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Official Smash Ultimate Discussion

Almost one month has passed since release. In retrospect....

  • This is by far the best Smash ever. Like, I don't even know how they will top this.

  • Pretty freakin' good; I have a few qualms over things like internet play, balancing issues, etc.

  • It's ok, but [insert Smash game here] is better.

  • I'd rather play Parcheesi.

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Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
No to Pittoo and Female Corrin...yes to Male Corrin
She does have tasty feet.


Replace:ultdarkpit: with Phosphora

Reasoning: I'm not sure what limiting :ultpit: options do for a playstyle.

:ultcorrin: is touch and go as there are some interesting things going down, which is why I'm hesitant to call them a :ultmarth: because that's not really true.
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Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
"Let's cut a character!" discussions, AKA the literal worst discussions this fanbase can have, and I'm a veteran of "Would Shadow be unique or an echo?" discussions which lasted like, a month
I think this conversation is a more based around who you would add rather than who you would cut. Then again, the character cutting conversation isn't that bad as long as it's closer to a prediction based around some sort of logic and goes beyond "I don't like this character, so they're cut".


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2018
Care to explain what is lame about Lucario? (As someone who mained several of the Pokémon my opinion on this is quite different)
Lucario kinda has no personality. He’s real slow, plain, and just lame! I don’t know how else to say it. He always feels really strange to play to me. I can’t explain it
That is 2 playable and one spirit.
Isabelle from playable to assist
Magnus from spirit to playable
Lucario from playable to spirit... Oh shoot you’re right

Uhhhhh, skull kid to just a spirit? We already got Ashely who could do the same thing I guess.

Deleted member

"Ike will be replaced with Chrom, they cut a FE character to add a new one every game"
"Lucario will get cut to bring Mewtwo back"
"A new Link will be added and Toon Link will get cut, he's in a stage background already"
"Jigglypuff isn't relevant so she'll be cut"
View attachment 186197
"Ridley is too big"
"K.Rool is irrelevant"

Actually it's kinda weird that Ridley isn't really, well, talked about despite being a meme and a very wanted "impossible" character for so long. Like I know that at this point he's only one of like 74 characters, but you would think there would be more discussion around him a la K.Rool or Inkling. Maybe It's because he's not top tier or at least pretty strong like those two so we see him less in tournament/online so therefore there's less discussion surrounding him? Idk


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2018
Tallon IV
Switch FC
SW 1995 0060 1138
Spirit- Shantae To playable character status
Character- Richter to spirit
AT Character- Shadow to playable character...cause **** y’all (jk) and Bunny guy to spirit

Pit going from Upperdash to Electroshock by pressing side b twice would be amazing


it’d make more sense to re-record that clip using the actual Pit wholesome voice instead of reusing Pittoo’s edgy voice
It's the same actor so...

Deleted member

It really isn't a sacrifice when it's "character you don't like for character you like". There's zero stakes in that and it's boring. Oh wow, of course I'd cut K.Rool/Daisy/ZSS for Wonder-Red, my last two brain cells can do that.

So I present you guys an actual game:
You can add any character you want in the game but your main is cut from the game alongside any and all references to them.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I think this conversation is a more based around who you would add rather than who you would cut. Then again, the character cutting conversation isn't that bad as long as it's closer to a prediction based around some sort of logic and goes beyond "I don't like this character, so they're cut".
It's ****ing tiresome to see that discussion again and a-****ing-gain. People predicted Wii Fit Trainer would be cut due to not being popular completely ignoring that's the reason she was added. People predicted Bayonetta would be cut because she was controversial despite being advertised as the ballot winner. People predicted Meta Knight would be cut because that's apparently the solution to Brawl Meta Knight. Just say "If you could promote a Spirit, who would you promote?" next time


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
It really isn't a sacrifice when it's "character you don't like for character you like". There's zero stakes in that and it's boring. Oh wow, of course I'd cut K.Rool/Daisy/ZSS for Wonder-Red, my last two brain cells can do that.

So I present you guys an actual game:
You can add any character you want in the game but your main is cut from the game alongside any and all references to them.
Screw it, Pokemon Trainer already got cut once. Give me that sweet, sweet Lycanroc.

Deleted member

"Ridley is too big"
"K.Rool is irrelevant"

Actually it's kinda weird that Ridley isn't really, well, talked about despite being a meme and a very wanted "impossible" character for so long. Like I know that at this point he's only one of like 74 characters, but you would think there would be more discussion around him a la K.Rool or Inkling. Maybe It's because he's not top tier or at least pretty strong like those two so we see him less in tournament/online so therefore there's less discussion surrounding him? Idk
Ridley got unfortunately overshadowed by "EVERYONE IS HERE" and all the other news from E3, not to mention a demo itself.

