Smash Lord
I made this question and answer thread, where anyone can ask questions relating to Ice Climbers and the more experienced Ice Climber users and anyone who wishes can answer the questions.
The Rules for Posting
1. Post here if you have a question. Be as specific as possible.
2. If you are unsure if something has been found post here before creating a new thread.
3. If you need help with anything from beating a certain character to performing an AT, post here
4. No flaming will be tolerated. Many useless questions may be asked but they are more than welcome here than in an entirely new thread.
5. Ice Climber players will respond in a timely matter with great answers that will address the specific question asked. If the question or discovery has been previously answered in an important and up to date thread, we reserve the right to redirect you to that thread where the answer is located.
6. Questions will be answered with some substance and detail to help the questionnaire understand why that answer is the correct answer to his or her question.
7. More than one question is allowed at one time. The Ice Climber boards will do their best to cover all questions asked as according to the rules.
8. Debates between responders are acceptable and arguing is not. Know the difference.
9. If two people have the same question at the same time or at different times. we will do our best to address each individual person. and their situation.
10. Do not post the same question over and over if you are the same person. Learn from the answers we give you and improve. If you have a different question, you are more than welcome to come back and ask.
11. Trust our knowledge. If you ask a question you will get a great and correct answer from good Ice Climber players, We know Ice Climbers better than you do so trust that our answer is correct.
12. It is recommended you quote the person you are responding to.
13. Only respond if you know the answer.
14. Ice Climber players have lives. We are sorry if we cannot answer your question right away. We will get to it as soon as possible. Even if we have to research.
15. If all else fails, you always have the search forum.
16. You can also check out the FAQ. Just scroll down.
17. These are not permanent rules. Should the rules need editing, I will do so if enough people petition for it.
Big thanks to Swordplay for allowing me to use his text for "The Rules".
The Rules for Posting
1. Post here if you have a question. Be as specific as possible.
2. If you are unsure if something has been found post here before creating a new thread.
3. If you need help with anything from beating a certain character to performing an AT, post here
4. No flaming will be tolerated. Many useless questions may be asked but they are more than welcome here than in an entirely new thread.
5. Ice Climber players will respond in a timely matter with great answers that will address the specific question asked. If the question or discovery has been previously answered in an important and up to date thread, we reserve the right to redirect you to that thread where the answer is located.
6. Questions will be answered with some substance and detail to help the questionnaire understand why that answer is the correct answer to his or her question.
7. More than one question is allowed at one time. The Ice Climber boards will do their best to cover all questions asked as according to the rules.
8. Debates between responders are acceptable and arguing is not. Know the difference.
9. If two people have the same question at the same time or at different times. we will do our best to address each individual person. and their situation.
10. Do not post the same question over and over if you are the same person. Learn from the answers we give you and improve. If you have a different question, you are more than welcome to come back and ask.
11. Trust our knowledge. If you ask a question you will get a great and correct answer from good Ice Climber players, We know Ice Climbers better than you do so trust that our answer is correct.
12. It is recommended you quote the person you are responding to.
13. Only respond if you know the answer.
14. Ice Climber players have lives. We are sorry if we cannot answer your question right away. We will get to it as soon as possible. Even if we have to research.
15. If all else fails, you always have the search forum.
16. You can also check out the FAQ. Just scroll down.
17. These are not permanent rules. Should the rules need editing, I will do so if enough people petition for it.
Big thanks to Swordplay for allowing me to use his text for "The Rules".