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Guide (100% Complete) Doc. vs. the World (of Nintendo) - A Character Matchup Guide


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2005
Naples, FL.
Doctor Mario vs. the World (of Nintendo)
This is Version 5 of this Guide. It is complete.
P.S. - Updates will happen frequently ...

Note: Even though the guide has been finalized and is said complete, I will still update it over time and will add things that I believe are generally helpful to the Doc./Smash community

!Last Update!
1.) Corrected some typos
2.) Updated the Marth explanation on matchup
3.) Explained the uniqueness of Doc.'s nair in a Tip and General tip
4.) Added Tips 11, 12 and 13 and also General tip 10
5.) Fixed a typo in Tip 10 regarding Doc.'s PTP recovery from above the stage

!Last Update!
1.) Added more tips
2.) Corrected some typos
3.) Covered more information on PTP usage
4.) Updated the Jigglypuff explanation on matchup

Attention: This Guide is for Smashboards, and for Smashboards ONLY!

If you are going to use any part of this guide, word for word, in any part of smashboards, you must have a reference to this guide somewhere in your post indicating that this guide was your source of information.

For a link to my Doctor Mario tutorial, "The Doctor's Checkup", click the
previous link above for the thread.

For a Combo video by me entitled, "The Medic Man", click
the previous link for the thread.

Links to some Guides that have personally helped me and that have good information:
AlphaZealot's - "Wavedashing, L-Cancelling, All the Terms!"
Mew2King's Statistics Listings
MookieRah's - "Observation"
Wobbles the Phoenix - "The Four Aspects of Melee"
Doraki's Guide to DI, CC, and Teching

Dates of Updates:
08/30/07 - Guide was created.
08/31/07 - Rough Captain Falcon entry.
08/31/07 - Rough Jigglypuff entry.
09/01/07 - Rough Ice Climbers entry.
09/01/07 - Rough Ganondorf entry.
09/03/07 - Rough Samus entry.
09/03/07 - Rough Mario entry.
09/03/07 - Rough Pikachu entry.
09/15/07 - Rough Doctor Mario entry.
09/15/07 - Rough Luigi entry.
10/02/07 - Rough Link entry.
10/03/07 - Rough Bowser entry.
12/04/07 - Rough Ness entry.
02/01/08 - Rough Young Link entry.
02/01/08 - Rough Zelda entry.
02/25/08 - Rough MewTwo entry.
06/02/08 - Rough Donkey Kong entry.
06/02/08 - Rough Roy entry.
06/03/08 - Rough Mr. Game and Watch entry.
06/03/08 - Rough Kirby entry.
06/03/08 - Rough Yoshi entry.
06/03/08 - Rough Pichu entry.

06/03/08 - Rough Entries Complete!
06/03/08 - 07/30/08 - Finalized Guide

Assistance (as of 06/03/08):
DogySamich (right-hand man) - Unfamiliar matchups.
*Link - 30% of the information*
*Bowser - 90% of the information*
*Donkey Kong - 60% of the information*
*Roy - 80% of the information*
*Mr. Game and Watch - 90% of the information*
*Kirby - 60% of the information*
*Yoshi - 50% of the information*
*Pichu - 30% of the information*
Kashakunaki - Counterpicks, Character Matchups.
Cyphus - Counterpicks, Character Matchups.
Eighteen Spikes - Information on Doc's game as a whole.
Bob$ - Information on Doc's game as a whole, Counterpicks, Character Matchups.
Ihavespaceballs - Most Samus entry information.
DAlegendary Samus (DAWes) - Some Samus entry information.
Green_Mario - Most Mario entry information.
Pika -Chad- - Pikachu entry information.
N64 - Most of Pikachu entry information.
SheikSSBM - Some Luigi and Sheik information.
KeepSpeedN - Some information against Sheik.
DaShizWiz - Some information against Falco.
Simna ibn Sind - ALL Ness information.
TheBuzzSaw - Most Young Link information.
Doadrin - Some Young Link information.
theMeleeGuy - All Zelda information.
Dguy - All MewTwo information.

Hey all. This thread is basically something that I've been wanting to do for a while but I never felt like I knew enough about Doc. Since I've been actually maining Doc. though for the past year and 2 months and have been doing some studying, I think I'll just do it now and offer my two-sense for help. Let me add that this thread is pretty much my knowledge base of Doc. and his matchups. I will be getting info from other players on character matchups to help me out.

Biography :
My full name is Barry Valentino Layton. I'm 25 years old and I'm the oldest of my two other siblings. I have 2 younger brothers, Bronson and Benito, who are quite known throughout the smash community as DaShizWiz and KeepSpeedN, respectively. I live in Naples, Florida and my brothers and I have been playing Smash competitively for almost 7 years. Our first tournament was a tournament in Fort Myers, called FORT1, where we met later crew mates who would be involved in training us, RockCrock and QueenDVS, for the first time. Later after that my brothers and I established a crew called "Smash Veterans Crew" (SVC). Shortly after that, the developed SVC fused with Team FORT and made the "South West Florida Crew" (SWFL Crew). Since then, we've been to about 30 - 35 tournaments in all, and some that have had us travel all around the country. Around summer time in 2006, I saw Bob$'s Combo Vid. "Overdose" and was immediately attached to Doctor Mario. After that I read Cyphus' Guide on Doctor Mario and learned a lot of Doc's tricks and was determined to find out his potential. I contributed to the smash community for the first time with my tutorial vid. "The Doctor's Checkup", commonly known as "The Checkup". Since a little before then and after that, I secondaried Doctor Mario until December when I finally decided to change my main from Falco to Doctor Mario. I've been maining Doc. (seriously) since December 2006. I like to help people and share my knowledge of stuff, so I figured I'd put my effort into one last thing for the smash community. That "one last thing" is this character match up guide. I hope you all enjoy it and learn from it. Thanks.

Playing the Doc:
Ok. Now for everyone playing Doc. and aspiring to becoming a great Doc. player ... let me explain a few things here. First off, when you're fighting against somebody, it's not about how technical you are, it's about how technical they are. You shouldn't base you're style off of your own technicality, but off of your opponents technicality. Playing Doc. is much like playing the observer, you sit there and observe (both in studying your opponent playing them or not playing them) what your opponent does until you finally learn their movement chart. You use your mindgames to judge based on their constant movements what the next thing they'll do is by pushing them into doing it, then you attack with the most effective move, run them into a combo using your own technical skill, and then, once they're vulnerable to a finish, depending on the situation you use your smarts to end them. Playing Doc. is more of an art than a character strategy. It isn't about what you can do, how skilled you are, and how well of a smasher you are, but more of how much you know about your character, what he can do, and how much you can take advantage of your opponents bad habits, lack of strategically used mindgames, and technicality. The key with playing Doc. is to use your mindgames to push your opponent so that with your own technicality you can outsmart them into a combo that leads to death. When you play Doc., never be impatient. You have to be patient, observe, and constantly pick up on what they like to do. Once you do this you can move all you want, so as long as you don't mess up with an unintended move, you'll be able to completely take advantage of your opponent.

You never know who you're fighting and what they're capable of, but regardless of who it is whether it be a professional/amateur/aspiring player, or anything, everyone does something that can be taken advantage of. A primitive example of this would be about 80% of all Fox players getting back on the stage with a phantasm. If you knew he/she was going to recover onto the stage with a phantasm ahead of time, you would already be sitting back there waiting with a fully charged fsmash, wouldn't you? That's the way you play, you play on the defense with offense.

I'll start this guide by giving you some tips about Doc.

All in all - Play Doc. smart. When you play against people, practice your mindgames. When you want to practice your technicality, do it against a level 4 CPU and then put it to test in battle against a real opponent and attempt mindgames in conjunction. Mindgames are key with Doc. Be a smart player, and don't move faster than you have to unless you have complete control over Doc. and know how to incorporate mindgames and read your opponent while moving fast.

Your regular recovery:
1.) Make sure to DI. DI (Directional Influence) is key with Doc. The control-stick should be Upwards and towards the stage and the C-stick should be Downwards and towards the stage.
2.) PTP to gain height and get some DI towards the stage.
3.) Throw pills or Jump depending on your height.
4.) Depending on your opponents position, air-dodge, sweet-spot, or grab the edge.

Second option of recovery depending on the situation:
1.) Make sure to DI. DI (Directional Influence) is key with Doc. The control-stick should be Upwards and towards the stage and the C-stick should be Downwards and towards the stage.
2.) PTP to gain height and get some DI towards the stage.
3.) Jump towards the stage while reverse pilling.
4.) Bair towards the stage as a way of protecting yourself (the bair does increase DI towards the stage)
5.) Depending on your opponents position, air-dodge, or sweet-spot.

Recovery after you've already attempted your recovery but have been hit back off the stage (when you've lost your PTP):
1.) Make sure to DI. DI (Directional Influence) is key with Doc. The control-stick should be Upwards and towards the stage and the C-stick should be Downwards and towards the stage.
2.) Fair to gain neutrality.
3.) Throw pills or Jump depending on your height.
4.) Depending on your opponents position, air-dodge, sweet-spot, or grab the edge.

Tip 1:
Jabbing defines Doc.'s game. This is one of the most important thing that you have to learn how to do efficiently. Jabbing can be used to connect your combos smoothly, reset your opponent's "get-up" animation from being on the ground, not allow your opponent to grab the ledge, and so many other things. Learn how to jab, and you'll get twice as good at least. Both jabbing once and jabbing twice "One - Two". Those are the key to Doc's game.

Tip 2:
If you're going to spam pills, spam them correctly. You should be throwing pills to create a wall of defense that makes your opponent have a hard time just getting to you.

Tip 3:
Approach with the nair and full-jumped dair. Don't approach with a fair unless you can shffl it perfectly and avoid getting punished.

Tip 4:
C-stick rolling is the best way to roll, with ANY character. It's so much safer. You roll on the first frame you're allowed to. An example would be coming from the ledge with a dair, and holding the L button and the C-stick in the position you want to roll. When you land on the floor after the animation of the dair is done, you will roll on the first frame possible.

Tip 5:
Observing your opponent is key in every match. Always figure out their patterns and take advantage of them.

Tip 6:
If you DI and Smash DI (Ctrl-stick and C-stick .. respectively) Sheik/Ganon/Falcon's fair within a 5 frame time-frame, you'll last a whole lot longer.

Tip 7 (added 11/05/10):
Another approach to learn is the SHBAWD approach. You can't always approach the same way against the multitude of characters that is SSBM. It's good to know different approaches for different situations. The SHBAWD is a very good way to play it safe while approaching, since the bair's hitbox is pretty well extended.

Tip 8 (added 11/05/10):
Also learn different ways of mind-gaming your recovery. Recovery is hard against characters like Jiggs + Peach who have a great edge-guarding game and can easily gimp.

Tip 9 (added 11/05/10):
Master the Perfect Tornado Press (PTP). Doing so will help your recovery game extremely. You can make it back to the stage in situations your opponent and you would've never expected you to recover from. You can tell a successful PTP when you can successfully double-jump after performing the tornado on stage, or if you land on the middle platform on Yoshi's Story from starting your tornado on the ground.

Tip 10 (added 11/05/10):
NEVER PTP from below the stage unless you're already recovering from below the stage to begin with (for example, being dsmashed from Fox at the edge off of the stage). PTPing next-to or below the stage is the easiest way to set yourself up for an easy gimp. PTP should always be the first thing you do when initiating a recovery.

Tip 11 (added 07/04/11):
Shield-spacing with Doctor Mario is helpful. What I mean by this is when you are spacing through your opponent's shield with moves like Doc.'s nair, bair. It is very helpful, especially in the process of zoning. This can also apply to any character.

Tip 12 (added 07/04/11):
Doctor Mario is the only character in the game with a sex-kick a.k.a. nair that gets stronger while it is out. This means that at the very end of the sex-kick, it will deal more damage and the knock-back is increase by at least 3 times it's initial knock-back. This make's Doc.'s sex-kick highly distinguishable amongst all other characters in SSBM, even from Mario's, his said 'clone'. Use this to your advantage at all times (edge-guarding, approaching, shield-spacing, spacing, etc.). It's effectiveness and usefulness is primitive in all matches, even more especially on floaty type characters.

Tip 13 (added 07/04/11):
Understand what zoning is. This applies to all characters in smash and all fighting games. Zoning is a way of positioning yourself against your opponent or using moves to make them do what you want them to do because they are feeling under pressure, simply because of your control of 'space'. The term 'space' is determined by the playing field of the level and how well you can manipulate your opponent. It's not as much how well you can manipulate the space around you, but more so, how you can use the space around you to manipulate your opponent. What it all boils down to the in long run is pressure. Think of it this way: spacing is really a subcategory of Zoning. Spacing is to Zoning what Di is to Recovery.

General tips:
1.) Ftilt is a good spacing move that comes out fast against everyone
2.) Utilt is a good priority move to use against characters that attack from above
3.) You can cape about 90% of the characters in this games recovery "easily"
4.) You can Chain grab 37% of the characters in the game
5.) Nair gets stronger as it's out longer.
6.) Doc. is the only character in the game that can cancel his up+B from his shield. I suggest learning this, even though it isn't an absolute necessity.
7.) Light-shielding against attacks that will **** your shield is a very good idea for auto-spacing. An example of this would be if you're fighting against a Falco. While he's wrecking your shield with dairs, just light-shield. If you do it right you can grab right out of it, or WD to anything out of it.
8.) The bair has a hit-box in the front as well. Situational bairs from the front may be helpful in gimping.
9.) Usmash out of shield is very helpful. Great way to get pressure off of you and set up for a fair on some characters.
10.) Doctor Mario's sex-kick a.k.a. nair is the only nair in the game that gets stronger as it is out. This can be very helpful vs. floaties at high %s, especially since they might not expect to DI it so immediately as to not die from it.

Things-to-know that I use that have personally helped me:
*Cloud Timing*

In the minutes is where you look to determine the clouds location. The clock goes downwards from 60 - 0 for each minute, and the cloud moves counter clock-wise starting going towards the bottom right, because at 60 when you begin the match, the cloud is coming from the bottom left towards the bottom right.

*Cloud Movements:*
Bottom Right - Cloud is coming out.
Top Right - Cloud is coming in.
Top Left - Cloud is coming out.
Bottom Left - Cloud is coming in.

Bottom Right:-----Top Right:------Top Left:-----Bottom Left:

So, as you can see, there are a few ways to go about the patterns here and feel free to incorporate your own ways of determining the clouds placing. However, the best way I know is noticing that if the minutes tens place is in the odds (5, 3, 1), the cloud is somewhere on the right side or will be coming out on the right side at the bottom, and if the minutes tens place is in the evens (4, 2, 0) , the cloud is somewhere on the left side or will be coming out on the left side at the top. Just remember that at any given point where the cloud comes out, there is a 20 second difference that the cloud will be coming out at that same spot again.

A while ago after I released my combo video there was a thread discussing reverse-caping. To me it feels smoother, but after actually studying the hit-boxes, nothing is entirely different except the hit-box on the last frame. On the first frame, the hit-box covers most of Doc's body, on the second frame, it covers most of his body and outwards towards his front, and on the last frame, it covers most of his body and a lot outwards towards his back. So my theory is, caping or reverse caping should be used depending on how you feel the hit-box should be used at that particular moment in that given situation.

You can chain-grab all of these characters:

! = Hard to execute
* = Guaranteed next grab
|Direction to Throw|

Pikachu |DTHROW| !0 *25* - 55%
Link |DTHROW| *27 - 68%*
Y Link |DTHROW| *19* - 58%
DK |DTHROW| !20 *40 - 60%*
Bowser |DTHROW| *32 - 70%*
Sheik |DTHROW| !0 *20 - 60%*
Falco |UTHROW| !0 *30 - 60%* |DTHROW| (130 - 180%)
Fox |UTHROW| !0 *35 - 60%* |DTHROW| (100 - 150%)
Ganon |DTHROW| !0 *25* - 65%
Roy |DTHROW| *50* - 85%
Yoshi |DTHROW| !0 *30* - 50%
CF |UTHROW| !0 *30* - 78% |DTHROW| (110 - 160%)

Important Doc. terms:
Ledgeteching - Within 20 frames before getting hit, press L/R to tech an attack.
Broken 'Sweetspot' - Grabbing the edge by the millimeter. Practice this since it's key to survival, especially with Doc. since his sweetspot is so broken that no one expects it except you.
Megavitamin tricks = (A very big category of pill tactics that you should read about in Cyphus' Doc. guide and if you want you can see them in action in my Doctor Mario tutorial video, "The Doctor's Checkup".)
Up+B Cancel - The entire sequence of this move is 4 frames. The operations for each frame are as follows:
Frame 1 - Hit the initial direction you want the hitbox to appear in.
Frame 2 - Cancel that direction with the exact opposite direction.
Frame 3 - The hitbox of the initial direction shows up.
Frame 4 - The last part of the hitbox dissapears.
This move is primarily useful out of your shield. It is useful, trust me.
SHBAWD - Short-hop, back-aerial (bair), wave-land. A great compilation of moves to use against most characters (CF, Marth, Peach, Ganon .. etc.)
PTP (Perfect Tornado Press) - The sequence of pressing B repetitively after pressing Down B to gradually increase you're hight while aerial. Usually used as part of your recovery during the beginning of it.
Ledge-canceled-aerials - All aerials (with the exception of fair) can be ledge-canceled. You jump off the ledge, perform the aerial, and then land back on it.
Chain-Grabbing (CG) - The act of continuously grabbing your opponent due to his/her weight/% vulnerabilities.

