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  • Yo Sethlon, what are your thoughts on characters like Marth, Roy, Ike, and Cloud in SSBU? Also, does an aggro Marth appear to be a more viable option in SSBU, or should Marth still stick primarily to only being a passive character?

    (I'd bring up Lucina, but a lot of Marth's buffs should carry over to Lucina for the most part.)
    Hey whats up Sethlon, big fan of yours. I've been watching a lot of your melee Roy videos, they are very inspiring. Hope to see you around more! hope the fire ignites again...
    Hey, is it safe to assume that you are dropping Roy at this point? Well to be honest you Ryo and Spark are the reason I have stuck with Roy despite everything, just want you to know that I'll still be a fan regardless of who you choose to main.
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    I dunno, my competitive drive is kind of low overall at this point. Might tinker with Cloud more, might mess with Roy a bit for funsies, might just stick to commentary. Will have to see.

    Thanks for the support though!
    Hey Sethlon,
    How come you've haven't been playing PM?
    Not much of a point playing a game I don't enjoy anymore, unfortunately =/ I'm not a fan of where Roy or the overall game is at in 3.6.
    Hey Sethlon, I was wondering if you had any plans to attend any regionals or majors this year for Smash 4. I know you go to Shockwave every week, but it would be really cool to see a professional Roy on the big stage.
    I'll be at LTC4, naturally. Hoping to make it out to Smash Con later on in the year, but I'll have to see how my finances are around then
    Hey there Sethlon! I'm a fan of your Roy play and commentary. I main him myself in PM and I secondary him in Sm4sh. I was curious on your thoughts about Roy's recent buffs and if that makes him a much better contender. I've also heard you're picking up Corrin which is pretty cool.
    Do you think you will continue to play Sm4sh in the near future, or go back to PM or Melee?
    Hey Sethlon. I'm a WiiU/SSBM/PM Roy main from Georgia (Really the one might I add) and I wanted to know if you would be down to play via Nintendo Network sometime. I would really like to talk Roy R&D with another skilled Roy player. Matchups, setups, analysis, etc
    I don't really play too much online, unfortunately.
    Are you in the Smash4 Roy discord group? Good place to talk shop for S4 Roy, and I'm in there as well; https://discord.gg/0am7ORpgdo2NM9Fv
    Aw man that's unfortunate you should. And thank you very much for the link
    Yo Ya_Boy_Hellsing I'm a Roy main in Georgia as well don't count me out.
    Hey Sethlon. I've been watching your videos to learn more about Roy and was wondering what your control setup was in Smash 4. Do you use tilts with the c-stick?
    My control scheme; tap jump on, A+B smash on, Y set to shield (for easier powershielding+option selects), and c-stick set to attack (so doing dair with it in the air doesn't auto-fastall).

    So technically I can be doing tilts with the c-stick, but most of the time I'm just doing it with control stick+A, since I'm used to that from the old Melee days.
    okay cool! thanks for the response. I love playing roy but feel like im at such a disadvantage sometimes. how would you say that roy is placed on the teir list? I love the character, but winning matches can be difficult. any tips?
    Hello, big fan. Question: Do you believe that the 3DS is a useful controller when it comes to handling Roy, or should I try to adapt to the game cube controller when i finally get to the Wii U playing field?

    (F$ck you 420 char. limit)

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    [] SUND4NCE []
    [] SUND4NCE []
    (Authors note: I honestly have a habit of leaving huge paragraphs when it comes to discussing questions, because I'm a bit of a story teller when it comes to this stuff. Anyhow, if you need any background for where i'm coming from: I play on the 3DS version, and am a pretty damn good Roy on there. I'm just wanting to know if the 3DS is efficient for Tournament play, and if its even allowed period.)

