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Geno (♥♪!?): Return of the Starsend Savior

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The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
“I serve… a higher authority…”


This will be the main topic for discussion the character potential of Geno, one of the main characters from the game "Mario RPG" for the Super Nintendo. I'll update as I think up more information or people post something good. For those interested, his Japanese name is "ジーノ", so that's something to look for from Sakurai/ Japanese sources.

Art by Sean Hicks, Omni Jacala, & Chris Szczesiul

The Brawl Geno thread: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=72298

The entire thread is ALSO posted in the "Credits" section

Donate for Children

A Higher Authority is calling and it wants your help!

As a part of Operation Starfall, it has been our goal for both Nintendo and Square Enix to realize that there is an entire massive collection of gamers who truly care for Geno, Mallow and all these wonderful characters in Super Mario RPG and to have them return to relevancy in another game; specifically seeing Geno as a playable character in the Super Smash Bros franchise.

We have seen tremendous amount of growth within the last year with over 12,000 signed supporters to see Geno return back to the limelight, however we would like to take our platform to perform our most selfless act yet and focus on granting the wishes of children and their families.
Every 30 seconds, a child is diagnosed with a serious illness or injury. These kids are often scared, lonely, and facing painful medical treatments or long periods of hospitalization away from their friends, family, and all things that make being a kid great.
That's where Starlight Children's Foundation comes in. Starlight provides fun, state-of-the-art programs like Starlight Virtual Reality, Starlight Hospital Wear, and Starlight Gaming to thousands of hospitalized kids, at no cost to hospital partners.
It is almost a perfect fit considering Geno, himself is a star spirit that is focused on granting wishes!

You will be able to visit our website and see a list of total signed supporters for Geno over at our Operation StarFall website and our social media platform @opestarfall.
And don't forget to learn more about Starlight by visiting their website.
Thank you for everything you do! Your contribution would be much appreciated.


The Operation StarFall Team

Update: Geno #1!!!