Now, back to what this thread is really all about, we'll go from top-tier to bottom tier on character matchups. Here's how the guide is written:

Color Key:
Blue = Space Animal
Sienna = Fast Faller
Orange = Floater
Sea Green = Weighted Floater
Red = Weighted

(Strength, Priority, Spacing, Effectiveness) rates of uses:
0 - Terrible
1 - Rare
2 - Some Potential
3 - Potential
4 - Decent
5 - Average
6 - Above average
7 - Pretty useful
8 - Useful
9 - Great
10 - Insane
Note: EVERY one of these values changes depending on which character they are used on.

Format: Move name - (Strength - Value, Priority - Value, Spacing - Value, Effectiveness - Value).
P.S. - Remember, the values may alter according to the character (stressed point).

*Color Distinguished* Character name (Tier #):
Pros - What Doc. has over this character.
Cons - What Doc. doesn't have over this character.

Primary effective moves:
Move name (rates of uses) - Description
Effective moves:
Move name (rates of uses) - Description
Kill moves:
Move name - % of kill frame.
Bad moves:
Move name - Description

Explanation (on Matchup):

Beware of:
Move - Description

Best Stages:
Stage - Description

Decent Stages:
Stage - Description

Stage - Description

Bad Stages:
Stage - Description

Possibility of encounter - %age of encounter (Basically, this is my opinion of a percentage at which you may run into this character during a tournament)

First post = Top - High Tier list
Second post = Middle - Low Tier list
Third post = Bottom Tier list

-The Doctor's Matchups-

-Top Tier-
Fox McCloud (1):
1.) Easily caped
2.) Can be Chain grabbed
3.) Can be thrown to a kill move
4.) Easily baired

1.) Incredible Speed
3.) Can't tech his Shine Spike
3.) Can camp you terribly
4.) Strong upsmash that can destroy you once you hit 90%.
5.) Combo speed is intense

Primarily Effective Moves:
Grab (3, 9, 2, 8) - You can chain-grab a Fox with uthrow from 0 - 60%, but 20 - 60% guaranteed. Also from 100 - 150% dthrow.
U-throw (3, 9, 2, 7) - Once the Fox is at 95 -115%, you can uthrow him to a full jump fair for the kill.
Sex-kick (nair) (6, 6, 5, 7) - Shffling nairs is the best attack to approach a Fox with safely.
Fair (9, 7, 7, 9) - A primary killer. Can also eat up his shield.
Cape (3, 9, 8, 10) - You can cape his recovery with relative ease.
Bair (6, 8, 9, 9) - A great spacing move to avoid being grabbed. Also, bairing his recovery is simple.
Ftilt (5, 7, 9, 8) - A fine alternative when countering Fox's recovery. It comes out fast and nudges him right off of the stage quickly.
Utilt (6, 9, 6, 7) - A link between combos. Another great move to use when Fox is coming down from above you. It comes out quick, lasts longer than expected and it's priority works well.
Fsmash (10, 8, 3, 9) - If you know the Fox is going to move in an area that you're already in, charge up your F-smash and send him flying.
Dsmash (8, 8, 6, 8) - This is a fast, strong smash attack that gets people in a 360' area around you.

Effective moves:
Uair (4, 5, 5, 7) - Can be used as a link between grabs. Juggling Fox is possible at 85- 90%+.
Dair (9, 9, 7, 8) - When you're thrown up, use this move. Should be used when recovering onto stage while Fox is there as well.
Dtilt (4, 5, 4, 7) - Depending on his %, he may go further behind you. Also does some weird things when sweetspotting Fox's recovery.
Usmash (7, 4, 4, 6) - For some reason or another, when you land this move on a Fox at around 100 damage, you can usually jump up with a fair.

Kill moves:
Fair - 103%+ (if they DI perfectly, they can last until 115%)
Bair - Any % once they're off the stage (Bob$)
Cape - Any %
Nair - Near the ending of the animation when the sex is stronger, you can destroy him at around 110%
Dsmash - Tends to usually kill Fox at 130% or so.
Fsmash - This is the best kill move if you land it. If Fox is caught in this one at around 105%, he should be sent completely off of the stage. Even if he does survive, it should
be an easy edge-hog/edge-guard.

Bad moves:
Fthrow - This leads to nothing unless you're on a stage where this throw leads to a predicament that you'll suspect him to do in which case you can take advantage of.

When you're fighting against Fox players, rely on their technicality. They love to approach with sex-kicks since it stays out so long and the hitbox is insane. You should be able to hold your own against a Fox player, but if you and the Fox player are at the same skill level, you're going to have twice as hard of a time trying to beat him. Remember, the key things to remember in this matchup is that a.) He can be chaingrabbed b.) You can cape and bair his recovery easily and c.) Once you grab him at around 100%, you can uthrow to full jump fair and destroy him. Foxs love to move fast, shine spike, and laser camp you. When they Laser camp you, throw pills at him and remain away from him while avoiding his lasers. You can do this by going on the edge and infinitely jumping up and down on it to aviod at all costs his lasers, or you can find an alternative. In this situation you should remain centre stage, wait for him to come to you, and use your pills to create a defense wall against him. If the Fox gets a grab on you and throws you up, you can come down with a dair and that usually goes right through his predicted uairs. Another note for this matchup is to use the ftilt as an alternative in defeating his recovery. If you tip him with your ftilt while he's in his Firefox, he will be sent back and the effect will take place, but you wont get hurt.

Be Aware of:
Shine Spike - You can't tech it. This is the biggest gimp vs. you.
Uair - He can kill you once you hit 95% with this (unless you're on Dreamland).
Grab - Fox's love to grab. If he throws you up you should be able to escape with a DJ though.
Usmash - His primarily effective move against you. If you're at about 93%, you're probably toast (if you DI it perfectly you may survive).
Lasers - Fox players camp. They do this because they can. Beware of his lasers.

Best Stages to use:
Final Destination - Chain grab world. The only down-side to this is that the Fox may camp you.
Fountain of Dreams - This stage will sort of mess up Fox's short-hop game because of the moving platforms.

Decent Stages:
Battlefield - You can use the platforms to keep up your speed and be a bit more flexible. You can also easily cape his recover since he has to rely on going straight towards the edge.
Yoshi's Story - The platforms offer some flexibility to keep up with him. The small level grants you easier kills vs. him with bair/fsmash/fair/dsmash.

Mute City - Flat surface with rare chance of you dieing form a shine-spike.
Fountain of Dreams - The random-rotating platforms can somewhat mess up his fast short hop game.

Bad Stages:
Corneria - Fox can camp you too easily on this stage and the stage is large so edgeguards/edgehogs are hard and it's hard to get fox off the stage.

Possibility of Encounter - 70%

Falco Lombardi (2):
1.) Easily caped
2.) Can be chain grabbed
3.) Can be thrown to a kill move
4.) Easily baired

1.) Combo speed is amazing
2.) Lasers halt your movement
3.) Fsmash kills you

Primarily Effective moves:
Grab (3, 9, 2, 8) - If you could manage a grab against Falco, you can chain-grab him from 30 - 60% uthrow (0 is hard) or 130 - 180%.
Uthrow (3, 9, 2, 7) - Once you grab a Falco at around 95 - 106%, you can uthrow him, full jump a fair and pretty much destroy him.
Sex-kick (nair) (6, 6, 5, 7) - Shffling nairs is the best attack to approach a Falco with safety.
Fair (9, 7, 7, 9) - A primary killer. Can also eat up his shield. But watch out for the shine that may come out of it.
Cape (3, 9, 8, 10) - You can cape his recovery with relative ease.
Bair (6, 8, 9, 10) - A great spacing move to avoid being grabbed. Also, bairing his recovery is simple.
Ftilt (5, 7, 9, 9) - A fine alternative when countering Falco's recovery. It comes out fast and nudges him right off of the stage quickly.
Utilt (6, 9, 6, 7) - A link between combos. Another great move to use when Falco is coming down from above you. It comes out quick, lasts longer than expected and it's priority works well.
Fsmash (10, 8, 3, 9) - If you know the Falco is going to move in an area that you're already in, charge up your F-smash and send him flying.
Dsmash (8, 8, 6, 8) - This is a fast, strong smash attack that gets people in a 360' area around you.

Effective moves:
Uair (4, 5, 5, 7) - Can be used as a link between grabs. Juggling Falco is possible at 80 - 90%+.
Dair (9, 9, 7, 7) - When you're thrown up, use this move. Should be used when recovering onto stage while Falco is there as well.
Dtilt (4, 5, 4, 7) - Depending on his %, he may go further behind you. Also does some weird things when sweetspotting Falco's recovery.
Usmash (7, 4, 4, 6) - For some reason or another, when you land this move on a Falco at around 105 damage, you can usually jump up with a fair.

Kill moves:
Fair - 103%+ (if they DI perfectly, they can last until 115%)
Bair - Any % once they're off the stage (Bob$)
Cape - Any %
Nair - Near the ending of the animation when the sex is stronger, you can destroy him at around 110%
Dsmash - Tends to usually kill Falco at 130% or so.
Fsmash - This is the best kill move if you land it. If Falco is caught in this one at around 105%, he should be sent completely off of the stage. Even if he does survive, it should
be an easy edge-hog/edge-guard.

Bad moves:
Fthrow - This leads to nothing unless you're on a stage where this throw leads to a predicament that you'll suspect him to do in which case you can take advantage of.

This isn't an easy matchup. With constantly spammed lasers coming at you and a fast comboing character with pillaring combos, this match can be somewhat annoying. During this match, your primary focus should be to just play it safe. Powershield Falco's lasers, or cape them. Approach the Falco with sex-kicks, and keep up with him. Don't try to just shield-grab, that's pretty much a "nono" in this matchup. Once you grab Falco, however, you can chain grab him. Never forget, also, that when you grab him at 90% or so, you can always hit him twice, throw him up and then fair him. Falco's can seem to overwhelm you during this matchup. They best way that I find to get around this is spacing moves like ftilt, bair and utilt. If you do this you'll surely be able to execute some type of "hit and run" game. It's all about playing it safe. Falco players usually approach with Dairs or Nairs. If you know it's coming, powershield his move. If you ever get a powershield on Falco, be sure to shield-grab right afterwards. This is the only exception since after a powershield you can react the exact next frame. Once the Falco is off of the stage, don't be afraid to cape him. When they phantasm back to the stage, ftilt them. The ftilt comes out very fast and will hit him through his phantasm. Sometimes when the Falco player is right under the edge, he'll go straight up because he's expecting you to cape him, in which case he's expecting to just go straight up and get even more height. Don't do it. Ftilt him with the tip of your shoe. He'll be shocked, and sent back. After this it should be an easy edge-guard since the only way for him to get back to the ledge is by going diagonally up with his Firebird.

Be Aware of:
Fsmash - Falco's spam F-smash once you hit 100% or so. It's one of the only kill moves that they have.
Dtilt - You are a character that dies easily vertically. If you're hit by this one at around 95%, you're probably going to die.
ShineShineShine - You can get gimped by Falcos on stages like Pokemon Stadium, Pokefloats, or Green Greens that have a high platform with Falco's triple shines. You'll be sent out of the stage vertically at easily 20% if he lands all shines on you. This is Falco's answer to Fox's shinespike, the only difference is that you're going upwards instead of downwards.
Bair - If Falco lands a bair on you and the tip hits you, unless you DI'ed it right, you're probably going to be done at 115% or so. Be ready to DI this one. This is also a spacing move that some Falco's use so be careful and never doubt the spacing on this move.
Dair - ALL Falco players will approach you with a dair. The only answer to this is an Up+B cancel right after his suspected shine. This is also a spike so be sooo careful. Ledge-tech it (20 frames before the hit press L/R) upon sweetspotting the ledge.
Nair (Sex-kick) - This is the alternative approaching move for Falco players, primarily against Floaters. If you're hit by this move, expect a utilt or shine combo coming from this one.

Best stages:
Final Destination - This is all about chain-grabbing and defense. Remember not to shield-grab unless after powershielding his attack first.
Pokemon Stadium - If you stay on lower ground and take advantage of the random moving of this stage, you should be fine in this level. Just don't get ShineShineShine'd at the highest platform this level has during it's rocky transformation.
Battlefield - His Up+B will be forced to go up straight-towards the edge, hence allowing an easier cape. Only bad side is it's hard for you to grind the stage to ledge-tech his dair, so learn how to sweetspot!
Fountain of Dreams - Falco's don't really like this level because it messes up their short-hop game (including short-hop-laser).

Decent Stages:
Yoshi's Story - Platforms allow some flexibility for you vs. Falco. Small stages allows easier kills on Falco.

Mute City - Flat surface with rare chance of you dieing form a shine-spike.
Corneria - Infinite wing with the up+B.
Fountain of Dreams - The random-rotating platforms can somewhat mess up his fast short hop game. His SHL (Short-hop lasers) are especially ruined in this level.

Bad stages:
Poke Floats - ShineShineShine will gay you terribly. Matter-of-fact, ShineShine is bad enough. If they pick this level against you, stay on lower ground. In general, any level with a high platform that will allow you to be ShineShineShine'd isn't the best idea to go to if you're fighting against a Falco player that knows what they're doing*

Possibility of Encounter - 75%

-High Tier-

Sheik (3):
1.) Can be chain grabbed
2.) Can be throw to a kill move
3.) Can be juggled
4.) Is pretty easy to edgeguard/edgehog if you know how to do it right

1.) Hard to cape
2.) Not easily baired
3.) Automatic spacing eats your offense
4.) Tilt combos are hard to escape
5.) Once grabbed at 100%, expected fair or uair is hard to escape
6.) Once grabbed, guaranteed another hit

Primarily Effective moves
Grab (3, 9, 2, 7) - If you could manage a grab against Sheik, you can chain-grab her from 20 - 60% dthrow (0 is hard).
Dthrow (3, 9, 2, 9) - Once you grab a Sheik at around 90% and you throw down, you should be able to connect a fair.
Sex-kick (nair) (7, 6, 5, 7) - Shffling nairs is the best attack to approach a Sheik with safety. Try to go more through her shield so you can avoid the grab.
Fair (10, 7, 7, 10) - A primary killer. Can also eat up her shield. Do your best to go through her, unless you're a master at SHFFLC'ing and you can escape from her upcoming grab.
Cape (3, 9, 8, 6) - You can cape her recovery. It's not easy, but if she's in the animation right before she's about to disappear when coming back to the ledge, you can cape that.
Bair (6, 8, 9, 9) - A great spacing move to avoid being grabbed. Really, this is one of the moves that should be spammed in this match to kind of create a type of "Wall of Pain" against her.
Ftilt (5, 7, 9, 8) - A fine alternative when countering Sheik's recovery. It comes out fast and should be used to space against sheiks during this match. Keep her away from you and don't get grabbed.
Utilt (6, 9, 6, 8) - A link between combos. Another great move to use when Sheik is coming down from above you. It comes out quick, lasts longer than expected and it's priority works well. You can sort of juggle her for a while as well with this.
Fsmash (10, 8, 3, 10) - If you know the Sheik is going to move in an area that you're already in, charge up your F-smash and send her flying.
Dsmash (10, 8, 6, 10) - This is a fast, strong smash attack that gets people in a 360' area around you.

Effective moves:
Uair (4, 5, 5, 7) - Can be used as a link between grabs. Juggling Sheik is possible at 65 - 85%.
Dair (9, 9, 7, 8) - When you're thrown up, use this move. Should be used when recovering onto stage while Sheik is there as well.
Usmash (7, 4, 4, 6) - For some reason or another, when you land this move on a Sheik at around 100 damage, you can usually jump up with a fair.

Kill moves:
Fair - 100%+ (if they DI perfectly, they can last until 115%)
Bair - Any % once they're off the stage (Bob$)
Cape - Any %
Nair - Near the ending of the animation when the sex is stronger, you can destroy her at around 110%
Dsmash - Tends to usually kill Sheik at 110% or so.
Fsmash - This is the best kill move if you land it. If Sheik is caught in this one at around 105%, she should be sent completely off of the stage.

Bad moves:
Dtilt - The uses with this move are very slim. The only great use is to send her behind you, especially while you're near the edge and you send her behind you off the edge, you could get some bairs in to kill her recovery.

