Louie G.
Smash Hero
Yeah, my experience with the series is mostly founded in the earlier titles. So you’re probably right that later games introduce material that would spur on more interesting moveset potential, and I don’t have as much perspective on that. Although as we see with Mega Man or Simon, the NES foundation is kind of the root of how some of these old school nostalgia picks operate. So I also think it’s somewhat safe to assume they could play largely like they do in the original game.Are you only just going by the NES Contra games? Because if so, yeah, then that's not enough to get out of the characters and series. Much like the case with Simon, they most likely will have to use elements from later games to make the character work.
Also, Bill is more Schwarzeneggar while Lance is more Stallone (Rambo). I grew up on their movies, so seeing characters like that in Smash is very appealing to me.
Overall though, I think I’m just not that compelled by the “world” or essence of Contra to the degree I am some other candidates. It’s hard to justify, I think they’d be a fine enough addition, but I feel like there are more strikingly unique options available that I’d rather see. Maybe subconsciously I think we’re kinda set on NEStalgia platformer guys once we bring in Hayabusa.