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Wario Wario Wario
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  • on further inspection, seems I was mistaking the details of Spiral Mountain - actually looks like somewhat of a competitive stage! Grunty's Lair might be a part of the Final Smash?
    From what I can guess, I think Grunty's Lair is a background element? It's confusing because the first shot of the stage shows the bridge to her lair in the background of the stage, and then the later overhead shot doesn't show the bridge or her lair anywhere, and then we get a shot of only part of the stage, and Banjo standing on the same plane AS the bridge leading to her lair. My best guess is that Grunty is possibly a stage hazard, and the bridge doesn't appear if hazards are off? I definitely don't think her lair is part of the FS, unless we're counting the top of it shown when the Jinjos are freed.
    what little we've seen of the Spiral Mountain stage is confusing me - does it spin? does it have a 3D perspective? does Grunty's castle appear and disappear?
    let's pour out a non-alcoholic E10+-friendly beverage for all the Castlevania and Dragon Quest fans who had to watch their favourite characters have their hype stolen by a bunch of British furries.
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    Fun fact, the official video for the DQ Hero trailer has less dislikes than the Banjo one.

    But being more honest, I don’t mind since I wanted both DQ and Banjo in.
    I find TV Tropes to not be as addictive as people say. it's incredibly subjective in its' writing, its attempts at comedy fall flat, they don't do their research and they never give sources.
    Doesn't surprise me that the Xbox presentation was 2 hours long, they'll put any junk in it!

    hey, it's better than the Stadia presentation - at least there were actually new games.
    Haven't heard anything interesting out of the Bethesda one either (except bringing back the Commander Keen mobile phone game, I guess), so I didn't miss anything. At least I skipped out on just about 30 minutes of the Microsoft conference's end since I had to go eat supper.
    so is this trailer for a game or a movie? if the prior is it a sequel to Observe Domestic Canines or whatever it's called?
    Honestly, I think the most "deserving" 3rd party rep is Space Invader. it'd make a perfect final Fighters' Pass reveal - who better to be the final Smash character than the first ever gaming character?
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    Nobody is the most "deserving". Those who get in are those who manage to get the most love from people.
    I'm arguing with a user on a YouTube comments section about whether PapaGeno's should out his Banjo source, and the guy in favour of outing them said the term harassment is subjective. what a dope.
    I honestly kinda like the friendly rivals in recent Pokemon games - they're all big dorks, and I like big dorks.
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    Besides, Gladion filled the "srs business" rival mold well enough last time, even if he was part of a terrorist organisation.
    I'm being recommended a video called "Nintendo 3DS Classic Titles Coming To Switch! (CONCEPT Trailer)", and the title cuts off right before "(CONCEPT Trailer)". considering the oddly verbose usage of "Classic Titles" instead of just "Games", I can tell that was intentional.
    I've always disliked the trope of "*insert family friendly franchise here* but for ADULTS!" - there's nothing wrong with mature animation or mature puppetry, but you've really gotta think of a better idea than "what if puppets smoked weed?" - not only because it's unfunny and unoriginal, but also because it makes art forms like animation and puppetry seem cheap and "kiddie"
    One of the reasons I didn't like Sausage Party. My mother watched it at home, and it was like watching Barney commit an armed robbery.
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    I'm an atheist, and even I think Sausage Party's "message" about religion is stupid. you can just imagine the writers browsing r/atheism and "Rational"Wiki while writing the script.
    It confounds me how many people don't realise Cooking Mama isn't a Nintendo character.
    I kinda assumed that. I don't know what company she is from. Gimmie a sec *looks it up* huh, how funny, the developer is Cooking Mama Limited. Shouldn't be that hard to remember XD
    They used to be called Office Create, then rebranded themselves after leaving their games' publishers.

    I mean, for the longest time her games were only on Nintendo hardware (aside a few phone ports). It's not until a few years back that CML decided to just put the latest entries on mobile phones.
    ah ok
    I can't be the only person who doesn't like cel-shaded graphics, right? 3D without shading just looks ugly.
    Are you ok with Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild though? Those are the only two I know that use it I think
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    I like Wind Waker's graphics, but not BoTW's.
    ah ok. BOTW does look more Twilight Princess looking without the cell shading.
    I find the description of Banjo as "brave" a little weird - I mean he is a brave bear, but he's not known for bravery like Erdrick is - my current guess is that the codenames have nothing to do with the characters and are actually just alliterative with their names.
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    Brave Bear Boy Banjo B Emoji Bruh

    but if we're going off of alliteration, Byleth's also someone noteworthy for having a B too.
    Yeah, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is cool and all but have you ever played Mole Mania (1996) for the Nintendo Game Boy, also available on Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console and compatible with the Super Nintendo Entertainment System via use of a Super Game Boy Game Pak?
    My most wanted SSBU DLC is Level 10 CPUs.
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    You Madman
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    I've gotten so good against the Level 9s that I've started doing 1v7, and even then I win. I'm not trying to brag because honestly it makes the game really boring
    Each Sonic Racing game's roster gets worse and worse.

    SASASR (suhsasser?): tons of cool obscure characters and just enough popular and Sonic characters to have a good balance

    SAASRT (sassuht?): just popular Sega characters from popular series and um... Wreck-It Ralph... and the Yogscast? Danica Patrick driving a GoDaddy-themed Hot Wheels? WHAT?

    TSR (tusser?): JUST. SONIC. CHARACTERS. admittedly the line-up of Sonic characters is pretty good, but why did they even make it Sonic-exclusive in the first place?
    I don't believe that Giygas leak for a second (OK, well maybe just about 4 seconds), mostly because of the "not actual gameplay footage" text which is slightly bigger than it should be.
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    Yeah, that's definitely fake. Pretty cool mock up though.
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    the thing about Giygas and Porky that make them somewhat unfit for Smash is that all their moves are completely ambiguous, I honestly think a better choice would be a non-psychic protagonist like Duster or Jeff. (through I'm a little biased towards the idea of adding Kumatora too)
    It's fake. Very well made, but fake. The blurry image, and the Giygas image give it away.
    I wonder, how much do you think it'd cost (monetary wise) from Sega to put a single lesser known Sonic character (such as Fang) in a game as a playable, but not main, character?
    since the Switch allows multiple profiles and SwSh is on the Switch... OH MY GOD, POKEMON FINALLY HAS MULTIPLE SAVE FILES
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    Holy moly about time, I'm surprised it took so long for such a basic feature to be implemented.
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    my best guess is because it'd be hard to implement a trading feature between two players on the same console? but even that seems to be somewhat of a stretch.
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