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Make Your Move 3.0: It's over, it's done, moving on.

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Collective of Bears

King of Hug Style
Nov 10, 2007
North Carolina
Make Your Move 3.0
The Infinite Sakurai Theorem​

The Idea
From Fawriel

"The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type a particular chosen text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare."-Wikipedia

Now if we assume that there is an infinite number of alternate universes, that means there's also an infinite number of Sakurais, which means that there's an infinite number of Brawls, which means that every character who has ever existed will somehow make it into Brawl!

Now let's bring this totally scientific theorem to its completely illogical conclusion, right?

Make Your Move 3.0

What It Actually Is
The idea behind it is in some alternate universe characters you wanted to be in Brawl are in it! However this is not limited to Geno, Ashley, or an actual character. I can be anyone or anything, made in any way you can! This means anything---- And I mean anything--- Is possible.

Assist Trophies, Bosses, Items, Stages, Music, and Other Fun Extras:
You can make them as a seperate entry OR you can slap it on to a character post to make it more extensive.

The Threads

Make Your Move by Fawriel: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=125448
Make Your Move 2.0 by GreatClayMonkey: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=162985
Make Your Move 2.0 Winners Dojo by GreatClayMonkey: http://makeyourmove.5u.com/
Make Your Move 3.0 by Commander Blitzkrieg: ... You're already here.

Refer to these threads to look at older entries to see what it takes to win and/or find inspiration for your own entry.

The Almighty Rules

1. No flaming and spamming, don't multi post, you know, normal forum rules.
2. You can submit as many entries as you like, but try not to go overboard and submit 30. I am myself guilty of going overboard in 2.0 (I made 16 entries O_o)
3. If you make a character that has been already done in either 1, 2, OR 3, make sure the movesets are not too similar. Movesets that are eeriely similar to the point where one might think they were copied will not be accepted.
4. On the Topic of Pokemon: You may Submit 2 Pokemon entries. The number of Pokemon you may have is 2, and 2 is the number of Pokemon allowed. GOT IT? Good. Pokemon Trainer-style entries count as one entry.
5. Be thorough! A slapped-together set of Specials and a picture won't get in the top.
6. Have fun! I demand you, HAVE FUN!!! *points gun*


1) HAVE FUN -- Make sure the character you’re doing is one you actually like and can come up with a quality moveset for. Doing random characters you don’t know as well (yeah, it happens--"Anybody got any good ideas for a character to do??") isn’t likely to profit you anything.

2) LOOK IT UP! -- Don’t always assume you can quickly make a moveset in one sitting. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can’t, but don’t be afraid to look stuff up, even if it delays your moveset a bit. That could be a few hours, it could be days. Let it be. Take the time to make the moveset good.

3) SHOW ME YOUR COLORS -- Organize your entries. Most people prefer to use a little color, just to make things stand out. A massive wall of all-white text is hard to read. Use spaces, use colors, just organize it! The easier your entry is to read, the more people will actually read it and not give you some bogus comment about it.

4) THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX -- Punch-punch-kick is not always the answer. Always ask yourself how you can make your character unique. One thing I personally suggest that will help you do this is to name every move. You’ll start to feel dumb if every move is named “kick,” and it will help you think of more interesting actions. It won't be easy at first, but you'll get used to it. Just be creative.

5) LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION -- Check the recent posts before posting a moveset. If someone just posted an incredibly awesome moveset, or if the discussion on a moveset is still hot, wait. People may skip over your moveset if something is already going on or another great moveset takes the page’s spotlight.

6) TWO ENTRIES ARE BETTER THAN ONE -- The more entries you put in, the better the chances that people will start to notice you. Quite a few quality movesets were ignored in the last contest because they were the only one the particular user submitted. Don't go overboard, but make more than one moveset. Besides, the more you do, the better you'll get.

7) COMMENT -- If you're posting a lot and making sincere comments about others' work, chances are people will actually listen when you tell them to check out your movesets. Give and take, kids, give and take. Don't just expect people to recognize your awesome-ness immediately. You're gonna have to earn it, even if you can make the greatest moveset in the world.

The Voting

The winners will be determined by the Council Of Moveset Making In Every Sort (Or The C.O.M.M.I.E.S, for short. Yes, I intended it to come out that way) as well as by popular vote. After Popular Vote has ended, the Commies will come together and determine the 50 winners. As of now, the Commies consisit of:

Chris Lionheart
Chief Mendez*
Sonic the Baron*

*Added after the start of the competition
Red=Removed due to lack of activity or other factor

More members will be added by factors such as activity/contribution to the contest.

The Prize

The winners will be featured on a fake version of the Dojo. A whole site dedicated to those who labored over a hot keyboard for hours on end to make their dream a reality, even if it meant missing Muffin Day. Well, it might now have gotten THAT bad, but you get the idea.

The Ranks

By Chris Lionheart

By Chief Mendez

By SirKibble

By HeoandReo
http://makeyourmovesmash.blogspot.com/search/label/My Judgements

The List (by HeoandReo)

* = Done in a previous contest. I still have to check for them. Due to the new rules, these are allowed as long as there are few to no similarities.
** = Clone. For judgements and voting, specify which one you want to win, otherwise we'll all be confused.
*** = They have both of the above. I only made this one for Colette so far.
(smash) = A redone character already in the Smash games. This does not count for versions of characters(Paper Mario, Mask Link, etc.).
(OC) = An original character, to the best of my knowledge. It takes guts to make an original character, and skill to create a good one. Take a look at them and see if they got the stuff.

Page 1
Team Rocket: dancingfrogman
Pokemon Trainer (From Pokemon XD): smashbro29
Dry Bones: Iron Thorn
Chosen One: Sonic The Baron
Firestar: Darkurai

Page 2
Giygas: Darkurai
Baz: Commander Blitzkrieg
Mewtwo: Mario_And_Sonic_Guy (smash)**

Page 3
Paper Luigi: SirKibble
Bowser's Minions (Monty Mole/Blooper/Goomba/Koopa): The_Capt_Falcon_Master

Page 4
Clipit: agidius
Supercultist: cheap_josh (OC)
Ridley: SmashBrosMike*

Page 5
King K.Rool: SmashBrosMike*
Chao: dancingfrogman

Page 6
Joe Perry: IvoryFlame

Page 7
Teen Girl Squad (preview): Sonic The Baron
Timon & Pumbaa: BKupa666

Page 8
Ed: the melon!!!!!
Grey Fox: Chief Mendez
Xemnas: smashbot226
Lip: Spadefox
Astaroth: smashbot226

Page 9
The "Bombastic" Bag Man: IvoryFlame (OC)
Banjo Kazooie: Al_Di_Medola*
Teen Girl Squad: Sonic The Baron

Page 10
Dr. Eggman: KoJ

Page 11
Hunter: peeup
Plusle & Minun: kitsuneko345
Frosslass: Iron Thorn

Page 12
Ranaru: Harkness (OC)
Skull Kid: majora_787

Page 13
Big Daddy & Little Sister: KoJ

Page 14
Lloyd Irving: half_silver28*
Colette Brunel: half_silver28***
Richter: darkserenade

Page 16
Squall Leonheart: Dark Paladin X

Page 17
Colette Brunel: Jiggy37***

Page 18
Servbot: PKSkyler
Light & Ryuk: MarthTrinity
Black Shadow: Illusive

Page 19
Chris Lionheart (older): Chris Lionheart (OC)
Dan Hibiki: HeoandReo
Staraptor (preview): Cease Tick
Goomba: Illusive

Page 20
This Game's Winner: Sonic The Baron (OC)
Team Big Shots: Commander Blitzkrieg
Uuber Man: KoJ
Cutman: SirKibble
Renji: BronzeBlade7

Page 23
Inuyasha: BronzeBlade7

Page 25
Crono: Ilucamy

Page 26
Jade: darkserenade

Page 27
Lil' Slugger: MarthTrinity
Elite Beat Agents: InfernoRage1

Page 28
Jade (Part 2): darkserenade
Gilius Thunderhead: Spadefox

Page 30
Computer Trolley: evilgidgit
Nintendogs: Iron Thorn

Page 31
Brian (Quest 64): HyperFalcon
Mystery Men: Commander Blitzkrieg
Tingle: B.B.*

Page 32
Lucky Day: Sonic The Baron
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Box: Darkurai
Jirachi: Smasherk808

Page 33
HeoandReo: HeoandReo

Page 34
Staraptor: Cease Tick
The Secret Apprentice/Starkiller: xX Boezy Xx
Youko: Darkurai
The Chosen One (2): SirKibble

Page 35
Mama Luigi: Sonic The Baron

Page 36
Rouge the Bat: Spadefox
Indiana Jones: BKupa666
Shroob: IvoryFlame

Page 37
Toadsworth: Stroupes
Negi-Kun: Negi-Kun

Page 38
King Arthur (Monty Python): InfernoRage1
Chun-Li: HeoandReo

Page 40
Cutlass: cheap_josh (OC)
Santa Claus: BronzeBlade7

Page 42
Buzz Lightyear: TheSundanceKid*

Page 43
Ray Fox: BO X7 (OC)
Animator & Animation: peeup

Page 45
Sword Ganondorf: SkylerOcon

Page 46
Blaziken: Dark Paladin X

Page 47
Anise: darkserenade

Page 48
Nintendogs: Iron Thorn (Again)

Page 50
Stanislav "Spade" Serkov: Spadefox (OC)
Roger Rabbit: Sonic The Baron
Dry Bowser: dancingfrogman

Page 51
Doopliss: Meadow
Gigan: Commander Blitzkrieg

Page 52
Poltergust Luigi: -Giga-

Page 53
Paladin: peeup

Page 54
MissingNo: Spadefox
Peter Griffin: mantlecore77

Page 55
Egoraptor: MarthTrinity
Mewtwo: UtterKhaos (smash) **

Page 56
The CEO: cheap_josh (OC)
Akabane/Dr. Jackal: Eternal Smasher

Page 57
Xigbar: smashbot226
Silver the Hedgehog: Spadefox

Page 58
Emeril Lagasse: the melon!!!!!

Page 60
Vulturon: Hyper_Ridley
Hayden Tenno: xX Boezy Xx

Page 61
Sora: Conspiricy

Page 63
Dalek: KoJ

Page 64
DK Crew: MarthTrinity
Plusle & Minun: kitsuneko345
White Air Knight: HyperFalcon

Page 65
Shadowrunner: smashbot226
Philip the Forest Bear: cheap_josh
Worm Soldier: SirKibble

Page 66
Blaze the Cat: Spadefox
Phoenix Wright: Chief Mendez
Decus: darkserenade
Chaos: Spadefox

Page 67
Ridley: Mario_And_Sonic_Guy

Page 68
Gemini Spark: Spadefox
Donald & Goofy: mantlecore77
ChuChu, Coo, Kine, Nago, Pitch, and Rick: Smasherk808

Page 69
The Soldier: Eldrake
Bowser: BKupa666

Page 70
Shadow: Spadefox
Sol Badguy: smashbot226
Death Sword: majora_787
Apollo: Dryn

Page 72
The Delicious One: TheSundanceKid

Page 73
Viewtiful Joe: BlueYoshiPinkShoes

Page 74
Monkey D. Luffy: KoJ

Page 75
Bad Mr. Frosty: mantlecore77

Page 76
The Kid(I Wanna Be The Guy): Darkurai

Page 77
Pidgeotto: TWILTHERO

Page 78
Nova: mutalisk332


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Chicago, IL

Nephenee, the amazing female Halberdier from Fire Emblem has joined the brawl!


Nephenee harks from the Fire Emblem series, and her first appearance was in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance for the GCN, also appearing in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn for the Wii. She was born into a very big family with many siblings in a rural area of Tellius. She is a devastating fighter, especially in her third form, the Sentinel Class. When using the Wishblade lance, not many can stand before her without getting easily struck down, especially with her devastating 5 hit Impale mastery skill. Nephenee's attacks do the most damage when hit with the tip of her lance, kind of like Marth.



A: A quick slash with her lance, about 3%
AA: Lance Slash, then a kick like Ike's second hit in his A combo, first 2 hits do 7% combined.
AAA: After the kick, Nephenee sweeps the bottom of her lance around waist level, full combo does 13% damage, third hit has OK knockback.


>/< Tilt: Nephenee stabs forward, good range (about two character lengths forward), does about 12% damage, but has horrible knockback, definitely not a move meant for killing, meant more for messing up approaches on the ground. This move is very quick on the way out and the way back.
^Tilt: Nephenee brings her lance up in an arc over her head, looks kind of like Marth's Utilt, but it is faster and has more lag after the attack. Not as good for kills as Usmash, but does 14% damage, just has bad knockback. This attack has the range to hit someone's waist if they were on top of Nephenee.
vTilt: Probably Nephenee's best Tilt, not because of damage or knockback, but because it is very quick, and has better range than MK's Dtilit (if that's even possible). It also infinites against walls making it very helpful on stages such as Corneria and Delfino Plaza. The range is only slightly better than MK's but also beats it out.


Neutral B, Javelin Toss: Fairly self explanatory, Nephenee grabs a javelin out of seemingly nowhere and throws it forward, slight lag as Nephenee pulls it out, almost no cooldown lag. this attack will travel downwards at a 45 degree angle if used in the air. This attack does about 10% damage when fresh, but this has pretty bad knockback. This could theoretically be spammed, although it doesn't really have any hitstun so you can't use it like Pit's arrows. This will keep going until it hits a platform or goes off the screen, but you can throw another while the first is in the air.

