typical brawler (SSB wise ) good person mostly...but getting me angry...yeah its not pretty XP
Video games, cept for Smash and DDR...because DDR is now officaly a sport and one that i actually like...SSB is not a game anymore...it's a way of life (^^)v
- Location
New England
- Occupation
DIVA!!!!! no j/k XDDD Student, and im a guy...I ju
- Brawl FC
- Wii Number
2230 4966 8884 8698
my characters I wanted for Brawl (NOT IN RANKING ORDER!!!)
1. Boo (in his Mario Party 4 costume cept his hat has a wide brim on it)
2. Geno
3. Stafy (Confirmed as AT...he made it still (^^)v )
4. Tingle (AT...ook T_T)
5. Kumatora
6. Midna (in her tru woman form , not imp riding on a wolf form)
7. Okami Amaterasu (from "Okami")
8. Fredrick Francois Chopin (from Eternal Sonata....hey any guy with a gentleman's hat is considere bad@$$ in my book)
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