How can you not get into the girls?
They're so hot. And some are really good. I'm playing through again and using Mia this time. As soon as her strength goes up, she'll be great. Right now, though, the three I mentioned are MAH GURLZ.
I'm also using Mist this time through, but.. I don't see it. D=
And Elincia's cool and all, but you only get her for like 2 levels in PoR, so you don't have anything to work with.
I think my party in the last level was.. Ike, Boyd, Soren, Ilyana, Nephenee, Astrid, Geoffrey, Kieran, Volke, Reyson, Elincia, Stefan, Nasir. Volke and Stefan were the only ones that weren't close to max level.
I love that game so much. I really want to play the rest.
For serious.