Well if you couldn't tell by my avis, my current username, or Sig I'm a Brony.
I was turned sometime near the end of Season 2 almost 5 years ago as of today 6/18/2017. Ponies are love Ponies are Life. Oh and Fluttershy is best pony and she is currently my waifu (there was never stated in the rules of Waifus that you couldn't have addition rules which for me is if she was human or if I was a pony. The actual human form for Fluttershy is my Waifu with no rules though since she is the real human Fluttershy.) I've also been given Shyabetes from Fluttershy with every little thing she does.. Hugs and cuddles with her are always imminent
. I just love her so much
Outside of my addiction to ponies and Flutterpone I'm a competitive Pokemon player since the end of S5. I'm not a smogonite and tend to follow my own rules and am more of a defensive player than offensive.
Also I feel that I should mention this.. ignore the gender if it says female.. I am male but I'm only having it set because Fluttershy and Princess Cadance are female and for RP fun
I've also been setting up my about me page to resemble the Pony I'm role-playing as so everything that's not in this spoiler tab is not my information except for things I can't easily change, or don't have any information on like DoB, Mains, NNID, and Friend Code