    Personally, using an actual gamecube controller is a huge upgrade in control. Most local-sized tournaments will let you use a 3DS as your controller, though some bigger ones might disallow anything wireless for multiple reasons. I'd recommend picking up GC controller if you wanna have a serious go at tournaments!
    [] SUND4NCE []
    [] SUND4NCE []

    Anyways, thanks for the tip. I might try to practice with a New Nintendo 3DS then if i'm training on the go. However, I will take your advice and pick up the GC controller for tournaments and "at home" practice sessions.
    Hey,Sethlon I Would like to ask you, is there any Melee Roy training session? or is the best way to practice Roy is to play friendlies? The only thing I find "useful"for me is to wavedash , waveland 5 mins. on Battlefield and play 5-7 games, also thanks for the inspiration to play Roy :D
    Hey, Sethlon, are you thinking of going to TGC5 in December? If so, I'd love to see you and fight you in some Roy dittos in Melee and Sm4sh! And also, I love the combo video you made!
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    Thanks =)

    I don't currently plan on going to TGC5. I'm not much of a fan of Xyro, to be frank
    That's fine. Just wondering, you know? It would be nice to meet you in person sometime, though! So you just keep doing what you're doing.
    Hey. I was wondering if you have any tips on using Roy correctly. I've been playing him for a couple months now and think he's a blast to use. But I don't seem to be doing what Roy players should be doing. Any help would be great. Thanks!
    Dude I am like your biggest fan lol. I love Roy in all of the games especially 4. Keep up the good work!
    Thanks =D Will do!
    Are you going to join the Sm4sh tourney scene now that Roy's in it? I did saw you go against Grey's Lucina on Clash Tournaments which probably means that you already have.
    Clash Tournaments? I assume you mean Tourney Locator?

    Yeah, I've been rather enjoying Smash4 Roy. Been putting a good amount of time into him, likely to continue doing so =)
    Hey Sethlon,
    What are some good edgeguard options for Roy in PM 3.6?
    And anything specific towards Roy vs Marth matchup?
    Sethlon, I hope you don't mind if I ask you a couple of questions. ^^

    I am a huge fan of you and your Roy. It actually inspired me to pick up Roy in Smash 4. So, I was wondering what was your opinion on Roy in Smash 4? Is he a big change from PM? Since I am kind of new to competitive Smash, I was also wondering what you think an approach option is for Roy. I personally thinks short hoping Nair is a good option.
    Nair is a pretty good option for approaching; its quite safe if you space for the tip. There are some characters that can punish that spacing pretty consistently though, especially characters with really long dash grabs like Falcon/Luigi. It seems like Roy's best gameplan for approaching will be mixing up stuff like nair, short hop fair (double jump out safely), dash in jab, and grab.
    Luna [Freeze !]
    Luna [Freeze !]
    Yeah, and I've also noticed how you can't combo with d tilt as much. Sometimes at low percents I do d tilt to nair or fair.

    And down air is hard to hit. So I don't really use it much. Unless I got a footstool or something-
    Luna [Freeze !]
    Luna [Freeze !]
    But people say that my Roy is pretty defensive. And, I don't know if I should change that or not. XD
    What do you think of Sm4sh Roy? The only real nerf I saw was the range nerf and the death of his down tilt.
    He's a lot of fun! Dtilt no longer combos super well, but jab combos pretty decently now. Fast, decent combos, hits like a truck
    Omg! Im sorry im gonna fan girl right now ( i am a male btw) but dude! Watching you play roy in PM made me want to DL PM and get great at the game. Roy has been my favorite character since melee. Seeing how beast he is in your hands makes me appreciate it even more. All of my friends know that Roy is my boy and that i always say "one day i want to be Sethlon good maybe even surpass him one day"
    The surpassing is a sign of respect towards you. Like a student surpassing the master. Thanks for the great roy guide. I give my full respect to you sir. Thanks for making the FIRE BURN!
    Glad to hear that I'm an inspiration =) Good luck!
    Thank you very much!
    Just wanted to thank you for taking time out in between sets at BOSS to tolerate my gushing and taking a picture with me! You're super down to earth and your insane comeback against Lucky in Finals blew me away. Keep on repping our boy, and next time you're in NorCal, I'd love to get destroyed by you in Roy dittos again!
    Hey Sethlon, got into smash near the end of 2013 after watching the smashbros documentary. Played melee then switched to PM where there's a drastic change with Roy. You're the only pro Roy player I know and it's awesome watching your games. I'm kind of curious as to how you got into Smash and what it was like picking up Roy.
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    Also would like some insight on how the 3.6 changes will affect Roy. They don't seem like nerfs to me.
    I played with my friends pretty seriously before I knew about competitive smash. Ran into the old DBR combo videos lurking on gamefaqs, and was instantly something I wanted to do. Found smashboards shortly after, started looking for tournaments...the rest is history.
    3.6 changes for Roy are mostly minor nerfs. Dtilt tip is worse, so needs to be spaced for the sweetspot. Dair tip worse for killing people. DED swings a little better, except for the reverse stab. UpB no longer has the brawl float exploit, so edgeguarding (and edgehogging) Roy will be more feasible.
    I don't see too many players who do well as exotic characters i.e. Roy. You're one of the few who I keep seeing do well. Keep up the good work!
    Thanks! Will do =)
    I just looked back at some of your matches in Smash 4 as Robin. Needless to say I enjoyed your Elwind KOs!
    I'm currently trying to get into Melee and chose Roy as my main character (I keep Falcon and Puff as secondaries).
    Just wanted to thank you for the inspiration.