Fighting Sheik is like fighting the inevitable. This is the only match that ever gets me frustrated. It seems like no matter how hard you try, unless you can out technicalize her, chain grab perfectly, or space her out, you barely stand a fighting chance. Her grab is broken. Once you're grabbed, no matter the %, they can always just throw you down and either ftilt to fair you, or just fair you. This match is possibly your only counter match. It's really hard, and unless you can out space her with your ftilt and bair and avoid being grabbed, you'll be able to beat her. Just stay away from her, space pills correctly against her, and never go in the line of offense against her unless you've throw pills that will eliminate her insane potential of combo speed against you. She's got pretty much automatic spacing with her ftilt/utitl/dtilt, so unless you've approached her with pills before, or you're only going to approach her with a nair, stay away from her and throw pills. Pills are key in this matchup. Don't EVER be afraid to spam her, and make sure that you're spamming pills so that it's creating a defensive barrier against her freakish ground combo potential. Once you get a grab on her, you can CG her from 20 - 60%, guaranteed. You can also start at 0, but that's really hard so if you're not good at chain-grabbing and you happen to get a grab on her at 0%, throw her up and do a uair or utilt to rack up some damage. On the other, more logical hand, if YOU'RE grabbed, DI behind her. It's your best bet. If you're ever grabbed by a sheik player that knows what they're doing at 100+% and you're thrown down, you can expect one of two attack: fair or uair. If they uair you, smash DI it downwards and towards the stage and DI it the exact opposite side. Usually if they uair you at above 100%, you're probably going to die so HOPE for the fair. If they fair you, Smash DI downwards and towards the stage, and DI straight up with a tad towards the stage. If you DI'ed it within the 5 frame time frame and managed to DI correctly, a slap won't kill you until around 140% ;). Another thing to watch out for is her needle game. Her needle game is ridiculous. Watch out for her charged needles at all times and don't forget about them. When you're recovering, watch out for her needles. They can really mess up your recovery so be careful. Ok, now the best way to edgeguard Sheik is this: When she's off the stage and trying to up+B back onto the stage, if you see she's about to land on the stage, just press towards the stage to do a neutral "get-up" animation, then fsmash her back off the stage. The rising fair from the ledge works well too, but fsmash works better and has more of a probability of killing. If it doesn't kill, she's far enough from the stage from an easy edgeguard (assuming she's high %). If she's not high %, just continue this until she is and until she's gone. Now, the other situation that could happen is she might just go straight above the ledge (if she thinks you might do the neutral edge get-up to a smash attack like everyone else does that knows how to edgeguard Sheik) and wait for you to get on the stage so she can then grab the ledge. In that case just stay on the edge and she's gone. Those are best ways to edgeguard/edgehog Sheik. I wouldn't really ever try to cape Sheik unless she's already above the ledge in the falling animation from her up+B. Also, if you're on the edge and she's not quite ready to up+B towards the stage because she's jumping towards it, make sure she's close enough and go out for a bair gimp. It always works because there are actually a few frames during the startup animation of Sheik's up+B that she's vulnerable to be in hit anyways so either way it will hit her, thereby setting up a very easy edgeguard/edgehog.

Be Aware of:
Fair - Sheik's fair is your worst enemy. Since most of her tilts lead to this, expect it most of the match. It has a way of sending you diagonally and towards the floor and the knockback is nuts so be sure to DI and Smash DI this one upwards and towards the stage (primarily upwards) and downwards and towards the stage, respectively, as soon as physically possible.
Dsmash - The move that never ends. Sheiks use this as both a killer move and a tech-following move. DI this one upwards as normal.
Uair - Sheik's Uair can destroy you once you hit a bit over 100% so be sure to DI behind her when she dthrows you.
Usmash - Sheik's Usmash is very strong. She probably won't be able to land this one but it's still a killer.
^Tilt Combos^ - Sheik's tilt game is amazing. They all come out so fast and the spacing behind them is so hard to escape. Tilt combos usually come from a dtilt or grab so be sure to DI behind her dthrow and DI away from her dtilt.

Best Stages:
Final Destination - Chain grab world.
Pokemon Stadium - You can pill-camp her better here with rotating platforms and level changes.
Battlefield - Battlefield will force her up+B to always aim up, hence allowing an easy cape.

Decent Stages:
Yoshi's Story - Platforms allow flexibility, and small level allows you to kill her easier with fair/fsmash/dsmash.
Mute City - Chain grab world for you against her as well. She also has as bad a recovery on this level as you do.

Corneria - Up+B to wing. You can also continuously bair her under the wing, sort of creating a type of WoP (Wall of Pain) that's hard for her to escape if you do it correctly.

Bad Stages:
Green Greens - This level is too random. Just be very careful and try not to get his by the random projectiles.
Fountain of Dreams - Edges are pretty awkward with the random rotating platforms above, and Sheik can tilt right through the platforms and combo you so it's just .. bad.

Possibility of Encounter - 45%

Marth (4):
1.) Caping isn't hard
2.) Bairing is very useful, especially when he's recovering
3.) Can juggle him
4.) Not difficult in close combat
5.) Can be throw to a kill move
6.) Pills nullify his sword skills

1.) His spacing is hard to get around
2.) His grab range is broken
3.) Has a tip
4.) Ken combos

Primarily Effective moves:
Grab (3, 9, 2, 8) - If you could manage a grab against Marth, you can seriously deal some damage on him. Combo him with utilts and uairs.
Dthrow (3, 9, 2, 9) - Once you grab a Marth at around 90% and you throw down, you should be able to connect a fair.
Sex-kick (nair) (7, 6, 5, 7) - Shffling nairs is the best attack to approach a Marth with safety. Try to go more through his shield so you can avoid the grab.
Fair (10, 7, 7, 10) - A primary killer. Can also eat up his shield. Do your best to go through him, unless you're a master at SHFFLC'ing and you can escape from his upcoming grab.
Cape (3, 9, 8, 6) - You can cape his recovery pretty easily. Don't jump off the stage to cape though, wait for him to sweetspot the edge since that's what they love to do.
Bair (6, 8, 9, 9) - A great spacing move to avoid being grabbed. Really, this is one of the moves that should be spammed in this match to kind of create a type of "Wall of Pain" against him.
Ftilt (5, 7, 9, 8) - A fine alternative when countering Marth's recovery. It comes out fast and should be used to space against Marths during this match. Don't let him grab you.
Utilt (6, 9, 6, 8) - A link between combos. It comes out quick, lasts longer than expected and it's priority works well. You can sort of juggle him for a while as well with this.
Fsmash (10, 8, 3, 10) - If you know the Marth is going to move in an area that you're already in, charge up your F-smash and send him flying.
Dsmash (10, 8, 6, 10) - This is a fast, strong smash attack that gets people in a 360' area around you.
Uair (4, 5, 5, 7) - SHFFLC'ing juggled uairs is a great way to combo Marth after a successful dthrow at around 40%.
Dair (9, 9, 7, 8) - When you're thrown up, use this move. Should be used when recovering onto stage while Marth is there as well.

Effective moves:
Usmash (7, 4, 4, 6) - For some reason or another, when you land this move on a Marth at around 90 damage, you can usually jump up with a fair.

Kill moves:
Fair - 95%+ (if they DI perfectly, they can last until 110%)
Bair - Any % once they're off the stage (Bob$)
Cape - Any %
Nair - Near the ending of the animation when the sex is stronger, you can destroy him at around 110%
Dsmash - Tends to usually kill Marth at 110% or so.
Fsmash - This is the best kill move if you land it. If Marth is caught in this one at around 110%, he should be sent completely off of the stage.

Bad moves:
Dtilt - The uses with this move are very slim. The only great use is to send him behind you, expecially while you're near the edge and you send him behind you off the edge, you could get some bairs in to kill his recovery.

In this matchup, you want to be very careful. Marth's range is insane, and that tip that he has is so, frustrating at times. This is why I always say, "Spam pill CORRECTLY". This is the time that I'll explain exactly what I mean by "CORRECTLY". When I say correctly, I mean, spam them so they neutralize his range. For every pill that you throw, each one neutralizes his attack. All of his attacks can be neutralized by a pill, all except for his fair. When you spam them correctly, you dig through his defenses and range, so you can get "inside". When you get inside and next to him, that's where his game falls. Once you're inside, you out game him with hand - to - hand combat. You can jab combo him, grab him to dthrow, utilt, uair combo .. you can pretty much take complete advantage of him in hand - to - hand combat once you get next to him. This match is very annoying, since most of the time you're spamming pills "CORRECTLY" to get next to him and get a grab in, but once you do, you should be able to take him on. Can I point something very important out? GRAB A LOT (once you're inside, ofcourse). Grab combos are your best buddy in this matchup. Once he's at around 95%, you can dthrow him and full-jump a fair on him ... which will most likely kill him since he'll be at around 115% by this time. You can also easily cape his recovery when he's coming up to sweetspot the stage while recovering. When you're caping him, however, don't jump off the stage to cape him, unless you're gonna do it backwards (caping him him behind). I wouldn't take the risk though, so I'd say just stay on the stage and wait for him to sweetspot it. Another alternative to caping would be the ftilt. Ftilt is a very useful move vs. Marth not only in disabling his recovery with sweetspotting, but also as a spacing technique. Remember to never get grabbed by him. Once you're grabbed, you're in his domain. Marth's love to "gay" and take advantage of their long range, so they grab a lot. Usually at low %s, Marth will attempt to grab you a few times in quick succession. What I mean by this is after the first grab they will fthrow you a few times, in a row, and then fsmash after they've noticed they can't connect another. DI the first fthrow away, but not if you're being thrown off the stage because they could connect an fsmash with the tip which will be hard to recover from (unless you can expect the fsmash and DI it for a situational reason or if you're just good at it). If they dthrow off the stage you and you're at low %, you must DI away. Usually they can connect an fsmash but it'd be better than getting spiked if you had DI'd towards the stage. Just expect the fsmash and DI towards the stage if it connects. Another thing to be aware of are the Ken combos. Ken combos are a sequence of short-hopped fairs and sometimes full-hopped fairs which lead to the inevitable dair-spike to death. Ken combos are highly frustrating, so don't find yourself in the predicament of taking place in one. If the situation permits and you see the Ken combo coming, once you are hit by that first fair, DI away so they can not chain that next fair. Marth's fair is the only attack that he has that goes through your pills. If you ever find yourself trying to cut through his defences with correctly spammed pills, but he's just neutralizing them back with fairs, wait until you see the opportunity to waveland towards him and ftilt. Another thing that Marth's do is they like to spam f-smash. This is mainly for Marth players that are beginner - good, but even the Pros tend to lean towards it sometimes as well because of their spacing techniques. If they've sweet-spotted the move, they will hit you with the infamous "TIP", which has probably twice the knock-back and multiplies his regular fmash damage by about 1.5 (non-charged). One way I've found around this is just utilting. Utilt in general is very good against all characters because of how quick it comes out, but against Marth, it actually will cancel his fsmash if you've expected it. The hit-lag is very low so you can usually, if you're quick enough, WD out of the utilt in for a grab right before Marth reacts to what just happened. Just be very, very careful in this matchup.

Be Aware Of:
Fsmash - Marth's fsmash is always spammed. Be careful of the tip, however. It catches you unexpectedly.
Fair - This is the only move that isn't neutralized by a pill. This is also the move that they combo with (Ken Combos).
Dtilt - If you're ever off of the stage and trying to recover, sweetspot the edge. If you don't, you're going to be either dtilted or fsmashed. Hope for the fsmash, it's about 20X easier to ledgetech than the dtilt is.
Utilt - This move comes out fast, and it send you straight up. The use this one when you're coming from above, so watch out.

Best Stages:
Final Destination - The level is yours. Feel free to uair juggle combo.
Pokemon Stadium - Another good level for you.
Battlefield - Battlefield will force his up+B to always aim up and sweetspot, hence allowing an easy cape.

Decent Stages:
Fountain of Dreams - This level is pretty good for you.
Corneria - Up+B to wing. You can also continously bair her under the wing, sort of creating a type of WoP (Wall of Pain) that's hard for her to escape if you do it correctly.


Bad Stages:
Yoshi's Story - If you're on a platform and the Marth player is below you, he can tip you easily. Also, this level's frame is too small so if you find yourself here against a Marth, make sure you're an expert DIest XD.

Possibility of encounter - 40%

Peach (5):
1.) Can be juggled
2.) Ftilt get's around her range
3.) Once grabbed you can take advantage
4.) Can be throw to a kill move
5.) Dies easily vertically

1.) Dsmash *****
2.) Crazy recovery
3.) Hard to recover against her
4.) Random turnips
5.) Random moves
6.) Crouch cancel

Primarily Effective moves
Grab (3, 9, 2, 8) - If you could manage a grab against Peach, throw down ... only. Combo her with utilts and uair.
Dthrow (3, 9, 2, 9) - Once you grab a Peach at around 90% and you throw down, you should be able to connect a fair and eliminate her.
Sex-kick (nair) (7, 6, 5, 7) - Shffling nairs is the best attack to approach a Peach with safety. Try to go more through her shield so you can avoid the grab.
Fair (10, 7, 7, 10) - A primary killer. Can also eat up her shield. Do your best to go through her, unless you're a master at SHFFLC'ing and you can escape from her upcoming grab.
Cape (3, 9, 8, 6) - Only Cape her when she's trying to recover. Even though it won't kill her, it will stun her and deal good damage on her.
Bair (6, 8, 9, 9) - Space with this move a lot against her. This is one of the only moves that can cut through her CC. Bairing her recovery is ok as well.
Ftilt (5, 7, 9, 10) - Use this move a lot during this matchup. Spacing is key against her to avoid her broken dsmash.
Utilt (6, 9, 6, 8) - A link between combos. It comes out quick, lasts longer than expected and it's priority works well. You can sort of juggle her for a while as well with this.
Fsmash (10, 8, 3, 10) - If you somehow land this move against her, it should destroy her at above 100% (unless you're on Dream Land).
Dsmash (10, 8, 6, 10) - Even though this is a fast smash attack it could lead to you being grabbed or dsmashed if you miss so use it wisely.
Dair (9, 9, 9, 10) - This is the move that you will use to rack up damage on her while aerial.
Uair (4, 5, 5, 7) - SHFFLC'ing juggled uairs is a great way to combo Peach after a successful dthrow at around 40%.

Effective moves:
Usmash (7, 4, 4, 6) - For some reason or another, when you land this move on a Peach at around 80 damage, you can usually jump up with a fair.

Bad moves:
Dtilt - The uses with this move are very slim. The only great use is to send her behind you, expecially while you're near the edge and you send her behind you off the edge, you could get some bairs in to kill her recovery.

Kill moves:
Fair - 95%+ (if they DI perfectly, they can last until 110%)
Bair - Any % once they're off the stage (Bob$)
Nair - Near the ending of the animation when the sex is stronger, you can destroy her at around 110%
Dsmash - Tends to usually kill Peach at 120% or so.
Fsmash - This is the best kill move if you land it. If Peach is caught in this one at around 110%, she should be sent completely off of the stage.

Peach is hard. With basically all of her moves leading to a Dsmash, and her amazing recovery in comparison to yours, she really makes it harder for you to live! She's definitely a very intense fight for you. Luckily for you, you have pills, and your grabs lead to uair juggles, and your fair will destroy her. What you have to do in this fight is use your pills to get inside and grab her. Once you land the grab, dthrow. Always dthrow. I won't stress that anymore, just make sure you dthrow. When you dthrow at 0%, utilt. If you grab her at 40%, this is where the fun begins. Dthrow her and full jump a uair, and then fastfall a uair. After this you should be able to uair juggle her easily, since her second jump makes it so much harder for her to get out since her second jump (mid-air) starts off by going down first. After the successful uairs, you can usually end the combo with a fair. If you land a grab on her at 85%, hit her about 3 times, dthrow and full jump a fair. Your primary advantage against her in this match is the fact that once you land a grab, you basically should get free combos on her. Your primary disadvantage is her dsmash and her recovery. Not to mention, once you're off the stage, she usually has no problem getting rid of you. Another thing you'll have to do is space. I don't mean this lightly. Spacing is really your only way of hand-to-hand combat against her. Use ftilt a lot against her. It comes out quick and takes her out dsmash out of game. Utilt her when she's above you. That's another move that comes out fast, and you can juggle her with utilts too! Peach players pretty much always approach floating towards you with their dair so they can either fastfall to the floor and dsmash or nair you. You can't escape with a roll out of her dair unless you c-stick roll out. C-stick roll should really be the only way that you roll anyways. In this match though, spam pills correctly to get inside for a grab, and space. It's sort of like fighting Marth. Sometimes, however, since she's so random (literally), you'll have to always watch out for the turnips that she pulls to check and see if one is the stichface. If it is, just camp her and when she throws it, dodge it or cape it. You might also want to catch a few of her turnips when you see the opportunity. When you're on a stage with platforms and you see the Peach camping on a platform, don't go near her. She's up there for one reason, and one reason only ... to spam her dsmash. The hitbox on the dsmash is so broken that it usually covers the entier platform. If you go near her and she dsmashes, chances are that you're going to be caught up in it and get about 35% damage done. Remember, most Peach players love dsmashing because of it's hitbox and the amount of damage it is capable of (80+). Peach players can also easily crouch-cancel almost all of your aerial moves except bair, so bair against her a lot and space with it so usually the tip hits her. When you're recovering, make sure to sweetspot the edge. If you don't, you're going to either be dsmashed or daired to a nair. If she dsmashes you, ledge-tech it and then immediately after up+B onto the stage. If she dairs you and then nairs you, DI it upwards and towards the stage and Smash DI it downwards and towards the stage.

Be Aware Of:
Fair - This move is strong so be sure to DI it very well.
Dair - Peach players always approach with this move while floating to eat up your shield so c-stick roll out of it. It's your only way of escaping. They also use this against your recovery
so they can follow it up with a nair.
Dtilt - If you're dtilted at certain high %s, you're stunned for a while so they can usually full jump a dair or fair.
Dsmash - All Peach players spam this move and it deals some intense damage so stay away from her and spam them pills to create a wall of defense for yourself.
Fthrow - If you're ever grabbed at above 100%, the Peach will most likely fthrow you. Hold straight up to live a lot longer.
Dthrow - Sometimes when you're grabbed at above 100%, the Peach player with dthrow you. DI behind her because she's probably going to usmash you and if it hits, you're most likely dead.

Best Stages:
Final Destination - You can combo her like crazy and Pill camp nicely.

Decent Stages:
Pokemon Stadium - A pretty good level with rotating platforms that give you flexibility with combos.
Battlefield - A good level to use against her with neutral platforms. The edges force her Up+B to go above the edge for easily caped up damage.
Fountain of Dreams - Even though you must remain careful of her dsmash platform game, you can use the rotating platforms for flexible combos.

