You look much sexy pre adult on that one. : P - Pokes his cheek.- XDDD In rp wise you be the grim reaper ready to take someone's soul.

I'm going to wake up one day and see you Grey be like. "O: Grey your ready to take my soul already?" XDD Hahaha ahhh no I fell sick today so I kind of will try not to over work myself cause I've been working on artwork lately, and some other crap that shouldn't be worked with. U.u;.... But I will keep studying as much as I can though even if I am sick. T_T;..... Even though I just said I shouldn't. >_<;
But I'm happy you love the anime version of you Grey, It hink you look sexy. : P But I keep seeing so many versions of you I just decied to make you all hot evil, animish old grey. : P I don't know.... XDD
And... YOU INNOCENT AGAIN?! HAHAHA <-- Sorry I can't stop laughing. : P I thought you wanted ma kind to fear you remember? : P
Bahhh my brain is dying I wish I could say so much to you Grey but I can't seem to pull anything out of my mind yet. u.u;... I keep watching Japan having so much drama that they wasn't telling the truth I found out today about there problem with the chemicals or something like that, That radio active stuff, Now it could be to seriously. ><; and may reach the west cost if nothing is done....
And... Oh lovely Grey I know you want me to be wise in college I just simply want you to know that... - Pats his head slowly.- I wanted you to be happy when I come around messing with you first. : P