Pools 2:
Lain (ICs)
Kadaj (Marth then MK twice)
Future (ICs)
dextasmurf (2-1)
Zucco (0-2)
Lain was the first good ICs I've ever played, so I was caught off guard and lost to him 0-2. It wasn't too bad, though. Zucco plays Lucario, who I hate. I hate that character. It's so gay. Lost 0-2. Then I played Future, another ICs and won 2-0 with help from Sharky, another Yoshi who practices the MU with Cura a lot. Then I played smurf, who I lost game 1 to, took him to Lylat, then won on his CP of Delfino pretty handily. Kadaj went Marth game 1, which I beat in a pretty close game, then lost to his MK on Frigate, then timed him out game 3 on Lylat. Game 3 featured me being down about 80% but camping it out to gain a lead on my second stock, teching a stage spike at around 160%, and then getting a GR Usmash kill. I then air camp stalled for a minute, respawning and falling off the platform at about 4 seconds left, where he then quit. I was so nervous.