Also, Ridley is definitely top tier considering how well he's been ranking in tournaments.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
Screw it, Pokemon Trainer already got cut once. Give me that sweet, sweet Lycanroc.
Would cut three characters for one good boy?

mad lad.

Ridley got unfortunately overshadowed by "EVERYONE IS HERE" and all the other news from E3, not to mention a demo itself.

Also, Ridley is definitely top tier considering how well he's been ranking in tournaments.
I'm really starting to like him.

Also my :ultwario: is getting better.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Ridley got unfortunately overshadowed by "EVERYONE IS HERE" and all the other news from E3, not to mention a demo itself.

Also, Ridley is definitely top tier considering how well he's been ranking in tournaments.
I'd say top tier is pushing it, I can see high mid tier cause he's definitely a good character, but high tier is just too much for a character with such an awful disadvantage state imo


Meme Maestro
Jul 5, 2014
Switch FC
Huh, that's odd. I've heard that their are four "main characters" anyway, and you'd think they'd each have their own central hubs.
Well, that thread was made at a time when a second SE rep seemed unlikely at best, let alone having a character called 'Brave' in the files. The four characters more or less fulfill the same role in combat thanks to job/class-switching, so while I think different fans would prefer different characters, it's really a 'anyone will work' case. Agnes is the one pushed by Square to be the face of the franchise (to limited success, since everyone prefers Edea or Ringabel), so speculation naturally goes towards her.


Smash Lord
Mar 29, 2016
It really isn't a sacrifice when it's "character you don't like for character you like". There's zero stakes in that and it's boring. Oh wow, of course I'd cut K.Rool/Daisy/ZSS for Wonder-Red, my last two brain cells can do that.

So I present you guys an actual game:
You can add any character you want in the game but your main is cut from the game alongside any and all references to them.
That's one tough bargain. No way I am giving up Bayo.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2018
Tallon IV
Switch FC
SW 1995 0060 1138
Lucario kinda has no personality. He’s real slow, plain, and just lame! I don’t know how else to say it. He always feels really strange to play to me. I can’t explain it
It feels like you just don't understand the character, which is a fine reason to cut him in this weird ass discussion, but no reason to call him lame. That just offends people.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
It really isn't a sacrifice when it's "character you don't like for character you like". There's zero stakes in that and it's boring. Oh wow, of course I'd cut K.Rool/Daisy/ZSS for Wonder-Red, my last two brain cells can do that.

So I present you guys an actual game:
You can add any character you want in the game but your main is cut from the game alongside any and all references to them.
Ouch. I'd pass this.

But if I really have to say something, I'd cut Jigglypuff for Dixie Kong. Not because she's irrelevant or Pokemon quotas or anything but she doesn't have a direct relationship with any other character, so I might feel less bad about it compared to, say, Palutena.

Also I want to get a DKC newcomer that I actually like.
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Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
So I present you guys an actual game:
You can add any character you want in the game but your main is cut from the game alongside any and all references to them.
I'm a coward, I love them all too much.



Smash Master
Jul 17, 2014
Canada, eh?
It's ****ing tiresome to see that discussion again and a-****ing-gain. People predicted Wii Fit Trainer would be cut due to not being popular completely ignoring that's the reason she was added. People predicted Bayonetta would be cut because she was controversial despite being advertised as the ballot winner. People predicted Meta Knight would be cut because that's apparently the solution to Brawl Meta Knight. Just say "If you could promote a Spirit, who would you promote?" next time
Cut predictions that follow strange logic or personal bias are annoying, I'll give you that. However, saying that the entire conversation of which characters may be in danger of possibly getting axe in future Smash games is no longer worthwhile because of them is throwing out the baby with the bath water. If there's one thing that Sakurai has made plainly clear in plenty of interviews, it's that "Everyone is Here!" was an anomaly and probably won't happen again. As such, it is generally worth discussing which characters we may or may be seeing return for future instalments.

There's a difference between "Luigi is going to be cut because he's a dumb clone and I don't like him" and "Character X takes a lot of invested development time and is not popular either among the Smash fanbase nor in their home series, so I could realistically see them skipping out on developing them".
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Deleted member

It really isn't a sacrifice when it's "character you don't like for character you like". There's zero stakes in that and it's boring. Oh wow, of course I'd cut K.Rool/Daisy/ZSS for Wonder-Red, my last two brain cells can do that.

