Love the amount of info you put into this! this will help me to learn lucas, because ive been interested in him for a while but was unsure whether or not to try with how much there is to know/tech to learn.
One thing is that under pros you said that his WD is 4th longest be hind luigi marth and IC but in fact according to this stat list
its actually 1st luigi, 2nd squirtle, 3rd IC, 4th mewtwo and then 5th lucas. im unsure whether or not this list has 100% accuracy but i do know for sure that squirtle is second. I know its a pretty small nitpicky thing for me to point out (sorry about that) but i figure its important for new players to have the right info. I dont be any means mean to insult you because your guide is incredible.
Thank you for putting the time to write it up!