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  • Just woke up from a dream where an evil Jean Grey was posting on SmashBoards (like an actual supervillain not just a pfp) and she was posting deep seated insults to various users and apparently also murdering those people irl

    Except one, the one user she didn't insult or kill was named "Wario Wario Wario In Unison" and his pfp was this heavenly edit of that smiling photo of IShowSpeed and he only posted peaceful philosophies
    it bugs me that Sonic (or shadow) has been given a grappling hook at least four times in the past twenty years, yet somehow none of them have been fun
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    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    Lacking context, but why would 3D Sonic even need a grappling hook? That's just what a homing attack does.
    Doom Morph is very fun.
    Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario Wario For me it's the swinging momentum of a grappling hook that makes it fun. There's a few SRB2 mods I like that have grappling hooks, namely Tangle The Lemur and Boom Sonic. But there's also a few fangames that have a mechanic where if you hold the jump button after starting a homing attack, Sonic keeps his forward momentum from said homing attack and doesn't pause in midair where the enemy was hit. So I'd be fine with something like that too, close enough.

    Lamperouge Lamperouge I gotta disagree there. It took me an hour to figure it out, and when I did it just felt really unwieldy still.
    Wait, so if eggman/robotnik was just known as Eggman in Japan - not a nickname but his actual name - what about gerald? what about movie eggman? What are they called in japan?
    I have seen at least ten people online be like "oh man, people are gonna cancel Sonic 3 because Tom disguises himself as a bad guy!" But I have never ever heard someone actually complain about that or even really mention it.

    Like yes it can be seen as problematic but literally no one cared
    Does anyone know how much Ken Penders wanted for Scourge, Julie-Su and the rest, if they were to be used in new Sonic stuff?
    $10,000 for a 2 year license
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    That seems pretty fair to me. I'm not too financially savvy, but assuming these characters would start popping up in games and merch like IDW characters and revived classic characters, that feels like a low-ball if anything. That is, of course, looking at a corporate POV, ignoring Penders as a person and whether he's entitled to anything for Scourge specifically (who is probably the only character that would make that transaction worth it).
    As much as I hope Sega caves (or maybe Paramount decides another Sonic rival is worth that cash), it would be kind of awkward to introduce another character whose name rhymes with Purge, is green, and whose self-proclaimed purpose is to beat up Sonic and cause chaos.
    not to comparison-is-the-their-of-joy myself here. blows my mind that I can't even motivate myself to finish a YouTube script when this chad made a damn 360 game (a really demanding one at that) natively playable on PC and Steam Deck with uncapped FPS and widescreen.
    I have genuine curiosity over why someone would own a plush or figure of a youtuber. like, it's one thing if that real person plays a character (most music artists for instance, or in this case like AVGN or Wott The Scozz), but if you're just gonna have a plushie of someone whose mostly earnest like, idk, just seems strange to me. Like that's a real person you have idolized on your desk.
    Thoughts on IDW Sonic

    -Tangle feels like a mainstay cast member, it feels weird that she was only created in like, 2018
    -I love Lanolin, this comic needs another mean character. Sonic and all his friends are nice, except sometimes Shadow, and Eggman's had like two or three truces with Sonic in this run alone. Lanolin at least is a hardass, and she's kinda real for that cause Sonic's friends can be a little ridiculous sometimes.
    -This comic is incredibly funny
    -This comic has a decent mix of old stuff and new stuff. I wish there was more new stuff though, it is a little callback heavy sometimes when it comes to Eggman tech.
    -HOLY SHOOT EGGMAN IS STRONG. He's insane! I guess it's just because he's a 6'1 dude in a world full of three foot animals, of course he's gonna be able to pick up Starline and slam him around, or toss Surge against the wall. He also has a "pistol" (shoots lasers) a good number of times, which I thought was a really funny way to make him more intimidating. Ian Flynn and Evan Stanley have such a great grasp on this guy's delicate balance of goofiness and seriousness.
    -There's been so many little hints at different ships. And it's such like, oh my God Ian Flynn wants to write a good relationship again so bad, I feel awful for what they took from him
    -oh yeah, Clutch the Opossum has a gun too. Except this one is actually just a gun. Shoots bullets. Pretty wacky stuff. I need Shadow, Whisper and Clutch to all have a standoff.
    -This book reminds me how cool the Wisps are! They're living ammunition for Whisper, whom they all love and adore, and seeing them stolen by Surge was heartbreaking as that's a huge part of Whisper's trusted circle, gone. The Cyan form for Sonic is also just ****ing cool looking.
    -That's another thing! This comic handles super transformations really well with one exception*, and I'll get to it. Overdrive Surge is freaking sick. The Phantom Rider isn't exactly a super transformation but it's a great alt for Sonic. And I'm a huge fan of Starline's tri-core abilities. All the Metal Virus designs are sick too.
    -Zavok is BAAACK! I wouldn't say the other Deadly Six are really that cool, except Zeena cause she does the Sonic Adventure pose (twice, I think!) Zik is cool too because he's surprisingly sadistic for how evil he is. Zavok is the standout though because he's such an interesting leader, both for the Bad Guys and for the Deadly Six. He's super strong too, we didn't get to see much of his brute strength in SLW. IDW Zavok is just awesome, and it also made me appreciate his design.
    -Funniest running joke in the book is Rough and Tumble's rhymes (and how they prepare them in advance before fights)
    -Obviously Shadow isn't handled super well in his first two appearances, but he redeems himself at Eggperial City (and hopefully also in his one-shot this May)

    -*so, there is one transformation in this book that doesn't make sense. That is Super Silver. Don't get me wrong, I love it. Obviously. But it's weird that he acts like it's nothing new for him! This is the first time he has transformed! He should be like "Woah, this is new" or maybe like "Strange. It almost feels familiar." But he just doesn't acknowledge it.

