Smash Apprentice

Hey guys! We're back with another tournament on November 22nd. This is the 10th installment of the Smash it Again! series!! We are very excited because there's a lot in store for this event! We're glad that over 40 participants joined us on the 8th with over 30 players in the Smash Wii U bracket!! We're also giving the logos and banners some aesthetic touch-ups here and there. Be on the look out for any slight or grand design changes before the end of the year!
For participants that competed at the last tournament, the brackets are LIVE! Links to each bracket are listed below:
Smash for Wii U
Project M
We do have a YouTube account so that people can watch and review their matches from previous tournaments. We try our best to provide ample quality on all of our videos, and we hope you enjoy what we've got on our channel! Click the button to navigate directly to the channel.

12:30 Doors Open/Registration Starts
1:20 Wii U Singles Bracket Starts
2:20 PM Singles Bracket Starts
4:15 Lunch Break and Chill-out Time
5:00 Return from Break/Side Event Begins
Located about 15 minutes away from UNCC and practically in the same parking lot of the Concord Mills Mall, this is the ideal location for all your new, retro, card, and board gaming needs. Concord Mills Blvd is directly off I-85 as well so it should be easy enough for you travelers to find. There is plenty of food in the area including Steak & Shake, Chic-Fil-A, and of course the food court in the mall. While no outside food or drink is allowed in the venue, they do offer drinks and simple snacks at a very reasonable cost. Also, be sure to keep your language and behavior family friendly. We will continue to hold Smash tournaments here, so show them the best our community has to offer. It's important to note this is a high traffic area so be sure to keep that in mind when you’re heading to and from the event. Be sure to like and follow their Facebook page by clicking the image.

General Rules:
- As a guest, be sure you clean up after yourself and leave no messes behind
- Any person(s) caught vandalizing store property i.e. tournament equipment, items for sale, etc. will be responsible for any and all charges to replace the items and may have charges pressed onto them based on the severity
- Absolutely no drugs and alcohol on the premises. If we see any, we’re sending you home packingIf you’re called on to play a match and you’re not present, you have 10 minutes to show up or else you’re disqualified from your match. A timer will be enacted on all bracket matches
- Coaching in any way, shape or form during a player’s match is prohibited. That includes in between games and sets. Ear-side coaching is also prohibited. Giving advice to a player after a match when they’re on standby is completely legal. There is a three-strike system enforced to any violators
- A T.O. set up is located straight ahead from the doorway. Anyone with a “Tournament Organizer” label or “T.O.” label can touch the equipment. Anyone else DOES NOT touch the brackets or equipment
- It is the job of both players to report their matches. Please stay alert and on top of things when reporting matches to ensure efficiencyMoney matches are to be played ONLY during the break time. If a T.O. finds a set up being used for a money match during bracket time, both players will be disqualified
- Any disrespectful actions and comments to players, staff, outsiders, etc. will result in an escort off the premise
- If there are any disputes about the rules or even a match, feel free to consult a T.O. at any time during the tournament
- A T.O. may allot more time in the event you bring it to their attention, but it is at their discretion and are not required to do so
Money Distribution
Event Fee - $5 per tournament entry/$2 per side event
-$5 will go into the pot for each event you enter. Active events are available for Project M and Smash for Wii U, and usually a side event that is voted upon by the people beforehand. This can be anything from Brawl Minus, Doubles, amiibo, etc.
The Payout - Depending on the entrants for the event, percentages of the pot will be broken up accordingly.
-4th-5 %
-Winner Takes All (Typically side event payout)