</> B, Adept: Like the move with the same name in Nephenee's games, this is a two hit attack kind of like Link and TL's Fsmash, but also a little like Marth's side B because you can choose to hit with just the first hit or continue on to the second attack. The first hit does more damage than the second, and each hit adds to move regeneration separately, not as the attack, but per hit. The first hit does 8% damage, the second hit does 7%. The first hit has almost no knock back, and the second hit has a good amount. When tipped, the first hit does 10% and the second does 8%. If the first hit tips, so will the second. This attack has OK range, About the same as Marth's Fsmash.

^B, Corkscrew Stab: Nephenee spins in the direction that you input after the initial up-b. If you do not input a different direction, Nephenee will go straight up, and be vulnerable on the way down. This has a very quick start up, but a pretty long cooldown. This attack will do continuous damage if you hit with the attack, like MK's Side B, but this cannot b DI'ed out of. If all attacks hit, it will do 12% damage with almost no knock back. If you tip the first hit then i will do 15% damage and knock the opponent about 2 character lengths away. This attack will send you about as far as Marth's Up B for recovery purposes.

vB, Counter: Nephenee goes into a defensive position, like Marth and Ike do when they use Counter, but Nephenee's is different. When Nephenee is hit during the animation, she swings her lance around knee level, does .8% of the attack she is hit with, but knocks the opponent about 3-4 character lengths away and the they trip automatically. The will not trip if they are hit into the air. This attack has a base damage of 6% if the attack would normally do less.


Fsmash: Nephenee sweeps her lance two character lengths in front of her from the ground upwards like Marth's Ftilt, good range, not too laggy, almost no cooldown, barely any startup. Not great knockback. The tip of the lance does 14% damage fresh, untipped does 12% dmage fresh. Not a great killer, kills upwards of 160% fresh when tipped, upwards of 175% fresh untipped.

Usmash: Nephenee stabs upwards, hitting an enemy up to twice Nephenee's height, but good knockback, so not as good for juggling at high percentages as you might think it would with worse knock back. The tip does 19% damage fresh while untipped it does 16% damage fresh. A good killer, especially on stages with low ceilings. Pretty fast, relatively long cooldown because she leaves it up for about .5 seconds.

Dsmash: Nephenee first stabs in front of her with the blade of her lance, but then stabs the butt of the lance backwards into the opponent. This attack has OK knockback on the tip, terrible knockback on the butt. It does 16% fresh tipped, 13% untipped on the front end, and the butt will do 11% damage and only kill at upwards of 200% damage. This attack is slower than MK's Dsmash, but slightly faster than Marth's Dsmash.


Nair: Nephenee spins her lance around in front of her three times. Only the third hit has knockback and the first to *gasp* have hitstun, making it impossible to DI out of. Nephenee's lance isn't too much taller than she is, therefore it only hits at close range. The only way to not hit with all of the hits is to land during the move before the third hit. The first two hits do 3%, and the third does 5% damage with OK knock back. This does auto-cancel. This kills at upwards of 160% in the middle of FD. This move always tips because it is so close to Nephenee.

Fair: A sweep from shoulder height down to ankle height, probably Nephenee's best aerial. When tipped, this move does 14% damage, untipped it does 12%. Good knock back, great for gimping, and it kills from the middle of FD at around 135%. This has the range of Marth's Fair, with almost no lag.

Bair: Probably Nephenee's second best aerial-when it hits. This move is a stab backwards as Nephenee turns around, but it has very good knock back and when tipped it will do 15% damage and kill from the middle of FD at around 130%. Untipped it will do 13% damage with way worse knock back, and will kill at around 175% at the middle of FD. The hit box is about a character length and a half away, and lingers for half a second, and is then quickly pulled back, but the stab is relatively slow.

Uair: Nephenee's worst kill move, probably her worst move overall. It is super laggy on the way out and has a lot of cool down. It has about the range of Link's Uair, but it's way worse, since it doesn't have a lingering hitbox. It does 13% damage tipped and 10% damage not tipped.

Dair: Nephenee's Dair does meteor smash when tipped. It is kind of like a mixture of Link and R.O.B.'s Dair. What I mean is that Nephenee stabs it down below her, but pulls it back quickly. Because of this, it is not laggy and Nephenee doesn't need to worry very much about falling lower than she can recover when using this. It does 15% damage tipped (plus the meteor smash) and 11% not tipped. The range is about that of Link's Dair. this move is way better than say Marth's dair because it is pretty much the same thing without the lag.


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
Yes it's opened. I'll pot my first moveset.

Team Rocket (Jessie and James)

Team Rocket is an evil organization bent on world domination. Headed byGiovanni, their plans to steal and exploit Pokémon for profit and power is a central plot device used throughout the series. According to the anime, the organization only has bases in the Kanto and Johto regions, however that does not stop the show's antagonist trio of Jessie, James, and Meowth from following Ash Ketchum to other areas around the Pokémon world. Often, members of Team Rocket are broken up into pairs in order to perform specific heists - like Jessie and James.

Unlocked message: its double trouble, Team Rocket has joined the Brawl

Notes (for all):
Arbok and lickytung get sent out of Jessies pokeballs, while james sends out cacnea and victorybell, Meowth just jumps to the playing field.Team Rockets pokemon don’t get fatiqued, but you are still forced to change pokemon when you get knocked off, also, being a five-in-one character, so you will have to pick your pokemon to the situation, also, it takes 1 second to change pokemon, you first send out another pokemon, and the pokemon you were currently using runs back to jessie and james, then get put back into the pokeball, Meowth takes 0.5 seconds to come out as he doesn’t come from a pokeball, to select the chosen pokemon, when you press down b, you have to press the a button to choose the pokemon for example (look below, the order changes depending what pokemon you using) also when you press down b, all four of the characters head appear near your current percentage with the button you need to press, so you know which button to press to get what character! if you pressed down-b by accident, press z so you can move again!

when you are Arbok wanting to change pokemon
press a to be victreebel
press b to be meowth
press x to be lickitung
press y to be cacnea

when you are Victreebel wanting to change pokemon
press a to be meowth
press b to be lickitung
press x to be cacnea
press y to be arbok

when you are meowth wanting to change pokemon
press a to be lickitung
press b to be cacnea
press x to be arbok
press y to be victreebel

when you are lickitung wanting to change pokemon
press a to be cacnea
press b to be arbok
press x to be victreebel
press y to be meowth

when you are cacnea wanting to change pokemon
press a to be arbok
press b to be victreebel
press x to be meowth
press y to be lickitung

Arbok (the all-rounder):

A reptilian with purple scales over most of its body. It has lost the rattle it had on its tail as an Ekans. Like a cobra, it can spread out its ribs into a hood. On its "hood", it has a design much like an angry face. The frightening patterns on its belly have been studied. Six variations have been confirmed. It has a nasty bite with deadly venom. Terrifically strong, it is capable of crushing opponents by coiling its body around them and constricting. It can even flatten steel oil drums. If it encounters an enemy, it raises its head, intimidating the opponent with the frightening pattern on its body.

Power: 6.9/10
Walking Speed: 4.1/10
Dash speed: 7.2/10
Range: 8.3/10 Tail sweeping has great range
Projectile distance: 7.9/10
Drop speed/weight: 6.6/10
Size: 7.2/10
1st jump: 5.2/10:
2nd Jump: 6.3/10:
Crouch: 9.2/10
Traction: 7.3/10
Combo: 7.8/10
Wall jump: no
Wall cling: no
Crawling: Yes 9/10
Glide: no
Tether: no


Neutral B: Poison Sting: You charge it up for 4 seconds, and you can store it, Poison sting is as hard to see as sheiks needles, also the more you charge up, the more Sting needles you spit out, the final sting needle will make the enemy engulfed in darkness, which if it hit, will act like an flower head, doing 7%, when it’s uncharged, it will send out 1 Sting Needle (7%), when Fully charged, you’ll send 5 Sting Needles, every Sting needle does 3%, apart from the last hit. This has some ending lag.

Forward B: Gunk Shot: You charge up for 3 seconds, this isn’t storable, and it moves similar to Mario’s fire ball, just further. The longer you charge it, the bigger/further/stronger it becomes. When you use it, you’ll spit out a Big, purple ball, resembling poison, it moves quite slowly, and when it bounces, it bounces quite high.
When it’s uncharged, it will do 9% and low knockback, when it’s completely charged, it will do 19%, and mid-high knockback, you can’t spam this due to ending lag.

Up B: Haze: This does no damage, and covers the distance 1.5 of Lucarios Up-b, at the same time, covers the area of the recovery of a light brown smoke about 1 meter away from the body, on the floor, he does a giant cloud of light brown smoke in-front of you, you can aim it up and down, this could be used as some mind games, this is even more effective in 2v2 battles. the has some start-up lag.

Neutral a: Arbok bites twice, and then he turns round to do a tail whip (3%,3% 5%)

Hold down a: continually doing his first bite

F-tilt: Arbok turns around facing the other way, and sends his tail far backwards, this has good range, and it’s not that strong, and doesn’t do that much knockback, this does 9%, this has little lag.

F-smash: His tail glows bright white, and when you unleash it, he swings his tail around himself; this does little damage, but does KO knockback at 110% for Mario. This has some start up lag, but little ending lag. When uncharged, this does 16% and high-low knockback, when charged, this does 21% and high-high knockback. This has heavy Start-up lag, like the spped of Unleashing snakes F-smash.

U-tilt: He leans onto his head, and send his tail upwards, while waggling it. This does mid knockback and does 10%, can be used to set up combos at early Percentages. Little lag on all sides.

Up-smash: Arbok does a front flip, this has great range, this has little starting lag and ending lag, this also does some nice knockback. This does 18% uncharged and mid-mid knockback, when charged, this does 23%, and does high knockback.

D-tilt: Arbok leans forward while in a crouched position, and does an ankle bite, this is weak and damage and knockback, but can trip someone and has good range, this does 6%

D-smash: He stands on his tail, and quickly sweeps the floor, this is a good crowd remover, but this isn’t a KO move, while this move ends very quick and with little lag. When uncharged, this does 14%, and mid-low knockback. When charged, this does 19%, and mid knockback.

Dash attack: Arbok jumps and lunges forward, this is a good KO move, but this has some punishable lag at the end of it, this does 11%, and high knockback


Nair: he leans his body back, and spins his tail up and down in a circle; this can do 6 constructive hits, which can do a maximum of 15%. This has mid knockback, has some lag at the end of it.

Fair: he quickly shoots his tail forward, you can perform 2 of this move in one short hop, and this has near no start up lag or ending lag. This does 10%, and does mid-low knockback

Bair: Arbok twirls his tail round multiple times, this can do good damage, and is a very good shield eater, while this has some landing lag, this can easily be auto cancelled, this does 15%, and mid-low knockback

Uair: sticks his head up similar to charizards uair, this can juggle people at low percentages, this only does 6%, so this should be used to link moves into each other.

Dair: While facing the camera, Arbok spins forward twice very quickly, this is a meteor smash, and if you miss it the first time, there’s always a chance you’ll hit the foe again. This does 13% on both tail slams, this has some ending lag.


Grab attack: He tightens the grip by squeezing the foe, this does 4%

F-throw: Flings the foe forward, this does mid-low knockback, and 9%

B-throw: Grabs the enemy with his teeth, and throws them backwards, this does 10%, and mid-low knockback

U-throw: leaning on his back, he spins his tail and throws the foe upwards, this has mid-low knockback, and does 11%, could be used to start a combo with uair.

D-throw: While still holding the foe tightly, he smashes the foes bottom on the floor, and lets go, this does 12% and mid knockback.


Front is on the floor: he smacks his tail in one direction then gets up. This does 11%

Back is on the floor: does a back flip on to his head, and then springs up onto his normal stance; the back flip does 11%.

Edge attack over 100%: he sends his head up, this lacks any range, and this does 8%

Edge attack under 100%: Sweeps with his tail, this can cause tripping, this does 10%

Up: Arbok tickles his chin with his tail
Side: Twirls around chasing his tail
Down: Moves on the ground without moving, just moving his body left to right

Victory Taunts:
1: Arbok Hazes the screen, and when the haze fades, Arbok isn’t there.
2: Jessie and James start throwing Arbok up and down.
3: Arbok slowly rises from the ground onto his tail.

Lickitung (the strong one):

The most famous feature Lickitung possesses is a long prehensile tongue, which it uses to manipulate objects and possibly to consume them, aside from being very receptive to all sorts of tastes, it is also very dexterous. It also has pink skin with yellow markings on its belly and a thick tail. Licks from its 6' 6" long tongue can paralyze foes. Its saliva is gooey and sticks to everything.

Power: 8.0/10
Walking Speed: 3.1/10
Dash speed: 4.1/10
Range: 7.3/10
Projectile distance: N/A/10
Drop speed/weight: 8.2/10
Size: 7.4/10
1st jump: 4.3/10:
2nd Jump: 5.2/10:
Crouch: 5.1/10
Traction: 5.3/10
Combo: 6.3/10
Wall jump: no
Wall cling: no
Crawling: no
Glide: no
Tether: no

Neutral B: Roll-out: It’s the same as Jigglypuff roll-out, instead it does 23% fully charged and High-mid knockback, it travels faster as well, but it’s harder to recovery with, as it travels in the air in a 45 degree angle, so it’s useless in recovering.

Forward B: Body Slam, its animation is similar to Bowser Forward B, just without the grappling part, Lickitung jumps up high, and falls down very fast in the air at a 35 degree angle downward. If you are hit in the time when lickitung goes down, you get pushed downward in the direction Lickitung goes. This does a maximum of 23%, and high-mid knockback, it sends the foes upwards. If you miss it, the ending lag is quite long (as long as Bowsers down B ending lag).

