Banned via Administration
The Pax Arena event will take place from January 29th to the 31st at PAX South in the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center featuring many well known guests!
Staff members include the likes of:
For singles, sets until top 32 are best-of-3, then best-of-5 for top 32 (16 players in winners and losers).For doubles, sets until top 8 are best-of-3, then best-of-5 for top 8 (4 teams in winners and losers).
Note: Bans last 1 game, therefore in a best-of-5 set, players may elect to change their ban after their second win. This takes place at the same point in the procedure as the ordinary ban, and causes the first stage to be unbanned. Players may also counterpick the stage they banned in the previous game if their opponent does not ban it for the game in question.
Starter Stages
Counterpick Stages
* If Battlefield is banned, Miiverse in turn is banned as well. Both stages treated as one and the same.
In order to avoid being character counterpicked by another player after
one player selects theirs, they may call for a double blind pick. They must request this before stage striking begins. The procedure is as follows:
Players engage in a battle of RPS best of 1. Winner strikes the first stage. Loser then strikes the next two stages. Winner strikes the last one effectively choosing the first stage they play on. (1-2-1)
Players may not pick ANY stage they have won on in the set previously except by agreement of the opponent (Gentleman’s Clause). This is also known as Modified Dave's Stupid Rule.
This rule can only be used to allow an opponent to go to a stage they already won on in the set, or to agree on a legal stage instead of stage striking. It cannot be used to pick a stage off the stage list or to agree to different game/set rules or settings, etc. Playing a game contrary to this rule may result in a forfeit of that game by the player who asked to do so.
After each game of the set as the first step in counterpicking, the player who won the previous game may ban one stage from the stage list. Stage bans last 1 game, therefore a player who banned a stage may counterpick that stage themselves later in the set, unless banned by their opponent. In a best-of-5 set, players may elect to change their bans after their second win. This takes place at the same point in the procedure as the ordinary ban, and causes the first stage to be unbanned.
Some relative spawn points in some stages are significantly advantageous to one player/team. Either player/team may request, before a match begins, to have controller ports to be switched to avoid these situations. This request cannot be turned down. Port priority must be maintained through the switch. A list of neutral ports for each stage will be available on request.
Players may NEVER ask for a "neutral start" where both players move to the opposite side of the stage after the game start and then countdown to 'officially' start the game. If anyone does ask for this, use neutral ports rule instead. Players that neutral start on stream will be removed from the stream. A player that has been warned about this rule but asks the other player anyway will forfeit the game of the set about to be played.
Players’ character colors must match their team's color when possible, to avoid confusion (ex: Luigi on the green team must use the green costume).
Any wireless Nintendo licensed controller is allowed, with the following constraints:
In the case of the time reaching zero, the player with the higher stock wins the match. If players are tied in stock, lower percent wins. If players are tied in percent, or two players/teams lose all their last stocks simultaneously, players play a 1 stock game with a 3 minute timer to determine the result of the match. If this was a doubles game, all players play in the game.
If a match ends with the successful use of a character’s self-destruct move, the results screen will determine the winner. No exceptions. If it ends with sudden death, standard sudden death rules apply.
For singles, sets until top 32 are best-of-3, then best-of-5 for top 64 (32 players in winners and losers).
For doubles , sets until top 8 are best-of-3, then best-of-5 for top 8 (4 teams in winners and losers).
Players will eliminate stages from the starter stage list until one remains. Procedure is as follows:
(Best-of-3 only) After each game of the set, before counterpicking, the player who won the previous game may ban one stage from the stage list. Stage bans last 1 game, therefore a player who banned a stage may counterpick that stage themselves later in the set, unless banned by their opponent.
There are no stage bans in best-of-5 sets.
Some relative spawn points in some stages are significantly advantageous to one player/team. Either player/team may request, before a match begins, to have controller ports to be switched to avoid these situations. This request cannot be turned down. Port priority must be maintained through the switch. A list of neutral ports for each stage will be available on request.
Stage Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4
Final Destination X X
Fountain of Dreams X X
Yoshi’s Story X X
Dreamland 64 X X
Battlefield X X
Pokémon Stadium X X
Stage Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4
Final Destination Team A Team B Team A Team B
Yoshi’s Story Team A Team B Team B Team A
Dreamland 64 Team A Team B Team B Team A
Battlefield Team A Team B Team B Team A
Pokémon Stadium Team A Team B Team B Team A
Players may NEVER ask for a "neutral start" where both players move to the opposite side of the stage after the game start and then countdown to 'officially' start the game. If anyone does ask for this, use neutral ports rule instead. Players that neutral start on stream will be removed from the stream. A player that has been warned about this rule but asks the other player anyway will forfeit the game of the set about to be played.