Yoshi's Story - Easy vertical kills and horizontal kills.

Bad stages:
Mute City - Her recovery is insane on this level and yours is terrible.
Dream Land 64 - She never dies on this stage and she'll camp ontop of platforms to spam dsmash.

Possibility of Encounter: 15%
Last edited:


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2005
Naples, FL.
First post = Top - High Tier list
Second post = Middle - Low Tier list
Third post = Bottom Tier list

-Middle Tier-

Captain Falcon (6):
1.) Can be chain grabbed
2.) Can be juggled
3.) Easily caped
4.) Easily baired
5.) Can be thrown to a kill move

1.) Incredible speed
2.) Hard to kill vertically
3.) Sex-kick nullifies your pill game
4.) Can juggle you
5.) Knee is a killer (literally .. at dang near 85%)

Primary effective moves:
Grab (3, 9, 2, 8) - You can chain-grab a Captain Falcon with uthrow from 0 - 78%, but 30 - 70% guaranteed. Also from 110 - 160% dthrow.
U-throw (3, 9, 2, 7) - Once CF is at 95 -115%, you can uthrow him to a full jump fair.
Sex-kick (nair) (6, 6, 5, 7) - Shffling nairs is the best attack to approach a CF with safely.
Fair (9, 7, 7, 9) - A primary killer. Can also eat up his shield.
Cape (3, 9, 8, 10) - You can cape his recovery with relative ease.
Bair (6, 8, 9, 9) - A great spacing move to avoid being grabbed. Also, bairing his recovery is simple.
Ftilt (5, 7, 9, 8) - A fine alternative when countering CF's recovery. It comes out fast and nudges him right off of the stage quickly. Better to cape though.
Utilt (6, 9, 6, 7) - A link between combos. Another great move to use when CF is coming down from above you. It comes out quick, lasts longer than expected
and it's priority works well.
Fsmash (10, 8, 3, 9) - If you know the CF is going to move in an area that you're already in, charge up your F-smash and send him flying.
Dsmash (8, 8, 6, 8) - This is a fast, strong smash attack that gets people in a 360' area around you.

Effective moves:
Uair (4, 5, 5, 7) - Can be used as a link between grabs. Juggling CF is possible at 70- 90%+.
Dair (9, 9, 7, 8) - This move racks up 19 damage. Use a full jump with this as an approach sometimes.
Dtilt (4, 5, 4, 7) - Depending on his %, he may go further behind you. Also does some weird things when sweetspotting CF's recovery.
Usmash (7, 4, 4, 6) - For some reason or another, when you land this move on a CF at around 95 damage, you can usually jump up with a fair.

Kill moves:
Fair - 110%+ (if they DI perfectly, they can last until 115%)
Bair - Any % once they're off the stage (Bob$)
Cape - Any %. CF's up+B can be owned by your cape. Use it A LOT.
Nair - Near the ending of the animation when the sex is stronger, you can destroy him at around 110%
Dsmash - Tends to usually kill CF at 150% or so. It's hard to kill a CF vertically.
Fsmash - This is the best kill move if you land it. If CF is caught in this one at around 120%, he should be sent completely off of the stage. Even if he does survive, it should
be an easy edge-hog/edge-guard.

Bad moves:
Fthrow - This leads to nothing unless you're on a stage where this throw leads to a predicament that you'll suspect him to do in which case you can take advantage of.

Explanation (on Matchup):
Captain Falcon is a tricky and intense matchup. If you and the CF are at the same skill level, you're going to have to try twice as hard and not mess up against him. With you're approach being limited and his speed being so fast, it's going to be hard just getting close to him. His nair can eat right through your pills so don't use them too much (except for when you're recovering). Bair him a lot. Space the bair, and bair DJ bair a lot. When you grab him, you can chain grab him ... simply put. He's not hard to chain-grab at all. You're main focus in this matchup is to avoid being grabbed at all costs. When they grab you and you're at a high percentage, they're going to try and throw you downwards so they can run after you and fair you (the infamous 'Knee'). DI away and downwards to get as far away as possible. When you're fighting against these types of characters that rely on their speed and pressure, it's a good idea to stay out of your shield. Don't try to shield grab against these character ... it's too predictable. In the rare occasion that you do land a lucky grab though, don't mess up! When he's at about 90%, hit him a few times, throw him up and fair. When he's at lower percents, CG him upwards until around 75%. GET HIM OFF THE STAGE. He's an easy edgeguard/edgehog. Gimp him and don't feel bad. Another thing you're going to want to do in this matchup is to ban Pokemon Stadium. The first thing you say to the person is "I ban Pokemon Stadium.". Take CF to small levels like FoD, Yoshi' Story or Battle Field where he has less space to operate in. His game is based off of tech-following, dash-dancing, and grabbing. They all spam the knee at one point or the other as well. When you're chain-grabbing a CF and he's about to get to a % where he can jump out, follow his DI with a WD and fsmash. That'll get him off the stage and he'd be a perfect victim of your bair/cape/nair edgeguard. Watch out of CF's nairs as well. It's a great spacing move for him to use. His uairs are also very annoying because the length of his legs are so insane it's hard to avoid. When you're being juggled around with uairs, DI away from him. Those uairs will eventually lead to a fair and you don't want his knee in your face at 100% because that means you're dead....

Be aware of:
Fair('knee') - If he fairs you at 105%+, you're probably going to die. Avoid it.
Dthrow - Dthrows usually lead to fairs so watch out.
Uairs - Juggled Uairs are a killer. DI away from them since he's going to try and fair you for the win.
Dair - His dair is a meteor spike so be careful. They also tech-follow you with this move as well so be careful.
Forward B - This is one of their tech-following moves as well. Don't be predictable!
Nair (sex-kick) - This move will nullify your pills and will space you out. Shield this and WD out of your shield inside towards him to attack him.

Best Stages:
Yoshi's Story - Small stage. He can't operate in it.
Fountain of Dreams - Another small stage with random platforms! Even harder for CF to operate in!
Battle-Field - A small stage for him to operate in as well.

Decent Stages:
Final Destination - You can CG the daylights out of him and combo him, but he can run around you in circles. Be very careful to DI all of his uairs and avoid being tech-followed.

*The Best Stages Selection*

Bad Stages:
Pokemon Stadium - Terrible stage. He's so quick and the platforms just naturally enhance his game. Be sure to ban this stage against him.

Possibility of encounter - 45%

Ice Climbers (7):
1.) Ftilt gets around grab range
2.) If one is left, can be throw to a kill move
3.) Can be juggled
4.) Baired easily

1.) Can wobble you
2.) They out-man you
3.) All your combos are twice as hard to pull off
4.) Hard to cape
5.) If you're grabbed, it's over.

Primary effective moves:
Ftilt (5, 7, 9, 9) - This is a very effective move vs. Ice Climbers. It should be primarily used to space and avoid getting grabbed.
Utilt (6, 7, 6, 8) - This is an effective move as well. Use this as an upwards spacing technique and after dthrows.
Fair (9, 7, 8, 10) - This is one of the killer moves. Should kill Ice Climbers at around 100%. Good way to break their shield too.
Bair (7, 7, 8, 8) - This should be the aerial you space with at all times. You should always be able to hit one of them. When one is recovering as well this is an
easy edgehogging move to pull off.
Uair (6, 5, 8, 8) - You can juggle them with uair shffls. When you're coming from above, I also suggest adding a few fast-falled uairs since it's quick and easy to roll after it to avoid getting grabbed.
Dair (8, 9, 8, 9) - Coming down with this move is a good idea. It's also a good idea to feint these as an approach. Go right through her shield with these. Coming from
the ledge with this attack and onto the stage through them (or their shield) is also a good idea.
Nair (5-10, 6, 7, 8-10) - This is one of the only moves you should approach Ice Climbers with. Go over their shield so you don't get grabbed.
Megavitamins (Depending on how well you use them is how the values will be determined) - If you know how to spam and space pills correctly, as if like you're creating a barrier of defense to be offensive while narrowing down your opponents options to a minimum, they will really help you get inside to grab them, attack, or do anything.
Dthrow (6, 8, 5, 10) - This is the only way you should throw them if you want to connect something afterwards. At around 90%, you can dthrow them to a full jumped fair. It's
a whole lot easier when you're only facing one of them though.
Dsmash (8, 8, 9, 9) - This is you're best friend in this matchup. You always want to deal a lot of damage while splitting them up. This is what you'll use for that purpose.
Fsmash (9, 9, 3, 10) - This move is so strong. If you can catch both of them in this, they'll be done for at about 100%.

Effective moves:
Usmash (8, 7, 5, 7) - This is still a pretty effective move to use. At %'s higher than 130 they should die.
Cape (6, 10, 8, 7) - It's going to be hard caping their recovery, but you can still use this move to rack up some damage.
Dtilt (4, 6, 7, 6) - This move is a good move to use to split them up. That's your primary concern. It's to get rid of Nana.
Bthrow (7, 4, 6, 8) - At high percents at around 150 you should be able to destroy them.

Kill moves:
Fair - Should kill Ice Climbers at about 105% or higher.
Dsmash - Should kill Ice Climbers at around 130%.
Fsmash - At around 100% or so, the Ice Climbers should die.
Bair - Can be a gimping move so at any % you should be able to gimp the climber(s).
Cape - It's going to be hard to cape them but it's possible and this can be done at any %.

Bad moves:
Fthrow - This move really serves no purpose unless they're near the edge and you throw them off the edge at high %s to gimp them (or him).
Uthrow - You can't really connect anything with this move so don't use it unless you see it fit in a certain predicament (like a certain level).

Explanation (on Matchup):
This is probably one of the hardest matchups for Doc. Since there's two of them, they have twice the opportunity for attacking you. This matchup is pretty much closely identified as a "Wait for the opportunity" type of matchup. You don't want to get inpatient in this matchup. You want to get close to them so you can combo them with your close combat skills, but at the same time you want to avoid their grabs and smashes at all costs. This calls for strong spamming kills, and great spacing skills. You're going to want to use moves like ftilt and dsmash for spacing. You're going to want to feint dairs right past them to go in for the attack and hit one of them but avoid being grabbed. When you're close, space your aerials out perfectly. Jump up and nair but DI backwards, or dair and DI backwards. You're going to want to split them up. The entire time you're matching them, splitting them up should be your primary concern. Once you split them up you can get rid of Nana and turn your focus onto Popo. After grabbing them, always dthrow as quickly as possible. At around 90% you can dthrow them to a fair. Below that however, I'd suggest dthrowing to bairs. Bairing is you're answer to spacing against their broken grabs. Since your bair is so quick and you can do them multiple times in one aerial sequence, and since it's range is right out of their grabbing range if you're spacing it correctly, you'll be able to deal damage easily because there's no way around your spacing. Megavitamins are very useful in this match as well. I'd suggest decoy vitamins and placebos to an ftilt for spacing, grab for comboing, or fsmash/dsmash for killing. If you grab them, throw them down and do a full jump dair at %s lower than 30. Approach Ice Climbers with full jumped dairs and shffled nairs that are feinted. Your primary concern in this matchup is to avoid being grabbed while being offensive. In the horrific case that you are grabbed, you're going to have to face either being wobbled to death (any players nightmare), or being dthrow to de-synced dair chain-grabbed. If they decide to d-throw to de-synced dair CG you, DI away with the analog stick and hold R/L and C in the direction you want to roll in. That way, you will be able to roll on your first frame after hitting the ground. In the situation though that they do decide to wobble you, your only hope is that they mess up. There is no way around wobbling unless your opponent messes up. So, all in all, in this matchup, Megavitamin to create an opening, space to attack while avoiding their grab, and grab to dthrow and combo them, and at high percents, to kill them.

Beware of:
Grabs - If they grab you and they know what they're doing, they can devastate you with wobbling, Ice Climber infinites, or at least another 50% damage.
Dsmash - Their's two of them so two times the dsmash is going to send you flying. Be sure to DI this upwards and towards the stage and smash DI it downwards and towards the stage.
Dthrow - This is their connection move as well. If their's one of them, they can CG you at certain %'s so be sure to DI away as far as possible.
Uair - This moves priority out-prioritizes your dair so don't fall victim to this one.
Fsmash - Like I said before, there's two of them so it's twice the fsmash. It has strong knock back as well. It's possible to survive their smash attacks though if you know how to DI.

Best Stages:
Fountain of Dreams - It splits the level up a lot with platforms and the Ice Climbers have a bit of a hard time moving here.

Decent Stages:
Battlefield - A pretty even level for you vs. them. Recovery is a bit harder for them.

Rainbow Cruise - They hate this stage because it separates them and it's hard to move in. This is your best counterpick.
Pokefloats - This is another stage that Doc. should have the advantage in because the climbers will have a hard time staying together alone.

Bad Stages:
Final Destination - As long as you can space perfectly, avoid grabs, and not be out smashed and can get rid of nana as soon as possible, this stage makes it a pretty even match. Assuming that
you can't do these "perfectly" though, I'd probably avoid this stage.

Possibility of encounter - 10%

Samus (8):
1.) Can cape her projectiles
2.) Can bair her recovery
3.) Can be juggled
4.) Dies easily vertically

1.) Best recovery in the game
2.) Good projectiles
3.) Crouch cancel
4.) Cannot throw to a kill move

Primary effective moves:
Fair (9, 7, 7, 10) - A primary killer move. Use this move while spacing as well. Only use this if she's not trying to CC it since if she is she'll just dsmash.
Utilt (7, 8, 8, 8) - Use this move a lot when she's above you. She doens't like being in the air involuntarily.
Ftilt (5, 7, 9, 8) - This is the move you'll be spacing out along with your bair. Spacing is key against Samus since she CC's a lot.
Fsmash (10, 7, 4, 9) - This move is very strong and will send Samus out of the stage at %s close to 110.
Dsmash (8, 7, 8, 8) - A very fast smash attack that should be used frequently against Samus. Sends her off the stage as well.
Dair (6, 8, 7, 7) - An aerial move that should be used a lot after full-jumps for approaching against Samus. Since she's a floaty character, all the damage that this aerial is capable of will impact
Bair (8, 7, 9, 8) - The best spacing move you have against her. Time it right so the tip hits her that way you're out of CC to dsmash range or grabbing range.
Nair (8, 7, 9, 9) - This is probably the only move you should be approaching Samus with. Go through her with it so you can bypass her CC.
Dthrow (5, 4, 3, 9) - This is the way you should throw her so you can connect anything after it.

Effective moves:
Uair (6, 8, 8, 7) - It's gonna be harder to chain these against her but it's still a great move to hit her with while she's aerial to keep her stunned.
Usmash (8, 6, 5, 7) - Is a good move to use while she's above you but probably won't kill her until around 130%.
Cape (5, 9, 8, 9) - This move can be used many ways. Caping her recovery, giving her more damage, and caping her projectiles are just a few of the main reasons to use this against her.
Bthrow (7, 5, 4, 7) - Should be used against her at high %s above 150% or near the edge of the stage.

Kill moves:
Fair - Should kill her at around 110%.
Fsmash - She should die at around 110%.
Cape - Caping her recovery is vital in all aspects, regardless of how she recovers. If she does survive, she's usually open for a smash attack.
Bair - You can bair her recovery at any percent to make it harder for her to recover, or even make it impossible for her to recover (in certain situations).

Bad moves:
Dtilt - I don't see the use in this at all in this matchup. I can only see this as something random to pull off against her.
Uthrow - Never Uthrow her. There's no point because you can't do anything after it that will be affective to her.

Explanation (on Matchup):
This matchup is very weird and odd. You find yourself throughout this matchup not even trying to combo, but just trying to deal damage. Playing a Samus is a hard match. Getting around her projectiles, her constant crouch-canceling, and her amazing recovery is very difficult for most Doc. players. Just make sure to cape and nullify her projectiles, space her out with bairs, ftils, utilts to avoid her crouch-canceling, and keep her in the air immobile and stunned, because she really doesn't want to be vulnerable in the air while your on the ground. Usually when she's above you, you should utilt. The hitbox on the utilt really works and nullifies her moves to come back down with. Using uairs when she's above you is also a good way to rack up some damage on her. You should spam her back with your own projectiles as well. Doing so will nullify her projectile spam. Samus players also hate your pills because they leave openings for you to get inside her defense with jabs to grabs, smash attacks, and grabs. Grabbing really does help a bit in this matchup. Just dthrow her and jump up with a uair. Another thing you'll have to worry about is approaching her. She's always going to be crouch-canceling so space out your attacks. Your first concern is to get close to her so you can close-combat with her. Once you're inside and right next to her, your next concern should be out-spacing her. Moves like bair and ftilt come in handy when it comes to out-spacing her because they're just out of CC-dsmash range. If you chose to approach from above, just be careful and expect that she's probably going to try and Up+B out of her shield to eat right through your previous attack. Do full jumped dairs against her a lot as an approach, and go right through her with nairs. When the Samus is off the stage and trying to recover, be sure to cape her when she finally either grapples the stage and comes back up or tries to up+B. If she Up+Bs, it's an easy cape for the kill. If not, and she's coming up from a grapple to the stage, still cape her. She'll be sent flying up and she'll land on the stage, open to a semi-charged fsmash. Also, when she's recovering and doing her bombing tactic, be sure to try as much as possible to stop her bombing process with pills. The cape also works great in caping her aerials when you're recovering as well and dealing some damage to her. When you're recovering, Samus players will probably try to jump out there with a nair to stop your recovery process. Just cape the nair and then dodge-onto the stage, or whatever you see fit for that situation. Just be careful about your recovery in this matchup, and when you're fighting her, get inside and next to her and space her out so you can close-combat her and avoid her projectile spam. My main advice here is don't try comboing her, but racking up damage.