Up-B: SmellingSalt: You gain as much horizontal distance as Bowser up-b, and the height of Donkey kongs, Lickitung does 3 somersaults before lunging forwards, if you get hit by one of the somersault, it will do 13%, an the knockback will push them forward so far that it doesn’t get hit by another somersault, but not far ahead of lickitung.

Neutral A: One move, quickly sticks his tongue straight forward, this does 9%, and Low-high knockback, got some ending lag

Hold down a: Does the neutral a combo

F-tilt: Does a quickly turn around with his tail sticking out. This does 12%, and mid knockback.

F-smash: He extends his Tongue out behind him, and when you unleash the smash, Lickitung sends the tongue downward, this has good knockback, and has meteor smash properties. When uncharged, this does 21% and high knockback, when charged, this does 26% and high-high knockback, this has start-up lag as well as ending lag.

U-tilt: move his head slightly back a bit, and shoots his tongue upwards quite quick, this does 13%, and mid-low knockback, this comes out very quickly.

U-smash: Lickitung violently spins his tongue in a big circle, this takes a while to end, but this is a good KO move, this can hurt people who are side by side of him. When uncharged, this does 20% and high-low knockback, and when charged, this does 25% and high-high knockback, this has heavy ending lag.

D-tilt: Lickitung slides his tongue on the floor a bit, the may cause tripping, this does 12%, and low knockback, this has good range.

D-smash: He sticks his tongue on the floor, and slides it on the floor, the area which he slid will be wet, which will make tripping happen more by 6.25%, the tongue does good knockback on its tip, when uncharged, this does 19% and mid-high knockback, when charged, this does 24%, and high-low knockback, this has little ending lag.

Dash attack: Lickitung will jump up with his belly stuck out; this does mid-mid knockback, and does 15%.


Nair: Lickitung will twirl around quite quickly, with his tongue stretched out; this has good range, and does mid knockback and 14%, this has ending lag as well.

Fair: He sticks his tongue up in the air, then slams it down, at the downwards arc, it’s a meteor smash, this does 13% and mid-high knockback, has some starting and ending lag.

Bair: Sticks his two legs backwards, this comes out quick and is quite strong, this does 12% and mid knockback, I guess the animation is similar to dededes Bair.

Uair: Leaning a bit back, he sticks his tongue right up and twirls it, this does 5 constructive hits, and max damage it can do is 15%, this does mid-low knockback, and has little ending lag.

Dair: Stall-then-fall, he holds his legs and arms close together, then launches himself downwards, does high-low knockback, but has punishable lag at the end of it, this does 14%.


Grab attack: does a standard head butt while the opponents wrapped round his tongue, this does 4%

F-throw: throws the foe a tiny bit forward, and belly slam the opponent, this does high-low knockback, and 14%.

B-throw: unwraps his tongue which makes them go back spinning, which has massive hit stun, so this can easily chain grab, this does 7%, and the knockback is always the same.

U-throw: Throws the foe upwards with his tongue. Nothing special does 8% and low-high knockback.

D-throw: he slams the foe on the floor, then butt stomps them when they are on the floor. This does 11% and mid knockback, this sends them upwards.


Front is on the floor: Kicks in both directions (6%) little knockback.

Back is on the floor: punches in both directions (5%) little knockback.

Edge attack over 100%: Crawls on then does a weak tail spin (7%) little knockback.

Edge attack under 100%: swipes the floor with his Tongue (10%) low-high knockback.

Up: he spins around with his tongue up
Side: Licks the back of his head
Down: Stomps on the ground

Victory Taunts:
1: Jessie and James hug lickitung.
2: Lickitung bounces up and down on his tongue
3: Lickitung licks Jessie, who then puts him in the pokeball, looking angry.

Meowth (the light, fast person):

Meowth has a distinctly feline appearance, resembling a small house cat. It has cream-colored fur, which turns brown at its paws and tail tip. Its oval-shaped head features prominent whiskers, no nose, black-and-brown ears and a gold oval coin (also known as "charm") embedded in its forehead. Meowth's coloration, its love of coins (see Special abilities) and its charm indicate that Meowth is based on the Japanese Maneki Neko, a cat-shaped figurine that is said to bring good luck and money to its owner. Meowth are valued for their ability to collect coins using Pay Day. Meowth is the only known Pokémon that learns Pay Day. Meowth is also known to be one of two non-legendary Pokémon that can speak Human language.

Power: 6.2/10
Walking Speed: 7.2/10
Dash speed: 8.3/10
Range: 3.9/10
Projectile distance: 7.9/10
Drop speed/weight: 4.6/10
Size: 4.2/10
1st jump: 7.2/10:
2nd Jump: 6.8/10:
Crouch: 4.2/10
Traction: 7.5/10
Combo: 6.9/10
Wall jump: Yes
Wall cling: no
Crawling: no
Glide: no
Tether: no


Neutral B: Payday: it’s the same as Meowths pokeball attack now, basically you have to tap it fast to send as much Pay-day coins as the one meowth does, very coin does 2%/1%, and the coins push you back, also it’s easy to DI out of, also some ending lag after use.

Forward B: Slash: this does a very quick claw, and the slash covers a good distance for Meowths small range, it has the same properties as Melees Bowsers Forward B just out of the grabbing range (just less knockback), this does 13% and mid knockback, and send the foe in a slanted vertical direction, has little ending lag, and a tiny bit of start-up lag

Up-B: Night Slash: a ghostly arm which is double as big than meowths arm, it covers the distance of wolfs recovery, you can aim at all directions possible, this has some start-up lag, meowth lunges forward with his arm out, Night slash is a good surprise attack, so don’t be predictable with it, I with contact with this move, you’ll get knocked back, this does 13%, and mediocre Knockback, this has near no ending lag.

Neutral A: first claws with his left hand, then his right hand, then does a small spin kick, this does 3%3% and 5%

Hold down a: Continually slash with the first part of the neutral a combo.

F-tilt: Leans forward and sticks his right claw out, this does 10%, and Low knockback, this is really quick with no lag.

F-smash: Meowth claws with his right hand, then Claws with his left hand, this is very quick, and is useful for being a KO move, when uncharged, this does 15% and mid knockback, when charged, this does 20% and does high knockback. This has very little ending lag

U-tilt: Performs a quick handstand which sends the enemy straight up, this does 10% and is very quick, this does Low-high knockback.

U-smash: Meowth claws 3 times in the air, this is also very quick, this can rack up good damage, and this has near no ending lag, when uncharged, this does 18% if hit right, this does mid-low knockback, and when charged, this does 23%, and does mid-high knockback.

D-tilt: Meowth sweeps his tail around, this can cause tripping, this does low knockback and 8%.

D-smash: Meowth claws in both side-by-side directions at the same time; this is a good crowd supporter. When uncharged, this does 17% and mid knockback, when charged, this does 22% and high knockback, this also has no start up and ending lag.

Dash attack: Jumps up with both feet facing forward, this does mid knockback and 12% and has little ending lag.


Nair: Spins around with his claws out, similar animation to Falcos Nair, this lacks good range and does low knockback, but this can rack up 14% when hit right, comes out quick, with little ending and landing lag.

Fair: Similar to wolfs Fair, this is meowths strongest aerial knockback wise, this does 11% and mid-high knockback, this has landing lag.

Bair: Kicks back twice, the first kick does 5% and the second does 7%, this does mid-low knockback, this has a tiny bit of ending lag.

Uair: does front flip while facing the screen, this does 12% and mid-low knockback, can be used to juggle opponents, has a tiny bit of start up and ending lag.

Dair: Meowth has his whole body pointing downwards, Meowth does 3 swipes downwards, all the swipes do 4%/5%, this has some landing lag, and this does mid-low knockback.


Grab attack: Stabs the foe in the head with his claws, this does 4%

F-throw: Meowth holds the foe by holding his hand into the foes chin, and releases them when he moves his hand up, this does 11% and mid-low knockback.

B-throw: Similar to Pikachus B-throw, Meowth rolls into a ball with the enemy and rolls backwards a bit before releasing, this does 10% and mid-low knockback.

U-throw: Kicks the enemy upwards into the air, this does 7% and mid-low knockback.

D-throw: He sits on the foe who’s on the floor, and stabs the foe numerous times in the face before releasing, this does 13%, and mid knockback


Front is on the floor: Stabs directly upwards, and then stands up, this does 6% and low knockback.

Back is on the floor: does a front flip onto his feet, this does 7% and low-high knockback.

Edge attack over 100%: crawls up and does a short ranged claw, this does 6% and low knockback.

Edge attack under 100%: Sticks his foot out, this does 5% and low-low knockback.

Up: Slash’s twice saying “meowth”
Side: flips his coin up saying “Look out, I’m coming”
Down: Slash’s multiple of times saying “it’s nice to meet meowth”

Victory Taunts:
1: While Jessie and James throw meowth up and down saying “I just came from worst to first”
2: He sticks his right hand up, saying “and just remember, I’m the top cat.”
3: Meowth dances a little bit saying “Looks like I made you look like a fool”

Victreebel (the heavy, projectile user):

Victreebel has the same shape as Weepinbell, only upside-down. There are four sharp teeth in Victreebel's mouth. Victreebel has a leaf covering its mouth that has a long, brown vine with a yellow tip growing out of it. Victreebel lures prey into its mouth with sweet-smelling scents, then clamps down, trapping it.

Power: 7.8/10
Walking Speed: 3.9/10
Dash speed: 5.2/10
Range: 7.3/10
Projectile distance: 8.4/10
Drop speed/weight: 7.5/10
Size: 8.2/10
1st jump: 6.4/10:
2nd Jump: 5.8/10:
Crouch: 4.1/10
Traction: 6.2/10
Combo: 6.9/10
Wall jump: no
Wall cling: no
Crawling: no
Glide: no
Tether: yes


Neutral B: Vine whip: Victreebel would stretch his vine in front of him, and anyone caught in it would get sucked into his mouth, taking many hits from it, while it chomping, it’ll do 13% (you have to tap it to do max damage), and then you basically throw them out the same distance as when Wario spits someone out. If you miss, there is some ending lag on it.

Side B: Sleep Powder: Victreebel shakes his leafs to produce a spore of sleep, which covers the size of ganondorf lying down in front of him. This doesn’t take long to end, but if you miss, it’s still easily punishable. As you can expect, this does no Knockback or damage.

Up-B: Leaf storm: this covers 1.5 distance of squirtles recovery, and it moves like it too. When you use it in the air, victreebel spins round, while a bunch of leafs fall down, this does no damage of knockback in the air, but on the ground, a bunch of leafs circle Victreebel very fast doing little knockback, but this racks up damage, if you hit right, you can do 30% with it, the final hit sends them back. This also has little starting and ending lag as well.

Neutral A: Victreebel slices with his right leaf (which does 3%), then with his left (which does 4%) this has low knockback.

F-tilt: Victreebel sends his vine forward, this has good range, and little lag, and this does 11% and low-high knockback.

F-smash: Victreebel first swipes his vine around him, and at 0.2 seconds of doing this, He swings his whole body round, this has little ending lag. When uncharged, the vine does 9% and the body does 13% and mid-high knockback. When charged, the vine does 11% and the body does 16%, and also does high knockback.

U-tilt: Victreebel sends his vine up-wards, this does 11% and low-high knockback; this has great range and can be used to juggle opponents.

U-smash: while facing the screen, Victreebel goes up-side down and sways side to side like a bell very quickly, this is comes out quick, but has ending lag. When uncharged this does 20% and high-low knockback, when charged, this does 25% and high-high knockback.

D-tilt: Sweeps his vine in front of him, this has satisfactory range, and may cause tripping; this does 8% and low knockback.

D-smash: this is poor in damage and knockback; this is best used for crowd support, Victreebel spins his vine around himself, this has little lag and comes out quick. When uncharged, this does 14% and mid-low knockback, when charged, this does 19% and mid-high knockback.

Dash attack: He brakes and slices with his right hand, this does 8% and low-high knockback.


Nair: Victreebel whips his vine whip similar to Zamus’s Nair; this is quick with no ending lag, this does 12% and mid-low knockback.

Fair: Victreebel whips his vine downwards, this has some start-up lag, and what’s its worth it’s not all that great. This does 12% and mid-low knockback

Bair: this is a good KO move; Victreebel sticks his body backwards, which does 13% and high-low knockback

Uair: Victreebel spins in the air similar to Kirby’s Nair (just not as quick); this covers a good range and can juggle people, this does 12% and mid knockback.

Dair: this is a spike, Victreebel first holds his body upwards a bit, then slams his body downwards, this does 14% and doesn’t need to sweetspot to hit the spike, this does have some start up and ending lag.

Grabs: this is a tether

Grab attack: Hits the foe with the leaf on his head, this does 4%.

F-throw: He first spins his vines, then he lets them go, this does 10% and mid-low knockback.

B-throw: he toss’s the foe with his vine over his head, this does 10% and mid-low knockback.

U-throw: He puts the enemy in his mouth, then spits them up-wards, this does 12% and mid knockback

D-throw: Sticks the foe on the floor, then sweep them backwards, this does 11% and low-high knockback.


Front is on the floor: he spins around with his leaves out, this does 6% and low knockback

Back is on the floor: he vines whip first to his left and then his right while getting up, this does 9% and mid knockback

Edge attack over 100%: he slices the air horizontally, poor knockback and damage, only does 5% and low knockback.

Edge attack under 100%: he vines whip in front of him, decent range, this does 10% and mid-low knockback.

Up: sticks his vine up and wiggles it.
Side: Leaves fall around him
Down: Spins his vine around and around.

Victory Taunts:
1: Victreebel is on top of James head, who throws him onto the ground
2: Makes Jessie and James a sleep with sleep powder, and Victreebel looks like he doesn’t know what happened
3: spins his Vine around and around.

