I THINK I have a disc, but I'll probably get one used or something if I don't when I get paid on the 8th. But I want to try for like a month or two of getting my *** kicked and seeing how bad it gets. I feel like if I can get anywhere close to the level I play Brawl I might be able to at least get mid level at melee.
My schedule is pretty hectic this semseter. I work every other weekend for like 30 hours over Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and the weekends I don't I usually am hosting/attending brawl tournaments. However, Mondays I am free pretty much until I have to go to class at 2pm, Thursday I'm free until I have to leave for class at 5pm, and Friday I'm pretty much free all day until I have to work at 930pm. So after I get my basics down, it would be hype if we try to play like Monday and Friday a couple hours each time or something if you're down. I'd like to fest it up for a while though before I decide if I want to dive into full tourney mode