Beware of:
Crouch canceling - All Samus players love to CC and then fsmash or dsmash. Beware.
Up+B out of shield - This has so much priority it will eat right through your previous attempted attack and deal you about 10% damage.
Utilt - This is the move some samus players like to use to edgeguard you with. It has an awkward sweetspot so be sure to sweetspot the edge so you can ledge-tech it.
--**Projectile/Missile Spam**-- - Samus's Projectile/Missile game is nuts. Be sure to cape them and nullify them with your own pills.
Dsmash - This move's trajectory is weird in that if it hits you in the front it will send you backwards. Just be sure to DI this move right.
Dair - This is a meteor-spike. Samus players like to jump out there sometimes to spike you so be sure to avoid this.
Nair - This move stays out for a long time with her and is pretty strong at the tip.
Bair - This moves tip is very strong. DI this perfectly at high %s above 115 if you want to live.
Charge-shot - Samus players charge this up whenever they get the chance. Just remember that once it's charged they can shoot this fully-charged at you any time during that stock.
Be aware of it at all times and don't forget they have this charged up.

Best Stages:
Battlefield - Edges will force her to go up and towards the edge. It's an easy cape.

Decent Stages:
Yoshi' Story - She doesn't have much room to spam you with so you can stay close to her and deal damage with close-combat.

Final Destination - You have more of an area to work in. It's a pretty even match here but assuming you get close to her and nullify her spam you should have the upper hand.

Bad Stages:
Fountain of Dreams - She can recover in this stage a lot easier than you can
Dreamland 64 - She'll last against your killer attacks better and she has more time to recover.
Mute City - This stage is horrible for you and great for her as far as recovery goes. Ban this off the bat.
Pokemon Stadium - She has so much opportunity in this stage to missile-spam.

Possibility of encounter - 40%

Doctor Mario (... it's you ...) (9):
1.)Grab Combos
2.)Easily Caped
3.)Baired easily
4.)Throw to kill move

1.)Grab Combos
2.)Easily Caped
3.)Baired Easily
4.)Throw to kill move

Primary effective moves:
Fair (9, 7, 7, 9) - This is one of your primary killing moves vs. Doc. Usually at around 95% you can dthrow to fair him.
Fsmash (10, 8, 4, 9) - If this move connects with him at 100% he should be dead for sure in most situations.
Dsmash (8, 8, 8, 9) - This is a good move to use. It's your fastest smash attack and should send him off the stage, making him vulnerable for an easy edgehog/edgeguard.
Dthrow (6, 5, 5, 10) - After a dthrow at really any % you can connect almost anything.
Nair (8, 7, 7, 9) - This is the move you should approach with. Doc's like to grab like you do so go right through them with this one.
Cape (6, 9, 8, 10) - His recovery can be easily caped. Remember, all of your weaknesses are the same as his.
Uair (7, 8, 8, 9) - You can chain this at least about 4 times against him to combo him with and lead it to a fair or aerial of your choice.
Bair (6, 9, 10, 9) - His recovery can be easily baired. This is also a great move to use as a spacer to avoid his grab.
Ftilt (6, 9, 10, 9) - This is a good move to use against his recovery as well. I also recommend using this to space and back him off a lot.
Utilt (7, 9, 9, 9) - This is a very good move to use after dthrows at lower %s. Is also a good idea to use this move when he's above you.
Dair (9, 9, 8, 8) - This is a very effective move while you're aerial and passing above him. If he's caught in this, he should consume all 19% damage since he's a floaty character. You can usually connect a few more moves after a successful dair like a uair or nair.

Effective moves:
Dtilt (5, 6, 5, 6) - Good move to use to get him off the stage quickly for a quick bair or cape. Also nice to space with since it's trajectory is pretty random and could throw him off.
Usmash (8, 8, 6, 7) - This is another good move to use after a dthrow at lower %s.
Bthrow (7, 5, 5, 8) - At certain high %s above 140% you should be able to bthrow him far enough to get him off the stage and far enough away so you can edgeguard/edgehog him.

Kill moves:
Fair - At around 105% he should be dead after this connects with him.
Fsmash - If this connects to him at around 105%, there's almost no chance for him to survive. If he does, his recovery should be easy to edgeguard/edgehog.
Dsmash - When this move connects at around 130%, he'll be sent far off the stage (and probably die). If he does survive though, his recovery should be easily caped or edgeguarded/edgehogged.

Bad moves:
Fthrow - Nothing can come good out of this. The only situation I can see this being effective in is if to throw him off the stage to gimp or edgeguard him.
Uthrow - There's no point in throwing him up since you can't really connect anything after a uthrow against him.

Explanation (on Matchup):
This is your mirror match. This match is the matchup against yourself. During this matchup, it helps to constantly think in your mind "What would I do against myself?". You'll find yourself forced to do things differently in this matchup and rely on predicting and out-ranging your opponent more than anything. Remember, grab to dthrow combos are key in this matchup. When you grab at 0% or so, dthrow to usmash or utilt. At mid %s, dthrow and uair combo until late %s under 90. When you grab him at around 95%, dthrow and full jump a fair. But remember, what would you do to avoid this yourself? If the other Doc. players sees that you've done this combo to him, chances are he/she's going to pick up on it and try the same things against you once he/she grabs you. If you're caught at 0%, DI behind. If you're caught at mid %s, DI away from his uairs. And if you're caught at around 95%, be SURE to DI behind. More often than not, they're going to know you're trying to avoid the upcoming full-jumped fair. In this case, while you're DIing behind them trying to avoid the upcoming fair, they'll just DI while fairing backwards to hit you in any case. In this case, your only hope of living is your DI. DI upwards and towards the stage, and Smash DI downwards and towards the stage. The best way to DI a fair from Doc. (or Ganon) is the multi-input DI. This is when you DI downwards and towards the stage initially with the control stick and for every frame, you input another DI direction until you get to the normal DI and upwards towards the stage. Something else to definitely watch out for in this matchup is to avoid being vulnerable off the stage at all costs. Remember, you're fighting yourself, and what is Doc. infamously known for? That's right, he's known for his bair gimps and his cape. Being off the stage is not a pretty situation to be in. Your counter to this is when you're recovering, try to mindgame it, and to primarily NOT SWEETSPOT, but recover above and onto the stage as opposed to on the edge. You'll find it very helpful to space a lot during this match with bairs, ftilts, and dtilts. You're trying to avoid being grabbed at all costs. The only way you can do that is with perfect spacing. Something else you should do is try to get early gimps against Doc. Don't become repetitive with it though. Gimp Doc., you know your recovery isn't good at all, so take advantage of your opponent and gimp them. Bair gimps are amazing, and Cape gimps are even better. Some people may think that the bair is good for gimping only, but that's not true. It's good to approach a Doc. player with spaced SHBAWDs and to play a type of guerrilla warfare game of hit and run against him. Your primary concern shouldn't be to combo in this matchup at all but to space and rack up damage that way. The only exception to comboing is if the opponent is vulnerable in the air or if you grab him before he grabs you. Megavitamins are also helpful when you know how to spam them right so that he can't just cape them back to you to nullify your pills. As long as you know what your character is capable of, how to exploit your own weaknesses, and how to quickly grasp the other Doc. players style and how to out range him, you'll get a good start in this matchup.

Beware of:
Cape - He can cape you just like you can cape him.....
Bair - He can bair you just like you can bair him so be careful, especially during recovery. What could you do to avoid something you're used to doing yourself?
Fsmash - This hitbox is very small but if you're caught up in it, you're going to die at around 105%.
Dsmash - Docs like to spam this attack a lot. It's very quick, you should know that.
Dthrow - This is the throw of choice. Any combo you can do he can do (if not better) so avoid being grabbed at all times.
Nair - This is his approaching move. Be careful and don't forget that when this move is at it's strongest point, you can die at 100%. Don't be tricked by it's duration either.
Uair - Doc. can combo you with uairs at mid %s just like you can to him.
Fair - Doc. players spam this move simply because it's the strongest aerial they have. This becomes predictable. Remember, the faster you learn your mirrors style, the faster you can take advantage of it.

Best Stages:
Battlefield - This stage is pretty much even for both of you. The edge should be an easy edge-guard or cape.
Dreamland 64 - A pretty good level overall with a giant frame. If you know your recovery better than he does and you know how avoid being easily edge-guarded/edge-hogged, you'll have the advantage.
*The stages you don't like are the one's you'll use against Doc.*

Decent Stages:
Final Destination - You both have the advantage here. Be sure to DI all of his uairs correctly and to DI behind his dthrows. It should be an even match (but you don't want it to be even, you want the advantage, don't you?).

*The stages you don't like are the one's you'll use against Doc.*

Bad Stages:
***Final Destination*** - If you want to make the match more based off of overall skill and get rid of your favorite level to counter your opponents potential, then do it.

Possibility of encounter - 25%

Jigglypuff (10):
1.) She dies at very low %s
2.) Spamming nullifies her WoP
3.) A missed rest can be taken full advantage of

1.) She can destroy your recovery with her floating abilities
2.) Her rest is an instant kill
3.) Wall of Pain
4.) Her priority is insane

Primary effective moves:
Megavitamins - They nullify her approach so great.
Grab (3, 9, 2, 8) - If you could manage a grab against Jiggs at 0%, throw down ... only. Full-jump a dair to rack up more damage.
Dthrow (3, 9, 2, 9) - This is the only way you should throw Jiggs if you want to connect another move to attack her with. You will only throw backwards if she's at very high %'s like 160+.
Sex-kick (nair) (7, 6, 5, 7) - Shffling nairs is the best attack to approach a Jiggs with safety. Don't fast-fall this, but let it stay out it's duration. It tricks Jiggs players a lot.
Fair (10, 7, 7, 10) - A primary killer. Can also eat up her shield. If she's around 90%, she's done.
Cape (3, 9, 8, 9) - Cape her a lot. It wont be used to destroy her but it will rack up some damage, especially after a missed rest.
Bair (6, 8, 9, 9) - Space with this move a lot against her.
Ftilt (5, 7, 9, 10) - A quick move that could be used to back her off your turf.
Utilt (6, 9, 6, 8) - It comes out quick, lasts longer than expected and it's priority works well. Use it when she's above you.
Fsmash (10, 8, 3, 10) - If you somehow land this move against her, it should destroy her at above 100% (unless you're on Dream Land).
Dsmash (10, 8, 6, 10) - Even though this is a fast smash attack it could lead to you being grabbed or dsmashed if you miss so use it wisely.
Dair (9, 9, 9, 10) - This is the move that you will use to rack up damage on her while aerial. This is also the move that you should approach her with full jumps a lot.

Effective moves:
Uair (4, 5, 5, 7) - SHFFLC'ing juggled uairs is a great way to rack up some damage against Jiggs.
Usmash (8, 6, 5, 9) - This is a good move to use against her at high percents.
Bthrow (7, 3, 5, 7) - If you grab her at a high % at around 160, this should kill her. If they don't know how to DI, it will destroy her at around 130% (but what advanced player doesn't know how to DI a bthrow?).

Kill moves:
Fair - This move will kill a Jiggs at less than 90%.
Fsmash - This move will kill a Jiggs at less than 90% too!
Dsmash - A quick smash attack that will send Jiggs flying. Probably won't kill her until around 100%+ though.

Bad moves:
Dtilt - It's really not a good move to use during this match since it's effect doesn't work well against her. I guess you could use it every blue moon though as a random type of deal.

Explanation (on Matchup):
Jigglypuff is a unique match. When you're fighting a Jigglypuff, you're main concern is probably "How will I get close enough to her through that WoP?". What you want to do is spam your pills correctly. In doing this, you nullify her WoP game. Usually you want to approach Jiggs with nairs and full-jumped dairs. Since Jigglypuff players love the stay aerial, chances are they're going to jump right into your full-jumped dair. Make sure you feint it though and go right past them with it. You also want to bair her. This matchup is pretty much all about attacking at the right times, and finding your opportunities to exploit and use them against her. You use your pills as an opening to get inside and next to her. Once you're next to her, you should be able to take control of the match with your jab game, grabs, and you're aerials. Usually Jiggs dies at around 90% or so when you fair/fsmash her. Feints work great against her. She usually will try to get in to your space with her WoP so she can rest you as well. Another thing is that when you're recovering, they usually jump off with a bair to try and eliminate your chances of recovery. My advice to this is to get low enough to sweet-spot the edge, but not all the time since sooner or later they'll catch on and start edgehogging you. When you're fighting against her, you should grab. Not a lot or excessively, but just .. grab. Grabs with Doc., 90% of the time, lead to combos and at least another attack. In this case, grabs against a Jiggs at low %s below 15% should be a dthrow, full-jump dair and then a uair or nair. That's about 40% damage right there. I'd like to point out that if you don't get used to spamming against her, it's an even match, if not in her favor. But if you learn how to spam her right with pills to nullify her offense/defense mechanism (Wall of Pain), the match is more so in your favor. The most important thing that you will need to do in this match is DI absolutely everything. At low %s, Jigglypuff's dthrow, utilt and uair can lead to a rest if DId poorly. Also, very good Jigglypuff players will know how to incorporate tech-chasing and resting (this includes tech-chasing on platforms too). Basically, unless you can DI very well and your pill game is up to par, you will find it very hard winning this match. This is one of those matches that unless you know your character and his pros. + cons, if the Jigglypuff players is at the same skill level you are, it will be a tough one for you to win. Remember, if Jigglypuff misses a rest, the best thing to do is cape her 4 - 5 times (5 should be possible) and then fair or fsmash her. If she's over 20% after the misses a rest, she is supposed to lose her stock.

Beware of:
Rest - If Jiggs lands a rest on you and you're about 20%, you're most likely done for.
Bair - Her bair can be used multiple times to attack you with. She can use it as a Wall of Pain as well for the ultimate offense/defense.
Forward B ('pound') - Her pound sends you at an odd trajectory in that it send you backwards. It's priority is also very unique as well so watch out for this one.
Dsmash - Her dsmash sends you completely horizontal and with great knock-back so usually what I do is I hold down and tech it.
Fsmash - Her fsmash is very strong. Be sure to DI this upwards and towards the stage and smash DI it downwards and towards the stage. This move is very powerful.
Usmash - Her usmash is one to watch out for as well.
Pound - Her pound sends you backwards in trajectory.

Best Stages:
Final Destination - You can spam her like crazy on this stage. It's also fairly even and you have the upper hand on her in this stage.

Decent Stages:
Yoshi's Story - It's a small stage so vertical kills should be fairly easy (no pun intended).

*See Best Stages Selection*

Bad Stages:
Mute City - This is Jiggs' playground. She can float all over the place while you can barely stand on your own two feet. Ban this stage. It's even worse than Dreamland.
Dreamland - It's gonna be twice as hard trying to get those vertical kills on her in this level. Hope this isn't your first random.
Battlefield - If the edges in this stage were'nt so bad, it'd be good. Unfortunately, this stage is hard to recover onto, and she has no problem. I wouldn't recommend this stage.

Possibility of encounter - 30%

Mario (11):
1.) Easily Caped
2.) Easily baired
3.) Can be juggled
4.) Throw to Kill move
5.) Dthrow leads to anything

1.) You can be easily caped
2.) You can be easily baired
3.) His combo speed is faster than yours
4.) His dthrow leads to anything
5.) His can recover easier than you can
6.) His fsmash's hitbox is unpredictable and broken

Primary effective moves:
Fair (9, 7, 7, 9) - This is one of your primary killing moves vs. Mario. Usually at around 95% you can dthrow to fair him.
Fsmash (10, 8, 4, 9) - If this move connects with him at 100% he should be dead for sure in most situations.
Dsmash (8, 8, 8, 9) - This is a good move to use. It's your fastest smash attack and should send him off the stage, making him vulnerable for an easy edgehog/edgeguard.
Dthrow (6, 5, 5, 10) - After a dthrow at really any % you can connect almost anything.
Nair (8, 7, 7, 9) - This is the move you should approach with. Mario's like to grab like you do so go right through them with this one.
Cape (6, 9, 8, 10) - His recovery can be easily caped.
Uair (7, 8, 8, 9) - You can chain this atleast about 4 times against him to combo him with and lead it to a fair or aerial of your choice.
Bair (6, 9, 10, 9) - His recovery can be easily baired. This is also a great move to use as a spacer to avoid his grab of fsmash.
Ftilt (6, 9, 10, 9) - This is a good move to use against his recovery as well. I also recommend using this to space and back him off a lot.
Utilt (7, 9, 9, 9) - This is a very good move to use after dthrows at lower %s. Is also a good idea to use this move when he's above you.
Dair (9, 9, 8, 8) - This is a very effective move while you're aerial and passing above him. If he's caught in this, he should consume all 19% damage since he's a floaty character. You can usually
connect a few more moves after a successful dair like a uair or nair.

Effective moves:
Dtilt (5, 6, 5, 6) - Good move to use to get him off the stage quickly for a quick bair or cape.
Usmash (8, 8, 6, 7) - This is another good move to use after a dthrow at lower %s.
Bthrow (7, 5, 5, 8) - At certain high %s above 140% you should be able to bthrow him far enough to get him off the stage and far enough away so you can edgeguard/edgehog him.