    I don't have much to criticize, I'm just really enjoying this book. The only thing I don't like is a few characters' "arcs" feel like circles - like with Jewel and Blaze - but it honestly doesn't bother that much as I'm not super interested in those characters. Although Blaze being like an older sister to Silver is so good, I love their dynamic here.

    Actually wait. The one thing I unequivocally do not like about the comics, and this goes for Archie too, is that I don't like the cloudy aesthetic that Silver's psychokinesis powers has. I think it looked futuristic and sleek in '06, here it just looks so magical and whimsical and I'm not really a fan. Though I get its part of the limitations associated with still images.
    I only use grubhub because my school gives me a discount on it, but I still call it doordashing. Kinda like the google verb.

    I don't think it's because Doordash is a better service or it's more popular or anything, I just think it has a way better name. It has alliteration, and it's literally describing what you're doing when you use it.
    Deleted member
    Personally, I would rather walk a few miles to get to a fast food place instead of ordering delivery. Not only does delivery cost more ($20 for a $5 meal?), but sometimes they never remove pickles or onions from my burgers.

    Also exercise is good. No wonder my stamina is high after a few years.
    It's pretty cold here rn. Especially today to the point where all on-campus dining is closed.

    I agree it sucks but most of the time it's my only option.
    Deleted member
    I'm waiting for a few days until it hits the 30s over here before I can walk far again. The cheapest we have is Taco Bell, with the Cheesy Bean & Rice Burrito at $1 and a medium drink also at $1 (which itself is priced that way between 2-5 PM).

    I would love it if we got to see this side of Eggman in the games. I understand it doesn't really fit his humorous nature, but you could simply have one scene where he goes bat**** at the climax, or even make it so a different version of him (like a Neo Metal impersonation) is the one who's more outwardly sinister.
    With that I am going to log out of sb for a bit. This is mainly because I notice that it's in my "four apps I cycle between" rotation which wastes a lot of time, even when I'm not posting and just trying to not do something I need to. Love y'all and will probably be back sooner than later, once I can control my social media use.
    Made a wishlist for Sonic Racing Crossworlds.
    Any renders that aren't official are by Nibroc-Rock.
    Deleted member
    Since Sage apparently is in, I don't have anything else I need.
    psb123 psb123 Tangle, Whisper, Jewel and Starline appear in the IDW Sonic comics. Tangle and Whisper have made playable appearances in Sonic Forces Speed Battle (phone game), and Tangle was mentioned in Sonic Frontiers. The IDW comics are confirmed to be canon to the games.

    Tangle and Whisper are members of the Restoration (i.e. what remained after Forces and its Resistance), and Jewel is Tangle's childhood friend and I believe she's part of that trio, though I haven't read that far yet, I do love her design. Starline is an Eggman fanboy turned rival, and a platypus. He was actually based on the old archie-comics Echidna villains like Dr. Finetivus, as well as the Wechnia glitched character from Knuckles' Chaotix, which appears to have the name "******" or a line of stars. Starline.

    Agent Stone is not in the games, however I think he's a really cool character who should appear. After all, if you're gonna have a game with characters crossing into different dimensions, why not bring in someone who is beloved?

    Allis is from Phantasy Star, yes. Alicia is actually from Valkyrie Chronicles. Majima is indeed from Yakuza, and I think his default skin should be from the upcoming pirate yakuza game.

    Lupin III was made by TMS Entertainment, which Sega Sammy owns.
    Janx_uwu Janx_uwu

    That's all pretty cool. Especially that bit about the IDW comics being canon to the games. I never knew that was the case.
    Started Dark Souls. I know it is the beginning of the game, but so far the only thing about it that feels "brutal" is the length between checkpoints making me repeat a lot of stuff. Not really that bad so far.
    Champion of Hyrule
    Champion of Hyrule
    The beginning of dark souls is definitely more about getting you adjusted to how it plays rather than actually being difficult I’d say. Whenever I replay the game I legitimately wonder how I ever found it so difficult, especially the bell gargoyles boss fight. I spent months trying to beat it at first and now I kill them in one attempt every time
    ...gargoyles? With an "s"? Plural, you mean?
    at 1:06 you can see Wave The Swallow doing a trick behind Sonic. Charmy and Cream are also in this trailer, and there's banners for Rouge. So it seems like Teams Sonic, Chaotix, Rose and Dark are back, plus Eggman and Jet have their own teams. This makes me wonder what the third teammate will be for Silver and Blaze this time around, if not Vector.
    It's honestly really cringe how Nintendo didn't make new amiibos for every character in SSBU. Like you have an excuse to make cool figures for an insane amount of characters again and you're just like "nah those sm4sh ones already make us money"
    Not very celebration-of-gaming-history of them, if you ask me. This isn't over anything huge i guess, I just don't like Sonic's amiibo and wish he had his ult one (for the higher quality texture, the lighter blue, and the cooler pose)
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    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    I think I'm fine with that, but mostly because I'm so used to and annoyed with Smash making a big deal out of itself that every time the series cuts any corner I just clap and applause, even when it is detrimental.

    Ok, so does anyone have a source that Ben Schwartz voiced the James Marsden puppet? Cause they sound very similar.
    At the end of the day most of my problems with spider man 2 were the same ones I had with Tears of the Kingdom because like, it adds just barely enough new stuff to make the first run really really fun, but I cannot imagine replaying the sequel whereas I could go back to the first game any time at all.

    Spider-Man 2 does get extra points for making the swinging way more fun, but I'm talking about which game I would go back for a full playthrough of, not which game I'd go back to just to eff around.
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