Shell Said:
Editing alpha channels is an interesting idea, but I have no idea whether they're even drawn to begin with and made transparent at all. Most of our coders have retired from coding, but you might want to send a PM to Paprika Killer and ask him if this sounds like something worth investigating.
This is what I originally said:
From what I remember in Melee there was a debug mode and in that mode you could make the hitboxes visible. the hitboxes, once visible, were color coded. Yellow was your hurtbox. Blue meant that you were invincible. I think Red was the color of the hitboxes, etc.
I mean, is there anyway you guys could find the alpha channel of the hit boxes and change it from 0% to 100%?
The Paprika Killer said
that would indeed be interesting enough to investigate, but I never did anything related to graphics. the most convenient option would be to edit PSA to aloow adjusting the alpha channels of offensive collisions, but that is more than likely beyond my capabilities. I'd suggest sending this forward to either phantom wings or pharrox, which I believe are way more capable of doing this. tPK