tarnesh was a wizard from valkyrie. remember cupidos guild? i think his name was cupido or just cupid.
Kiroshou was in mafia and was the best priest ive ever played with but he was also a complete dickwad. Also gabby still talks to me and confesses her love for me. jfhasjkfhasljkfasf. she was that sniper / gm that showed matt her ****.
most of my msn contacts are like, essenceRO people, all the faith ones are long gone except a few, like faithrangarok, that 13 year old assassin that had a champ named Character. loooool.
ahh psych. i wanted to do that once but somewhere along the line i realised it wasnt for me. hence why i chose med. im only in first year though cuz i had to do 3 year undergrad. it was horrible.
you should come to aus and come to one of our national tourneys ahahaha. we get like 60 people at a major national! :O amazing! ahaha. our local tournies get like 25! kind of embarrasing.