ALRIGHTY mister tutor man.
My favorite part of pogeymanz. THEORYMONNING.
So, seeing as how you are my tutor and all I'd like to point out that I am on SWF atleast once everyday. You can contact me here and hopefully I will be able to get on Pokemon Online during the weekends.
Last time we spoke you were asking me about my favorite playstyle.
TBH, I don't really have a favorite playstyle. I use whatever it takes to win, or atleast get me to 1500. But if I had to choose it would either be Bulky Offense or Balanced.(Stall is pretty cool too)
And in Standard OU ( Smogon ), I don't have to deal with crap like Shandera. The most notable things are: Manaphy, Garchomp, Salamence, Latios, Latias. Mence isn't used at all. Lati@s are pretty prominent once you hit 1200-ish. Manaphy is kinda common. Garchomp is less common than any of those three. (ScarfChomp is da bomb).
Tyraniboah is pretty prominent. The genies are in atleast 4/5 battles. Hail is somewhat common around 1100. Gliscor is pretty common.
All that is in case you didnt know. gogogogogo
*attentively awaiting your response*