List of Supporters
Special Thanks
McFox McFox

-Coco- -Coco-
? ?!?!?!
Aerospherology Aerospherology
AirMac1 AirMac1
alemerltoucanet alemerltoucanet
amazonevan19 amazonevan19
aquasound aquasound
Arcadenik Arcadenik
astralAenigma astralAenigma
Asxin Asxin
AugustusB AugustusB
Autobot N Autobot N
AuraCuba AuraCuba
axel_ axel_
Axelocke Axelocke
Banjodorf Banjodorf
B bardbowman
B Bendario
Blade of Evil's Bane Blade of Evil's Bane
BlastState BlastState
BlastoiseKoopa98 BlastoiseKoopa98
Metal Shop X Metal Shop X
Blue_Sword_Edge Blue_Sword_Edge
BluePikmin11 BluePikmin11
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BrashCandicoot BrashCandicoot
candyissweet candyissweet
CBO0tz CBO0tz
CF711 CF711
Chalo5000 Chalo5000
ChaosSharpedo ChaosSharpedo
Confirmation Confirmation
coolcat12347 coolcat12347
cmbsfm cmbsfm
Crap-Zapper Crap-Zapper
CraziiDamon CraziiDamon
CroonerMike CroonerMike
ctt4lfecw ctt4lfecw
Smithy (In Spirit)
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Dan Dan
D Danelo_G_3
Darkfur Darkfur
Demonfunds Demonfunds
Denomon3144 Denomon3144
Dionaea_floridensis Dionaea_floridensis
DjinnandTonic DjinnandTonic
dkkrang95 dkkrang95
D domriver
Dragon lord Dragon lord
DragonFire04 DragonFire04
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Duck$mash Duck$mash
Dyllybirdy Dyllybirdy
Dynamic Worlok Dynamic Worlok
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gebi gebi
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GenoComet GenoComet
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GonzaGears GonzaGears
GooberHonker GooberHonker
goodspeed87 goodspeed87
Gotta Gotta
Graf von Tirol Graf von Tirol
grizby2 grizby2
Grunky Peep Grunky Peep
H Haunted237
H Hero044
Houndstooth Houndstooth
hashupa hashupa
hydrokyogre hydrokyogre
H Hyrulekoopa
Iancineroar Iancineroar
Icyllya Icyllya
IGuessItsOver IGuessItsOver
InkyNeko InkyNeko
InsaneHippo InsaneHippo
P Pippin (Peregrin Took)
J355315R4D J355315R4D
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Jazzy Jinx Jazzy Jinx
Jetsurge Jetsurge
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Just a random scrub Just a random scrub
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Kero! Kero!
K KingPotato
kiteinthesky kiteinthesky
Klimax Klimax
Kooj Kooj Kooj Kooj
lanky_gunner lanky_gunner
Laszyking456 Laszyking456
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L link2702
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LiquidBoxcutter LiquidBoxcutter
L Lord Tetris
lordrogersmith6485 lordrogersmith6485
Luigifan18 Luigifan18
maf91186 maf91186
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MaskedMyster MaskedMyster
MattX20 MattX20
Mariobro_ Mariobro_
MarioMeteor MarioMeteor
Marvel-Otaku-Man Marvel-Otaku-Man
max_0888 max_0888
mbvswb mbvswb
Mecakoto Mecakoto
Megadoomer Megadoomer
MephistoSlayer MephistoSlayer
MEra MEra
Mogu Mogu
MooseSmuggler MooseSmuggler
Mr Gentleman Mr Gentleman
MrBill0327 MrBill0327
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Nauzgo Nauzgo
Nazyrus Nazyrus
Nazzul Nazzul
NebulaWords NebulaWords
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NeerTheEngi NeerTheEngi
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NintendoFan388 NintendoFan388
Noipoi Noipoi
NovaFight NovaFight
NukeA6 NukeA6
Oasis_S Oasis_S
Oblivion129 Oblivion129
OptimisticStrifer OptimisticStrifer
owjies owjies
papagenos papagenos
paper roxy paper roxy
Penroze Penroze
Phantom Joker
P PhantomShab
PhilosophicAnimal PhilosophicAnimal
pika.thunder25 pika.thunder25
Pillsbury_Soyboy Pillsbury_Soyboy
PolarPanda PolarPanda
Popsydoodles Popsydoodles
praline praline
P PreedReve
Pryze Pryze
PsychoIncarnate PsychoIncarnate
Raijinken Raijinken
Rapwned Rapwned
Raider 88 Raider 88
RedDragon64 RedDragon64
Red Dead Redeemed Red Dead Redeemed
Raheem The Dream Raheem The Dream
R RetrogamerMax
Ring-a-Sheep Ring-a-Sheep
Robertroid Robertroid
RosaPeach RosaPeach
Rubbertop Rubbertop
S.F.L.R_9 S.F.L.R_9
Scoliosis Jones Scoliosis Jones
Seadra Seadra
Sean Wheeler Sean Wheeler
SevenGameSet SevenGameSet
ShroomEL ShroomEL
Sigran101 Sigran101
SilvaFoxx SilvaFoxx
Sinn Sinn
skydogc skydogc
Sleeps with Butterflies Sleeps with Butterflies
Slender Slender
slopdop slopdop
smash puffle smash puffle
SmashKeks SmashKeks
SniperGabe SniperGabe
socandrewcer socandrewcer
Solmatter Solmatter
SomeGuy328 SomeGuy328
CosmicEternity44 CosmicEternity44
SoopahSanikMoo SoopahSanikMoo
SorrowOfAcheron SorrowOfAcheron
spoilerowl spoilerowl
SSBDucky SSBDucky
Standlord Standlord
Strider_Bond00J Strider_Bond00J
SuperNintendoDisney SuperNintendoDisney
SuperNintendoKid SuperNintendoKid
SuzyHeart SuzyHeart
TBone06 TBone06
TCT~Phantom TCT~Phantom
Teeb147 Teeb147
TerminalMontage TerminalMontage
ThatIsFalco ThatIsFalco
THE 6r THE 6r
TheBeastHimself TheBeastHimself
TheCJBrine TheCJBrine
TheOneAndOnlyLuki_ TheOneAndOnlyLuki_
TheStarlightsFlower TheStarlightsFlower
Thirdkoopa Thirdkoopa
thirsty-pocket thirsty-pocket
T ThoughtfulWanderer
Tinfoil Tinfoil
Tiymako Tiymako
Pyra Pyra
Toasterman247 Toasterman247
TooManyToastahs TooManyToastahs
TreeBranch TreeBranch
T Turtlar
TylerTheYoshi TylerTheYoshi
tyrus+ tyrus+
UberMadman UberMadman
valkiriforce valkiriforce
Wambo Wambo
WampaWreckage WampaWreckage
WarioTheLegend WarioTheLegend
W Willoftacos
W Wind Chill
winged hero winged hero
WiredRM WiredRM
Xigger Xigger
XenoNeX27 XenoNeX27
xpnc xpnc
yakko789 yakko789
Cabbagehead Cabbagehead
Ze Diglett Ze Diglett
ZelDan ZelDan
Zethoro Zethoro
Zoljinx_ Zoljinx_
ZTurtle ZTurtle
Zyphyris Zyphyris
Polarthief Polarthief
ShinyReshiram ShinyReshiram
SpeedBirds SpeedBirds
Retro18 Retro18
Laszyking456 Laszyking456
ChoccyStar ChoccyStar
ItsYaBoyArmando ItsYaBoyArmando
Shado-will Shado-will
Bee Card Bee Card
@Zack E.
Sovereign Trinity Sovereign Trinity
Luigi The President Luigi The President
Datboigeno Datboigeno
djgwiz djgwiz
JuryRigging JuryRigging
DaxMasterix DaxMasterix
ayytypical ayytypical
R Reshi
Potatu Potatu
berserker37 berserker37
PokéfreakofBACON PokéfreakofBACON
Kektendo Kektendo
MindReader MindReader
GrungeMan GrungeMan
Loliko YnT Loliko YnT
My****&MuRaheemThe My****&MuRaheemThe
LightningHelix LightningHelix
Ovaltine Ovaltine
CoinedLuck CoinedLuck
Tetrin Tetrin
K Kzinssie
Hot_N_Tasty Hot_N_Tasty
Eric2625 Eric2625
T TeamChevy86
lemon demon lemon demon
RichieGonzo RichieGonzo
NintendoKnight NintendoKnight
Arcane_ Arcane_
Necksuss Necksuss
ARandomZoomer ARandomZoomer
Toshin Toshin
zippyskipy zippyskipy
3DSNinja 3DSNinja
Ingenious! Ingenious!
Qualk Qualk
ColtonS25 ColtonS25
Dee Dude Dee Dude
Jurae818 Jurae818
Atmoz Atmoz
RingJ5 RingJ5
MemeSaucy MemeSaucy
SpiritOfRuin SpiritOfRuin
Oaterinos Oaterinos
noise r us noise r us
Rohanx17 Rohanx17
@ShotoStar: Endgame
Verde Coeden Scalesworth Verde Coeden Scalesworth
Musubi Musubi
Vector Victor Vector Victor
MisterMike MisterMike
PurpleGiraffesMeow PurpleGiraffesMeow
Glitch-EGamer Glitch-EGamer
Wazygoose Wazygoose
A Antho
Krystedez Krystedez
cheeseseatbelt cheeseseatbelt
Genokie Genokie
T2by4 T2by4
StarLight42 StarLight42
Freezerburn Freezerburn
Ray102396 Ray102396
Qeomash Qeomash
YsDisciple YsDisciple
Zinith Zinith
Supergeno Supergeno
max_0888 max_0888
Cuzeba123 Cuzeba123
Plank08 Plank08
Heoj Heoj
Blankiturayman Blankiturayman
TheHeartbreakKid TheHeartbreakKid
Nicnac Nicnac
MasterOfKnees MasterOfKnees
Bob-Omber Bob-Omber
EmeraldNate EmeraldNate
AJb1205 AJb1205
Jorichi Jorichi
GenoToto GenoToto
Steflames Steflames
HudU HudU
Sour Supreme Sour Supreme
kylexv kylexv
Mastadoom88 Mastadoom88
Grumbo Grumbo
Inawordyes Inawordyes
Levy22 Levy22
Lamperouge Lamperouge
spongeabc5 spongeabc5
Wish7s Wish7s
Corbin Corbin
The Anigriffin The Anigriffin
waterhasataste waterhasataste
Comorant Comorant
Kuma_ Kuma_
Griselda Griselda
LunarDistortion LunarDistortion
AdamBel731 AdamBel731
Malo Mart Malo Mart
JoscarGamma JoscarGamma
Enigma735 Enigma735
Super10ZX Super10ZX
DarkShadow20 DarkShadow20
MrJudd MrJudd
RedMachine123 RedMachine123
Lagguino Lagguino
J JarBear
Springwood Slasher Springwood Slasher
GodzillaGuy64 GodzillaGuy64
Kremling Kommander Kremling Kommander
TheHeartbreakKid TheHeartbreakKid
Lord Woomy Lord Woomy
X Xehanort1372019
Spatulo Spatulo
Franco Geno Franco Geno
RageCage271 RageCage271
Crankshadow Crankshadow
MarioTime MarioTime
OffBi OffBi
MarcelinoBros92 MarcelinoBros92
Genome Genome
UltimateCyborgOverlord UltimateCyborgOverlord
GenoDoge GenoDoge

(over 350 confirmed members so far)
(With Legacy Supporters, it's over 444!)

