For focused discussion regarding remaining DLC, please visit the Newcomer/DLC Speculation Discussion thread. DLC discussion is permitted here, but that thread is meant only for that kind of discussion so it should always be on that topic.
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1. Be respectful of others when posting. This should go without saying, but there it is anyway.
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5. Listen to the moderation team. They have a good grasp on the rules. However, no one is perfect, so if you feel you were treated unjustly, do not get into a prolonged public argument as this upsets the flow of the thread. Instead, PM the moderator, PM myself, or post in Forum Support.
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7. Beware of Evil Bub.

8. Lastly, to reiterate, please be respectful of others.
Amendment 1: Please stay on topics that are appropriate for this forum.
Discouraged topics include, but are not limited to:
- sexuality/sexual orientation/gender
- religion
- politics
Ultimate Forum Moderators:

Link to the progenitor of this thread, Smash Ultimate Discussion.
Title image courtesy of @Flight.