Originally Posted by YOSHssb
Heh, Hades is extremely predictable. He doesn't have that many combos so when he does get a hit in, he doesn't take full advantage of the damage (I blame that he plays mostly online - or at least he did). When things aren't going his way, he goes and lives on the ledge just throwing eggs. Any smart opponent can avoid them instead of trying to knock him off until he has to get back on the stage and then punish him (that is unless he's drastically changed his playstyle since I last watched him play others and play him myself).
*rant over*
Wow... thanks for summarizing how i played in early 09 before i went to my first offline tournament. Why did you feel the need to post that especially when my results have been much better than your recent ones...
Wow rereading that sounds really bad, but I really don't know what I would change to still get my point across. I just feel really insulted after reading that...