Bowser Jr didn't beat Palutena? I'm honestly surprised.
Huh... well, I'm glad some detractors came, not that they're right or anything. They're not.
I just hope this seems like it wasn't a waste anymore.
I mean, on places like in youtube comment sections the amount of people who think it's real seems to be barely over 50%
It's pretty stupid. So I think we made the right choice.
So, on to the ratings.
I gave Duck Hunt Dog a 99.99% chance because he didn't have a video, this means I'll do the same for Dr. Mario and Dark Pit, right?
Nope. Before the leaks, I had been expecting these 2, just like Shulk. They make a lot of sense anyways, so like Shulk, if the leaks are fake (which they're not), I think they're still in.
(Clarification: We hadn't rated Dark Pit after I was convinced he was in, if you look back at my old rating for this game for him they are very low. Somebody convinced me more recently, but, before the leaks)
Dark Pit:
Chance: 100%
"Dark Pit. Ya just dropped in to crash my party?"
"Uh huh

This was a hint for him, and he probably wasn't shown because a minor clone that few wanted isn't E3-worthy, whereas Palutena had been needing to be revealed for a long time there (and was E3-worthy). Just like Shulk really needs to be revealed... ugh, this is what happens when you wait too long, Sakurai, he gets leaked.
Anyways... he makes sense as a clone. He was likely an alt, and Sakubias got some idea for him to be separate, or just let him tag along with Lucina... and Dr. Mario.
I just have no idea what his alts are going to be, Darker Pits?
Anyways, his music is also in the game, since it was in the Smash Direct when they showed of the 3ds stages.
Want: 60%
"You're nothing compared to the [Goddess Medusa]!"
Yea, if we were going to get a 3rd KI character I wanted it to be Medusa--
(even as a clone of Palutena, it's not fair to compare a clone to a unique character as competition, that's not true, but clone competition is/was a thing... we're hearing about all these alts like Alph and the Koopalings... Alph was just as able to be a clone as the 3 picks so far, but he didn't make it, that's competition for a clone. Please don't say "Since Lucina ended up a clone they should have just added Chrom with his own moveset instead. She's such a waste of a slot. I HATE WHEN PEOPLE SAY THIS... what was I talking about? Oh yea).
--Or Viridi, but that ship sailed a long time ago.
But I'm not against more KI or clones. So this is cool. I think Pit is fun to play as, but he's been revamped into almost a completely new character, and while he looks like he'll be better... I don't know if I'll enjoy his playstyle, or Dark Pit's variation of his moveset. But I have a feeling I will, so I put 60%. This could easily rise after playing as him.
Notmewtwo Dr. Mario:
Chance: 100%
Always thought he was underrated (post-Lucina) due to Sakurai's statement that was something like Dr. Mario would look weird throwing a fireball + His Lucina statement saying when alt characters get even a minor tweak they get their own spot on the roster and become their own established newcomer. Or in this case, Melee veteran.
Want: 60%
Not my favorite choice for a clone, but still, I've got nothing against clones, so unless they actually took up a lot of development time somehow, or their my 2 least favorite characters, I will always be above neutral. And these two are pretty much the lowest of the choices I wouldn't mind. There are many clones I would actually love to see and be hyped about (Impa, Dixie... not saying they have to be clones, but if they were, I'd still be 100% hype)
Exception to that: Toon Link. He's just such an easy target to blame all of my problems with the Zelda representation in smash on. Sorry.
...secretly, his playstyle is actually my 3rd favorite in Brawl... shh... don't tell anyone...
More Newcomers:
Well, I think there are 13 competitors left.
I'd rank them like...
1. Shulk 100.03% [leak]
2. Bowser Jr 100.02% [leak]
3. Dark Pit 100.01% [leak]
4. Dr. Mario 100% [leak]
5. Duck Hunt 99.99% [leak]
6. Mewtwo 75% [veteran]
7. Ridley 63%
8. Dixie Kong 62%
9. Impa 55%
10. King K Rool 33%
11. Chorus Men 24%
12. Isaac 14%
13. Mach Rider 12%
...that. Yea, probably should have brought a flame shield...
Anyways, regardless of chances, there has to be at least 2 more characters. Since they could be Wolf and Lucas, this isn't definite for me. But I personally think 4-5 more is what we'll actually get. And if Ice Climbers do return, the Chorus Men will jump back to the top of my list where they've been ever since the Gematsu-filled E3.
I think that if there are only 2 spots... Mewtwo and Dixie or Ridley. If there are 5, Wolf at least has a good shot imo.
Anyways, this is definitely something I'm counting on and hoping for. I shouldn't let my expectations be this way but I am.
Chance: 85%
Oh, and don't forget that All-Star mode is locked (also don't forget that it could be because a veteran...)
Want: 1000%
My least wanted characters got deconfirmed, keep as many coming as possible! Even clones!
...especially clones!