Kill moves:
Fair - At around 105% he should be dead after this connects with him.
Fsmash - If this connects to him at around 105%, there's almost no chance for him to survive. If he does, his recovery should be easy to edgeguard/edgehog.
Dsmash - When this move connects at around 130%, he'll be sent far off the stage (and probably die). If he does survive though, his recovery should be easily caped or edgeguarded/edgehogged.

Bad moves:
Fthrow - Nothing can come good out of this. The only situation I can see this being effective in is if to throw him off the stage to gimp or edgeguard him.
Uthrow - There's no point in throwing him up since you can't really connect anything after a uthrow against him.

Explanation (on Matchup):
Mario is an intense matchup. The reason being is because you're basically fighting yourself but much quicker in all aspects. When you're fighting against Mario, you'll find yourself trying to keep up with his combo speed. If you can do this and you can atleast expect everything that he's going to try and pull off ahead of time, you're in good shape. You're going to want to avoid being grabbed, since he's going to dthrow you and combo you to no-end with utilts and uairs. Space against him with bairs. Spacing with SHBAWDs is a great idea as well. You're going to want to grab him so you can dthrow. Ways of doing this are after jabs, dash in and grab him. When you land a grab on him, dthrow him. If he's at around 30%, after the dthrow, utilt him and uair combo him. If he's at around 50%, uair combo him a few times. When he's at around 90%, heatbutt him thrice, dthrow, and then full-jump fair him. However, if he lands a grab on you, be sure to DI behind him. Things that Mario players can do to you after a dthrow are like utilts, multiple uairs, and full-jumped nairs at high %s. DIing behind him will make it a whole lot harder to do this against you. When you're recovering against him, be sure to get as high as possible to get back on the stage and try not to sweetspot. If you try to sweetspot, he'll just cape you (unless you sweet-spot perfectly ... it's possible). When he realizes that you're very high in recovery and you're not going to try and sweetspot, he may try and jump out there with a bair or nair. Just air-dodge right through it forward and towards the stage and from then on you shouldn't have to worry about recovery since the moves he has left in range that can hit you will only be able to send you towards the stage anyways. When you're edgeguarding against Mario, it's going to be harder. His recovery is better than yours, and his fireballs can be a bit of a hassle getting rid of while trying to stop his recoveyr process. Mario players will know to not try and sweetspot the edge, since you'll be right there to cape them. Against Mario's recovery, I'd suggest jumping out there with constant bairs to stop him and narrow downs his recovery options to having to sweetspot, that way you can cape him like you want to. The point is, pressure him to sweetspotting the edge. Dsmashing will be spammed a lot in this match on both your side and his side. When he dsmashes, side-step and grab or fsmash. You want to take full advantage of him after his misses his smash attacks, primarily his dsmash. Cape his fire balls and periodically throw pills to nullify his fireballs. Mario can out-jab you as well, and usually after jabs they'll try and dash in and grab you afterwards or fsmash. Be careful with his jabbing game in some spots too. There are some areas in like Pokemonstadium in the mountain transformation in the middle of the stage that if he starts jabbing you in, it's sort of hard to get out of. Cstick roll away and jump out as soon as possible. Camp him if he's going to camp you. Another thing I'd be careful of in this matchup would be his fireball spam. Sometimes in situations where the Mario is panicking and knows that you've figured out his playstyle, he'll start fireball spamming to try and find an opening. If you're winning the match, there's no reason why you should run in through his fireball defense and try to attack him. Sit in the back and wait for him to realize that "This isn't working anymore" to continue the match. It's also helpful to think during this matchup of what you might try and avoid. If you know your weaknesses, chances are Mario's going to have the same kind of weaknesses or something similar. In knowing that, you can exploit his weaknesses and take full advantage of them. Just remember that Mario is twice as fast as you are in everything.

Beware of:
Cape - He can cape you just like you can cape him so be careful.
Bair - He can bair you just like you can bair him so be careful, especially during recovery.
Fsmash - The hitbox attached to this is so strong and so big it's broken. Mario's like to spam this attack and use it after dthrowing and as a finisher to a combo.
Dsmash - Marios like to spam this attack a lot. It's very quick for them and it has quite a bit of knockback.
Dthrow - Mario's can connect just about anything after a dthrow just like you can.
Nair - Mario's nair is very strong. After a dthrow at high %s around 90% he'll full-jump a nair. Be sure to DI correctly.
Uair - Mario can combo you with nairs at mid percentage for about 5 times. DI away from him to avoid that fsmash/nair finisher.
Fair - Mario's fair is a meteor-spike.

Best Stages:
Battlefield - It will be harder for him to grab the ledge after recovery since he doesn't have magnetic hands like you do. Even if he does reach it he can be easily caped.
*The stages you don't like are the one's you'll use against Mario*

Decent Stages:
Final Destination - You both have the advantage here. Be sure to DI all of his uairs correctly and to DI behind his dthrows. It should be an even match.

*The stages you don't like are the one's you'll use against Mario*

Bad Stages:
Dreamland 64 - He'll have an easier time recovering than you will.

Possibility of encounter - 20%

Ganondorf (12):
1.) Can be throw to a kill move
2.) Easily baired
3.) Easily caped
4.) Can be chain-grabbed
5.) Can be juggled

1.) His strength is obscene
2.) He can easily eliminate your recovery
3.) Hard to meteor cancel his dair
4.) Hard to get past his spacing

Primary effective moves:
Cape (5, 6, 5, 10) - His recovery can be easily caped.
Bair (5, 7, 8, 9) - A good move to space against Ganondorf. His recovery can be baired easily as well.
Dthrow (5, 4, 4, 8) - You can CG Ganondorf for about 40% damage.
Uair (6, 5, 6, 7) - This is a good move to use as a connection between attack. Ganondorf can also be juggled.
Fair (9, 8, 8, 10) - One of your kill moves. Is a great finisher after shffled uair combos.
Dsmash (8, 8, 9, 8) - A great move to use to get rid of Ganondorf. If not, he's off the stage so it's an easy edgeguard/edgehog.
Fsmash (10, 8, 3, 10) - Once he's caught in this at about 105%, he should be done for.
Nair (9, 6, 7, 9) - This is a great move to approach with.
Dair (9, 9, 7, 9) - This is a great move to approach with as well with jull jumps. Also use this when coming from the air to land back on the stage.

Effective moves:
Usmash (7, 6, 4, 7) - At around 85%, if you usmash him you should be able to jump up and fair him.
Dtilt (5, 6, 6, 5) - When you want to get him off the stage and you're facing towards the stage and he's infront of you, use this one. Otherwise you could use this to throw him off.
Fthrow (4, 4, 3, 7) - Good move to get him off the stage with so you can easily edgeguard/edgehog him.
Bthrow (6, 4, 5, 8) - Good move to get him off the stage with as well. Sometimes will kill him at high percents above 150% (assuming they know how to DI it).

Kill moves:
Fair - Should kill Ganondorf at around 110% vertically.
Fsmash - Should destroy Ganondorf at around 100% - 105%.
Dsmash - A good Ganondorf will be able to DI this at around 125%. After that though, they should die.

Bad moves:
Uthrow (4, 4, 4, 5) - Unless he's at around 65% and you want to land a full-jumped fair on him instead of comboing him, don't use this move too often.

Explanation (on Matchup):
This matchup is sort of like fighting another Captain Falcon but on steroids. Ganondorf is such a slow but fast character. He's slow in general, but if the opponent knows how to use him, he can be very quick with combos and his tech following is highly affective. I'd recommend grabbing a lot in this match, but safely. Usually when you land a grab against Ganondorf you can connect a lot of damage with dthrows. You can CG him from 0 - 55%, and once he hits around 55% you can usually shffl uairs to a fair on him. Also, if you grab him at around 100%, you can dthrow him to a fair. His height and width can be taken advantage of and make him so prone to all of your aerial attacks. SHBAWDing is a very useful and helpful mechanism for spacing and attacking against him. His recovery game is easily taken advantage of with Doc. When he's coming back to the stage, he can easily be caped or baired and that should end it. However, be aware of his strength combined with his tech-following play-style. Usually Ganondorf will throw you down at low %'s to CG you a bit, so DI away. When you find yourself vulnerable and on the floor in the situation that you might want to roll, be careful where you roll. Try to read which way the Ganondorf is expecting you to roll so you won't fall right into one of his dairs, fairs, forward B's, or bairs. Ganondorfs rely on tech-following and edge-guarding. It's where most of their game is at. Some Ganondorf players like to spam their fair and bair a lot because the fair's hitbox is insane and can be well spaced out and the bair is the same way. Usually feints are the answer to this type of play style. If you can trick them to using one of these moves and making them vulnerable, you'll be able to land that grab or that smash attack in and continue with your combos. Another thing to watch out with is when you're recovering. Make sure to get as high as possible so you can avoid his broken uair edgeguards when you're coming back to the stage. If you're below the level and you're trying to sweetspot the edge, it usually only takes one successful uair edge-guard on you to make it an easy edge-hog against you. If you're actually trying to get back to the ledge and not the stage though, be sure to sweetspot it. In this matchup, Megavitamins will help as well. They won't be HIGHLY affective like in some other matches, but spamming them correctly will always help you deal some damage or even find a weakness here and there to exploit in Ganondorf's playstyle. You're going to want to space him out with bairs as well because you don't want to get grabbed at any % because he can usually connect anything after a dthrow, but primarily around 90% because the can just dthrow you do a uair/fair/or bair if you DI behind him. As long as you know what you're doing, know how to combo Ganon, and know how to avoid being tech-followed and neutralize his spacing, you should be able to stand a fair chance against him and have a solid advantage against him.

Beware of:
Fair - The hitbox attached to this move is insane and it's very powerful. Be sure to DI this move well.
Dair - So hard to meteor cancel this. Also can destroy you and send you flying upwards and kill you at around 85%.
Bair _ This move is very strong and has a lot of hitback. It's hitback is more horizontal than his Fair so you're going to have to DI this one perfectly if you want
to have a chance at survival.
Foward B - He's going to use this to tech-follow you. Don't be predictable.

Best Stages:
Final Destination - Combo world! You can CG him, juggle him with shffled uairs and easily destroy his recovery game.

Decent Stages:
Pokemon Stadium - It has a flat surface in some parts so have fun chain-grabbing him and what not. It's level changing also adds a bit more flexibility to your overall
comboing game.
Dream Land 64 - It's pretty much an even match here. You and him can DI eachothers fair a lot better since it's such a wide level. You can both recover great here also.

Corneria - A good level with a wide surface area. When you're fighting him at the wing, you should have the advantage as well.

Bad Stages:
Battle Field - He has no problem recovering on this stage but you do since his up+B can grab from behind as well. It's also kind of small so his killing moves will destroy you
easier here.
Yoshi's story - This is a bad stage to pick vs. Ganon. His kill moves will easily destroy you here since the stage is so small.

Possibility of encounter - 35%

-Low Tier-

Link (13):
1.) Can be chain grabbed
2.) Can be thrown to a kill move
3.) Easily bair his recovery
4.) Can be juggled

1.) His spacing is really good
2.) His spamming game is hard to get around
3.) Boomerang Setup
4.) His recovery is unpredictable

Primary effective moves:
Fair (9, 8, 9, 9) - This move is one of your primary killing moves. After a dthrow at about 100% you can SH one and hit him.
Uair (7, 8, 8, 8) - You can juggle him at high-mid %s.
Bair (7, 9, 9, 8) - This is the primary move you should use to edgeguard him.
Nair (9, 10, 7, 9) - This is your primary approaching move.
Fsmash (10, 9, 6, 9) - This is your best killing move. Should kill Link at around 110%.
Dsmash (9, 9, 9, 9) - This is your quickest smash attack. It should also kill Link at around 120%.
Ftilt (7, 10, 10, 8) - When you're in close combat this move works wanders.
Utilt (8, 10, 9, 8) - When you're in lose combat this move helps a lot too. This is also a great move to use while he's above you.
Dthrow (7, 7, 6, 8) - This is the only way you should throw Link. You can CG him from 27 - 68%, but 0 should be possible.
Jab (4, 7, 8, 7) - This should be used while in close combat and as a link between combos. Jabbing is a great spacing mechanism.

Effective moves:
Usmash (8, 8, 7, 7) - This is a very good move to use while Link is above you. Sometimes it sets up for a fair at high %s. Should also kill Link at around 130%.
Dtilt (7, 8, 8, 6) - Use this while spacing to throw Link off.
Bthrow (8, 7, 7, 8) - Always good to get Link off the stage to bair him. Should also kill Link at around 150%.
Fthrow (7, 6, 5, 6) - Getting Link off the stage for a bair is always a good idea.
Cape (6, 7, 9, 8) - Even though it will be hard to cape his recovery, you could still cape him while he's trying to recover to get him on the stage so you can fsmash him. You can also cape his hookshot if you cape him before it comes out.

Kill moves:
Fair - Should kill Link at around 110%.
Fsmash - Should kill Link at around 105%.
Dsmash - Should kill Link at around
Bair - Easy edgeguards can kill Link at any %, as long as you do it right.

Bad moves:
Uthrow - This is probably a pointless way to throw Link unless he's at %s lower than 20% so you can uair juggle him a few times.

Explanation (on Matchup):
This matchup is possibly one if not the hardest matchup for Doc. Link's range and his versatile choice of items between his Boomerang, Bow & Arrow, and Bombs make him so hard to approach. The thing is though, if you don't approach him you're probably not going to win. You have to get close to him in order to win, but when you get close to him he can easily out space you with his range. The only safe way to approach him would be with a nair or using your Megavitamins to find an opening so you can decoy vitamin to him and get that grab in. Once you grab Link, dthrow him. You can CG him from 27 - 68% guaranteed, but it should be possible to start at 0%. Once he's at about 105%, dthrow him and short hop a fair. Sometimes the grab will be very hard to get in. In these cases, jab combo him to get that grab in. If you are unsuccessful with grab combos, when you get close to him, play a spacing game with him and mix up your jab combos with ftilts, utilts, and dtilts. It's also a pretty good idea to throw in a random cape when in close combat with him. It will throw him off and you could probably get that grab in. When you grab at mid-%s, dthrow him and fsmash. That's a safe way to land an easy 30% damage or so. However, this fight is one of those fights that you just want to get Link off the stage and gimp him above anything else. The only way to safely gimp a Link is to bair his recovery. Watch out for his bomb-recovery, however. Links can comeback to the stage in the weirdest predicaments so always stay alert and never walk away from the ledge until he's dead. Also, watch out for Links Boomerang setup. Good Link players will be able to chain a dair in after a successful boomerang setup and if you don't DI this away and smash DI it downwards and towards the stage, you're probably going to die at around 95%. His Bomb setup is rediculous as well. Make sure also that when you're recovering you watch out for his up+B at all times. A lot of times, if a Link grabs you at around 95 - 105%, he'll dthrow you and up+B. Be sure to DI upwards and towards the stage and smash DI downwards and towards the stage so you can last a lot longer. When you're recovering, he'll also try and jump out with a nair and since it's so strong it'll go right through your pills and void your recovery. Something else I can't forget to tell you is to cape his bombs backwards. If you do this, the bomb won't explode in your face but will go right back at him. All in all, approach him correctly and if you have to, spam your Megavitamins correctly to find an opening to get inside.

Beware of:
Dair - If this hits you at above 105%, you're done for.
Up+B - If you don't sweetspot the stage, any part of the hitbox from the side of his up+B will send you horizontally and downwards and you'll be dead.
Nair - His nair can go through your pills and he'll easily break through your recovery if you're not careful.
Boomerang - His Boomerang setup is amazing so try to avoid it (as hard as it might be)
Bomb - His bombs out prioritize everything in the entire game. Cape them backwards so they don't blow up in your face but go right back at him.
Dsmash - Can space you out and send you upwards.

Best Stages:
Final Destination - Have a good time comboing him and CGing him.

Decent Stages:
Battlefield - Throws off his Hookshot game.
Pokemon Stadium - Overall big stage that's easy to maneuver around in.

Kongo Jungle 64 - This is a good level to null his hookshot.
Mute City - He has little space to spam you and run away with.

Bad Stages:
Dreamland 64 - He doesn't die.

Possibility of encounter - 15%

Luigi (14):
1.) Easily edgeguarded/edgehogged
2.) Dies early
3.) Not hard to combo

1.) His aerial game is rediculous
2.) He's very random (physics, recovery, you name it)
3.) Slight automatic spacing
4.) He can combo you better than you can against him

Primary effective moves:
Fair (10, 8, 8, 10) - This is the move you can kill Luigi with at easily 100%.
Fsmash (10, 9, 5, 10) - If Luigi is caught up in this at around 95% he should be dead.
Dsmash (8, 8, 8, 8) - A very fast smash attack that will send Luigi out of the stage at 95% and will destroy him at around 115%.
Uair (7, 8, 9, 9) - A good move to combo with when you're under it and you can space it so the tip of your shoe is hitting him.
Utilt (7, 9, 9, 8) - A good move to use when he's over you.
Ftilt (7, 10, 10, 9) - It's a good idea to use this move for spacing and keeping away from him since close combat is somewhat difficult with his aerial game.
Dair (10, 9, 8, 9) - If he's caught up in this, since he's a floaty character he'll consume most if not all of the damage this is capable of.
Bair (9, 9, 10, 9) - Probably one of your best moves to use against him in all aspects (approach, recovery).
Cape (8, 10, 9, 10) - When Luigi is recovering, his up+B should be fairly easy to cape.
Nair (8, 8, 7, 8) - This should be your approaching move. Go through Luigi with it. If it hits him at around 90% at full strength is should send him flying off the stage if not destroy him.

