Hello Greendent, welcome to Smashboards! This isn't the most active site around, but you are sure to find plenty of people around here. While this website originally started as a discussion platform for players of the Super Smash Bros. series, it still allows discussion of things beyond that (provided they are in the correct category) There are numerous categories here, such as separate categories for players of each character in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate. Platform Fighter Hub, where discussion of games similar to Smash's style of gameplay takes place, and Smashboards Creates, where users come together to create hypothetical video games. There are also "profile posts," which are in a format similar to other social media sites such as Twitter.
Now, onto your question. While it is certainly strange, I do aim to help you in your endeavors. Unfortunately, I believe that there are no available pictures of the inside of Masahiro Sakurai's mouth. Sakurai tends to be relatively private about his personal life, so I find it unlikely that he would be willing to share pictures of his mouth on the internet. And the chances of someone taking a picture of his mouth without his knowledge are even lower. You may be able to find one in a Mr. Sakurai Presents or similar video though. But depending on what you want specifically, this may not be suitable. Nonetheless, I do hope you will be able to participate in this forum in the future. (That is, if you don't break the rules of course.)