Legacy Supporters (Beta Version)
Past Supporters of Geno that haven't posted in this current thread
AIM0001 AIM0001
AEMehr AEMehr
acekidgravity acekidgravity
Autumn ♫ Autumn ♫
andimidna andimidna
ArturoLamilla ArturoLamilla

B bagoly14
Big-Cat Big-Cat
Booster Booster
Banjo-Kazooie Banjo-Kazooie

ChunkyBeef ChunkyBeef
cmbsfm cmbsfm
Cyberguy64 Cyberguy64
Chauzu Chauzu
Cheezey Bites Cheezey Bites
Crawful Crawful
Creo Creo

FalKoopa FalKoopa
Dark Emperor Hardin Dark Emperor Hardin

Ember Reaper Ember Reaper
EmceeEspio EmceeEspio
Enigma14 Enigma14
Etc_Guy Etc_Guy

Frontiers Frontiers
Ferio_Kun Ferio_Kun
FZ64 FZ64
Tree Gelbman Tree Gelbman

geno geno
Guybrush20X6 Guybrush20X6
goodspeed87 goodspeed87

Holder of the Heel Holder of the Heel
Hoots Hoots
Hero_of_T1me_1997 Hero_of_T1me_1997

Iko MattOrr Iko MattOrr
iam8bit iam8bit

JohnnyJoestar~JoJo JohnnyJoestar~JoJo

Knuckles the Knuckles Knuckles the Knuckles
Kind Dedede Kind Dedede
Kevandre Kevandre
KVLTofMetal KVLTofMetal
KenboCalrissian KenboCalrissian

LaniusShrike LaniusShrike
Lilfut Lilfut

M mrbrawl
M M52B28
Mr. Mumbles Mr. Mumbles
Matthew "Demo" Rak Matthew "Demo" Rak
Mariohuge Mariohuge
Mariuigi Mariuigi
Marxally Marxally

Neosquid Neosquid
Neanderthal Neanderthal
NukeA6 NukeA6
NessOnett NessOnett
N Nintendo_Addict

Oblivion129 Oblivion129
Oracle_Summon Oracle_Summon
OddCrow OddCrow

Rockaphin Rockaphin
RetroBro RetroBro

Shorts Shorts / Shortiecanbrawl
SmashShadow SmashShadow
Starcutter Starcutter
shadowjosh shadowjosh
SirGalvan SirGalvan
Steelia Steelia
sunfallSeraph sunfallSeraph
StaffofSmashing StaffofSmashing
SchAlternate SchAlternate
Staarih Staarih
Simensis Simensis
Skyfox2000 Skyfox2000

True Blue True Blue
Thebluecomet Thebluecomet
Two Big Guys For You Two Big Guys For You
theenlightenedone theenlightenedone

VictoryIsMudkipz VictoryIsMudkipz
Vyzor Vyzor
vicgur vicgur

W Wondra
Wizzrobe Wizzrobe
Wiley Wiley

Xigger Xigger

YoshiandToad YoshiandToad
Yunior597 Yunior597
yani yani

Z25 Z25

(You can also support our sister thread, Mallow)


by N3ON

C'mon Everyone's gotta do their part!

Geno has only had 2 appearances in the Mario universe, the second being a cameo in Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga. Despite that, during the days of Brawl, the many who grew up with Mario RPG and remembered it's pure awesomeness rose up and spread their passionate cry out to Nintendo. -Which Nintendo heard faintly, but ignored. However, Brawl's legwork had already been laid at that point and it was too late for them to change much. It's a new generation and Geno followers can hope and pray their savior shall return. Legally, Geno is a Square-Enix character. But in the eyes of Nintendo and even Square themselves, he's a Mario character. I believe that matters most of all, and it could happen if they make the effort.

Geno, after all, saved the mushroom kingdom from danger and continued to raise to the heavens. Before his heavenly ascension, Geno vowed to return one day and cast judgement on those that threatened the world.

Mario RPG was more or less a beginners RPG. Though far from the horrid that is FF: Mystic Quest. However, it's execution was wonderful and used a pseudo 3D technique that was graphically impressive at the time. It was developed by Square-Enix, who were gods among gaming companies at the time and represented their love child with Nintendo, who had been their greatest supporters (Before they fell out in the 64 era). Because of the above, Mario RPG is remembered by a generation.

The character of "Geno" is first seen descending from the heavens as a sword crashes through it straight into Bowser's Castle. The dark mechanical armies of "Smithy" have invaded from their horribly twisted universe to lay waste to the (more or less) peaceful lands. The character at this time is actually a star spirit, and doesn't take the form of Geno until he possesses the toy of a child, and takes the toys name. His own name at that point in unpronounceable (♥♪!?) by humans or mushroom people for that matter. Yes, he's a spiritually possessed doll. Think of Pinocchio in some kind of twisted universe (or Puppetmon). When it comes down to it, Mario may be the hero of the game but it's more or less Geno's story. Mario is just being dragged along, especially when he finds the princess.

The Doll form of Geno appears in cameo form in Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga in the mini game "Star 'Stached Smash".

Geno has too much move potential, and a large variety of ways to attack that it's difficult to make a single moveset for him. He uses energy attacks, magic, and guns/ cannons. He could be a ancient, almost steampunk-like, fighter with hidden traps and weapons. A very unpredictable style in that. Think of the puppet masters from Naruto and their various unique ways of fighting.