Cacnea (the small one):

Cacnea are round, green Pokémon that are primarily found in deserts and otherenvironments. It has to stubby, cone-shaped feet. Cacnea has Cacnea's head. Cacnea has two club-like arms that are dotted with spikes. Aside from its numerous poison abilities, Cacnea also carries Sand Veil. In a Sandstorm, Cacnea's ability to avoid attacks is raised, giving it a sort of home field advantage. Cacnea, and its evolution, Cacturne, are the only known Pokémon that learn Needle Arm.

Power: 6.9/10
Walking Speed: 7.3/10
Dash speed: 7.6/10
Range: 5.2/10
Projectile distance: 7.5/10
Drop speed/weight: 4.4/10
Size: 4.1/10
1st jump: 6.6/10:
2nd Jump: 7.0/10:
Crouch: 2/10
Traction: 6.4/10
Combo: 6.9/10
Wall jump: no
Wall cling: yes
Crawling: no
Glide: no
Tether: no


Neutral B: Needle Arm: This takes a short time to charge up (2 seconds), the needles travel so fast, that it looks like a mini light ray, the longer you charge it, the stronger and bigger it gets (you always shoot 3 needles), when uncharged, it will only do 4%, and the angles it goes is 0 degrees, 10 degrees, and 20 degrees, when completely charged, each one will do 9% damage, and it goes 0 degrees, 20 degrees and 40 degrees, it will always do low-low knockback

Forward-B: Leech seed: Cacnea would throw a seed at the foe, if it hits, vines would shortly appear, doing 1% every seconds, and the vines go away. If you miss, vines will appear on the floor, if the foe runs into the vines, they’ll trip up, if you use cacnea, this move should definitely be used.

Up-B: Sandstorm: recovers a great vertical and mediocre Horizontal distance. You have to tap it to get distance, sand storm surrounds Cacnea higher than itself, and it’s only open from the top. This has much priority as Metaknights Mach Tornado, and this can rack up 22% hit from the start to the end, the last hit knocks the enemy back, this works the same on the floor.


Neutral A: Cacnea punches first with his left arm then his right arm slowly, both punches does 4% each.

F-tilt: Cacnea winds his right arm a bit before releasing; this has some start up lag, this does 13% and mid-high knockback.

F-smash: Needles stick out of his arms, Cacnea hooks with his right arm, and this is Cacneas greatest KO move. When uncharged, this does 16% and mid-high knockback, when charged, this does 21% and high knockback, this has little lag, and comes out quick.

U-tilt: Cacnea leans back and sticks his arm up in the air; this does 9% and mid-low knockback.

U-smash: When charging, Cacnea has his arms spread out, and when released, he closes them up in the air above him, this is also quick with little lag, when uncharged, this does 15% and mid knockback, when charged, it does 20% and mid-high knockback.

D-tilt: he turns back and leans back and sticks his arm back on the ground, this does 9% and low-high knockback.

D-smash: Cacnea sticks his arms pointing towards the ground, he then shoots numerous needles on the ground, and this has some start-up lag with no ending lag. When uncharged, this does 17% and mid-high knockback, when charged, this does 22% and high-low knockback.

Dash attack: he sticks his foot up and continues lag, this does 8% and low knockback.


Nair: Cacnea spins into a ball, this does 10% and does mid knockback, and this has some ending lag.

Fair: Cacnea punches downwards similar to Mario’s fair, this is a meteor smash when his arm is facing downwards, this does 12% and mid knockback.

Bair: Sticks his right arm back similar to Falcons Bair, this does 11% and mid-high knockback.

Uair: Cacnea claps his arms together; this is similar to Wario’s Uair, this does 14% and mid-high knockback, this has little lag.

Dair: He spins facing the screen in a clockwise direction, with his arms hanging down, this is quite fast. This does 11% and mid-low knockback.


Grab attack: punches with his left arm, this does 4%

F-throw: Punches the enemy hard in the gut, this does 12% and mid knockback

B-throw: does a quick German Suplex, this does 10% and mid knockback

U-throw: a standard throw-up with both arms, this does 9% and mid-low knockback.

D-throw: He puts the foe on the ground and falls on top of them, this does 11% and mid-low knockback.


Front is on the floor: He spins around wit his arms out, this does 10% and mid knockback

Back is on the floor: he sticks both arms out before getting up, this does 10% and low-high knockback

Edge attack over 100%: he punches straight forward, this does 9% and low-high knockback.

Edge attack under 100%: he spins up with both arms up, this does 9% and mid-low knockback.

Up: does 2 front flips.
Side: Spreads his arms out with needles sticking out.
Down: Vines appear and looks like Cacneas regenerating energy, when he isn’t

Victory Taunts:
1: Cacnea hugs James, and James then pushes him off.
2: Does a handstand, and every now and then, he waves at the camera
3: Shoots Needle arm into the sky.


Team rocket will jump out of the meowth balloon, pictured below:

Final Smash: Rocket Rocket Bombs (don’t know what to name it)
Look at this video at about 1:22-1:26
They jump into the Meowth balloon, go to the top of the screen, whilst moving left to right, Jessie, James and Meowth will throw Bombs downwards all one after another, each bomb does 16% and mid-high knockback, they’ll throw bombs quite quickly and the explosion sends the enemy straight upwards, most likely into another bomb which would kill them, this lasts for 17 seconds.

Alternate Costumes (pokemon will be tinted with that colour):
Default: white clothes, and a red R symbol, pokemon are cloloured normally
1: Red clothes, and a yellow R symbol, Pokemon are tinted red
2: green clothes, and a blue R symbol, Pokemon are tinted Green
3: blue clothes, and a green R symbol, Pokemon are tinted Blue
4: Black clothes, and a red R symbol, Pokemon are tinted Darker
5: gold clothes, and a silver R symbol (pokemon are there Shiny versions)

Wii Remote sound:
Prepare for trouble (Said by Meowth, Jessie and James)

Crowd Chant:
Team Rocket Rocket (in a deep toned voice)

if Team rocket had their own it would be

How to Unlock:
1. By beating Boss Battle with Pokemon Trainer or Pikachu.
2. By going into a secret door in the Subspace interior
3. by playing 375 vs Brawls.
Stage: Team Rockets HQ

In the grey box, Pokemon come out of it, The following Pokemon are used

Porygon Z: Tri attack: spits out 3 balls one after another, one fire, ice and electric, each does 10%, and can set you on fire/in an ice block/electrocuted

Haunter: the door opens, no one comes out, if you go near the door, he’ll pop-up, and sends the foe flying (not KO) but does 7%, when the door closes, you no it’s gone.

Camerupt: Eruption: Molten rocks pop-out of Camerupts back, he uses this 2 times, the rocks fall when it’s high in the air, the rocks doe 18% per a rock hit, and mid-high knockback, this is rather easy to avoid.

Steelix: when the door opens, he charges his head out, but nothing else, he stays in the door, the head ram does 23% and high knockback. Then he will slam his jaw on the ground 3 times before leaving, the earthquake does 14% and lifts you up into the air a bit, if you’re underneath his head when he does it, you’ll get buried in the ground

(Super rare) Shadow Lugia, Lugia will fly to the back of the level, and does a really powerful Aeroblast, it looks like a giant hyper beam, he can move it, and if you get stuck in it, it’s a one hit knock out. Also when you touch him when he flies, it’ will do 25% and very high knockback. The aeroblast does about 50% Very quickly (1/354 chance of getting him)

Garchomp: dragon breath: Garchomp sends a blue and red fire which goes up and down, and goes a good distance in front of him, this does no knockback but does constructive hits, you’ll get dealt 29% before getting out of it, this lasts for 19 seconds.

Charmander: can be KO'd with stronger attacks such as Kirby's Stone, Pikachu's Thunder, and Captain Falcon's Falcon Punch. Charmander does not damage upon contact, but will use Flamethrower to shoot Fire Flower-like flames at anyone in its range dealing 3% per flame.

Beedrill: Numerous Beedrills fly out from the door, they fly out in a straight line, so going behind the door or above it to avoid it, each Beedrill does 10% and mid knockback

Sometimes they come out as Shadow forms, which will boost their attack by 6%, and the knockback up by 2 (what I mean is like Mid-low turns to Mid-high). The chance of this happening is 1/294

The moving Cage enters the yellow door, if anyone gets hit by it, it does 26% and high-high knockback. The moving cage comes every 12 seconds and you can jump on top of it to recover as well

Neutralality: Banned

Team Galactic battle
Team Rocket Rocket
Team Rocket battle
Groudon/Kyogre/Rayquaza battle

how do you unlock it:
By unlocking Team Rocket
Related items:
Azure Flute: you can only use this once, it makes people around you fall asleep range from a good distance, on spear pillar, something special happens….

Arceus appear on a platform near the top of the stage appears, and Arceus sends out Judgement which is a very fast light beam in many places, if you get hit, this does 24% and very high knockback, obviously the user doesn’t get hurt by it.
Snake codec:

Snake: Who are these “R” people Otacon?
Otacon: those are Team Rocket, they have been known to try and steal rare pokemon, but they haven’t got far yet.
Snake: they sound like failures, why should I waste my time on them?
Otacon: while they do fail a lot, they are persistent, and do anything to get their way, Snake, just take them out now; before you know it they might’ve grabbed your C4 by now.

Please Commentt, rate and judge my movesets.

I am happy to be the first person to post a moveset. :) :) :)

I don't NEED to reserve, it's not like anyone on this Boards have a job to go to :laugh: (joke)


Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
WARNING CHALLENGER APPROACHING!(play sirens wee-ooh wee-ooh)

Meet THE Pokemon trainer no not red! the bad-*** one! (His official name is Wes thanks to all who told me this) He brings with him his loyal Pokemon Umbreon and Espeon

(temporary pic)
Entrance: Comes in on his giant bike and the selected Pokemon jumps out(default is Umbreon)

A dark evolution of Evee He has very high defense and is MUCH heavier than he looks (not to mention he's not slow or TOO fast) however he suffers from low attack power and and mid-low priority.

STATS(out of 5)
Height-A head taller than Ivysaur (and 9999X more awesome)
Attack Speed-2.8
Move Priority-2.2
Fall Speed-3.0

crawl-yes (but like Ivy what's the point?)
wall jump-no
wall cling-no

A-hits you with his ears (can be done repeatedly with multiple hits)3-5%
F-Tilt-Butts his head in 8%
D-Tilt-spins and hits you with his tail6%
U-Tilt-stands on his front legs and kicks up with his back legs9%
Dash Attack-turns around kicks turns around again10%
Get up-(trip)-stand up abruptly
Get up(Ledge)-comes up and does a short ear jab
Get up(Ledge above 100%)-comes up and scratches a bit
Smash Attacks
F-Smash-Bite the jaws from the 3-D Pokemon games appear in front of him and he bites getting hit with the generic purple fangs will do15% getting hit by Umbreon's mouth however will deal 23%
D-Smash-Torment-spins and torments the foe who gets trapped while he's spinning/the whole thing is 30% 3 hits of 10% with the last one being the one with the most knockback
U-Smash-Does a short jump up not too powerful15%

Back Air-Sand Attack-kicks back sand in the opponent's face/12%kick 4%sand(sand an spike if you do it an angle
Forward Air-Dark Pulse-strikes with his head surrounded by dark purple aura/20%short range
Down Air-drops like a rock/13%
Up Air-flips his hind legs upwards and kicks/16%
N-Air-spins around twice multi hit/6%per hit

Grabs and Throws
Grab-bites but holds on
Grab attack-chomps a bit without loosening his grip
F-Throw-headbutts straight forward/8%
D-Throw-throws down stands on his hind legs and does a stomp/12%
B-Throw-tosses his opponent aside like it was a bad burrito/9%
U-Throw-stands on his front legs and kicks him up

Special moves (B-moves)
B-payback-Stares intensely forward a disembodied hand will come out and attack for you if this lands now for the power level(insert DBZ joke here) if you have less damage than your opponent it will only do 13% if you have more however they will get half the difference also if you attack while this move is starting it will counter back with decent knockback
B-up-Substitute Umbreon creates a substitute and reappears in midair with the ability to use aerials the substitute drops and does 12% (if it hits) then vanishes
B-down-Switch out Espion jumps in (no free hit like Red!)and to make this not cheap you have to wait 15 seconds to switch out no fatigue and if you do a forward smash a millisecond after you press down B they both do a forward smash in opposite directions (can be charged)
B-SMASH!-Giga impact-attacks with a headbutt with red effect around him massive impact huge ending lag (especially if missed)/30%(this is his finisher

Final Smash-the trainer jumps out of the background! Umbreon and Espion are now both at his side they're covered by protect Umbreon can now use moonlight or hyper beam (or a little of both) you can only jump via tapping up because A will be hyper beam and B will be moonlight meanwhile Espion can use last resort with Y and helping hand with X last resort is a huge explosion that would take up 3/4 of FD hyper beam will shoot in either direction(depending on where your facing) and when moonlight is being used the moon will appear it the trainer and the Pokemon you weren't using will go back to the background after.
(don't worry victory themes and all that jazz will be added after I finish with Espion)


It's Espeon! usually paired with Umbreon wherever you see her (like make your move) she is the powerhouse of the 2 with lower speed and bigger power this may remind you of Zelda and Sheik (because as I write this I'm thinking "man this is similar to Zelda and Sheik")only difference is Umbreon isn't useless. Now onto stats!

Height-Same as Umbreon(awsomeness levels pending)
Weight-a bit lighter than Umbreon
Attack Speed-2.5
Move Priority-2.8
Fall Speed-2.5
Recovery-This will depend on who your opponent is

Wall Jump-no
Wall cling-WHAT DO YOU THINK?!