In order to avoid being character counterpicked by another player after
one player selects theirs, they may call for a double blind pick. They must request this before stage striking begins. The procedure is as follows:
Players may not pick ANY stage they have won on in the set previously except by agreement of the opponent. This is also known as Modified Dave's Stupid Rule. Can be circumvented by Gentleman's Clause.
This rule can only be used to allow an opponent to go to a stage they already won on in the set, or to agree on a legal stage instead of stage striking. It cannot be used to pick a stage off the stage list or to agree to different game/set rules or settings, etc. Playing a game contrary to this rule may result in a forfeit of that game by the player who asked to do so.
In the event that pause is not turned off, pausing the game is only legal while a player remains upon their OWN respawn platform AFTER notifying the other player, and only for the purpose of summoning a tournament organizer, or in the event of a controller malfunction. In the case of an accidental pause, the other player has the option to cause the other player to forfeit their current stock upon unpausing. If a pause causes an opponent to lose a stock, the offending player may be required to forfeit two stocks. If such stock loss would reduce the player to zero stock, they lose the game regardless of the result of the match on screen. If the opponent lost their last stock of the game, and the offending player was not reduced to zero stock, the game may be replayed. All judgments are up to the TO’s final discretion.
The act of stalling, or intentionally making the game unplayable, is banned and at the discretion of the TO. Stalling tactics include but are not limited to becoming invisible, infinites, chain grabs, or uninterruptible moves past 300%; or abusing a position in which one player’s opponent can never reach them. Any action that can prevent the game from continuing (e.g. freeze glitches, disappearing characters, game reset, etc.) will result in forfeiture of that match for the offending player. Players are responsible for knowing their own character, and must be wary about accidentally triggering these effects.
In the case of the time reaching zero, the player with the higher stock wins the match. If players are tied in stock, lower percent wins. If players are tied in percent, or two players/teams lose all their last stocks simultaneously, players play a 1 stock game with a 3 minute timer to determine the result of the match. If this was a doubles game, all players play in the game.
Teammates may not touch each other’s controllers during games.
Stock sharing is allowed in doubles.
Players may request that their opponent change colors to accommodate colorblindness, or if their color is indistinguishable from either the other team color or the stage background. This request must be made before the first game of the set.
Warm-up periods, button checks, and “handwarmers” may not exceed 60 seconds on the game clock. Violation of this rule may result in an automatic forfeit at the discretion of the TO.
Games or sets are not to be replayed due to a misinterpretation of the rules; it is the players’ responsibilities to ask the TO for any clarification of the rule set in the event of a disagreement, and the outcome of a game or set will not be changed after the fact except under extreme circumstances.
There will be no coaching allowed between or during games of a set. Players may having coaching between sets, including after a reset of grand finals, or any other time when the bracket is such that only one set may be played at a time. Players are always allowed 3 minutes between sets for this purpose in addition to ordinary time constraints.
Any collusion or results manipulation with competitors is forbidden. If the TO determines that any competitor is colluding to manipulate results or intentionally underperform, the colluding players may be immediately disqualified. This determination is to be made at the sole discretion of the TO. Anyone disqualified in this manner forfeits all rights to any titles or prize money they might have otherwise earned.
Only wireless controllers licensed by Nintendo are allowed. All use of wireless controllers must be reported to the pool captain before their use.
Any controller malfunctions are entirely the player’s responsibility. Players are responsible for using the correct settings BEFORE the set begins. Both parties need to agree if a match is to be paused or restarted because of a controller problem.
