Wageningen is a small municipality with fewer than 40,000 people. Last year one of their players, Mickey Blue-eyes, stared to host tournaments in his own living room late on Saturday nights. While casual they were certainly the birthplace of their community. Back in those days Mickey Blue-eyes was certainly the best player but he found himself occasionally challenged by close friend WayUp. Slowly over the months more players came and made names for themselves like JoSi, Kune, Meleo, ElRey, Dimes, and Chris Lightning.
Then a unique opportunity allowed them to leave the living room and get the venue that would name their tournament. Dimes, along with his brother Frank arranged to have their fathers' abandoned pharmacy building be their venue for tournaments as it wouldn't be seeing much use for the foreseeable future. Thus Pharmacy Smash was born!

All Together Smashing In The Pharmacy
The first ever Pharmacy Smash rolled around and Mickey-Blue-eyes managed to not drop a single set. WayUp unsurprisingly came in second but people who came for the very first time also did very well like Jark and Sluggard who would go on to be some of the great players in the local scene. Players have started to come from surrounding areas as well like RiVeR, a Snake main from Den Bosch, Fourze, a Diddy main from Arnhem, and Jules, an Ice Climbers main from Nijmegen. These guys have been taking tournament wins from the locals and are definitely strong competition.
So who is that local talent to meet? Let's introduce readers a bit more to the big threats:
Mickey Blue-eyes:

The father of the Wageningen scene, he is by far their fastest and most technical player. He won ALL the early tournaments but has been slacking as of late,.
Possibly the best King Dedede in the Netherlands he may lose to Mickey Blue-eyes often but he places high in many out of town events.
He has been consistently breaking into the top players recently having four consecutive top 3 placements in the last four biweeklies. He utilizes a combo-heavy style of play to overshadow a lack of neutral and technical ability
An extremely technical player, JoSi mostly plays Ganondorf but is able to pick up any character on the roster very well. A very promising player.
A "hero" to the local scene, he has an extremely safe playstyle, takes minimal risk, and has a strong grasp of fundamentals.
The least technical player of the bunch, rocking that 0% L cancel rate, he has been slacking since his dominant days in the early days of the scene rocking only one top eight in the past four events. He utilizes a patient style, combined with sick reads, if WayUp is in your head, he isn't leaving. He still has something to prove.
So who is that local talent to meet? Let's introduce readers a bit more to the big threats:
Mickey Blue-eyes:
The father of the Wageningen scene, he is by far their fastest and most technical player. He won ALL the early tournaments but has been slacking as of late,.

Possibly the best King Dedede in the Netherlands he may lose to Mickey Blue-eyes often but he places high in many out of town events.
He has been consistently breaking into the top players recently having four consecutive top 3 placements in the last four biweeklies. He utilizes a combo-heavy style of play to overshadow a lack of neutral and technical ability
An extremely technical player, JoSi mostly plays Ganondorf but is able to pick up any character on the roster very well. A very promising player.
A "hero" to the local scene, he has an extremely safe playstyle, takes minimal risk, and has a strong grasp of fundamentals.
The least technical player of the bunch, rocking that 0% L cancel rate, he has been slacking since his dominant days in the early days of the scene rocking only one top eight in the past four events. He utilizes a patient style, combined with sick reads, if WayUp is in your head, he isn't leaving. He still has something to prove.
These players alongside previously mentioned RiVeR, Fourze, and Jules will all be coming together to play this Saturday, September 26th. The stream for the event is set to start at 16:00 CEST and will be shown on the SmashWageningen channel on Hitbox.tv. It will start out with an interesting money match followed by doubles then singles. Commentary is expected to be in their traditional Dutch but if English speakers come to watch Kune and Mikey-Blue-eyes will bring on some English commentary. For those who can't tune in live these matches along with previous events can be found on the PharmaSmash Youtube channel.
Hopefully this inside look into the Wagenigen scene has readers inspired to start growing scenes of their own and to tune in for some awesome Project M action! A special thanks to

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