I'm doing good, very busy getting ready for my cousins wedding(I leave really soon :D)
Your welcome. No more thanks necessary
I really wanna play Mp6, everyone says that one is the best. Maybe it will be on the VC for WiiU ^^'
And have you played earthbound? Mother3? I wanna play mother3 so bad, I know I'm gonna cry though :0
Haha chewbacca ftw! I'm thinking about making a funny sound clip out of the noise but I don't think I'll have time

And if wanna be good you gotta practice and one of the tourneys the game will give you a break.
Yah I'm so Hyped for WiiU and paper Mario! And Smash4 :D
Yah we can brawl sometime

I was mainly upset cause I go nothing Nintendo related, or even pants/shirts... I think I can say worst Chrostmas yet.