FB Event: https://t.co/5jsPEhhIA9
Trailer: https://t.co/t86dXT5Uex
Smash.gg link (note: all registration is on-site):http://smash.gg/pax
Staff members include the likes of:
- The Crimson Blur, Smash Partnerships at Twitch
- D1, Smash Partnerships at Twitch
- Juggleguy, organizer of critically acclaimed The Big House series
- Shan, head of widely used Smash.gg mobile site
- Tantalus, member of VGBC, organizer of the Xanadu series
- Sincerazero, member of Team OXY, organizer of SSS series
- VGBC Aposl
- VGBC Logic
- D1
- TKbreezy
- The Crimson Blur
- EE
- Webs
- Wobbles
- Tafokints
- Special guests who will be revealed during Pax South
- C9 Mango
- TSM Zero
- Liquid’ Hbox
- Tempo Westballz
- Tempo Axe
- CLG Nakat
- #THE Anti
- WFX Shroomed
- 2GG Void
- COG Wizzrobe
- COG MVG Mew2King
- PG Wobbles
- Vinnie
- Lucky
- Stock and time are set to 2 stocks and 6 minutes for Singles.
- Stock and time are set to 3 stocks and 8 minutes for Doubles.
- Handicap: OFF
- Team Attack / Friendly Fire: ON
- Damage Ratio: 100%
- Items: OFF and/or NONE
- Pause: OFF
- All Characters Available
- Custom Fighters & Custom Moves are set to off.
- Amiibos are not allowed.
- All DLC characters available on 12/25/15 will be allowed.
- Patch version of 12/25/15 will be used.
- Mii Fighters are legal. Each setup will have 1111 Mii Brawlers/Swordsmen/Gunners available for use (Using Default A-F standard size Miis provided on console). No other specials for Mii Fighters will be allowed. Players are not allowed to transfer existing Miis to a setup.
- Players/teams select characters, or use double blind picks (see additional rules section) if either player/team asks for it.
- First stage is selected according to stage striking. Neutral ports may be asked for. Neutral start may never be used. See the additional rules section for a description of these rules.
- Game is played
- Counterpicking procedure takes place:
- Game winner bans 1 stage. This ban is in effect for the following game ONLY.
- Game loser picks stage from among legal stages. Players/teams may not pick ANY stage they have won on in the set previously except by agreement of the opponent (Stage Clause, also known as Modified Dave's Stupid Rule).
- Winning player/team may change characters.
- Losing player/team may change characters.
- Next game is played.
For singles, sets until top 32 are best-of-3, then best-of-5 for top 32 (16 players in winners and losers).For doubles, sets until top 8 are best-of-3, then best-of-5 for top 8 (4 teams in winners and losers).
Note: Bans last 1 game, therefore in a best-of-5 set, players may elect to change their ban after their second win. This takes place at the same point in the procedure as the ordinary ban, and causes the first stage to be unbanned. Players may also counterpick the stage they banned in the previous game if their opponent does not ban it for the game in question.
Starter Stages
- Battlefield (Miiverse) *
- Dreamland 64
- Final Destination (Omegas banned)
- Smashville
- Town & City
Counterpick Stages
- Duck Hunt
- Lylat Cruise
* If Battlefield is banned, Miiverse in turn is banned as well. Both stages treated as one and the same.
In order to avoid being character counterpicked by another player after
one player selects theirs, they may call for a double blind pick. They must request this before stage striking begins. The procedure is as follows:
- A player requests double blind to the opponent
- This player calls over a pool captain or other tournament official (must be approved by the other player), and tells them their character selection in secret.
- The other player selects their character.
- The official then announces the first player's pick and that player must select that character for the first stage.
- Set procedure continues from step 2 as described above.
Players engage in a battle of RPS best of 1. Winner strikes the first stage. Loser then strikes the next two stages. Winner strikes the last one effectively choosing the first stage they play on. (1-2-1)
Players may not pick ANY stage they have won on in the set previously except by agreement of the opponent (Gentleman’s Clause). This is also known as Modified Dave's Stupid Rule.
This rule can only be used to allow an opponent to go to a stage they already won on in the set, or to agree on a legal stage instead of stage striking. It cannot be used to pick a stage off the stage list or to agree to different game/set rules or settings, etc. Playing a game contrary to this rule may result in a forfeit of that game by the player who asked to do so.
After each game of the set as the first step in counterpicking, the player who won the previous game may ban one stage from the stage list. Stage bans last 1 game, therefore a player who banned a stage may counterpick that stage themselves later in the set, unless banned by their opponent. In a best-of-5 set, players may elect to change their bans after their second win. This takes place at the same point in the procedure as the ordinary ban, and causes the first stage to be unbanned.