Potential moves:
Cannon Ball - My idea for Forward smash, similar to snake having ranged smashes. It could have a short range before falling in a small arc. Or something
Pellet shot - My idea for rabid A. He fires pellets from his fingers in a motion where his hand goes up and down. The pellets disintegrate after a short distance.
Rocket Arm - Commonly used for robots in anime. Could also be a potential forward Smash. I've also seen it used as a special in some people's sets.
Star Shot - Geno's ultimate weapon in the game. It shoots out stars and can appear in a number of incarnations I can think of. An effect could also be used for attacks with star looking particles, for example.
Geno Beam - A charging attack in my set. Geno is forced to stand still and charge up energy. Than unleashes in a laser like beam that can be moves around like Lucario's Final Smash
Geno Boost - A buffing technique in the game. Perhaps a Down special that increases his attack?
Geno Whirl - Infamous technique that delt 9999 damage if timed right. Some people say it should be his final smash because of that, but I feel it's more of a forward smash type of thing.
Geno Blast - Another potential Final smash or special. Summons light from the sky that deals damage to the area around him
Geno Flash - THE idea for his Final Smash. Turn into a cannon and fires a powerful blast of light that increases in size, harming all in it's path.

Geno in "Project M" showing possible moveset


Examples of possible alternate colors by "zanethedragon"

Here is a general example of a Geno moveset made by McFox during the Brawl days - When I complete my own (It's similar but disagrees in some areas) I'll post it as well. I also have some ideas for alternate movesets based on different attributes of Geno:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7qy2XwUDIo こんにちは桜井さん (Dear Masahiro Sakurai)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBMYR4kJk94 (Geno in Brawl...or else...) - You want to know why Brawl wasn't awesome - They didn't add Geno
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/333390 (Geno Move Generator) - A Flash made during Brawl to represent someone's version of a moveset
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lni0rfv_CHA (Rawest Forest) - A mix of the Mushroom Forest theme with Lyrics
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grDgWVpZdd4&feature=related (Waltz of the Forest) - A remake of the above song by the same author years later
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj8zw8rrUhM (Beware the Forest Mushrooms) - Geno's "Theme". Associated him because of the maze Geno leads you through
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/443000 (Geno X Dedede) - A fun little flash I found of a battle between Geno and Dedede
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/528856 (Geno X Dedede 2) - The sequel to above. It promises a 3rd that was never released
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OFEVYVBZaA&feature=related (Magic Geno Tribute) - A video someone put together of various Geno fan art
There is a Mario RPG Hentai-Manga thing. No, I am not going to link it. Rule 34
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e8TAKgl-ME Video on Geno and his chances in Smash by the user @Delzethin

"Super Mario RPG 20th Anniversary Collaboration "Kigurumi Wakusei"

Why Geno? by papagenos papagenos

Relevant information

Sakurai has actually talked about Geno!

Sakurai: Geno was actually a character I wanted to include as a fighter. He has a gun for an arm, and just seems like he'd fit absolutely perfectly into Smash.

I was hoping I'd be able to put him in as far back as Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but unfortunately that never ended up materializing.
Interviewer: And that's why you included him as a Mii Costume this time around?

Sakurai: Yes. He's incredibly popular. Even though he's an old character, we keep getting loads of votes and requests for us to put him in the game. Even though he still isn't in as a playable fighter, I made sure he'd be in as a Mii costume so his fans would at least feel that they got something.

Read more in the article provided

AND OF COURSE, Geno has at least made it INTO THE SMASH SERIES! in one form, playable

Nintendo Remembers!
LOL, I'm not sure it's possible to center a tweet

And I can't find the original source, but Geno was mentioned in the infamous Smash Poll that was talked about during the Brawl speculation age


It's His Time!

You can support TerminalMontage TerminalMontage and Geno at the same time with this wonderful shirt!


Operation Starfall
Welcome to Operation Starfall!
Hello, fellow Smash and Nintendo fans! Welcome to the hub for the community-wide onward campaign for Operation Starfall,
the meeting place for us fans of Super Mario RPG, Geno, Mallow, and all of SMRPG's best! Here, we congregate to reach a singular
set of goals, what we as fans have been championing for over a decade: the return of SMRPG and its two exclusive protagonists,
Geno and Mallow, to the Mario mainstream. Read on for more information, and see how you can make your contributions to the cause!
Last edited by a moderator:


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Woo, the official Geno thread!

This thread will encompass all specific talk about Geno, the star-possessed scarecrow doll from Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars! So let's get right to it:

List of games Geno has appeared in:
  • Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
  • Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
So that's it. :p

Geno as he appeared in Mario RPG.

Geno as he appeared in Superstar Saga.

Geno as he appeared in this picture that I drew. :p

Geno would make an excellent addition to the Smash Brothers series. He could easily be a short-range fighter with some projectile attacks. The character from Melee he'd be most like is probably Ness. He'd have similar height and weight as Ness, and probably also have a non-traditional second jump.

Since I love the character so much, I've decided to make an entire moveset for him. :p So here we go...

A - Standard punch.
A-A - One-two punch.
A-A-A-repeated - Geno's hands suck in, and he starts blasting stars out of his arms. This is a combo attack, and the stars do not travel very far before disappearing.

Tilt-A-Up - Geno kicks straight up with one leg, similar to Sheik. Considering he's only a doll, he should be the most flexible character in the game. :p
Tilt-A-forward - Geno does the finger shot. Several pellets shoot out of his four fingers, traveling a short distance before disappearing.
Tilt-A-Down - A sweeping ground kick, similar to Ness.

Smash-A-Up - Geno sticks both hands straight up, and then spreads them, leaving a trail of stars where his hands were. Has a high knockback.
Smash-A-Forward - Geno fires his hand straight forward. It travels a good distance before disappearing and reappearing back on his arm.
Smash-A-Down - Geno does a split, kicking both legs out sideways.

Aerial-A-Neutral - Geno spins in a circle, with arms outstretched. His hands emit a small trail of stars.
Aerial-A-Up - Geno flips, kicking, like Kirby.
Aerial-A-Forward - Geno kicks both feet forward, perpendicular to the screen.
Aerial-A-Down - Geno does his finger shot straight down. The pellets travel a small distance before disappearing.
Aerial-A-Backward - Geno kicks one foot backwards, spinning in a circle.