A-She has one headbutt powerful and slow(kinda like Gannon)/8%
F-Tilt-steps outward with her hind legs/10%
U-Tilt-lifts her head up a bit to hit you with her now outstretched ears/9%
D-Tilt-A quick jab with her front paw(think Ness)/3%
Dash Attack-she'll put out her front paws for a second/5%

Get up attack(after tripping)-spins around once and lands on her feet
Get up attack (Ledge)-gets up fast kicks with her hind legs and faces forward again
Get up (above 100% ledge)-slowly gets up and bashes her head in

Smash Attacks
F-Smash-Frustration-(in Pokemon this move has more power the more she dislikes the trainer in smash the more damage she takes the more she dislikes the trainer so the more damage she takes the more this does) She bangs her head in hard massive wolf like range
U-Smash-Cut-one horizontal strike right above her (cover about the entire length of her body)/18%
D-Smash-Iron Tail-her tail turns to iron and she swings it back and forth/1st swing-22%/2nd swing-27%

N-Air-she spreads out like DDD can be done multiple times/7%
F-Air-She bashes her head in forcing the opponent down/16%
B-Air-one leg kick backwards slow and powerful with high knockback /19%
D-Air-psychic energy surrounds the bottom of her feet/12%
U-Air-she faces up for a second to hit with her head/9%

She grabs you with psychic force represented by a purple arm before her
Grab Attack-she scratches at the opponent while he/she/it/potato is being held by the hand/4%
F-Throw-Espeon shoves her head forward and the opponent is thrown forward/8%
B-Throw-She points her head backwards and likewise they are thrown backwards/14%
D-Throw-she points her head down and the hand throws them on the floor and punches down/15%
U-Throw-same as down throw only up/16%

Special Moves
B-Psybeam-shoots a powerful chargeable ray of whatever the hell is when you use psybeam (VERY low knockback)/smallest-5% full charge-30% somewhere in between-between5%-30%
B-SMASH-Swift-shoots star shaped rays from seemingly nowhere if charged more will come(think Sheik's needles)
B-Up-psychic-uses her psychic power (you know the one you wish YOU had yeah that's right I know Espeon read your mind HA!) to lift herself off the ground for a few seconds you control this and she looks like she's free falling
B-Down-Umbreon jumps in the fray and Espeon retreats but for a split second they're both on so using a smash attack(only a forward smash attack will work) soon after will keep Espeon in to finish her attack the attack will cover both ways

Final Smash-See Umbreon because it's the same thing


Stage-Pokemon Colosseum
At first sight a normal stage with a Pokemon symbol in the middle typical stuff but then out comes Team Snagem! coming in and out to steal any Pokeballs!(if there are no Pokeballs they will simply not appear) as if these guys weren't enough trouble there's also shadow Pokemon that appear on the stage that attack anyone so you fend off those as well this stage is most unique in the respect that you can deactivate all this by holding a jump button before entering the stage WHY THE JUMP BUTTON?why not?

Alternate colors and costumes-coming soon

Cipher peon theme
Cipher admin theme
Friendly battle
Mirror B's theme
NOTE:I would like to add XD music BUT I don't want to yet in case someone does the XD trainer
Wii-Remote sound-Wes says lets go! and umbreon and espeon do their cry from the games.

Snake Codec:
Snake:oh great another "team player"
Snake:nothing,anyhow tell me what we know about this guy like what's that thing on his arm?
Otacon:it's a Snagem machine it's used to capture other trainers pokemon
Snake:so it's useless against me right?
Snake:so he poses no threat and all he's just cooler looking then that 10 year old kid?
otacon:oh well he's got his own pokemon
Snake:GREAT more freakin animals in this thing
Otacon:Maybe I should mention the bite?
Snake:The what?

Iron Thorn

Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2008
Going to Gamelon. I'm taking the Triforce of Spag
Reserved for Dry Bones. I fear his stats don't make any sense, I could use help on that.

The skeletal Koopa, Dry Bones, has joined the brawl!


Power: 3.5/10 (below average)
Weight: 2/10 (very light, just above Kirby and Jigglypuff)
Walking Speed: 5/10 (middle-of-the-road)
Dash speed: 7/10 (quite good)
Fall Speed: 8/10 (if anyone's seen bones falling and thinks this is inaccurate, please tell me)
Size: Same as Toon Link
Jumping: 6/10 (decent)
Crouch: 9/10
Traction: 8/10 (for some reason he always struck me as the type to have excellent traction)
Wall-jump: No
Wall Cling: Yes
Crawl: Yes
Glide: No
Tether: No

Ground Attacks

A: Jab - Simple punch forward, nothing spectacular. Dry Bones has no neutral A combos.

Dash attack: Koopa March - The time-honored staple attack of all Koopas. Dry Bones marches forward at high speed while remaining bolt upright. Huge hitbox (the height of his whole body) and high damage make this attack useful despite its startup lag and mediocre knockback power.

Forward Tilt: Nosebutt - Dry Bones uses his large nose (snout? upper jaw?) to ram into the opponent. Quick to start up and slow to end, its knockback and damage are both average.

Up Tilt: Femur Swipe - He swipes a long bone above him in the air, giving this particular tilt amazing range. However, the low power and knockback offset the phenomenal reach.

Down Tilt: Carapace Whirl - Dry Bones retracts into his shell and whirls around a bit. The damage and knockback are low, but it has high potential for juggling.

Forward Smash: Spooky Snap - Quite simply, he sinks his teeth(-like projections on his jaws) into anybody up to two Marios away that is in front of him. One of this best attacks, it is fast, strong, and good for KOing.

Up Smash: Femur of Fury - Dry Bones thrusts his trusty femur straight up. The protuding tip of the bone is the sweet spot, where it can do up to 25% damage. The length of the bone, however, does 5% damage tops. This move requires practice!

Down Smash: Dissemble - Collapsing into a pile of bones, he sends his pieces within a Mario of himself, then reassembles. The attack's decent power is more than negated by its bad range and the long cooldown time that invites a foes' punishment. Situational in the best of circumstances; more often you will want to avoid this smash attack altogether. Pity, because it's really cool.

Aerial Attacks:

Neutral Air: Bone Cyclone - Dry bones retracts into his shell and spins in an upgoing vortex formation. The hitbox moves upward as the move progresses, requiring a lot of prediction to make the move connect. If if does hit, the high knockback and damage are well worth the effort.

Forward Air: Koopa Kick - A kick from DB's stubby little legs may not seem impressive, but despite the short range, it packs an electrified wallop! Good for KOing if you can get close enough.

Back Air: Tailbones - A rickety little bony tail swipes at the enemy. The terrible range alone makes this attack almost unusable, not to mention its poor knockback and damage.

Up Air: Bait Bite - An upward chomp, this has surprising range compared to Dry Bones' other aerials. Its power is similar to Zelda's Up Air, but with about an Olimar's height of range. It leaves you helpless afterward, so aim well and go for a nice decisive KO!

Down Air: Dry Dive - Again, Dry Bones bites his victim, this time divebombing them at the same time. Despite the satisfying sound of bony jaws piercing flesh, this attack is not very strong and takes time to recover, so it's mostly for catching someone off-guard.


Grab Attack: Dry Bones bites down hard on the victim.

Forward Throw: Skele-Shove - Dry Bones shoves the opponent forward. At first it seems like a poor throw due to poor knockback, but against a wall it becomes a devastating chaingrab!

Back Throw: Kickback - Dry Bones kicks the foe backwards with an upwards-diagonal trajectory and electric damage. Not a bad throw in itself, but there are better KO moves you could be using.

Up Throw: Necro-copter - Dry Bones whirls the victim around on his carapace for a bit, then launches him high upward. Low damage, high knockback, great for vertical KOs.

Down Throw: Swing Batter-Batter! - The unlucky target gets a baseball rammed in the pit of his or her stomach before being batted back to the ground. Mostly for building up damage, which it does well, despite not being a chaingrab.

Special Attacks

Neutral B: Femurang - Dry Bones throws his bone about the same distance as Link's own Gale Boomerang. It goes faster than either of the Links'boome'rangs and usually hits the opponent twice, once going up and once going back. However, its trajectory can't be controlled; it always flies in a straight line.

Forward B: Shocker - Dry Bones kicks an electrified soccer ball into his enemies, shocking them. The ball bounces around for a bit as it hits enemies, then drops on the ground. If "fresh" the ball can be picked up and thrown for electric damage. If left on the ground for a period of time, it turns into a normal soccer ball.

Up B: Whirling Necropolis - Basically works like Whirling Fortress. However, since DB's shell is small and without spikes, it's not worth the effort to try and use this to attack. Fortunately, it is good for recovery. It goes up about twice as high as the Fortress, although it leaves DB in a helpless freefall if you miss the ledge.

Down B: Dry Deflector - Dry Bones retreats into his shell and spins, deflecting projectiles from all sides back at their users. Although the duration of the move can be extended by holding down and B longer, the maximum time is about 30 seconds. If two or more projectiles are deflected at once, they will fly in random directions, and may or may not hit the player who sent them Dry Bones' way.

Final Smash:

Banisher: Dry Bones climbs into the kart that bears his likeness and gets down to business. Simply ramming into enemies will cause damage and is pretty much a guaranteed KO at over 100%. Pressing A will throw out a banana (which Bones, of course, is immune to) that could ruin an opponent's escape plan. Pressing B will activate a Lightning Bolt, making everyone but Dry Bones tiny. Use these two weapons to your advantage, as they will greatly improve your chance of KOs.


Logo: Mario Mushroom

Stage Entrance: A pile of bones clatters onto the stage and arranges itself into Dry Bones

Kirby Hat: Kirby wears Dry Bones' skull minus the lower jaw on his head and gets the Femurang.


Default - The normal white one.
Green Team - A Dull Bones with green eyes.

Red Team - Red Bones

Blue Team - Dark Bones

Gothic - Black with silver shoes and gloves. The black part around the eye becomes red, and the shell grows silver spikes.

Wii Mote sound: That clattering he makes in Mario Kart DS.

To Unlock: Not that hard, considering he joins you in SSE after the first boss fight. Or, if you're a masochist, beat Classic Mode with Bowser and Yoshi.


Up: Takes out a baseball, throws it straight up, and catches it.
Down: Dissembles, then reassembles.
Side: Gnashes teeth.

End-battle poses:

Win Pose 1: Throws femurang, catches it, and does his clattering noise.
Win Pose 2: Hits a baseball with his baseball bat.
Win Pose 3: Falls apart, then reassembles in this order: legs, shell, arms, head.

Victory Theme: Mario-verse fanfare

Loss Pose: Dry Bones is in his shell, hiding from shame.

Subspace Emissary: Dry Bones is with Wario on the first scene, riding on his car. However, Wario gets greedy and decided to trophify the skeleton Koopa as well. After Petey Piranha is defeated, Wario forgets Dry Bones as he escapes with Peach. Zelda revives him by touching the statue, she and Kirby explain what happens, and a duo becomes a trio. (You can switch Peach and Zelda, if that's the way you roll)

Snake Codec:

Snake: Otacon, there's a skeleton turtle here. What's up with that?
Otacon: That's a Dry Bones. He's the skeleton of a Koopa who's been reanimated by the Koopa's soul.
Snake: So what you're saying is that he's a zombie. Those are usually slow and easy to kill, right?
Otacon: No, it's not quite a zombie, and he's definitely not slow. This turtle is light on his feet and can turn on a dime.
Snake: But how is he going to eat my brains if he doesn't have a stomach?
Otacon: I said he's not a zombie! Besides, he's got a bone he carries around and throws like a boomerang. If you're not careful, it could hit you twice in a row.
Snake: I still say it's a zombie.


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Ah... 'Tis good to have this thread. And now, as a member of the jury, and as the third-place finisher in the Top Designer contest of Make Your Move 2.0, I proudly present:


Yeah, you all thought I was gonna throw a moveset up. Not quite yet. These are just a few suggestions I have, especially for first-timers, both to make your movesets good and to get people to notice them.​

1) HAVE FUN -- Make sure the character you’re doing is one you actually like and can come up with a quality moveset for. Doing random characters you don’t know as well (yeah, it happens--"Anybody got any good ideas for a character to do??") isn’t likely to profit you anything.

2) LOOK IT UP! -- Don’t always assume you can quickly make a moveset in one sitting. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can’t, but don’t be afraid to look stuff up, even if it delays your moveset a bit. That could be a few hours, it could be days. Let it be. Take the time to make the moveset good.

3) SHOW ME YOUR COLORS -- Organize your entries. Most people prefer to use a little color, just to make things stand out. A massive wall of all-white text is hard to read. Use spaces, use colors, just organize it! The easier your entry is to read, the more people will actually read it and not give you some bogus comment about it.

4) THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX -- Punch-punch-kick is not always the answer. Always ask yourself how you can make your character unique. One thing I personally suggest that will help you do this is to name every move. You’ll start to feel dumb if every move is named “kick,” and it will help you think of more interesting actions. It won't be easy at first, but you'll get used to it. Just be creative.

5) LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION -- Check the recent posts before posting a moveset. If someone just posted an incredibly awesome moveset, or if the discussion on a moveset is still hot, wait. People may skip over your moveset if something is already going on or another great moveset takes the page’s spotlight.

6) TWO ENTRIES ARE BETTER THAN ONE -- The more entries you put in, the better the chances that people will start to notice you. Quite a few quality movesets were ignored in the last contest because they were the only one the particular user submitted. Don't go overboard, but make more than one moveset. Besides, the more you do, the better you'll get.

7) COMMENT -- If you're posting a lot and making sincere comments about others' work, chances are people will actually listen when you tell them to check out your movesets. Give and take, kids, give and take. Don't just expect people to recognize your awesome-ness immediately. You're gonna have to earn it, even if you can make the greatest moveset in the world.