Some relative spawn points in some stages are significantly advantageous to one player/team. Either player/team may request, before a match begins, to have controller ports to be switched to avoid these situations. This request cannot be turned down. Port priority must be maintained through the switch. A list of neutral ports for each stage will be available on request.
Players may NEVER ask for a "neutral start" where both players move to the opposite side of the stage after the game start and then countdown to 'officially' start the game. If anyone does ask for this, use neutral ports rule instead. Players that neutral start on stream will be removed from the stream. A player that has been warned about this rule but asks the other player anyway will forfeit the game of the set about to be played.
Players’ character colors must match their team's color when possible, to avoid confusion (ex: Luigi on the green team must use the green costume).
Any wireless Nintendo licensed controller is allowed, with the following constraints:
- Players using a Pro Controller MUST use the wired option and have the batteries out. The player must also show that the batteries are out to their pool captain before each set before they are allowed to play.
- Players using any other wireless controller must notify their pool captain immediately when arriving at their pool. The pool captain will send the player to a specific station in the venue designated for all wireless play. Players with wireless controllers must play at this station for all their sets, without exception. ANY WIRELESS PLAY OUTSIDE THIS STATION WILL RESULT IN A DQ OR REVOKING OF ENTRY BADGE. Friendlies with wireless controllers may only happen in the friendlies venue or other designated friendly setups.
In the case of the time reaching zero, the player with the higher stock wins the match. If players are tied in stock, lower percent wins. If players are tied in percent, or two players/teams lose all their last stocks simultaneously, players play a 1 stock game with a 3 minute timer to determine the result of the match. If this was a doubles game, all players play in the game.
If a match ends with the successful use of a character’s self-destruct move, the results screen will determine the winner. No exceptions. If it ends with sudden death, standard sudden death rules apply.
- 4 stock, 8 minutes
- Handicap OFF
- Damage ratio 1.0
- Items OFF
- Pause OFF
- Team attack ON
- Players/teams select characters, or use double blind picks (see additional rules section) if either player/team asks for it.
- First stage is selected according to stage striking. Neutral ports may be asked for. Neutral start may never be used. See the additional rules section for a description of these rules.
- Game is played
- Counterpicking procedure takes place:
- Game winner bans 1 stage in bo3, no stages in bo5. This ban is in effect for the following game ONLY.
- Game loser picks stage from among legal stages. Players/teams may not pick ANY stage they have won on in the set previously except by agreement of the opponent (Stage Clause, also known as Modified Dave's Stupid Rule).
- Winning player/team may change characters.
- Losing player/team may change characters.
- Next game is played.
- Repeat steps 3-4 until one player/team has won the set.
For singles, sets until top 32 are best-of-3, then best-of-5 for top 64 (32 players in winners and losers).
For doubles , sets until top 8 are best-of-3, then best-of-5 for top 8 (4 teams in winners and losers).
- Yoshi's Story
- Fountain of Dreams
- Battlefield
- Final Destination
- Dream Land 64
- Pokemon Stadium
- Yoshi's Story
- Pokemon Stadium
- Battlefield
- Final Destination
- Dream Land 64
- None
Players will eliminate stages from the starter stage list until one remains. Procedure is as follows:
- Players play best-of-one RPS.
- Winner may choose to have port priority or the first stage strike. Port priority can be ignored if neither player brings it up.
- The player with first stage strike shall strike one of the 5 starter stages. The other player then strikes two, and then the first player strikes one more to leave one (1-2-2-1 order).
(Best-of-3 only) After each game of the set, before counterpicking, the player who won the previous game may ban one stage from the stage list. Stage bans last 1 game, therefore a player who banned a stage may counterpick that stage themselves later in the set, unless banned by their opponent.
There are no stage bans in best-of-5 sets.
Some relative spawn points in some stages are significantly advantageous to one player/team. Either player/team may request, before a match begins, to have controller ports to be switched to avoid these situations. This request cannot be turned down. Port priority must be maintained through the switch. A list of neutral ports for each stage will be available on request.
Stage Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4
Final Destination X X
Fountain of Dreams X X
Yoshi’s Story X X
Dreamland 64 X X
Battlefield X X
Pokémon Stadium X X
Stage Port 1 Port 2 Port 3 Port 4
Final Destination Team A Team B Team A Team B
Yoshi’s Story Team A Team B Team B Team A
Dreamland 64 Team A Team B Team B Team A
Battlefield Team A Team B Team B Team A
Pokémon Stadium Team A Team B Team B Team A
Players may NEVER ask for a "neutral start" where both players move to the opposite side of the stage after the game start and then countdown to 'officially' start the game. If anyone does ask for this, use neutral ports rule instead. Players that neutral start on stream will be removed from the stream. A player that has been warned about this rule but asks the other player anyway will forfeit the game of the set about to be played.