B-Neutral - Geno charges up the Geno Beam. The longer you hold it, the more powerful the move gets (until it gets to its maximum charge, that is). The move, unlike other "shooting" moves like Samus' Charge Shot or Mewtwo's Shadow Ball, shoots across the entire stage, staying attached to Geno during the duration of the attack. To make up for it's large range, it's a relatively slow-moving attack.
B-Up - Geno spreads his arms and flies upward. A trail of stars extends behind him, which damages opponents until they disappear.
B-Forward The Geno Whirl, from Mario RPG. Geno swings his arm in a horizontal arc, sending a series of circles across the stage horizontally. This is a very quick-move. Also, if you press B again at the exact right instant, anyone hit by the Whirl's damage goes straight to 999% (Just kidding. ;))
B-Down - The Geno Blast. Geno plants himself, and a series of multicolored lights rain down from the heavens on either side of him.

Super Move - The Geno Flash. Geno turns into a cannon, and shoots a spark into the center of the stage. The spark grows a face, blinks, and then explodes.

Check the Flash version!

I would love playing as this character. Too bad I'm not working on this game. Not that my ideas are better than other people's, just that I would love working on the game. :p

Here's hoping we see our favorite star-powered hero appearing in Brawl! :)

*EDIT* I contacted Nintendo about who owns Geno:

Originally Posted by Nintendo representative
Hello and thank you for contacting Nintendo,

Sorry that our response was not clear. The characters in the Super Smash Bros game are not all the property of Nintendo. They generally remain the property of the company that originally created them. While Geno and Mallow originally appeared in a game that was marketed by Nintendo, the title was designed and programmed by Square Soft. Geno and Mallow would still remain as the intellectual property of Square-Enix (the current name). Unfortunately, we have not heard any information that would support any rumors of Nintendo acquiring these characters.

Thanks for your email and good luck with all your games!

So, as of now, Geno is still the property of Square-Enix. That being the case, Square would have to lend Geno back to Nintendo in order for him to appear in Smash.

That said, I see no reason why Square would not lend the character. However, there was a ton of confusion about the subject, so I went right to the source. Geno is currently owned by Square.

*EDIT* So, Snakz has been putting together some new stuff in the thread, so I'm quoting a post of his here without using the actual quote stuff. The following is all done by Snakz:

Alrighty, here's the list of members so far, and i've added my rant, enjoy!

Go ahead an critique the rant, i could use it, and if you wana make any edits yourself, go ahead, just be sure to tell me what you've edited and why

Im probably missing a lot of names here so if i forgot you, or you'd like to be added, just tell me

The ♥♪!? Alliance
a.k.a. The Geno Alliance
"Servitors of a Higher Authority"

Thread Creator: McFox (obviously)

Chi's Finest
Oshiro Akina
Ralph Marquee
Super Mario Whirled

Geno for Brawl: Arguments from Both Sides
By Snakz

Geno’s got a lot of things going for him, I’ll mention the arguments for him, but really this is meant to tackle the arguments against him.


1) Geno is unique in character

If you want to know who Geno is, ill give you a summary. Geno, who’s true name is actually ♥♪!? is a star spirit/guardian that came from Star Road, a place that makes wishes come true. Star Road was destroyed by Smithy when he drove the giant sword, Exor through and shattered it into 7 stars, all of which landed on Earth. So he came down to Earth and possessed a doll name Geno to collect the stars and eventually, with Mario’s help, he defeated Smithy and restored order to Star Road and Earth.

Now Geno has a very likable and strong personality, were it not for Mario, I’m sure Geno would’ve been just fine being the leader of the party, since he seems to have that quality. Now his background is undeniably unique, and anyone who says he’s not unique enough for Brawl should go play SMRPG. If they finished it and are still not convinced, you should consider therapy.

2) Extremely easy to make a moveset for

If you haven’t taken time out of your busy schedule, I suggest taking a few clicks and looking at McFox’s moveset for Geno. In terms of special moves, moveset is pretty much the same moveset that most people have for Geno. As for the rest, there are usually a lot of similarities between what McFox has and what others have, but people do get pretty creative with the rest of his moves. Either way, Geno is probably one of the easiest characters to make a moveset for and would deffinetly not be a problem adding him into Brawl on a technical stand point.

3) Geno is tied for 2nd place on Sakurai’s poll

This is probably the best argument for Geno on the more political side of things. Next to Sonic, Geno is the most requested 3rd party character on the poll (and he’s not even purely 3rd party, more on that later). Without this, Geno’s fans would be getting shot down left and right because people would claim he doesn’t have a strong standing on the poll, and since many people don’t know him, he wouldn’t stand a chance. But because he tied with such contenders as Ike and Diddy Kong (who are confirmed), this is a strong case.

** Now there is one more thing I’d like to add about the relationship between Nintendo and Square-Enix. There’s been a lot of people saying the they are getting things better between each other now and other people saying they’re relationship isn’t as good as it was. If there’s one thing we can make a fact of is this; if SMRPG is coming to the Virtual Console, that’s has to say something about the two companies having a good enough relationship to agree to re-release SMRPG to the VC.


1) Nobody's heard of him

This argument right off the bat is so weak, every time I hear this arguement being used it makes me want to choke puppies. We have so many examples of this factor not being an issue. First off, we have Geno’s poll numbers, tied for second. CLEARLY, enough people have heard of Geno for them to believe he deserves a spot in Brawl. Secondly, don’t know about you, but had you ever heard of the Ice Climbers and/or Mr. Game & Watch before Melee was released? Unless you played their games, most people would say they haven’t. So not having been heard of is definitely not a valid reason not to be included in Brawl.

2) We have too many Mario reps already

Usually, the people who say this are the same people who believe DK, Yoshi and Wario are considered part of the Mario franchise, when Sakurai clearly shows that at least that for Brawl’s sake that is not the case. Sure, they got their start in Mario games, no question, but it doesn’t matter whether you believe they have they’re own separate franchise or not, Sakurai considers them separate franchises. So not including those characters, we have Mario, most likely Luigi, Bowser and Peach, and don’t tell me Dr. Mario is returning, his chances are almost nigh. So that’s 4 characters, I wouldn’t say one more is too much, would you? Pokémon already has 4 representatives (Pikachu and Pokémon Trainer who has 3 other Pokémon), there’s a good chance that there will be one more representative. Remember we’re about franchise representation here, not slots. The number of slots is not significant as they can change easily. So if Pokémon can have 5 reps, why not Nintendo’s most well-known franchise?

