one day I'll be not bad at this again I swear >.>) but... IT'S PR UPDATE TIME!
First up we have
1. Nox: A newer face in Salem, and he's been rocking us hard. Definitely number 1, without question. He walked away with first almost every week this past month. His Marth is pretty good, man
2. @Saucy Pirate : Still one of the better Salem players. Been a little busy recently, though. School getting in the way of practicing, and junk. Even with that, he still does well almost every week.
3. Nick: He hasn't been showing up as much recently, but he still places high whenever he does show up. Really good at both Melee and P:M
4. Bean: Another newer face to Salem. He's been rocking the green bird, and he's been doing pretty good with him. Definitely one of the better Salem players
5. Shake Zula: The mic rula, old schoola, you want a trip, I'll bring it to ya.
6. WAR: Does he still play this game? When he used to enter, he did good. Probably won't be seeing him for a while.
7. Ka'zar: Previously know as Pineapple, and Filthy Starfox Furry. He's still playing Fox and junk. I don't know. Insert a dumb meme about Melee or something
8. @gmanownyou : He has sandbagging this entire month. Barely playing, honestly. Going a lot of Ganondorf for some reason
And then we have
Project: M!
1. @gmanownyou : Ha. Bubbles and Nick are a lot better. But for right now, he's the king, baby.
2. Nick: One the better players in Salem. He's been practicing a lot in Melee recently, but he could just enter a P:M bracket for easy money. Whenever he shows up, he usually walks away with first.
3. Nox: His Marth is still pretty good in P:M. Took a little but to get used to jank, but he's been getting around it recently. His Melee skill definitely carries over into this game
4. WAR: WAR has been taking a break from this game too, but he did pretty good when he entered. Falcon is pretty good in P:M, which is nice too
5. @Saucy Pirate : I feel bad for Saucy. He usually gets janked out whenever he plays. It is pretty funny though. He's also down to play Random All-Star, if anyone wants.
6. Shake Zula: Puff kinda sucks in P:M, but he still places pretty well with her. He's recently noticed how she's not as good. Gonna pick up a new character possibly?
7. @Charey : This guy might as well be the Pokemon Trainer. He plays Squirtle, Ivysaur, and Charizard. Ivysaur is the character he has put the most time into, and shows. His Zard is getting there, though.
8. Wolfy: Wolfy has been rocking Ice Samus for a while, and he's been getting pretty good with her. He hasn't been playing for too long, but it's cool to see that he has been improving so fast. Very nice.
Shoutouts to
@gmanownyou for the writeups!