Effective moves:
Usmash (8, 8, 5, 7) - A good move to use when Luigi is above you and should kill him at 125% or so.
Dtilt (6, 7, 7, 6) - Good move to use while spacing and to get Luigi far behind you and off the stage at %s above 100%.
*Mega Vitamins* - These are great to use in some predicaments for approaching and whatnot and to link between combos. Also good in opening up ways off approach.
Dthrow (7, 8, 5, 7) - Although you can't really connect anything after this except for maybe at lower %s, this is the way you'll throw your opponent.
Bthrow (7, 8, 5, 7) - Once Luigi is at high %s above 150%, you should be able to bthrow him and despite his DI he should die (chances arise when you're closer to the edge).

Kill moves:
Fair - Should destroy Luigi at 105% easily.
Fsmash - Should destroy Luigi at around 95 - 100%.
Dsmash - Should destroy Luigi at around 115%.
Usmash - Should destroy Luigi at 125% or so.
Cape - Very easily caped because of his terrible up+B.
Bair - Very easily baired because of his bad recovery.

Bad moves:
Fthrow - Unless you're trying to get Luigi off of the stage for an edge-guard/edge-hog, there's probably no use for this unless in certain predicaments.
Uthrow - This is probably the only pointless way to throw Luigi.

Explanation (on Matchup):
Luigi is probably one of the most interesting matches to watch out for. His aerial game is rediculous, and his physics are so random you'll be confused as to where/when and how to DI against him. Despite his crazy aerial game and his randomness however, you still have the upper-hand. During this matchup I wouldn't really suggest relying on grab combos too much, but I would suggest grabbing a lot. The reason why I say this is because even though you may not be able to do anything after a grab (dthrow), you'll still be able to hit him and rack up atleast some damage. You don't want to try and fight him aerial while close either. If you do, his close aerial combat is rediculous if he knows what he's doing, and his combos are very weird and sometimes hard to get out of even with DI. He'll use moves like utilt and down+B to keep you in the air so he can come up with a dair and easily rack up 50% damage. You're trying to rack up damage in this matchup, not really combo unless he's above you. When you're fighting him, I find Megavitamins to be very helpful in boosting your approach game and helping your unorthodoxed ways of comboing him as links between your hits. You can slightly combo Luigi with chained uairs while he's above you, but that's really it. I also find that your sex-kick is a very good move to use while he's aerial as well. When Luigi players are off the stage, they usually try forward+B to get close to the edge. Remember though that their forward+B is very random though and sometimes they'll get a full-boosted rocket towards the stage which if it hits you in the process can send you flying to your death at around 90% so watch out. However, more frequently than not, this won't happen. In regular cases, his recovery should be easily baired or if he's trying to sweetspot the edge, easily caped. Watch out for his down+B though, since he can do the PTP as well if he charges it on the stage first. It's also a good idea to approach him with bairs. SH bair to DJ bair/falling bair is a good way to space against him. It's always a good idea to avoid getting too close to him so be sure to use ftilts and utilts a lot as well to kind of keep your space while attacking him. When approaching Luigi, full jump dairs. If he's caught up in this, since he's a floaty character he'll consume most if not all of the 19 damage that this move is capable of. Even though you can't really rely on your grab combos in this matchup, you should have the upperhand as far as recovery, approach, and kill-moves go.

Beware of:
Dair - Luigi's dair is very strong and has a strange trajectory. Also the back of it's hitbox is a meteor spike so be careful.
Dsmash - Luigi's dsmash sends you straight up and can kill you at around 115%. Be careful.
Nair - His nair will send you straight up as well. It won't kill you as fast as his dsmash will (probably around 125%), but it's quick and they use this move a lot while aerial.
Fair - You should be prepared to DI this move correctly (DI upwards and towards the stages and Smash DI downwards and towards the stage). If you don't you'll die at low %s around 105%.
Bair - Luigi's bair has freakishly strong knockback so try to avoid this at all costs when you're recovering.
***Up+B*** - When Luigi up+B's you and he's right next to you, you'll be sent straight up and you can die at 87%+. Be careful when you're that close to him and space him out.
Utilt - This is a move that Luigi players use to combo you with and usually leads to a fair or dair.
Down+B - Luigi get's amazing horizontal distance with this so watch out for it's randomness and be sure to block against it to take advantage of it's lag. They also use this to recover once it's charged on the stage once so watch out for them when they're charging it so you know it's an alternative when they're recovering.

Best Stages:
Final Destination - Nice big stage that enhances your approach game and it shouldn't be too hard to get some combos against him here.
Dreamland 64 - Very big stage that you will have an easier time recovering in than Luigi. Also, the wind hurts some of Luigi's aerial game (yours too, but not as much).

Decent Stages:
Fountain of Dreams - No positives, no negatives.

Corneria - Up+B to wing combos
Battle Field - Bad edges force Luigi to sweetspot and makes him vulnerable to easy edge kills (cape, bair). Platforms also add more flexibility to your unorthodoxed combos.
Mushroom Kingdom 2 - Very easy bthrow gimps and it's not really probably to being killed horizontally.
Rainbow Cruise - Should devistate Luigi's aerial game, hence giving you a considerable upper-hand. Also, left side of stage constantly hurts Luigi's recovery.

Bad Stages:
Yoshi's Story - Randomness of stage and it's overall small frame make Luigi's kill moves more useful than yours. Also, it's harder to be successful with recovery.

Possibility of encounter - 15%

Donkey Kong (15):
1.) Easily baired recovery
2.) Can be chain-grabbed
3.) Can be juggled
4.) Hard to miss
5.) Easily comboed
6.) Correct Pill Spam is pretty nice

1.) His strength is amazing
2.) Awkward grab and throws (2 of each)
3.) Can't cape is recovery
4.) Up+B is very strong
5.) Cargo-Suicide
6.) His grab game is great (don't get grabbed ...)
7.) If he turns his back to you, run

Primary effective moves:
*Megavitamins* - Spamming these correctly make this matchup easier.
Fsmash (9, 9, 6, 9) - This is probably your best kill move. It will kill him the fastest out of all your other kill moves.
Dair (8, 9, 7, 8) - This is a great move to use against DK. He'll consume all of the damage from it.
Uair (8, 7, 9, 8) - The uair is great against DKs. You can Juggle them pretty easily too.
Bair (8, 9, 10, 9) - Possibly one of the best ways to kill DK is with bair gimps since his up+B is pretty terrible.
Dthrow (7, 7, 8, 7) - This is the best way to throw DK. It will lead to combos.
Dsmash (8, 9, 9, 8) - This is a good smash move to use against him, just space it right so he can't grab you.
Nair (9, 8, 7, 8) - This is a great move to use vs. DK. He's very big and if you SH it it should hit some part of him sending him flying at high %s.
Fair (8, 9, 9, 8) - This is a very good move to use but because DK is so big and weighted he's not going to die so quickly like most of your other matchups will.

Effective moves:
Usmash (7, 7, 6, 8) - This is a good smash move to use. It can help set up some fairs.
Bthrow (8, 7, 7, 7) - When you're near the edge you may want to try and throw behind for a bair gimp.
Ftilt (8, 9, 9, 7) - This is a great move to use to space DK to avoid being grabbed.
Utilt (8, 9, 8, 7) - This is a very good move because since he's so huge you could rack him up with about 3 of these before your next move.

Kill moves:
Fsmash - Will most likely kill DK at around 110% on regular levels, probably about 130% on bigger levels like Dreamland assuming he DIs right.
Fair - Will kill him at around 120% on normal levels, probably around 140% on bigger levels like Dreamland assuming he Dis right.
Bair - Bair gimps will destroy DK. Probably one of the best ways to kill him is this.

Bad moves:
Dtilt - It could be helpful when he's infront of you and your back is facing the edge of the stage but besides that this is pretty useless.
Fthrow - This is a pretty pointless way to throw unless your in teams maybe.
Uthrow - Possibly the worst way to throw DK ever in singles. I wouldn't recommend ever uthrowing DK.

Explanation (on Matchup):
This matchup is pretty haphazard and just awkward. It's pretty intense because DK is so strong, and he has a pretty awkward way of comboing (because he doesn't, he just spams bair or grabs ... but it works). See, what you want to do in this match is be sure to use your pills correctly and try to avoid being next to him. This is pretty much a hit-and-run matchup. When you are next to him space for the love of your life. If you don't, you will be grabbed/cargo suicided/baired to death. His only real defense against you is to turn his back to you and bair you. When he does that, that's your cue to get out of there. His bair is amazing. Just the hitbox and priority and length of that thing all around is just amazing. However, once he's off the stage he's a piece of cake to edgeguard. Just bair him and he's gone. If you ever grab him, dthrow will be your friend. He's so big that he's so easy to combo. He's a pretty clumsy character. If he grabs you and you're at around 50% or more, get out of there as soon as possible. Just get out because if he's a stock ahead of you, he's going to cargo suicide you, and that my friend, will suck. You will lose sleep because of how rediculously gay/wtf/stupid that was because you died by being thrown into the stage ... When you're close to him, try bair spacing, and not only that but SPACE every move you use against him. Fsmash will be your best kill move, and since he's bigger he'll be a bit easier to fsmash than most of the other characters in this game. Oh yes, don't try to cape his recovery. You'll most likely just be helping his height towards the level. Overall, the matchup is primarily in your favor. On a side note, for some reason, it's easy to shadow-hit DK a lot moreso than other characters in the game. That might be a bit annoying. Be very careful of his up+B as well, since the first hitbox it's out it has incredible knockback that if not DIed correctly will set you up for an easy edgeguard/edgehog. He'll also occasionally use it out of his shield. He may try to edgeguard/edgehog with it. If he edgeguard/edgehogs it right, he'll be invincible while up+Bing to the ledge and you'll keep getting hit by the knockback so far that if you make it back it'll just happen again so you'll most likely eventually be destroyed. Be very careful of this.

Beware of:
*Bair* - Donkey Kong's bair is rediculous. It's length and priority is just so good it's hard to get around. Be careful about how you maneuver around his bair approach.
*DK Punch* - Even though this will probably never hit you, if it ever does for whatever reason, be sure to DI this thing for your life. It's very powerful, very.
*Cargo Suicide* - If you're around 50%, be sure to get out of his grab as soon as possible 'cause if he's a stock ahead of you he might jump off the level and throw you towards it ... and you will die.
*up+B* - The first hitbox of his up+B has awesome knockback. He'll also use this out of his shield occasionally. Just be cautious.
Uair - His uair has a pretty good reach and priority as well. Just be sure not to be too high when he hits you ...
Usmash - If he catches you with this when you're at around 90%, it's over for you.
Fsmash - This is a very strong fsmash, careful.
Dsmash - This thing has a weird trajectory that will send you to the side and it's very powerful.
Dair - This can be meteor cancelled but it's still a good move for him to use not only off the level but on it too for tech-follows and whatnot.
Bthrow - When he's near the edge of the stage, he will most likely bthrow. Be sure to DI correctly because if you don't you'll most likely be knocked into the fray of doom.

Best Stages:
Final Destination - This is combo land and easy spam level for you.

Decent Stages:
Battle Field - The terrible ledges of this level will make DK's recovery almost impossible if you bair him away. Also, it's a pretty well rounded level.
Pokemon Stadium - A pretty good level, just watch out for Cargo Suicides.

*Final Destination*

Bad Stages:
Dreamland 64 - Due to the very high ceiling in conjunction with DKs weight, this is a bad level because DK will almost literally never die until around 150%+.
Yoshi's Story - This sets up for easy kills for both of but primarily him since DK has more kill moves than you. Also his Cargo Suicide is a charm in this level.

Possibility of encounter - 20%

Roy (16):
1.) Megavitamins help a lot
2.) Grab to dthrow works well
3.) He is chain grabable
4.) Bair gimps are a synch
5.) Fair/Fsmash are good kills
6.) His recovery is worse than yours
7.) He should be approaching you, and that's not really a threat

1.) His fsmash has a unique interior hitbox that's knockback is insane
2.) He sort of out-ranges you (Doc.)
3.) His physics are awkward
4.) His dair is a meteor spike, but that'll never happen unless you're fighting Neo
5.) Most of his smashes have very good knockback

Primary effective moves:
*Megavitamins* - You want Roy to approach you, and his approaching game isn't so great. Spamming pills correctly will destroy Roy and make it easier to get to him.
Cape (8, 8, 7, 9) - Roy's up+B can be easily caped. His recovery is pretty bad ...
Bair (8, 8, 8, 8) - His recovery will be slim-to-none if he's baired and then you're just hanging on the edge.
Fair (9, 8, 8, 8) - This will kill Roy at above 105%. Space this move.
Fsmash (10, 9, 7, 9) - This is a very strong move and will kill Roy at around 100%.
Dsmash (8, 8, 9, 9) - This will get Roy off the stage, and that's always a good thing since his recovery isn't so hot.
Utilt (8, 8, 8, 8) - Since he's so weighted it's pretty easy to get in a few utilts.
Nair (9, 8, 7, 9) - If this thing hits Roy at full strength, Roy is probably going to be dead at around 110%.
Dthrow (8, 7, 7, 8) - This is the best way to throw Roy. You can CG him pretty well from around 45 - 65%. Most of your moves will connect after the dthrow at one time or another.

Effective moves:
Bthrow (7, 7, 8, 7) - It's always a good idea to get someone with bad recovery off the stage.
Usmash (8, 7, 7, 7) - This is a good move to use when he's above you. It could set up some fairs at around 85%.
Uair (7, 8, 8, 7) - This is a decent move to use against Roy. If you can get in a few uair juggles by all means, destroy him and finish him with an fsmash/SH fair.
Dair (9, 8, 9, 8) - This is a good move to use against Roy and he should consume most of it's damage.

Kill moves:
Fsmash - This is the best kill move against Roy and will destroy him if not sending him flying off the stage for an easy edgeguard/edgehog at 100%+.
Fair - This is one of your best kill moves as well. At around 105% he should die.
Bair - Edgeguarding Roy is pretty simple, especially after one of these and you're hanging on the edge waiting.
Nair - At full strength (after it's held out for the longest amount of time), Roy will most likely be destroyed at around 110%.

Bad moves:
Uthrow - This move isn't that great to use against Roy. Don't ever throw Roy up past 20%. From 0 - 20% you should be able to uthrow, full jump dair but that's about it ...
Fthrow - There are a lot of better ways to kill Roy than throwing him forward off the stage and trying to bair gimp. The range of this throw just isn't enough space to ensure that you'll have enough time to turn around and bair him.

Explanation (on Matchup):
To be honest, this can be a tricky matchup, but it's nothing to really worry about. The basic theme of this match is to make Roy approach you. By this I mean to spam correctly against him and force him to come to you if he wants to win. Roy's approach isn't really anything special, so there's nothing to really worry about there. Roy's smash attacks have some great knockback, and if you're caught up in the interior of his fsmash and you're at around 95%, be sure you DI for your life 'cause that thing will send you so far ... like a home run. It's so weird, but it works for him so be careful. Also, his DED is pretty fast (his forward+B), so he may use that sometimes. I also would recommend spacing him well (I actually recommend adding spacing to your overall game, it's amazing what comes out of it). Combos are pretty easy on Roy. Once you grab him, dthrow combos will work. He can be CGed from around 45 - 75%. Also, it is possible to shffl juggle Roy, and that will usually end in an fsmash or quick SH fair 'cause of his weight. His recovery is very easy to edgeguard/edgehog. Bairing his recovery makes his life 2X worse and your life 5X better. Not only that but you could always just cape his up+B. Most of the time they'll actually try to aim their up+B towards the edge so a cape would actually be a better and smarter move to do in most situations. Also, watch out for Roy's counter. It's pretty awkward in that just like Marth, the stronger your move is the stronger knockback the counter has but his counter sends you in a trajectory that first sends you slandted upwards but then slanted downwards midway. It's just weird and terribly hard to DI ('cause you can't?) so avoid this at all costs when you can. This match is pretty much in your favor, just watch out for his randomness in his physics. Adapt and you'll win.

Beware of:
Double-Edge Dance (DED) - His DED is pretty quick and the third move upwards is a meteor-cancelable spike.
Fsmash - The interior hitbox in this thing has REDICULOUS knockback. Be sure to DI this for your life, or you will by all means, cease.
Counter - His counter is very weird. It has the same characteristics as Marth's in that the counter reflects the same strength that it accepts by your attack with it's knockback, but Roy's counter
will send you slanted upwards and then slanted downwards midway? It's very weird and best to avoid it 'cause it's hard to DI ... probably 'cause you can't.
Uair - Roy's like to spam this. It's really their only defense in protecting from attacks coming downwards.

Best Stages:
Final Destination - This level is primarily always in your favor for all the same reasons.

Decent Stages:
Battlefield - The terrible ledges in this stage will help set him up to be easily caped. The fray is decently sized so you'll be able to survive his kill moves better as well.
Pokemon Stadium - This is just a decent level in general for this matchup.

Kongo Jungle 64 - The terrible ledges in this stage will force Roy to go above the ledge to land on it. This sets up for an easy cape.

Bad Stages:
Yoshi's Story - He owns in this stage. With all that sick knockback generally anyone is gone. His recovery is as much a liability in this level as well.
Fountain of Dreams - This stage is primarily in Roy's favor because if he hits you you're gone. His knockback is just rediculous. Small stages aren't a good idea vs. this guy.
Green Greens - Roy likes this stage as well. Don't let him counterpick this.