Deleted member


Chosen One joins the brawl!
Orphaned as an infant, he was raised by various rodents. Many years later, he began wandering the country side under constant attack by the Evil Council. After finding Crane School, he began training there to prepare for his long-awaited showdown with the evil Master Betty. During this final battle he found out that he was against, of all things, French aliens. With the help of his talking tongue, he eradicated the aliens and killed Betty, finally avenging his family's death.

"I now officially know too much."

Stats (Out of 5):
Power: 5/5
Walking Speed: 2/5
Dash speed: 3/5
Range: 3/5
Projectile distance: 0/5
Drop speed/weight: 4/5
Size: 4/5
1st jump: 3/5
2nd Jump: 4/5
Crouch: 3/5
Traction: 3/5
Combo: 4/5
Wall jump: Yes
Wall cling: no
Crawling: Yes
Glide: no
Tether: no

High power
Infinite combo
Final Smash is instant KO
Can reflect melee attacks

Somewhat slow

Standard Attacks

A: Punch; Low knockback, short range; 2%

A Combo: Punch, punch, infinite kick; Low knockback, medium range; 3% per hit

Side A: Long Kick; Low knockback, medium range; 5%

Up A: High Kick; High knockback, short range; 4%

Down A: Takes out the feet; Low knockback, short range; 5%

Smash Attacks

Side Smash: Hits opponent with gopher nunchucks; Medium knockback, medium range; 23%

Up Smash: Swings gopher-chucks upwards; Medium knockback, medium range; 16%

Down Smash: Twirls a staff around him, damaging anyone within distance; High knockback, medium range; 6%

Air Attacks

Neutral Air: Punch; Low knockback, short range; 3%

Foward Air: Karate kick forwards; High knockback, medium range; 7%

Backwards Air: Spins around and kicks behind self; High knockback, medium range; 8%

Up Air: Bicycle kick; High power, high knockback, medium range; 13%

Down Air: Screwdriver; High power, high knockback, medium range; 21%

Situational Attacks

Dash: Performs a cartwheel; Low knockback, medium range; 6%

Get-Up: Jumps, performing a bicycle kick in the process; High knockback, medium range; 3%

Ledge: Blows a gust a wind ahead of himself; Medium knockback, long range; 3%

Grab and Throws

Grab attack: Kicks the opponent’s crotch; 4%

Forward Throw: Punches the opponent forward; Low knockback; 17%

Back Throw: Throws opponent backwards.; High knockback; 2%

Up Throw: Throws opponent upwards; Medium knockback; 2%

Down Throw: Piledrives opponent; High knockback; 13%

Special Attacks

B--One Clean Junk: Pulls a strong punch, blowing a hole in the victim's body which momentarily heals. This attack takes about a second to charge, and has a lag of 2 seconds at the end; Low knockback, short range; 34%

Side B--Mu Nyu: Pulls out a defeated Mu Nyu out of hammerspace and fires milk from its udder; The milk flies in an arc, similar in fashion to Link's neutral B; Low knockback, long range; 6%

Up B--Generic Rising Punch: Jumps upwards, then comes down with a powerful punch; High knockback, short range; 19%

Down B--Squirrel Friend: A counteratack of sorts; Pulls out a squirrel out of hammerspace and stretches him; If opponent makes contact, they will be launched backwards; High knockback, short range; 0%

FINAL SMASHTONGUE OF FURY: Tonguey shoots out of Chosen One’s mouth and wraps around the first opponent in its path. Tonguey then lets go of the opponent and KO’s him/her. If there isn't any opponents in Tonguey's path, the Final Smash will have been wasted.

Up: Hops around, making a weird cooing noise.
Side: Shouts “YA-YA-YA-YA-YIE!”, then sticks out Tonguey, who repeats.
Down: Says, “I think your style of fighting my be impressive on another planet, but your weak link is, this is Earth.”

1: Crosses his arms and says, “Isn’t Betty a woman’s name?”
2: Holds up two small, metallic pyramids, saying, “You have helped me reach the next level.”
3: Struggles to escape a tiny net.

Loss: Throws a tantrum.

Entrance: Wanders onto the stage.
Wiimote Sound: I'll take the large tub.
Crowd: *Ling speaking* Chosen One! Weeyo, weeyo, weeyo!

Alt colors:
Default: See image at top of post.
Blue Team: He wears this shirt, which is in a light shade of blue.
Red Team: Same as blue, except a light shade of red.
Green Team: Sam as blue and red, except a light shade of green.

Snake: "Who's this weirdo with the tongue?"
Betty: "That is Chosen One."
Snake: "Wait, who the heck are you?!"
Betty: "You will refer to me by the name Betty. Nya-HA!"
Snake: "Okay.......Betty.........who is this Chosen One?"
Betty: "Some guy I'm supposed to kill for the Evil Council. I killed his parents, but he got out alive."
Betty: "He was supposed to be dead! I am responsible! Neeeer!"
Snake: "So...why are you contacting me?"
Betty: "Perhaps you can beat the crap outta him or something..."

Assist Trophy:

Wimp Lo

Wimp Lo is a ****** who confuses winning and losing. This is reflected in his Assist Trophy, who runs around the stage, his shoes squeaking, until someone attacks him. He is then KO'd and the player who knocks him out recieves an extra point.

"Knock, knock. Who's there? Your butt that's about to be kicked!"


Boom Box

The boom box is carried around by Betty's DJ. The effects are different, depending on what song plays when the boom box is picked up:

Baby Got Back--Attack power is doubled
U Can't Touch This--Attack power is increased by half
The Morning After--Attack power is halved.

"What's the time?"


Smash Master
Aug 20, 2007
This would be so much easier if I hadn't just given my girlfriend the books back.

Done with assistance from peofun1

Spoilers for the Warriors series are contained in this moveset.

The leader of ThunderClan, Firestar joins the Brawl!

"Fire alone can save our clan". One day, the kittypet Rusty decided that, since he was bored with the mundane life of a kittypet, he would leave his garden and explore the forest on the other side of the fence. There he found an entirely new life with the cats of ThunderClan. Within the forest, there were four clans: ThunderClan, WindClan, RiverClan, and ShadowClan; as well as their warrior ancestors in StarClan. Upon joining ThunderClan, Rusty took the apprentice name Firepaw. Firepaw would go on to do great things. Upon defeating Brokenstar, the corrupt leader of ShadowClan, Firepaw was deemed ready to take the warrior name Fireheart.

But all was not well in the forest. For there was reason for Fireheart to believe that Tigerclaw, deputy of Thunderclan, had murdered Redtail, the previous deputy, with hopes to one day become leader of Thunderclan. Tigerclaw knew of Fireheart's suspicions, and did nothing to deny them...when no one else was around.

One day Tigerclaw finally acted on his ambitions. Along with some rogues from Brokenstar's old group, he attacked the ThunderClan camp and attempted to murder the clan's leader, Bluestar. Fireheart, however, learned of the details to Tigerclaw's plan beforehand and managed to stop Tigerclaw just before he killed Bluestar. Bluestar exiled Tigerclaw from ThunderClan. With no deputy, she named Fireheart as the new ThunderClan deputy. Several moons later, after Bluestar died, Fireheart succeeded her as the leader of Thunderclan. Firestar would go on to be known as the greatest leader in the history of the clan.

Size: 4/10
Power: 6/10
Weight: 3/10
Walking Speed: 6/10
Dash speed: 9/10
Fall Speed: 7/10
Jumping: 7/10
Traction: 6/10
Wall-jump: No
Wall Cling: Yes
Crawl: Yes
Glide: No
Tether: No

Standard Combo
A: Firestar swipes his claw.
AA: Firestar swipes with his other claw.
AAA: Firestar spins around and attacks with his tail.

Forward: A swipe of his claw.
Up: Another swipe of his claw, but in a different direction.
Down: A bite.

Neutral: Extends his claw outward. Like a sex kick. But not a kick.
Forward: Swipes with his claw.
Up: More swiping! A moves are usually generic anyway, there's only so much I can do with him!
Down: Attacks downwards with all four legs.
Back: Attacks with his hind legs.

Forward: Firestar pounces forward and bites whoever's there.
Up: Firestar rears back and swipes quickly at the air several times.
Down: Firestar does a short hop (no, not the tactic short hop), and lands sharply, sending flames in a short area around him.

Neutral Special: Fire Fang
What? Firestar never actually used any fire-based abilities in the books? Well, Smash Bros. is known to make up some moves before! In this attack, Firestar jumps forward a bit, trying to latch onto someone. If he does, then he bites into them, somewhat similar to Wario's bite. Firestar's bite however has incindiary properties.

Side Special: Fire Pounce
Firestar pounces forward, a flame forming around him. It covers a decent distance, and does decent damage and knockback. It can be used as a recovery.

Up Special: Sky Jump
For Firestar's recovery, he rears back and jumps high into the air like a SkyClan cat. True, Firestar is from ThunderClan, but Lucas stole his moves from Kumatora, so it's fair game. This does no damage. It's just a jump.

Down Special: Fake-Out
Firestar's signature move. Similar to Marth's Counter. Firestar crouches down, and when he's hit, he is knocked back slightly, but then quickly lunges at the attacker with great force.

The cats of the Clans firmly believe that their Warrior ancestors watch over them in StarClan, and that's not a false belief. For his Final Smash, Firestar calls down the nine StarClan warriors who gave him his nine lives when he was named leader of ThunderClan. Lionheart, Redtail, Silverstream, Runningwind, Brindleface, Swiftpaw, Yellowfang, Spottedleaf, and Bluestar. These nine cats appear, transparent as though they were ghosts.

Similar to the Final Smashes of Pit and King Dedede, these cats attack Firestar's opponents; three for each opponent. They don't do much damage on their own, but there are a lot of them. So it adds up. These cats cannot be harmed; do not try. Firestar himself, however, is lost in a trance of sorts during this time. He cannot move, and can be attacked normally. If you are the opposing fighter, take this time to attack Firestar...if you can get past the warriors of StarClan.

After about ten seconds, the warriors of StarClan disappear; the only evidence that they were ever there the damage that they did to the fighters.

Grab: Grabs the opponent with his teeth.
Grab attack: BITE.

Up Taunt: Firestar lifts his head up and roars like a lion.
Side Taunt: Firestar crouches down.
Down taunt: Firestar licks his paw.

Lands on the battle field leaving a trail of fire behind him.

Victory Poses
1. Licks his paw.
2. Crouches down and falls asleep.
3. Stares into the player's soul. Goddammit he looks creepy on the cover of the first book.

Codec Conversation
Mei Ling: Aw! It's so cute!
Snake: What? That cat?
Mei Ling: That's Firestar. He's the leader of ThunderClan.
Snake: A cat the leader of a clan?
Mei Ling: Yes. He's saved his clan countless times. He saw the treachery of one of the Clans' cats before anyone, and stopped him before it was too late. He's regarded as a hero.
Snake: Yeah, but he doesn't have opposable thumbs.

Assist Trophy
TIGERSTAR: Oh ****. It's Tigerstar. Back from the dead. Well, his ghost at least.
At first all you see of him are his eyes, staring from the background. Suddenly he jumps out in front of someone and they trip. They can't get up out of this trip as fast as a normal trip either. Tigerstar disappears, as though he was never there.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
6) TWO ENTRIES ARE BETTER THAN ONE -- The more entries you put in, the better the chances that people will start to notice you. Quite a few quality movesets were ignored in the last contest because they were the only one the particular user submitted.
Do I have to feel honoured here? ^-^


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
Ah... 'Tis good to have this thread. And now, as a member of the jury, and as the third-place finisher in the Top Designer contest of Make Your Move 2.0, I proudly present:


Yeah, you all thought I was gonna throw a moveset up. Not quite yet. These are just a few suggestions I have, especially for first-timers, both to make your movesets good and to get people to notice them.​

1) HAVE FUN -- Make sure the character you’re doing is one you actually like and can come up with a quality moveset for. Doing random characters you don’t know as well (yeah, it happens--"Anybody got any good ideas for a character to do??") isn’t likely to profit you anything.

2) LOOK IT UP! -- Don’t always assume you can quickly make a moveset in one sitting. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can’t, but don’t be afraid to look stuff up, even if it delays your moveset a bit. That could be a few hours, it could be days. Let it be. Take the time to make the moveset good.

3) SHOW ME YOUR COLORS -- Organize your entries. Most people prefer to use a little color, just to make things stand out. A massive wall of all-white text is hard to read. Use spaces, use colors, just organize it! The easier your entry is to read, the more people will actually read it and not give you some bogus comment about it.

4) THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX -- Punch-punch-kick is not always the answer. Always ask yourself how you can make your character unique. One thing I personally suggest that will help you do this is to name every move. You’ll start to feel dumb if every move is named “kick,” and it will help you think of more interesting actions. It won't be easy at first, but you'll get used to it. Just be creative.

5) LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION -- Check the recent posts before posting a moveset. If someone just posted an incredibly awesome moveset, or if the discussion on a moveset is still hot, wait. People may skip over your moveset if something is already going on or another great moveset takes the page’s spotlight.

6) TWO ENTRIES ARE BETTER THAN ONE -- The more entries you put in, the better the chances that people will start to notice you. Quite a few quality movesets were ignored in the last contest because they were the only one the particular user submitted. Don't go overboard, but make more than one moveset. Besides, the more you do, the better you'll get.

7) COMMENT -- If you're posting a lot and making sincere comments about others' work, chances are people will actually listen when you tell them to check out your movesets. Give and take, kids, give and take. Don't just expect people to recognize your awesome-ness immediately. You're gonna have to earn it, even if you can make the greatest moveset in the world.
I think this should be put on the first post, as it will help alot of new people who are new to Make your Move. Sirkibble deserves credit for this :)!


