Hey, My name is The Snitch Studio, but I go by Radical now, I've been a Smash fan since Brawl and got more involved in the series since Ultimate's reveal.
I'm 17 and I live in the United Kingdom, I'm a Nintendo and SEGA fan and I own a number of game systems.
As it's my bio, I'd like too add a list of my most wanted characters are too just so you know my tastes...
1. Tails (Sonic Series)
2. Crash (Crash Series)
3. Doom Slayer (DOOM Series)
4. Spyro (Spyro Series
5. Master Chief (Halo Series)
6. Axel Stone (Streets Of Rage Series)
7. Vectorman (Vectorman Series)
8. Conker (Conker Series)
9. Spinal (Killer Instinct Series)
10. Akira Howard (Astral Chain)
My Smash Mains -
I hope you're having a good day today, see ya!