Not learning? me? I got you both times I used it on you. it was a fake kamakaze, cause I knew you'd get out, one time I don't think I was so lucky though, but it was cause I was on low HP. I do the samething with ganon vs comps. I love to do ganoncides on people who don't watch out. XD
What I did with samus? you mean the missile then the charge shot over the top set up? cause that's one of usual ones. I go smash missile, then charge shot over the top, then rush. or just missile then charge shot straight after... did you noticed when I used lucario vs your marth I tended to use projectiles to your face rather than straight across the field? oh, btw, that sonic one didn't end how I wanted it too... I got "button glitched" so to speak cause it lagged right when didn't want it to which caused me to spring and get stuck under the stage. -.-
Yeah, you did nice with dedede.
....we really must be sort of alike. cause no-one around here can beat me... I'm like the local smash pro over here. I tend to be strategic also but to a more in your face type way... EG: one of mine usuals is to apply downsmashes liberally like you saw time and time again with dedede.