So I present you guys an actual game:
You can add any character you want in the game but your main is cut from the game alongside any and all references to them.
I don't think I would ever main Rex due to his playstyle probably being affinity mechanics and I don't want to be constricted to a certain space. And I like Shulk better anyways.


Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
It really isn't a sacrifice when it's "character you don't like for character you like". There's zero stakes in that and it's boring. Oh wow, of course I'd cut K.Rool/Daisy/ZSS for Wonder-Red, my last two brain cells can do that.

So I present you guys an actual game:
You can add any character you want in the game but your main is cut from the game alongside any and all references to them.
I'd gladly cut Corrin in return for a Rhythm Heaven Rep...

I never played Fire Emblem, so I never had any personal attachment to them, I just thought their moveset was pretty fun.

Rhythm Heaven on the other hand, is a franchise that I'm still surprised hasn't gotten a character yet, and let's just say I enjoy the games quite a lot...
That, and a rhythm based moveset is a concept that hasn't been explored in Smash yet.

That being said, though, I would still miss the pinning
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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Cut predictions that follow strange logic or personal bias are annoying, I'll give you that. However, saying that the entire conversation of which characters may be in danger of possibly getting axe in future Smash games is no longer worthwhile because of them is throwing out the baby with the bath water. If there's one thing that Sakurai has made plainly clear in plenty of interviews, it's that "Everyone is Here!" was an anomaly and probably won't happen again. As such, it is generally worth discussing which characters we may or may be seeing return for future instalments.

There's a difference between "Luigi is going to be cut because he's a dumb clone and I don't like him" and "Character X takes a lot of invested development time and is not popular either among the Smash fanbase nor in their home series, so I could realistically see them skipping out on developing them".
That's why "clones will be cut because they bring nothing to the table" arguments kills my brain cells. Just admit you don't like clones.

Also, people used to throw around "a lot of development time" a lot, but do we know which unique characters take more time? Kirby and Olimar, sure.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
That's why "clones will be cut because they bring nothing to the table" arguments kills my brain cells. Just admit you don't like clones.

Also, people used to throw around "a lot of development time" a lot, but do we know which unique characters take more time? Kirby and Olimar, sure.
You what's kinda messed up about clones/echoes now?

There's only one true one. :ultdaisy:

Everyone else is either something better or different than the original

Also on the development side we really don't know what goes on down there.

That's why even direct statements should be looked at with a grain of salt, because how many times has someone been unsuited for this game but made it in anyway?

:ultvillager:=:ultwiifittrainer:=:ultisabelle: (too Peaceful)
:ultridley:(Too big )
:ultkrool:(Too big, Too gun, too fat, too much of a nobody)
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Just a penguin

Smash Master
Dec 19, 2018
Noipoi's Fan Club- Antarctica
That's why "clones will be cut because they bring nothing to the table" arguments kills my brain cells. Just admit you don't like clones.

Also, people used to throw around "a lot of development time" a lot, but do we know which unique characters take more time? Kirby and Olimar, sure.
Yeah, but Olimar's helmet can now crack, so it's worth it.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Cut predictions that follow strange logic or personal bias are annoying, I'll give you that. However, saying that the entire conversation of which characters may be in danger of possibly getting axe in future Smash games is no longer worthwhile because of them is throwing out the baby with the bath water. If there's one thing that Sakurai has made plainly clear in plenty of interviews, it's that "Everyone is Here!" was an anomaly and probably won't happen again. As such, it is generally worth discussing which characters we may or may be seeing return for future instalments.

There's a difference between "Luigi is going to be cut because he's a dumb clone and I don't like him" and "Character X takes a lot of invested development time and is not popular either among the Smash fanbase nor in their home series, so I could realistically see them skipping out on developing them".
But that's the thing! They clearly are worthwhile to lots of people! This is especially true as we've got a whole new generation of gamers playing Smash for the first time with Ultimate, thinking "Wow those characters are really cool!" and all, yadda yadda yadda. The Smash fanbase also has a huge ass bubble. Loads of people here were pissed at Bayonetta and demanded cuts. In different circles such as tumblr, people went "YES QUEEN STEP ON THEM ALL I'M SO ****ING GAY RIGHT NOW AAAAAAAAAAAAA" when Bayo got confirmed. Nobody ACTUALLY knows what is or isn't a popular character with fans of Smash and there's many ways to make characters more popular. Plus, people always, ALWAYS, get vocal whenever a character does get cut. Even Pichu had loads of fans missing them, and when Pichu popped back up in Ultimate "OH MY GOD THEY BROUGHT PICHU BACK! YES!". It just devolves into "I'm cutting the character I don't like" only with a high school essay tier of padding to make it seem smarter and sophisticated
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