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Do I have to feel honoured here? ^-^
You most certainly may.

I think this should be put on the first post, as it will help alot of new people who are new to Make your Move. Sirkibble deserves credit for this :)!
Thank you. I was hoping to land first or second reply with it, but I guess I'll settle for first page. Lol.

PS: My first moveset coming soon...


Smash Master
Aug 20, 2007
k. So that joke Giygas moveset. If anyone wants to make a real moveset for Giygas, go ahead. If you actually can do it, my moveset deserves to be ignored if you can actually do that.


Wh-what!? G-Giygas!? Giygas is here!?
The embodiment of evil, the mysterious....whatever he is...joins the Brawl!

Power: 10/10
Walking Speed: ?/10
Dash speed: ?/10
Range: ?/10
Projectile distance: ?/10
Drop speed/weight: ?/10
Size: 10/10
1st jump: ?/10:
2nd Jump: ?/10:
Crouch: ?/10
Traction: ?/10
Combo: ?/10
Wall jump: no
Wall cling: no
Crawling: no
Glide: no
Tether: no

Standard Combo




Neutral: ???

Forward: ???

Up: ???

Down: ???


Victory Poses

Victory Music

I am so sorry.
I'll do a real moveset for someone later. I promise.

Collective of Bears

King of Hug Style
Nov 10, 2007
North Carolina
I am proud to present my first entry, one I've taken a great deal of pride in creating (as well as the best Kirby Hat I've ever done)

Baz joins the fray! He's got weapons, a jetpack, and a British accent. What's not to like?

Universe Symbol

Power: 3.5
Speed: 3
Size: 3.5 (A tiny bit shorter than Falcon)
Weight: 3
Jump: 4.5 (4 jumps)
Range: 4
Fall Speed: Mid
Crouch: Mid
Grab Range: Good
Glide: No
Wall Cling: Yes
Wall Jump: Yes
Tether: No
Swim Time: Low

Baz is awesome. Most of his attacks incorporate the use of weapons, but they don't have as much lag as Snake. His air game is phenomenal, and he has a lot of cool tricks for getting on opponent's nerves. However, he lacks a lot of speed moves and multi-hits most characters have.

Advanced Tactics
Baz is all about projectiles. He is great at racking up damage from across the stage, with all 4 of his specials being projectiles as well as some of his regular moves. Baz has a CG, and it can get a lot of heavier characters from about Snake's weight up to about 50%. His RPG (B) is spammable, and can keep some close-range fighters at bay. Also, Turrets are a huge part of Baz's game. It's a good idea to place them in places where they can hit from many directions. Baz's spike is fairly easy to land, so you can CG opponents to about 50%, then go in with some RPGs and Turrets, and then go with an Fsmash or Dsmash for the kill, and if that doesn't work, spike them. Baz's air game isn't very punishable, since he has 4 jumps and an amazing up B, so missing a spike normally won't lead to you falling. His Uair is good for edgehoggers, and so is his Fair.

Baz's Weapons



No Picture Available
Machine Gun

Missle Launcher
NOTE: The Missle Launcher, Proximity Missle Launcher and Homing Missle Launcher look the same.

Basic: Stands with his Blaster in one hand
Idle: Drops and does Push-ups
Walking: Walks calmy, with his gun next to his head
Running: Runs faster, his gun pointing forward
Dashing: Flies along the ground with his jetpack, toting two blasters
Crouch: Crouches down with one hand on the ground.
Jump: Jumps up normally
Jumps 2-4: Short bursts from jetpack
Shield: Baz activates his shield, which is an array of green sonic waves.

A: Punches. 3%, low knockback
AA: Spins and gives a backhand 3%, low knockback
AAA: Pulls out his Blaster and fires 3 shots at the ground in front of him. 2% per shot, OK knockback
Forward Tilt: Shoulder Bash. 7%, good knockback, DI.
Up Tilt: Uppercut. 8%, Good knockback.
Down Tilt: Low Kick. 6%, decent knockback, trips bigger enemies.
Dashing A: Uses two Blasters and fires at the ground many times. 1%, Multiple hits, High knockback.

Forward Smash: Pulls Out a Grenade and punches with it. 16%, High knockback, DI.
Up Smash: Tosses a grenade upward. Charge makes grenade go higher. 10%, good knockback.
Down Smash: Pulls out the Proximity Missle Launcher and fires at the ground on both sides of him. 15%, high knockback.

Neutral Air: Kicks forward, then backward. 6% per kick, OK knockback.
Forward Air: Pulls out a grenade and tosses it forward a short way, and it explodes. Sends Baz back slightly. 11%, high knockback.
Back Air: Punches back. 7%, good knockback.
Up Air: Fires Machine Gun upward. (Projectile) 1%, hits multiple times, low knockback.
Down Air: Stomps down 12%, good knockback, Meteor Smash.

Grab A: Punches. 4%
Forward Throw: Flies forward holding them, then tosses them. 7%, good knockback.
Back Throw: Tosses back, then fires Missle Launcher at them. 13%, high knockback.
Up Throw: Tosses a mine a short way, then tosses them at it. The mine explodes, sending them upward. 12%, good knockback.
Down Throw: Slams them down, then fires Machine Gun at them. 9%, low knockback. Can CG some bigger enemies.


Baz fires the RPG. Every time he shoots, he is sent back a short way. There is a bit of lag between shots, but the shots travel very fast. 6% per shot, low knockback.

Side B: Homing Missle Launcher
Baz pulls out the Homing Missle Launcher and locks on. When the weapon is fully locked, the weapon is very powerful and **** near impossible to dodge. However, a full lock takes a long time to lock, and you can't move while locking, so using it takes a lot of strategy. If the button is released during a lock, the missle still fires, but it doesn't home in as well (only having about the Homing Power of Samus's Missles) and is also less powerful. No lock: 5%, low knockback. Full Lock: 17%, high knockback

Up B: Jetpack
Baz uses his Jetpack to fly up. Works like ROB's Up B, but is goes up much faster and also doesn't move forward as fast. You can fire the Blaster with A. This works well against edgehoggers. Blaster Shots: 4%, low knockback.

Down B: Turret
Baz sets up a small green Turret that fires fast shots at the enemy. Baz can only have two turrets out at a time. The shots do no knockback, so they're fairly easy to destroy. 3%, no knockback

Final Smash: Regroup
Baz calls in his team, Tel, Reg, Gordon, and Bennett to help him out. Tel and Reg fly around the screen toting Machine Guns, and Gordon and Bennett fly in the ship, firing powerful lasers. They disappear after a short time. Baz can move during the attack. Tel and Reg: Many hits, low knockback. Gordon and Bennet: 20%, very high knockback.


Entrance: The ship flies across the screen, with Baz hanging on to the outside. He then falls off and hits the ground. He stands up and prepares for battle.

Taunt 1: Laughs and says, "Right between the eyes!"
Taunt 2: Raises his arms and yells, "FREEDOM!!!"
Taunt 3: Does a few jumping jacks.

Victory Pose 1: Sticks a British Flag in the ground and salutes.
Victory Pose 2: Is drinking a pint. A small Ripper moves toward Baz, He shoots it, not even looking at it.
Victory Pose 3: Fires a few shots of his Blaster, then looks to the side.
Losing Pose: Claps.
Victory Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKKZK6DPPhc (0:00 to 0:07)

Wiimote Sound: Says, "At The Ready!" You then hear his ready his Blaster.

Unlock Message: Well-armed and ready for battle, Baz has joined the fray!

Alt. Costumes:

Kirby Hat:

Snake Codec:
Snake: Colonel, I'm fighting a British Spaceman. I've officially lost my mind.
Colonel: No, he's real, Snake. That's Baz.
Snake: Never heard of him.
Colonel: Unfortunately, not many people have. But that doesn't mean he's not dangerous, Snake. He has all sorts of weapons.
Snake: Looks like it.
Colonel: Don't get too calm, Snake. His arsenal is much more advanced than yours.
Snake: Jetpack, laser guns, missle launchers... I'm screwed.
Colonel: Yup. See ya, Snake. *click*

Subspace Role: Baz, once again headed to vaction at Planet Majorca, gets caught in the blast of a Subspace Bomb and finds himself stranded in the Subspace world.

Assist Trophy

Grandpa Borjoyzee
When Grandpa Borjoyzee appears, he will either lob a barrage of fresh explodin' taters at the enemies, or he will sport the super-powerful Pop-up Bomb and create a massive explosion.


(Not a very good pic, but it's all I could find)
Vimp are large cow-like animals that roam the world of Giants. Smarties love to eat them, and you are required to get it for them many times during the game. Anyway, Vimp are about as big as Ganondorf. They don't attack. Instead, if you attack them enough, it will burst apart into a few pieces of meat, which you can eat to restore roughly 10% health.


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
Does anyone want to rate/comment on my Team Rocket I would be very Grateful if you did, Oh and i've nearly finished my Chao moveset, I think it will be my best yet, but I will have to see that for myself when someone comments on it

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Wh-what!? G-Giygas!? Giygas is here!?
The embodiment of evil, the mysterious....whatever he is...joins the Brawl!

Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness Ness ...
I am happy.

Why, thank you. <3
I'll make sure to have Lip win this time! >:3

Mario & Sonic Guy

Old rivalries live on!
Sep 18, 2007
Mushroom Kingdom


Power: 4
Defense: 3
Walking Speed: 3
Running Speed: 3
Recovery: 5
Jump Height: 3
Mid-air Jump Height: 5
Descent Speed: 3
Weight: 3
Standard Attacks

neutral: Fires a small spark from its right palm. Does up to 3% damage. Press the attack button again to do another attack from the left palm. Also does up to 3% damage. Unlike in Melee, the neutral attack no longer does repeated damage.

f-tilt: Damages the foe with a pulse strike with its right palm. Does up to 8% damage.

u-tilt: Sends the foe upwards with its tail. It no longer has a sweetspot, compared to Melee, and does up to 7% damage.

d-tilt: Sweeps its tail at a low angle to send target flying vertically. Same as in Melee, but with no sweetspot. Does up to 7% damage.

dash: Fires a spark that inflicts damage to opponents. Does up to 8% damage.
Smash Attacks

f-smash: Fires a strong energy pulse from its palms. Range is large and no longer needs a sweetspot. Does up to 18% damage uncharged, but it does up to 26% damage when fully charged.

u-smash: Releases dark flames from above its head. Damage from the move can vary, with the last hit being the most powerful. Unlike in Melee, it can trap foes more easily. Last hit is more powerful when fully charged.

d-smash: Fires an energy pulse from both palms. Hits both sides, but the front side does more damage. When uncharged, the front does up to 16% damage while the back does up to 13% damage. When fully charged, the front does up to 24% damage while the back does up to 21% damage.
Aerial Attacks

n-air: Body is covered with electric energy, which deals variable damage to opponents. Last hit deals out the most damage.

f-air: Slashes the target with its left arm. Deals up to 15% damage and sends foes flying vertically.

b-air: Same as f-air, but in reverse direction. However, the foe goes flying sideways instead of upwards.

u-air: Slashes the foe with its right arm. Does up to 11% damage.

d-air: Fires an energy pulse from below. Does up to 14% damage and slows down Mewtwo's descent speed for a bit. Sends foes flying sideways, which means that it's not a Meteor Smash move.
Special Attacks

standard - Shadow Ball: Charges up a dark energy ball. Unlike in Melee, it follows a straight line. When fully charged, the attack does up to 28% damage, and the knockback is strong.

side - Psycho Cut: Releases an energy blade that deals damage to opponents. Deals up to 15% damage at close range, but only does 5% damage from a distance.

up - Teleport: Disappears and reappears at another area. Angle is controlled by the Control Stick. Does no damage.

down - Light Screen: Creates a barrier that reflects projectiles from Mewtwo's front. However, it does not protect its back, meaning that projectiles from behind can still hurt it. The speed of the projectile is doubled if it hits the Light Screen.
Other Attacks

ledge attack (<100% damage): Gets up quickly and strikes the opponent with its tail. Does up to 5% damage.

ledge attack (100%+ damage): Gets up slowly and damages the foe with an arm attack. Does up to 3% damage.

floor recover: Spins around, damaging anyone hit by the attack. Does up to 4% damage.
Grabs & Throws

grab: Attempts to grab the opponent with its right arm. Although it'll actually use psychic powers to grab hold of the foe.

attack: Zaps the foe with a small spark. Does up to 3% damage.

f-throw: Lifts the foe and then hurls 5 small Shadow Balls at the foe. Does up to 5% damage plus 1% per Shadow Ball that hits the foe.

b-throw: Sends the foe behind it and then hurls it at full force. Does up to 11% damage.

u-throw: Makes the foe spin and then hurls it upwards. Does up to 11% damage.

d-throw: Uses its psychic powers to slam the foe to the ground. Does up to 7% damage.
Final Smash

Shadow Bomb: Mewtwo fires a large, powerful ball of dark energy at its opponents. This attack follows a straight line, but if it hits anyone, it stops moving and then creates an explosion that increases in size for up to 5 seconds. Anyone caught in this attack will be trapped in it until the explosion subsides. At the most, this attack can deal up to 60% damage, and can easily deliver instant KOs on small battlefields.
Battle Entrance

Teleports onto the battlefield.

/\ taunt: Spins around while making a sinister laugh.

<> taunt: Meditates and releases purple energy from its body.

\/ taunt: Puts its right palm on its chest and then spreads it out while showing an intense look on its face.
Alternate Costumes

Recolors affect its body and tail.