Smash for Wii U Ruleset:
* 2 stock, 6 minutes
* Sets are best of 3; Finals are best of 5
* Items set to “off” and “none”
* Either player may call for a Double Blind character selection for the first match
* Stage selection for starters will work with each player striking one stage. A game of rock paper scissors will be played to determine who goes first
* Stage bans affect opponents only. Players MAY allow for Dave's Stupid Rule upon request at the start of the match
* Infinites are legal up to 300%, beyond which is considered stalling and will result in a forfeit of that stock
* Pausing during a match, unless OK’d by the other player, will result in the loss of one stock for the one who paused
* Quitting out of a match before it is over will result in a loss for the quitter
* If time runs out, the person with the most stock left (or least % if they are equal) wins. If the % is equal as well, play a 1 stock 3 minute match, same characters and stage
* If the match ends in a draw due to a command grab (Ganon’s Side-B, Kirby/DDD/Wario’s Neutral-B, holding someone in a grab on a platform as it moves out of the boundaries, etc.), the one who initiated the move wins
* No coaching during a game or set. Consulting someone between matches is allowed as long as it doesn't hold up the next match. Any players found coaching in a match will first get a warning, followed by the player getting disqualified in their match, and finally the coach AND the player will be disqualified completely from the tournament
* Both players may agree to any rule or stage outside the tournament ruleset
* GameCube controllers are HIGHLY recommended!! Any player that uses the Wii U Pro Controller MUST keep up with the connection with any set up and immediately disconnect after their matches to ensure no accidental interference OR just have a charging cord with the battery taken out of the back of the controller
* Custom movesets are no longer allowed during any matches in order to enable tournament matches to gain recognition under the State PR system
*Mii Fighters ARE ALLOWED; however, all Miis that are created must be system default Miis and run 1111, 2222, or 3333 movesets
Stage List:
The stage list is a rendition created just for the venue based on the regulations of the NC PR rules with 3 starters and 4 counter-picks in order to simplify stage selection
Starters: Available on round 1 and every other round after that
-Final Destination/Palutena’s Temple (Omega)*
Counter-Picks: Only available after round 1 and is selected by the loser. Winner gets 2 bans
-Duck Hunt
-Lylat Cruise
-Dreamland 64
-Town and City
*Note that Omega Stages act as Final Destination/Palutena's Temple (Omega) ONLY after round 1. If Final Destination is banned, so do the Omega stages

Project M Ruleset:
For everything, except the stage selection, we use the Apex 2014 ruleset, including character selection and stage striking. For those not familiar, the rules can be found here
Additional Rules to Consider:
- Playing as WarioMan or Giga Bowser is banned
- Any Alt. Stages not listed under the starter or counter list ARE BANNED. This includes any alts. (with the exception of Battlefield and Dreamland) and stages listed on page 2
Project M Stage List:
We have a new stage list that the NC Smash PR has released recently after Tipped Off 11. This stage list has some large changes to it. This stage list is also experimental and is subject to change through the coming months
Green-Starter Stages- These stages are available all rounds but are the only ones available for round 1
-Pokémon Stadium 2
-Green Hill Zone
Yellow-Counter Pick Stages- These stages are available only after round 1 is complete; winner gets 2 bans
-Yoshi's Story
-Final Destination
-Delfino's Secret
-Fountain Of Dreams
-Yoshi's Island
Project M Character Texture Hacks:
Texture hacks are allowed. If you have your own build you would like to show off on stream, be sure to bring in your SD card! We only ask that you check your textures to ensure they are texture hacks ONLY and not vectors and changes to the original character model. For example, this R.O.B. texture is one that we enjoy using because of how creative it is and does not manipulate the vector and bone structure of the character.

Music: We also greatly encourage people to show off their music too since it heats up the battle. For example, we love other fighters such as Blazblue and Marvel vs. Capcom, so we have songs from those games and various others. Expect some of your favorite songs or even completely random entries to be heard throughout the venue!

The side event for this time will be Brawl Minus!! A lot of participants enjoy this, and we hope you'll jump into this wild and crazy game even if it's your first try of this game!
Game Rules:
- First round matches are best 3 out of 5; matches after round 1 are 2 out of 3; grand finals is the best of one game. MASTER DEMANDS PERFECTION
- 4 stock, 8 minutes; items set to "off"
- All infinites, chain grabs, and combos can go on only up to 300%; any further will result in a forfeit of a stock
- Any game or set that ends in a command grab, i.e. Ganondorf's Flame Choke, Wario's Chomp, Kirby and DeDeDe's Inhale, results in a victory of the player who initiated the move
- Any player who pauses in the middle of a match with any sort of intention MUST forfeit their own stock as a result
- Rock-paper-scissors will be played to determine which player gets first strike on stage selection
Players will strike on a 1-2-1 basis; Winner gets 2 bans after each round
Starters - available during round 1 ONLY
-Final Destination
-Pokemon Stadium 2
-Yoshi's Story
Counter-picks - ONLY available after round 1
-Fountain of Dreams
-WarioWare, Inc.
-Lavender Town
-Lylat Cruise
-Yoshi's Island
Final Words
I truly appreciate all who come out and participate at every event we plan. It is wonderful to know there are people out there who support what we do even if we've been doing this for the last 9 times!! Without your support, we wouldn't have made it this far. Thank you so much for coming out and playing, making new friends, sharing new strategies, finding new rivals, and just having fun. So if you're in the Concord/Charlotte area on Sunday and want to play Super Smash Bros., come to Play it Again Games and enjoy some good ol' Smash!