In order to avoid being character counterpicked by another player after
one player selects theirs, they may call for a double blind pick. They must request this before stage striking begins. The procedure is as follows:
- A player requests double blind to the opponent
- This player calls over a pool captain or other tournament official (must be approved by the other player), and tells them their character selection in secret.
- The other player selects their character.
- The official then announces the first player's pick and that player must select that character for the first stage.
- Set procedure continues from step 2 as described above.
Players may not pick ANY stage they have won on in the set previously except by agreement of the opponent. This is also known as Modified Dave's Stupid Rule. Can be circumvented by Gentleman's Clause.
This rule can only be used to allow an opponent to go to a stage they already won on in the set, or to agree on a legal stage instead of stage striking. It cannot be used to pick a stage off the stage list or to agree to different game/set rules or settings, etc. Playing a game contrary to this rule may result in a forfeit of that game by the player who asked to do so.
In the event that pause is not turned off, pausing the game is only legal while a player remains upon their OWN respawn platform AFTER notifying the other player, and only for the purpose of summoning a tournament organizer, or in the event of a controller malfunction. In the case of an accidental pause, the other player has the option to cause the other player to forfeit their current stock upon unpausing. If a pause causes an opponent to lose a stock, the offending player may be required to forfeit two stocks. If such stock loss would reduce the player to zero stock, they lose the game regardless of the result of the match on screen. If the opponent lost their last stock of the game, and the offending player was not reduced to zero stock, the game may be replayed. All judgments are up to the TO’s final discretion.
The act of stalling, or intentionally making the game unplayable, is banned and at the discretion of the TO. Stalling tactics include but are not limited to becoming invisible, infinites, chain grabs, or uninterruptible moves past 300%; or abusing a position in which one player’s opponent can never reach them. Any action that can prevent the game from continuing (e.g. freeze glitches, disappearing characters, game reset, etc.) will result in forfeiture of that match for the offending player. Players are responsible for knowing their own character, and must be wary about accidentally triggering these effects.
In the case of the time reaching zero, the player with the higher stock wins the match. If players are tied in stock, lower percent wins. If players are tied in percent, or two players/teams lose all their last stocks simultaneously, players play a 1 stock game with a 3 minute timer to determine the result of the match. If this was a doubles game, all players play in the game.
Teammates may not touch each other’s controllers during games.
Stock sharing is allowed in doubles.
Players may request that their opponent change colors to accommodate colorblindness, or if their color is indistinguishable from either the other team color or the stage background. This request must be made before the first game of the set.
Warm-up periods, button checks, and “handwarmers” may not exceed 60 seconds on the game clock. Violation of this rule may result in an automatic forfeit at the discretion of the TO.
Games or sets are not to be replayed due to a misinterpretation of the rules; it is the players’ responsibilities to ask the TO for any clarification of the rule set in the event of a disagreement, and the outcome of a game or set will not be changed after the fact except under extreme circumstances.
There will be no coaching allowed between or during games of a set. Players may having coaching between sets, including after a reset of grand finals, or any other time when the bracket is such that only one set may be played at a time. Players are always allowed 3 minutes between sets for this purpose in addition to ordinary time constraints.
Any collusion or results manipulation with competitors is forbidden. If the TO determines that any competitor is colluding to manipulate results or intentionally underperform, the colluding players may be immediately disqualified. This determination is to be made at the sole discretion of the TO. Anyone disqualified in this manner forfeits all rights to any titles or prize money they might have otherwise earned.
Only wireless controllers licensed by Nintendo are allowed. All use of wireless controllers must be reported to the pool captain before their use.
Any controller malfunctions are entirely the player’s responsibility. Players are responsible for using the correct settings BEFORE the set begins. Both parties need to agree if a match is to be paused or restarted because of a controller problem.
FB Event: https://t.co/5jsPEhhIA9
Trailer: https://t.co/t86dXT5Uex
Smash.gg link (note: all registration is on-site):http://smash.gg/pax