"float like a puffball, sting like a knee"
First off, shellshift is pretty complicated. This video is a half an hour because of that. You will NEED the Shellshift Guide infographic I made to follow along with this video.
Feel free to post questions and whatnot, I put a damn lot of time into the lab on this one and I'm confident I can answer any question you might have about how squirtle works on a frame by frame level.
Also I updated the squirtle tech tree.
- removed the slingjump aerials section, they are all incredibly useful so there is no use ranking them.
- fixed the "Soft-reversal/Hard-Reversal" text, it now correctly explains the difference between B-turnaround and B-reversal.
- Removed the following techs: waveshift, shellsling nair. there are ALWAYS better options than shellsling nair, and upon frame analysis waveshift was actually a variation on wavesling so it doesn't get it's own listing.
- Up-ranked: Short hop B-turnaround watergun
- Down-ranked: Slingjump B-reversal Watergun, Slingjump B-reversal Bubble, Hydrojab, Hydroplane-dtilt, Hydroplane Jab, Hydroplane F-tilt, Hydroplane F-smash, Forward Hydroplane F-smash
I've played A LOT more P:M squirtle since when I first put up the 3.0 tree and I've learned a lot. Honestly all those moves that got downranked were just too situational, I'll keep them listed for those who want to just grind tech skill though. I just left hydroReversals alone, JCOnyx is literally the only squirtle main who uses them so I'm not in a position to rank them.
- removed the "Shorthand" name from all the ATs, except Reverse Hydroplane Up-smash which is still RHUS.
All of the moves that are colored as useful are actually useful now all the time. The Blue ATs are pretty much your fundamentals as a squirtle player.
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