Default (white body, purple tail)
Red (red body, blue tail)
Blue (blue body, green tail)
Green (green body, red tail)
Gray (body and tail)
Purple (purple body, yellow tail)

Side Notes

Mewtwo sounds like it can speak human language, but it's using telepathy to speak.

Mewtwo is heavier than it was in Melee. Although it's still pretty floaty.

Some attacks do return from Melee, but with some adjustments. In fact, all throws except for one work the same way as in Melee.
Solid Snake Codec

Snake: Otacon, what is that cat-like creature in front of me? It looks intimidating.

Otacon: That's Mewtwo Snake. Mewtwo is a genetic Pokemon that was created from the genes of the legendary Pokemon Mew.

Snake: So it's basically a clone.

Otacon: Yeah, anyway, it's one of the strongest Pokemon in existence, but it's also one of the most ruthless Pokemon out there too. During a set of experiments, its battle powers grew dramatically fast, which also increased its thirst for battling.

Snake: So it likes to battle. It'll be an interesting matchup if you asked me.

Otacon: Just don't get cocky out there. Mewtwo's psychic powers are so strong that they could put you out of commission very quickly.

Snake: I'll keep that in mind.


Smash Champion
Oct 9, 2007
The chosen one seems a wee bit broken 5 power and 4 speed not a fair combonation
but the snake codec was funny

Collective of Bears

King of Hug Style
Nov 10, 2007
North Carolina
And for Grabs, he can release a cloud of gas that makes enemies dizzy, kinda like how Weegee threw by giving them a Weegee face in MYM 2.

Any feedback on Baz? I really worked hard on that set, and I'm still not done!

Collective of Bears

King of Hug Style
Nov 10, 2007
North Carolina
Baz is pretty ballin'. You might want to name and better describe your attacks though, but you must be working on that right now, right Commander?
I've still got a decent bit of work to do. I still need to make his Boss, Stage and Music, Item, his other AT, plus elaboration. This is gonna take a while... But I can easily say that when it's all said and done, Baz is probably my favorite creation.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Just for your information... I already nearly completed Dr. Eggman's moveset in my mind. I already have an idea for a final smash. The only thing I'll say about it is that it will contain an element out of the first Sonic the Hedgehog game.

Lip basically will stay the same, I'll just pump up the descriptions and stuff.

Deleted member

^^I'm guessing the Final Smash is the wrecking ball?

Dry Bones is looking like a good moveset. I'm liking how you used his degeneration as an attack. :D


Smash Champion
May 2, 2008
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, in full high-definition 2-D...


Ah, Paper Luigi. Obviously, he’s Mario’s brother, in paper form. In Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Luigi could often be found in Rogueport, where he recounted tales of the adventure he was having at the same time as Mario’s. You also had the chance to meet a few of his partners, most of whom were not tagging along because they really wanted to help Luigi. Despite that, they prove useful and loyal in Brawl, assisting Paper Luigi in many of his attacks.

In order to understand the partners Paper Luigi uses for his attacks, first check out these links:

Blooey the Blooper
Jerry the Bob-omb
Torque the Spike Top
Hayzee the Crazee Dayzee

You checked them? Oh, good. Then let's continue...

Size: Same size as regular Luigi
Weight: Light ~ We’re talking G&W-light, here.
Jump1: Mid-High
Jump2: Mid
FallSpeed: Slow
RunSpeed: Mid
AttackSpeed: Mid
Power: Mid
Jumps: 2
Crouch: Mid ~ He just bends over
Wall-Kick: No
Wall-Cling: No
Glide: Yes! Paper Luigi turns into a paper airplane to glide!
Crawl: Yes

Standard Combo -- Twirl -- Paper Luigi twirls around once, damaging opponents near him, both in the front and the back. Hold A (or press it repeatedly) and he’ll continue twirling, damaging once every time he makes a complete spin. 1% damage per hit, and holds very well so opponents will need to DI out. Its range consists only of PL’s body.

Side-Tilt A -- Punch -- Paper Luigi thrusts a fist forward. Nothing too special about this. Medium range. 5% damage.

Up-Tilt A -- Hat Whack -- Paper Luigi takes his hat off and holds it up high. He gets it up there pretty quick, so this can be hard to avoid. Medium range. 7% damage.

Down-Tilt A -- Faceplant -- Paper Luigi, leaning over, loses his balance and falls, smacking his face on the ground in front of him. This covers a decent distance. It has a good bit of ending delay, but rewards the user with a solid 10% damage to the foe if it connects.

Dash Attack -- Slide -- Paper Luigi jumps forward and slides on his stomach for a good distance. Long range. 9% damage. He takes a bit of time to get up afterward, though.

Side Smash -- Hayzee Rush -- Hayzee appears next to Luigi and rushes forward, similar to Wario’s Side Smash, but he goes a bit farther. 10% damage uncharged, 20% charged. Decent knockback, but nothing too overwhelming.

Up Smash -- Torque Toss -- Luigi tosses Torque upward, heavily damaging opponents above him. Torque is fairly heavy, though, so Luigi can’t toss him very high. 15% damage uncharged, 25% charged. Knockback is very good.

Down Smash -- Dizzy Spin -- A unique Down Smash. Paper Luigi spins rapidly in place, but rather than damage opponents, this move makes them dizzy, like a shield break or a Deku Nut. The longer it’s charged, the more powerful the dizziness spell.

Neutral Air -- Double Kick -- Luigi kicks forward with one leg, then the other. The second leg holds out in front of him, sort of a sex kick. Medium-short range. 4% + 7% damage.

Up Air -- Screamy Hop -- Screamy, another of Luigi’s partners, appears. Screamy jumps on Luigi’s head, then hops off of it, damaging opponents above him. Takes time to perform, but rewards with decent range and 10% damage.

Down Air -- Blooey Blast -- Blooey the Blooper appears, and sprays a cloud of ink below Luigi. This essentially functions the same as Ivysaur’s Down Air. Medium range. 14% damage. Excellent downward knockback.

Forward Air -- Screamy Swing (Forward) -- Screamy appears, and Luigi swings him to the front, like Olimar with his Pikmin. Medium range. 8% damage.

Backward Air -- Screamy Swing (Backward) -- Same as Forward Air, but performed to the back.

Grab: Paper Luigi pushes Screamy forward, and Screamy grabs the opponent. Comparable to red Pikmin.

Pummel: Haunt -- Screamy, being of a ghostly nature, pulses dark energy through the victim. 3% damage.

Forward Throw -- Scream -- Screamy screams (holy crap), rocketing the enemy forward. 9% damage.

Backward Throw -- Combo Toss -- Screamy tosses the unlucky victim to Luigi, who spins around and throws them backward (similar to the Backward Throw for normal Mario and Luigi). 10% damage.

Up Throw -- Paper Cut -- Screamy tosses the opponent over Luigi’s head. Luigi then jumps straight up, his paper-thin body cutting through the victim. 10% damage.

Down Throw -- Curse of Screamy -- Screamy throws the enemy to the ground, then seeps into them, dealing darkness damage. This takes more time than most throws, but rewards with 15% damage to the unlucky victim!

Standard B -- Hayzee the Crazee Dayzee -- This is a chargeable, but not storable move. Hayzee, one of Paper Luigi’s partners, appears next to him, then concentrates for as long as you charge the move. When you release the button, Hayzee will do what Crazee Dayzees do best--sing. Well, it’s more of a yell, since it’s very short, but anyway… The song he sings emits a sonic wave that damages enemies. Ranges, uncharged and fully charged, are comparable to DK’s Final Smash, when you don’t press anything, and when you’re perfectly on the beat. This move does 5-15% damage (depending on the charge), but has no knockback to speak of.

Side B -- Torque the Spike Top -- Paper Luigi’s partner, Torque, appears next to him, and Luigi kicks Torque forward. Torque travels a similar distance to Link’s Gale Boomerang before returning. If Torque misses, he will return promptly, with no delay to PL whatsoever. If he hits an opponent, though, his wrench-shaped spike will grab them, and Torque will quickly attach, immobilizing the opponent. During this time, all the unlucky victim can do is go crazy with the control stick, attempting to free themselves. Torque does only 2% damage, but locking on to enemies certainly sets up well for Smash Attacks (except the Up Smash, of course).

Up B -- Blooey the Blooper -- Blooey, another of Luigi’s partners, appears. Luigi hops on top of Blooey, and Blooey sprays a stream of jet-black ink straight downward. This rockets Luigi upward, for about the distance of Sonic’s Spring Jump. The ink stream functions similar to water from FLUDD or Squirtle’s Water Gun, pushing opponents down slightly but not damaging them. This move has no damaging capabilities.

Down B -- Jerry the Bob-omb -- Paper Luigi sets Jerry the Bob-omb on the ground. Jerry will sit in place normally, but if an enemy is nearby, he will walk slowly toward them. Four to five seconds after being placed, Jerry will shut his eyes tightly, and a second or so later, he detonates. His explosion is about half the radius of a Smart Bomb, and deals a solid 20% damage, with great knockback. He’s pretty easy to see coming, though, so you’ll likely need to combo your opponent into his blast radius.

Final Smash -- Jerry’s Valor -- Luigi puts on a princess’ wedding dress, the same one he had to use in order to be sacrificed to the two-headed snake that he later defeated. To avoid letting everyone be scarred for life, Jerry ignites, blowing himself up directly next to Luigi. The blast radius is about twice that of a Smart Bomb, and does a whopping 50% damage! It’s knockback it not the best, though, since it’s very easy to hit with and does loads of damage. A thick cloud of smoke covers the area after Jerry’s explosion, and when it clears, we see Paper Luigi in his normal attire, coughing from all the smoke. Thank you, Jerry, thank you.

Get Up (Under 100%): Paper Luigi performs a jumping motion, and is carried back onto the stage.
Get Up (Over 100%): Paper Luigi folds over himself, back onto the stage.

Attack (Under 100%): Torque jumps up ahead of Luigi, spinning in place to attack before Luigi climbs up. 5% damage.
Attack (Over 100%): Luigi lightly tosses Torque onto the ledge as he climbs up himself. 1% damage.

Dodge (Under 100%): Paper Luigi folds himself into a tight ball, and rolls across the stage.
Dodge (Over 100%): Paper Luigi crawls onto the stage, and crawls forward (very very low to the ground) before standing upright.

Jump (Under 100%): A gust of wind carries Paper Luigi into the air.
Jump (Over 100%): Paper Luigi crawls onto the ledge, then jumps.

Dizzy: Paper Luigi’s limbs hang limp, and he sways from side to side.

Sleep: Paper Luigi curls up on the floor and rests peacefully.

Sidestep Dodge: Paper Luigi bends (more like folds) to the side quickly.

Forward Rolling Dodge: Paper Luigi rolls himself into a tube, and rolls forward before unraveling.

Backward Rolling Dodge: Pretty much the same as the Forward one, but backward.

Air Dodge: Paper Luigi spins, avoiding damage.

Shield: Behind his bubble shield, Paper Luigi can be seen ducking down, pulling his hat over his head.

Up Taunt -- Blooey the Blooper appears, and sprays Luigi’s face with ink. Luigi then wipes it off, and looks around for the culprit, but Blooey is nowhere to be seen.

Down Taunt -- Paper Luigi ducks down, and acts like grass. Strangely, he actually begins to look like it, too!

Side Taunt -- Paper Luigi is blown by the wind, his ever-so-light body flailing in it, as he struggles to maintain his balance.

Up Victory Pose -- Same as the Up Taunt.

Side Victory Pose -- Paper Luigi sits on the ground, smiling, with Hayzee dancing around him and singing.

Down Victory Pose -- Paper Luigi’s partners all surround him, and everyone looks pleased.

Loss Pose -- Paper Luigi stands and claps. Standard.

Symbol: The Star Rod

Kirby Hat: Kirby gains Paper Luigi’s green hat, and becomes 2D, so as to distinguish from normal Luigi’s Kirby Hat.

Entrance: A paper airplane flies down and sticks in the ground, and Paper Luigi unfolds himself (and randomly loses the white space, because he’s just cool like that). Pretty much what happens in Paper Mario when you're using the airplane and you hit the ground.

Colors: The same schemes as regular Luigi.

Wii Remote Sound: In classic fashion, we hear Luigi’s voice, “Ya-hoo!”

To Unlock: Clear Hard Boss Battles with Luigi.

Unlock Message: “Paper Luigi, the 2-D man in green, has joined the Brawl!”

Snake: “Colonel, why is Luigi two-dimensional now?”
Colonel: “Ha! Looks like the King of Second Bananas never fails to have another trick up his sleeve.”
Snake: “Colonel, cut that out! I told you already, that’s a low blow!”
Colonel: “Snake, you just don’t get it. He’s just Mario’s brother, a nobody. He’ll never measure up.”
Snake: “Colonel, what’s wrong with you?!”
Colonel: “La li lu le lo! La li lu le lo! La li lu le lo!”
Snake: “Gah!! Not again!! COLONEL!!”

  • Great recovery, considering his gliding plus Up B
  • Strategic use of partners allows for solid comboing
  • Two moves that are capable of stunning/incapacitating opponents
  • Specials are unique and unpredictable
  • Because of his partners, almost all of his attacks have disjointed hitboxes
  • A number of his attacks are great at racking up damage

  • Lightweight and therefore somewhat easy to KO
  • Few finishing moves
  • Extremely floaty
  • Moves aren't very fast to execute because of partner involvement

Iron Thorn

Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2008
Going to Gamelon. I'm taking the Triforce of Spag
Thanks man, that would've been an embarrassing typo. Hairy backs are gross.

@STB: Too bad it's the one attack nobody will ever use :laugh:

EDIT: And great job on Paper Luigi. Colonel is such a butthead. But the best part is Luigi in a dress. Nothing can top Luigi in his manly pink princess dress.
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