Not to mention the Pokémon franchise is also represented by the countless number of Pokémon in the Pokéball item. Though now with the introduction of Assist Trophies, other franchises, and even those who will not get a PC rep can still have a chance to shine in Brawl, though slightly, well ain’t that peachy? So far we’ve been shown the Hammer Bros, Bullet Bills and Latiku to represent the Mario franchise in AT fashion. Although there will probably be more from the Mario series, there’s no question that the number of Pokémon non-PC reps will outnumber non-PC Mario reps, so even in that respect, Mario will not be the most represented. Also there’s a little series needing mention called Zelda. It’s been predicted that there will be two more reps, Ganondorf being one of them (what a surprise) and mainly a competition between Midna w/ or w/out Wolf Link and WW Link. I wont get into that since this is no the place for that, but the point it this; Zelda is very likely to have at least 5 PC reps, same goes to Pokémon, so what’s to say the Mario series shouldn’t get 5 reps?

Of course, others will argue for Bowser Jr. as the last Mario rep. Most do not believe that Geno AND Bowser Jr. will make it to Brawl, so that really comes down to your own opinion on who should get in between those two.

3) He's only been in two games

This is about as effective as “No one knows who he is”, probably the dumbest of the arguments against Geno. The Ice climbers have only been in ONE game and they made it in. Sure they’re retro, but the SNES (which is where Geno made is first appearance in Super Mario RPG) is on the borderline of being retro, if it hasn’t already. Once again, it shows that it doesn’t matter how many games the character has been in, if enough people have heard of him that they will voice significantly that he should be in Brawl, well then ****it, he should be a contender for a spot.

4) Geno's third party, he's not worthy of a third party slot

Alright now to the juicy stuff. This is probably the most common argument made against Geno since he is owned by Square-Enix. If you haven’t read this (Thanks to PsychoIncarnate for this find!), I strongly suggest you do: http://blogs.ign.com/phoenixdragoon/2007/10/22/69626/ It’s an argument saying the Geno isn’t exactly 3rd party, but something called 2nd ½ party. If this really is the case for Geno’s legal stand point, then there’s virtually no problem in adding Geno.

But if you don’t believe the article and still think Geno will be purely 3rd party, your most likely saying that Geno is not worthy of the last (or supposedly last) 3rd party spot compared to Megaman, Bomberman, Rayman, or “someotherman”. Personally, I believe that if Geno really is pure 3rd party (which I don’t) then the only competition he has is Megaman.

Now let me get this out of the way first; whether you believe Geno is worthy of Brawl is purely your own opinion, there’s nothing factual about worthiness. Now Megaman is no doubt a very iconic character and has been on numerous titles to which I won’t bother counting, most of which are on a Nintendo console. But considering Megaman only received two votes, it’s obviously not the best he could get, but it’s not a very strong case for his appearance in Brawl, so many of his fans are relying on his popularity outside the polls. The bad part for Megaman is we really don’t know how much Sakurai is looking into Megaman as a result of the poll. Because of his relative poor rank on the poll compared to his popularity, I consider Megaman and Geno to be equals in terms of purely 3rd parties. The rest is just my favoring of Geno over Megaman.

As for other 3rd party characters, it’s for the most part, the same case. They got relatively low standings on the polls (or in some character’s cases, not at all, yet still being supported), so the fans rely on the character’s popularity alone. I honestly think the poll will turn out to have a great impact on who will be considered to enter Brawl, Which is certainly the case for Geno. Unfortunately for the rest, I don’t think the other character’s popularity will enough (for the record, I’d love to see Bomberman in Brawl, but I just don’t see it happening).

Now if Sakurai decides to tell us he changed his mind and is letting more 3rd party characters in, then we’ve more to discuss, but until then, that’s all I gotta say about Geno and 3rd parties. Just remember, overall I don’t consider Geno a pure 3rd party addition, and I sure plenty of Geno fans don’t either, but there are still some who do, and I wanted to point out they’re possible views on it.​
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Jason the Yoshi

Watching Me, Wanting Me
Feb 26, 2014
Waiting for Jesus
Geno is not someone I can consider a very good way to represent Square Enix. Cloud seems to be doing that just fine already.

Not just that, what I read one time about Smash's requirements for third party characters to be playable in Smash is that they be among the most iconic, memorable, and recognizable third party characters, which Geno fails all three of those descriptions miserably. They've stayed true to all that with the third party characters and DLC in Smash 4, so I highly doubt that will change anytime soon.

I'm sorry, I just don't see the point. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I just don't think there's any chance he can make it.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
Geno is not someone I can consider a very good way to represent Square Enix. Cloud seems to be doing that just fine already.

Not just that, what I read one time about Smash's requirements for third party characters to be playable in Smash is that they be among the most iconic, memorable, and recognizable third party characters, which Geno fails all three of those descriptions miserably. They've stayed true to all that with the third party characters and DLC in Smash 4, so I highly doubt that will change anytime soon.

I'm sorry, I just don't see the point. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I just don't think there's any chance he can make it.
Why the hell would Geno represent Square Enix when Cloud is already in it to represent Square Enix

And there are no requirements for a "Third Party" to make it into Smash


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2013
'Sup everybody?

Are we gonna have another support list? If so put me in please. :D

Geno is not someone I can consider a very good way to represent Square Enix. Cloud seems to be doing that just fine already.

Not just that, what I read one time about Smash's requirements for third party characters to be playable in Smash is that they be among the most iconic, memorable, and recognizable third party characters, which Geno fails all three of those descriptions miserably. They've stayed true to all that with the third party characters and DLC in Smash 4, so I highly doubt that will change anytime soon.

I'm sorry, I just don't see the point. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I just don't think there's any chance he can make it.
Honestly at this point I think Geno's history and cult status will be enough for him to make it in all on his own.
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Smash Rookie
May 25, 2017
Star Road
I see Geno as a real great candidate for Smash NX, and Geno seems to have great potential, as he already had a moveset in Super Mario RPG. I see where people go with him not being iconic and such, but Geno still has more support than 96% of odd candidates, and Geno is without a doubt worth a character slot.
My idea of a Moveset:
Neutral Special: Geno Beam - Hold for Power, and charge with stars above Geno, each star adding damage, and if charged passed, weakens.
Side Special: Geno Whirl - Throw the infamous Geno Whirl, and when hitting same command right after passing victim, has 1.5x knockback and 2x damage, but, if commands input while in contact, or if to long after being in contact, has .75x knockback and .75x damage.
Up Special: Geno Boost - Rise in a column of power, raising your attack, defense, or speed a major amount for 30 seconds, and if the same commands input within frame(s) of ending, but not ended, adds 1/2 a character height to the 3 or 4 Geno already has risen.
Down Special: Geno Blast - Charge a shot of stars, and charge longer for Geno to launch himself, and go in a cannonball arc, and land in a star burst(or have the star land in a star burst), and transform back to standard Geno.
Final Smash: ❤!? - Leave the Geno doll, and as a star blast around the stage to hit foes, and input both attack commands together to burst in energy, and after 15-30 seconds, possess the Geno doll again.
Side Smash: Star Gun - Shoot the Star Gun in a quick burst of shots. About 2-3% per hit, with 3-9 hits
Up Smash: Geno Flash - Uses Geno Flash above and around Geno. 8% per Flash, 4 Flashes.
Down Smash: Geno 'Nado - Geno spins and hits around. About 4-6% per hit, 4-9 hits.
And so on... There obviously are more moves, but I don't want to go on forever. Geno is just perfect for Smash.



Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2007
Stockton, California
Well here we go again eh? jejej
Add me to the supporting list please.

I'd say those who were reduced down to Mii's costumes are probably the next ones in line to be come full fledged characters. Even Sakurai said he wanted Geno in Smash. I'd like to think he has high chances of bein in Switch Smash. Geno, King K. Rool stand out to me. Maybe Inkling. Id like Bomberman in there as well. A character from ARMS is a bit to soon to be considered a smash character. Though maybe if Switch has DLC I can see his inclusion in. Im rooting very hard for Geno. :)


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2013
The fact that Nintendo didn't announce a Smash 4 port at E3 this year makes me wonder...

It makes me wonder if there isn't in fact a Smash Switch in the works after all...

That makes me wonder what that means for Geno, and for us...

I guess I'm displaying my hubris here, but I wonder if, if that's true, and given the special attention they showed us when they announced his Mii costume for Smash 4, if it means Geno's inclusion is more of a question of "when" than a question of "if" at this point...

We can only hope that as the months pass and more Nintendo Directs come out that we learn more.
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Geno Boost

Smash Master
Jul 25, 2014
Star Hill. Why do you ask?
The fact that Nintendo didn't announce a Smash 4 port at E3 this year makes me wonder...

It makes me wonder if there isn't in fact a Smash Switch in the works after all...

That makes me wonder what that means for Geno, and for us...

I guess I'm displaying my hubris here, but I wonder if, if that's true, and given the special attention they showed us when they announced his Mii costume for Smash 4, if it means Geno's inclusion is more of a question of "when" than a question of "if" at this point...

We can only hope that as the months pass and more Nintendo Directs come out that we learn more.
Mario and luigi super star saga remake was announced maybe we are going to see the Geno cameo again


Smash Hero
May 12, 2014
Planet Urtraghus
A thought occurs, if Geno gets in Smash he'll also get an amiibo. OFFICIAL SMRPGLOT7S MERCH!
About that...

This signals the end of the Super Smash Bros. line.

Nintendo would be lying otherwise.


Creator of Lego Theory
May 22, 2012
Switch FC
About that...

This signals the end of the Super Smash Bros. line.

Nintendo would be lying otherwise.
Of this series at least.

Geno Boost

Smash Master
Jul 25, 2014
Star Hill. Why do you ask?
About that...

This signals the end of the Super Smash Bros. line.

Nintendo would be lying otherwise.
I think they just mean smash 4 I am sure smash 5 will happen but in the future.


Sep 28, 2015
United States, Florida
Hey guys.

I have very few doubts that Geno will make it into a new Smash game and/or a new Mario game. For quite a long time I thought one of my favorite characters, Dark Matter, didn't stand much of a chance of appearing again, but then Nintendo surprised us with Kirby Planet Robobot. That, along with the Geno Mii costume, the Smash Ballot, and Earthbound Beginnings changed my perspective of Nintendo. They seem to actually listen to the fans and want to appeal to them when It's the best decision. You could argue that they haven't brought back some of the popular series like F-Zero or normal Metroid, but they may just be waiting for the right moment to make the games.

Don't forget that fans have wanted Geno in since Brawl, and with the Mii costume, the number of supporters is only growing.

As for Geno's moveset, I was thinking Geno Whirl could work similarly to Luigi's side taunt, doing very small damage and knockback under normal conditions, but under special conditions, like being on or near the ledge, stunned, asleep etc, could work as a powerful attack or meteor smash.

Also please add me to the supporters list, thank you!


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
I've wanted Geno in Smash since Brawl, and it's really too bad that he never made it. But at least his existence was acknowledged with the Mii Gunner costume, which leads me to believe that Geno may have a chance. I thought of a moveset for him, if anyone is interested.
Neutral special: Geno Beam - Geno turns his arm into a laser cannon and begins to charge. Three red stars will appear on Geno's HUD to indicate the level of charge, and the more stars, the stronger the beam. A three star Geno Beam will do the most damage and knockback, a one-star Beam will do the least, and a two-star one will deal average damage. The charge cannot be stored, but it can be cancelled with a shield or roll.

Side special: Geno Whirl - Geno launches a disc of energy that penetrates enemies. Normally, the move will do 9%, but if the command is inputted again right as the disc hits an enemy, it will instead do 19% and large knockback, enough to KO an opponent.

Down special: Geno Boost - Geno raises his hands and vertical arrows begin to surround him. After about two seconds, he will finish his casting animation and for the next ten seconds, Geno will receive a 1.2x increase to the damage of his attacks. If B is pressed right as the final arrow disappears, he will also be granted a 1.2x increase in defense, receiving less damage and knockback. Getting KO'd, hit in mid-casting, or letting ten seconds pass will remove the buff, and Geno will have to cast the move again.

Up special: Geno Jet - Turning his hands into cannons, Geno blasts downwards to propel himself through the air. He can be controlled freely, but he will be defenseless as long as he is flying, and after some time, he will begin to fall.

Final Smash: Geno Blast - Geno raises his hands to the sky and launches a blast of light upwards. He then brings them downwards, causing multicolored beams to rain down on the stage and ravage enemies. The beams themselves are damaging, and the explosions they create upon impact are very powerful and can KO opponents easily.

Forward smash: Geno fires both of his fists forward like rockets. After traveling a short distance, they will disappear, and Geno will regrow new hands. This attack covers a good range in front of Geno and is very powerful, but it leaves him open and is easily avoided.

