Smash Rookie
Once per month, Aluqard hosts a grand(er) tournament to determine the greatest fighter in the region. Weather you've qualified through the month's Quick Time Events, or have bought your way in like most folks, there's money and bragging rights on the line. The more people, the more money's up for grabs. If at least 16 people register and participate in singles, the pot bonus will increase from $50 to $75.
Every week Aluqard hosts a tournament on Sunday (QTE). The highest placing non-qualified player in singles at the weekly earns a free spot in the singles bracket for that month's "The Pit."
(Qualified players must still pay the venue fee.)
Venue Fee: $8
Singles Bracket Fee: $7
Doors open for friendlies at 1:00 pm, Show up by 3:15 pm, Tourney Starts at 3:30 pm
Pre-register here:
The tournament will be livestreamed at
Battlefield, Final Destination, Smashville, Pokemon Stadium 2, Town and City
Kalos Pokemon League, Yoshi's Story, Unova Pokemon League
2 bans, Modified DSR, Gentleman's
Prizes are truncated to the nearest dollar, with the remainders added to the 1st place prize.
If entrants is 2-4: Winner take all.
If entrants is 5-15: Top 2 (2/3; 1/3)
If entrants is 16-31: Top 3 (4/7; 2/7; 1/7)
If entrants is 32+: Top 4 (8/15; 4/15; 2/15; 1/15)
Every week Aluqard hosts a tournament on Sunday (QTE). The highest placing non-qualified player in singles at the weekly earns a free spot in the singles bracket for that month's "The Pit."
(Qualified players must still pay the venue fee.)
Venue Fee: $8
Singles Bracket Fee: $7
Doors open for friendlies at 1:00 pm, Show up by 3:15 pm, Tourney Starts at 3:30 pm
Pre-register here:
The tournament will be livestreamed at
Battlefield, Final Destination, Smashville, Pokemon Stadium 2, Town and City
Kalos Pokemon League, Yoshi's Story, Unova Pokemon League
2 bans, Modified DSR, Gentleman's
Prizes are truncated to the nearest dollar, with the remainders added to the 1st place prize.
If entrants is 2-4: Winner take all.
If entrants is 5-15: Top 2 (2/3; 1/3)
If entrants is 16-31: Top 3 (4/7; 2/7; 1/7)
If entrants is 32+: Top 4 (8/15; 4/15; 2/15; 1/15)
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