We have an extra large FREE Smash Bros 64 event coming up on Feb. 23 at 1pm. We have an additional tournament (YOLO) and double elimination tournaments for Singles, Doubles, and Remix. See more info below.
Event Link: Super Sunday Smash Bros. 64
Streamed on https://www.twitch.tv/houstonsmash64
Sign up at the Brewery on the day of the event to enter.
Smash Remix Singles Tournament: 1:00pm
Standard Singles Tournament: 2:15pm
Doubles Tournament: 4:00pm
YOLO Tournament: 5:00pm
Standard Singles Tournament will be best of three double elimination singles at Dreamland and will be played on a CRT televisions.
First Place: Two Crowlers with your choice of beer or 10 dollar gift card
Second Place: Crowler with your choice of beer or 5 dollar gift card
Third Place: Free beer or soda
Smash remix Tournament will be double elimination Singles using custom characters and stages.
First Place: Crowler with your choice of beer or $10 dollar gift card
Second Place: Free beer, soda
Doubles Tournament will be double elimination and take place at Dreamland. Team damage is on.
First Place: Crowlers or Sodas
Second Place: Beers or Sodas
YOLO Tournament is special format where items are on, 1 stock, random characters and random stages. The tournament is single elimination.
All skill levels are welcome! Players will be added to the Houston Smash 64 Rankings
Multiple setups will be at the event, but attendees are encouraged to bring controllers, CRTs, and systems!
Event Link: Super Sunday Smash Bros. 64
Streamed on https://www.twitch.tv/houstonsmash64
Sign up at the Brewery on the day of the event to enter.
Smash Remix Singles Tournament: 1:00pm
Standard Singles Tournament: 2:15pm
Doubles Tournament: 4:00pm
YOLO Tournament: 5:00pm
Standard Singles Tournament will be best of three double elimination singles at Dreamland and will be played on a CRT televisions.
First Place: Two Crowlers with your choice of beer or 10 dollar gift card
Second Place: Crowler with your choice of beer or 5 dollar gift card
Third Place: Free beer or soda
Smash remix Tournament will be double elimination Singles using custom characters and stages.
First Place: Crowler with your choice of beer or $10 dollar gift card
Second Place: Free beer, soda
Doubles Tournament will be double elimination and take place at Dreamland. Team damage is on.
First Place: Crowlers or Sodas
Second Place: Beers or Sodas
YOLO Tournament is special format where items are on, 1 stock, random characters and random stages. The tournament is single elimination.
All skill levels are welcome! Players will be added to the Houston Smash 64 Rankings
Multiple setups will be at the event, but attendees are encouraged to bring controllers, CRTs, and systems!