Down smash: Geno drops an explosive on either side of him that explodes shortly then after. Good at covering rolls, but has decent startup lag.

Up smash: Geno summons a star above him that deals three hits to anyone touching it before launching them. Good as an anti air, but has a lot of ending lag.

Neutral air: A star orbits twice around Geno that will damage anyone who comes into contact with it, making it a good defensive option.

Forward air: Geno delivers a magic-infused spinning kick forward that is good for spacing, comboing, and approaching, but is lacking in power.

Down air: Geno releases a grenade below him that will explode quickly and meteor smash anyone unlucky enough to be in its way. Good for harassing the opponent from above.

Back air: Using his Star Gun, Geno shoots a particularly powerful star behind him that deals mighty knockback to its victims. What it has in power, it lacks in speed, making precision necessary to use the move.

Side taunt: Looks to the screen and nods, a reference to his victory animation from SMRPG.

Down taunt: Reaches into his hat and pulls out a Mushroom, which will heal him for 3%, an Ice Bomb, which will freeze anyone too close to Geno, or some stardust, which does nothing.

Up taunt: Adjuste his cape, checks his weapon, then straightens his hat.
I can do more, but that's just an idea of things I've thought up overtime.
A thought occurs, if Geno gets in Smash he'll also get an amiibo. OFFICIAL SMRPGLOT7S MERCH!
By God, the money I would spend for a Geno amiibo... and it'd be meta, too.
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Smash Hero
May 12, 2014
Planet Urtraghus
Of this series at least.
I can see them making a whole new series of Super Smash Bros. amiibo, only this time it's related to the Nintendo Switch game (so it would have a specific name). If all characters have different poses in Smash 6, then I can see them all getting a new set of amiibo each, whilst the current Super Smash Bros. amiibo would be compatible. Amiibo probably makes Nintendo decent amount of money, so having 60+ again is probably something Nintendo would do.

If Geno was in Smash 6 and had an amiibo, the amiibo would be part of the Smash 6 line, not "Super Smash Bros. series" line.

I think they just mean smash 4 I am sure smash 5 will happen but in the future.
Smash 6 is the next game.
Smash 4 = Smash 3DS
Smash 5 = Smash WiiU

A job-listing posted by Bandai Namco in 2014 (and deleted soon afterwards) confirmed "Smash 6".

The Super Smash Bros. amiibo line is specifically for Smash 3DS and Smash WiiU, and has reached its end. It will not get any more amiibo. Nintendo would have to start a new Super Smash Bros. series line of amiibo, but it would be named accordingly to what Smash 6 would be.

Think of it like the situation with Super Mario series amiibo and Super Mario Odyssey amiibo lines, or The Legend of Zelda 30th Anniversary amiibo and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild amiibo lines.


Geno Boost

Smash Master
Jul 25, 2014
Star Hill. Why do you ask?
early concept arts of SMRPG monsters was discovered! and they look creepy as hell!

just look at how much punchinello has changed he used to have 2 wings and 3 legs and mushroom tail and sharp teeth and a skull instead of happy face.
i actually saw this few months ago but i didnt know they were early concept art of SMRPG
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Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
early concept arts of SMRPG monsters was discovered! and they look creepy as hell!

just look at how much punchinello has changed he used to have 2 wings and 3 legs and mushroom tail and sharp teeth and a skull instead of happy face.
i actually saw this few months ago but i didnt know they were early concept art of SMRPG
SMRPG always stuck out to me as having the oddest looking abominations out of all the Mario RPGs. Look at the Octovaders for example. What the **** are these things supposed to be?


Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
early concept arts of SMRPG monsters was discovered! and they look creepy as hell!

just look at how much punchinello has changed he used to have 2 wings and 3 legs and mushroom tail and sharp teeth and a skull instead of happy face.
i actually saw this few months ago but i didnt know they were early concept art of SMRPG
Belome looks pretty dead on. He's another one I'm surprised never re appeared.


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2013
Well, the Super NES Mini is real and Super Mario RPG is one of the games packed in it.

I'm definitely happy that Geno is getting more love.

I'm totes gonna pick one up when they become available.

Actually I'm hoping I can rebuild my game collection starting this season. I'll have to buy Earthbound first because it's cheaper in the summer, but afterward I'm definitely gonna try to get my hands on a Super Mario RPG cart.

Geno Boost

Smash Master
Jul 25, 2014
Star Hill. Why do you ask?
its been a long time but i came here to show off some of the SMRPG 3D renders that i have finished making that i havent posted here yet
so lets start:
Smithy tank head

as you see i added a glass because when he attacks in SMRPG his sprite shows that he wears a glass

next is Smithy mask head

next is Smithy treasure head

i tried to give it the same same details in the original sprites on the inside when he opens his head.

and lastly this is an unused SMRPG battle background that was shown in japan festival in 1995

oh and by the way i gave Jinx a new render and gave him a new hand and longer cape and fixed some stuff on him

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Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
its been a long time but i came here to show off some of the SMRPG 3D renders that i have finished making that i havent posted here yet
so lets start:
Smithy tank head

as you see i added a glass because when he attacks in SMRPG his sprite shows that he wears a glass

next is Smithy mask head

next is Smithy treasure head

i tried to give it the same same details in the original sprites on the inside when he opens his head.

and lastly this is an unused SMRPG battle background that was shown in japan festival in 1995

oh and by the way i gave Jinx a new render and gave him a new hand and longer cape and fixed some stuff on him

Love the Jynx.


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2013
its been a long time but i came here to show off some of the SMRPG 3D renders that i have finished making that i havent posted here yet
so lets start:
Smithy tank head

as you see i added a glass because when he attacks in SMRPG his sprite shows that he wears a glass

next is Smithy mask head

next is Smithy treasure head

i tried to give it the same same details in the original sprites on the inside when he opens his head.

and lastly this is an unused SMRPG battle background that was shown in japan festival in 1995

oh and by the way i gave Jinx a new render and gave him a new hand and longer cape and fixed some stuff on him

Please put them up for download.

Geno Boost

Smash Master
Jul 25, 2014
Star Hill. Why do you ask?
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Smash Champion
Jan 8, 2014
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Yomi's Biggest Fan

See You Next Year, Baby
Sep 20, 2011
Chicago, Illinois
Switch FC
This may be something on interest that may disappoint you all.

The Geno cameo that was originally in Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga is gone in the remake. I guess keeping him would have been too expensive.
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