Smash Cadet
This event will be a bi-monthly tournament meaning we will have these every other month. The difference between this event and our weeklys is that the pay out is guaranteed to be more money! If you have any money matches, rival matches or crew battles you want to go down these will be place for that! the price of game entry goes up but not the price of venue and for these events the pay out is Top 5 depending on the numbers of entries of course.
Open @ 3pm
Doubles: 4:30
Singles: 5:30
Venue: 5.00
Project M: 5.00
Melee: 10.00
SSB4: 10.00
Doubles: 10 per Team ( 5.00 per person )
Top 3
1. 60%
2. 30%
3. 10%
Top 4
1. 50%
2. 25%
4. 10%
Top 5
1. 45%
2. 25%
3. 15%
4. 10%
5. 5%
General SSB4 Rules:
Game version: US Nintendo Wii-U
Game Settings:Singles: 2 Stock, 6 Minute Time Limit, Items Off, Equipment Off, 2/3 Games (3/5 in finals matches)
Doubles: 3 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit, Items Off, Equipment Off, 2/3 Games (3/5 in finals matches)
Starting Stages: Battlefield, Final Destination, Smashville, Town & City, Dream Land
Counterpick Stages: Duck Hunt, Lylat Cruise
Note: All Omega stages are banned.
Additional Rules:
Custom moves are DISABLED.
Amiibo’s are banned.
Loading anything on to the consoles from a Nintendo portable gaming system is FORBIDDEN unless approved by the organizer.
You may not choose a stage you have already won on unless mutually agreed to.
You may not play on a stage that is not on the available stages list. This will result in a double disqualification.
Order of events:
Pick characters, then stage striking.
First stage is decided by banning from the Starter Stages in P1(1)-P2(2)-P1(2)-P2(2)-P1(1) order.
Winning player is not locked into the same character for the next match, but has to pick before loser selects character.
Maximum allowed time between games is 60 seconds. Any player violating this rule will be issued a loss.
General Melee Rules:
Game version: US Nintendo GameCube
Game Settings: 4 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit, No Items, Pause Disabled, 2/3 Games, 3/5 for Finals Matches
Starter stages: Yoshi’s Story, Fountain of Dreams, Final Destination, Battlefield, Dream Land.
Counter-pick Stages: Pokemon Stadium.Wobbling is legal. Freezing and infinite stalling are not legal.
Additional Rules:
Winning player is not locked into the same character for the next match, but has to pick before loser selects character.
Following stages decided by winner banning one stage from all stages and then loser choosing.
Any matches that are best of five, there are no stage bans.
You may not choose a stage you have already won on unless mutually agreed to.
If there are only a few entries only top two will recieve pay out and the percentage will be divided to still equal 100% of the pot. Please remember to report your matches to a TO and help move the bracket along quickly. DO NOT start a casual match when people are waiting for an open set up to start there bracket match. Also remember here at the venue we do not have a bathroom so please use the bathroom before showing up because the closest place with a bathroom is Wawa and thats two minutes up the street by DRIVING not walking. If you have any questions feel free to message the page or post on the event page wall and we will respond as soon as possible! thanks guys hope to see you all there!
Open @ 3pm
Doubles: 4:30
Singles: 5:30
Venue: 5.00
Project M: 5.00
Melee: 10.00
SSB4: 10.00
Doubles: 10 per Team ( 5.00 per person )
Top 3
1. 60%
2. 30%
3. 10%
Top 4
1. 50%
2. 25%
4. 10%
Top 5
1. 45%
2. 25%
3. 15%
4. 10%
5. 5%
General SSB4 Rules:
Game version: US Nintendo Wii-U
Game Settings:Singles: 2 Stock, 6 Minute Time Limit, Items Off, Equipment Off, 2/3 Games (3/5 in finals matches)
Doubles: 3 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit, Items Off, Equipment Off, 2/3 Games (3/5 in finals matches)
Starting Stages: Battlefield, Final Destination, Smashville, Town & City, Dream Land
Counterpick Stages: Duck Hunt, Lylat Cruise
Note: All Omega stages are banned.
Additional Rules:
Custom moves are DISABLED.
Amiibo’s are banned.
Loading anything on to the consoles from a Nintendo portable gaming system is FORBIDDEN unless approved by the organizer.
You may not choose a stage you have already won on unless mutually agreed to.
You may not play on a stage that is not on the available stages list. This will result in a double disqualification.
Order of events:
Pick characters, then stage striking.
First stage is decided by banning from the Starter Stages in P1(1)-P2(2)-P1(2)-P2(2)-P1(1) order.
Winning player is not locked into the same character for the next match, but has to pick before loser selects character.
Maximum allowed time between games is 60 seconds. Any player violating this rule will be issued a loss.
General Melee Rules:
Game version: US Nintendo GameCube
Game Settings: 4 Stock, 8 Minute Time Limit, No Items, Pause Disabled, 2/3 Games, 3/5 for Finals Matches
Starter stages: Yoshi’s Story, Fountain of Dreams, Final Destination, Battlefield, Dream Land.
Counter-pick Stages: Pokemon Stadium.Wobbling is legal. Freezing and infinite stalling are not legal.
Additional Rules:
Winning player is not locked into the same character for the next match, but has to pick before loser selects character.
Following stages decided by winner banning one stage from all stages and then loser choosing.
Any matches that are best of five, there are no stage bans.
You may not choose a stage you have already won on unless mutually agreed to.
If there are only a few entries only top two will recieve pay out and the percentage will be divided to still equal 100% of the pot. Please remember to report your matches to a TO and help move the bracket along quickly. DO NOT start a casual match when people are waiting for an open set up to start there bracket match. Also remember here at the venue we do not have a bathroom so please use the bathroom before showing up because the closest place with a bathroom is Wawa and thats two minutes up the street by DRIVING not walking. If you have any questions feel free to message the page or post on the event page wall and we will respond as soon as possible! thanks guys hope to see you all there!