    The smash scene is pretty dead in my area (I live roughly in the center of Germany), so most tourneys are over 3 hours away by car.
    Looking forward to hopefully being able to compete in a tournament at some point though :)
    Roy deserves more love
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    Melee Roy is a rough life. The secondaries are probably a good idea. Godspeed!
    Thoughts on the "skilled Roy" memetic going around? I know you didn't start it, but that faulty logic would sure as hell be more relevant for players like you.
    Congrats on third place in the guides contest Sethlon! Your guide is amazing and has helped my Roy out a ton.
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    Also do you have a way to keep up with you besides smashboards? Like a fan page on Facebook or something of the sort?
    Thanks! Glad to hear its helped ya.

    I don't have a fan page on facebook at the moment, though I'm seriously considering making one (especially since I prefer to keep my friends list limited to closer friends). I do have a twitter though! https://twitter.com/S3thlon
    Sweet thanks. I might just have to remake a twitter to follow smashers. I usually use Facebook but twitter usually is faster/more updated sooner
    Hey Sethlon how well would you say the info for your PM Roy guide would help in a Melee Roy setup? i know 100% that he is different in both games but since i know you have played him in both would you say that the basics from his PM guide would help in Melee? And if you could maybe direct me in a good direction for Melee Roy guides or how you learned him that would be awesome.
    Some of the stuff transfers (movement, recovery, etc), but honestly almost nothing else will. PM Roy is simply more potent a character than his Melee incarnation.
    Most of how I learned Melee Roy was by throwing myself into the game headfirst and learning the hard way. There were almost zero good resources to learn from back when I started, so I all had to figure it out for myself. There are some gems in the old Melee Roy sections threads, though....the matchup thread especially has some nuggets of wisdom.
    Thanks for the info! Since i main Roy in PM i have been thinking of bringing my Melee Roy as a secondary since i used to main him.
    I know you stress optimal movement, so my question is who do you think has the best movement in the comp scene for PM/Melee right now? Personally I love PPMD's Falco and Bizz's Ganon movement, very clean. I'd try to name a PM player, but you literally have the smoothest play I've seen in PM, sans maybe Lunchables.
    PPMD's Marth movement is godlike. Check out his Apex matches vs PewPewU/Leffen/Armada, if you haven't seen them already.

    Lunchables movement is super slick, overall more consistent than mine IMO, though he can get stuck in the same rhythms sometimes and get a little too predictable.
    Other than that, hard to say. Junebug's is pretty good. Luck's is really fast. Overall the scene for 3.5 hasn't really solidified itself, fundamentals wise, since in 3.02 a lot of players relied more on burst movement and other things that really nullified the need for good movement control.
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