Possibility of encounter - 10%

Young Link (17):
1.) Can be chain-grabbed
2.) Juggling him with SHFFL's is great
3.) Bair his recovery

1.) Bomb setup destroys
2.) Dair
3.) Great spamming ability
4.) Recovery can be tricky (v1.0/v1.1)

Primary effective moves:
Fsmash (10, 9, 7, 10) - This is most likely the best kill move to destroy YL at 100%+.
Fair (9, 8, 9, 9) - This is one of the best moves to finish combos with or destroy YL at 110%+ (assuming DI).
Nair (8, 9, 8, 8) - This is a great move to use to space against YL with and shffl approach. The last few hitboxes will be stronger and can kill him at 115%+.
Bair (8, 9, 10, 9) - This is the move you'll use when edgeguarding. It's also pretty key to space against him.
Uair (8, 8, 8, 8) - SHFFLing these and juggling him works wonders.
Dthrow (7, 7, 6, 9) - This should be the only way you throw him.
Dsmash (8, 8, 9, 8) - This is a good move to use when he's above 100% to get him off the stage and at above 120% to kill him (assuming DI).

Effective moves:
Ftilt (7, 9, 9, 7) - This is a good move to use to space. Also, this is a good alternate move to use while watching him recover.
Cape (7, 10, 8, 7) - Caping the last part of the animation of his up+B is a good idea.

Kill moves:
Fair - This move will kill Young Link close to 110% (assuming DI).
Fsmash - This move will destroy YL at around 105% (assuming DI).

Bad moves:
Uthrow - There is hardly ever a time you should u-throw Young Link.
Fthrow - Fthrow is pretty pointless in this matchup.

Explanation (on Matchup):
Ok, this matchup is a lot of work. Let me just say this right now, Young Link is hard. With all his speed, rediculous projectiles, random recovery, and bomb/boomerang - dair setup, you're really going to have to think twice as to how you're going to fight him. Approaching him with full jumped pills is a good thing to do. Spacing them correctly is a good way to open a pathway to the inside and next to him. Grabs work great against Young Link. When you grab him, always d-throw. Dthrows are what lead to combos and kills in this matchup. If you grab him below 40%, dthrow to utilt juggle, dthrow to followed DI usmash, or dthrow CG him 'till around 58%, where you should then be able to connect a few SHFFLed uairs to juggle him. SHFFLins uair juggles works wonders against him. Usually they will lead to a fair or fsmash finisher. One of your problems though will be edgehogging/edgeguarding him. You shouldn't really try to cape him unless you're confident at caping hookshots or you can cape the last animation of his up+B where he's no longer ascending towards the stage. Bair is the best way to edgeguard him. However, be aware of version 1 hookshot mindgames. Some Young Link players use version 1 copies of smash to their advantage, because in that version the hookshot can be cancelled by the boomerang. What they'll do is they'll throw the boomerang a bit forwards while recovering, dodge towards the stage, hookshot, and when the boomerang comes back it will reset their animation to normal recovering animation so then they can up+B towards the stage. Watch for this, and know what version you're playing on. Another problem you'll see is when fighting him on the stage. Young Link is a very tricky and quick character. You'll want to watch out for his dsmash, which if you're consumed by it will send you plumming off the stage horizontally at 95%+. You can try to DI downwards to tech the stage and land on the edge but besides that you're gonna be prone to easy edgeguarding. Also, beware of his quick spacing techniques with his jabs, dtilts, ftilts, and utilts. Something to be very aware of as well is when you're grabbed at around 95%. When you're grabbed at that %, be sure to expect a dthrow to full jumped or SHed dair because that's what's coming. Your best bet is to DI behind him and try to jump away. If you happen to fail at escaping his devastating dair, DI the dair away as well as possible and Smash DI the dair downwards and towards the stage. Remember also, it might not seem like it at first, but you'll want to be very spacy in this match as well. When you're fighting Young Link, space with bairs and sex-kicks while in close combat so you avoid his hookshot grab. When he's vulnerable, fsmash, fair, or grab. When you grab him, if he's at around 100%, throw to SH fair. Please also note that Young Link is a very versatile character with his projectiles. His Bombs are deadly, I can't stress it enough. Watch out for Bomb setup. Bomb setup will most surely lead to a dair. The same applies to his boomerang setup. One of the most common places that bomb setups happen is when you're recovering to the stage. The Young Link player will drop a bomb to the side of the edge if you're trying to sweetspot, forcing you to either air-dodge or up+B quicker than expected, thereby making you susceptible to a dair. And my final note, be aware of Young Link's dtilt spike. It is meteor-cancellable, but always remember he has it. Just fight Young Link really carefully, calmly, and safely and you should win.

Beware of:
*Bomb Setup* - Young Link's bomb setup is very crucial and can be devastating, seeing as to how, if set up correctly, can make you vulnerable to just about any of his aerials,
primarily a dair.
*Boomerang Setup* - Young Link's boomerang setup is just about as catastrophic as his bomb setup.
'Bombs' - His bombs are very tricky. Reverse cape them, because if you cape them normally they'll explode in your face.
^Unpredictable Recovery^ - His recovery is extremely hard to edgehog/edgeguard as it is, but if you're playing on version 1, watch out for his hookshot trix.
Dsmash - This move sends you pretty much at a 160' angle. You're pretty much going horizontal, and you know your only real chance of recovery is when you're above the stage.
You better hope you DIed correctly.
Dair - This is Young Link's primary kill move. DI this away and Smash Di it downwards and towards the stage. You're finished at above 100% unless you DI. You may have a chance then.
Ftilt - Quite random, but the strength behind this attack can be quite haphazard.
Uair - High priority, be careful.
Dthrow - This at %s in the upper 90's leads to a dair. Your best chance is to DI away and try to jump out of it. Otherwise, unless you're good at DIing his dair, you're probably done for.

Best Stages:
Final Destination - You can take more advantage over him than he can of you. Correct pill spam is at it's best on this stage.

Decent Stages:
Dream Land 64 - This is a decent stage against Young Link. You both have a great chance at survival on this stage.
Pokemon Stadium - This is a better overal stage for you. The lower parts in this level limit Young Link's hookshotting ability and the platforms are setup better for you.

Green Greens - Young Link kills horizontally more than vertically so the random objects falling in this level and centre stage will help you stay alive. Also, the edges make bthrow kills very easy.

Bad Stages:
Yoshi's Story - The flat edges allow for Young Link to recover at low spots of the leve. Also, he has a lot of platforms to exercise with. Avoid this stage.
Fountain of Dreams - Rotating platforms are all in favor of Young Link moreso than you. He can also recover from rediculously low parts in this stage. Bad stage.
Battle Field - Even though not nearly as bad as Yoshi's Story and Fountain of Dreams, if the Young Link player knows what he's doing, he can control the stage a bit better than you can and can recover a lot better than you can. Not to mention, it's harder to edgeguard him than it is for him to edgeguard you on this level.

Possibility of encounter - 10%

Pikachu (18):
1.) You can demolish his approach
2.) Low % kills
3.) You can chain-grab him
4.) You can juggle him
5.) You can out prioritize most of his attacks
6.) Can be thrown to a kill move

1.) Strongest Usmash in the game
2.) Very quick
3.) Unpredictable recovery
4.) Hard to bair recovery

Primary effective moves:
Bair (8, 9, 9, 9) - This is a good move to space against him.
Nair (8, 8, 7, 10) - This is an amazing approaching move since Pikachu can't really out-prioritize it with anything.
Fair (10, 8, 8, 10) - This is the kill move that will kill Pikachu at about 80%.
Uair (6, 8, 8, 8) - You can chain these very nicely against Pikachu.
*Megavitamins* (depends on how you use them) - Spacing these will really hurt Pikachu's approaching game.
Dsmash (9, 9, 9, 9) - Will send Pikachu flying out of the stage at about 90-100%.
Fsmash (10, 9, 4, 10) - This move, if consumed by pikachu, will destroy him easily at 80%. Probably even lower in some areas of the level.

Effective moves:
Dair (9, 10, 7, 8) - Pikachu is a bit of a floaty character so if you land this on him he'll consume most of the 19% damage.
Usmash (8, 7, 5, 7) - This is a good smash attack to use when pikachu is over you. Should kill him at about 120%.

Kill moves:
Fair - Should destroy pikachu at around 80%.
Fsmash - Should destroy pikachu at around 80%.
Dsmash - Around 100% pikachu should die.
Usmash - Around 120% pikachu should die.
Bthrow - At around 140% pikachu should be sent out of the stage.

Bad moves:
Fthrow - Nothing can come out of this. Nothing at all.
Uthrow - There's nothing you can really chain with this throw.
Dtilt - This move is useless except for when they're at high %s at around 150. It'll send them clear across the stage (or off of it).

Explanation (on Matchup):
You pretty much have the upperhand with this match. There are, however, a lot of things to do and beware of during this match. First off, you're going to want to limit Pikachu's approach at first with Megavitamins, bairs, and nairs. When you're spamming Pikachu with Megavitamins, be sure to avoid him when he's trying to run under them and attack you. The Nair works great in this match because it will out-prioritize pretty much any of pikachu's approaching attacks. You're going to want to jab-grab against him a lot. When you grab him, you should be able to chain-grab him with dthrows from 20 - 65% and then with the last dthrow, follow his DI with an fsmash which should end it. If you grab Pikachu at around 90%, hit him a few times then dthrow him and follow his DI with a short-hopped fair to end him. When the pikachu is recovering and trying to sweetspot, it should be an easy cape. When the pikachu grabs you, watch out at low %s for dthrow to usmash and DI behind him. You'll also want to watch out for the usmash at higher %s since his usmash is the strongest in the game and will probably kill you. If it doesn't, the pikachu player will run underneath you and thunder. Be sure to cape this so you can avoid that final finisher. It's a good idea to approach against pikachu with bairs as well since they'll have a hard time getting past it's hitbox and to you. It's difficult for them to approach you with nairs while you're bairing them as well. It's hard for pikachus to combo you because of your awkward physics to them, but it's fairly easy for you to combo Pikachu with uair chains and whatnot that can lead to a fair/fsmash. During this matchup, try and not be above him too much. Pikachu is fast and his combo speed with aerials is really good.

Beware of:
Usmash - Pikachu's usmash is the strongest in the game. It's stronger than Fox's usmash so you're going to want to avoid Pika's usmash even more so.
Dsmash - A strange hitbox is attached to Pikachu's dsmash and it deals a good amount of damage.
Thunder - After a successful usmash that has you stunned in the air a pikachu player may try to run under you and thunder. Be sure to cape this.
Uair (spike-hitbox) - Pikachu's uair is broken in the fact that a certain part of the back of the hitbox is a pseudo-spike, be sure to watch closely.
Nair - This is the move that Pikachu players will shffl and approach you with most of the time.

Best Stages:
Final Destination - You can chain-grab the crap out of pikachu and spam him like nuts here.
Battlefield - The terrible edge of this stage will force pikachu to get back on to the stage for you to take advantage of him being vulnerable or he'll try and go above the edge to land on it so that'll be an easy cape.

Decent Stages:
Yoshi's Story - Small sides of this stage make easy kills with dsmash and fsmash and even fair.
Dreamland 64 - Huge stage makes it hard for pikachu to kill you upwards with his usmash and you have a lot more space to DI for recovery in this stage.

*Best Stages*

Bad Stages:
Pokefloats - The random changes of this level will make it a lot harder for you to chain-grab and combo pikachu.
Mute City - Your recovery is more affected than pikachus and when you're on the primary base of this level you could be easily killed from a usmash since the ceiling isn't that high.

Possibility of encounter - 5%


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2005
Naples, FL.
First post = Top - High Tier list
Second post = Middle - Low Tier list
Third post = Bottom Tier list

-Bottom Tier-

Yoshi (19):
1.) He has no third jump
2.) He's chain-grabbable
3.) He's not too hard to combo
4.) He can't jump out of his shield
5.) He can be thrown to a kill move

1.) His Double-Jump Cancel
2.) His Eggs
3.) Edge-trix
4.) His aerials are good
5.) His light-shield spaces him incredibly
6.) His smash attacks are good

Primary effective moves:
Dthrow (8, 8, 7, 9) - This is the way you'll want to throw Yoshi. You can CG him from 0 - 50 and you can dthrow to fair at around 95%.
Bair (8, 8, 9, 8) - Bair gimps will be harder because of his DJC but if you get him at the right time he's done.
Fsmash (10, 9, 7, 9) - This is going to destroy Yoshi but at around 110% because he's weighted.
Fair (9, 8, 9, 9) - This will destroy Yoshi also at around 110%.
Uair (8, 8, 8, 9) - You can shffl juggle Yoshi with these pretty easily.
Dair (9, 8, 9, 9) - Yoshi is weighted but is also floaty so he'll consume all of the damage from this.
Utilt (8, 9, 9, 8) - When Yoshi is above you since he's weighted you can get a few utilts in to start a nice combo.

Effective moves:
Dsmash (8, 9, 8, 8) - This is a good move to use in general but against Yoshi don't expect a kill since he'll be able to DI this 'till around 140%.
Usmash (8, 8, 7, 7) - You'll be able to set up a few fairs at around 95% with this, that's about it though.
Cape (8, 8, 8, 7) - You won't have anything to cape for his recovery, but if he air-dodges towards the stage from above (which he most likely will do) cape that for an easy edgeguard.

Kill moves:
Fsmash - Will destroy Yoshi at around 110%.
Fair - Will destroy Yoshi also at around 110%.

Bad moves:
Dtilt - Besides setting him up for a bair near the edge when he's at high %s this is pretty useless.
Uthrow - There's no purpose in throwing him this direction.
Fthrow - This is also a pretty bad idea.
Bthrow - Yoshi is extremely weighted (probably 5th in the game) so don't try this 'cause if he DIs this he'll live to around 155%.

Explanation (on Matchup):
You want to be careful in this matchup. Yoshi can seem like he never dies sometimes. When you're approaching Yoshi, be very weary of his pivot to fsmash. That can be quite hard to get around because good Yoshi's will know how to do it well. You will want to get close to him, so use your pills and spam them correctly to create a barrier that will allow you to get close to him. Once you get close, you want to grab. It is possible to CG Yoshi with dthrow from 0 - 50%, once you get him to around 50%, dthrow full jump dair then ff it to a uair and shffl him. Feel free to end the combo with an fsmash or fair. Yoshi can be dthrown to a fair at around 95 - 100% as well. If he DI's he probably won't die but still you would've racked up all that damage. Yoshi can not jump out of his shield, so while he's in his shield, take advantage of his lag during it. Smart Yoshi's will lightshield you to space and get away. Trust me, when a Yoshi lightshields you, he will slide far away to safety. If he's not doing that though just grab him out of his shield and that would've been one of the easiest grabs you've ever done. One thing you want to note is when he's recovering, it can be pretty awkward edgeguarding/edgehogging him. Your best bet is to pressure him to air-dodge towards the stage so you can cape it. You won't be able to gimp him with a bair easily because of his DJC, so just lure him into air-dodging. Most of the time a Yoshi player will do that from above the stage to land on the edge anyways so just cape it. Now, you want to watch out for Yoshi's edge and egg trix. When you're recovering, watch out for his auto DJC to ledge or up+B to ledge trick. That in and of itself is a huge ledge mindgame so be careful of that one. If they're really good at it, they'll Reverse-Edge-Cancel-Eggs and will be on the ledge throwing eggs backwards. Now, if they decide to jump at you while you're recovering, watch out for their aerials (nair, fair, and dair in particular). Yoshi's dair is a spike so if you're caught up in that not only will you consume at least around 30% damage, you'll be plumbing downwards as well. When you're fighting Yoshi on the stage, be careful of his DJC in conjunction with his aerials. He'll use it to help with his uair shffling a lot, and after full jumped aerials he'll DJC to a nair. Overall in this matchup you'll want to have him approach you. Use your pills correctly and once you're inside and next to him, grab and space aerials like bair against him too. Yoshi's like to space their nair and bair so be weary of that as well.

Beware of:
*Double-Jump Cancel (DJC)* - Yoshi can DJC and has the best DJC in the game. He goes down in the beginning animation of his second jump first before he goes upwards. During the downward animation, he's completely invincible to almost every attack in the game except a few things (Shine Freeze from Falco, Bombs from Link and Young Link, etc.). He'll laugh at you if you try to bair him when he's doing this. His aerial moves and combos are also quite unorthodox because he uses this with them.
*Egg Trix* - Yoshi has a few egg trix like Edge-canceled eggs where he cancels the landing lag animation on the edge with his eggs being thrown, or his up+B from the stage to the
edge while throwing and egg.
*Edge-game* - Yoshi can get to the edge by running off the stage and DJCing to it. He can also up+B to it. And when he's on it, he can stall with his down+B on it. Be weary of his
*Down+B* - You can always avoid his down+B when he's doing it on the stage, but watch out for the 2 stars that leave it when he hits the stage.
Dair - This dair is the strongest dair in the game as far as percentages go. It can also spike you so don't get caught up in this when you're recovering or you're done.
Bair - This guy has 5 hitboxes, it's pretty dang strong and Yoshi's use this move a lot of the stage.
Dsmash - His dsmash sends you perfectly horizontal making life miserable when trying to recover after one of these at high %s.
Uair - Yoshi's uair in accompaniment with his DJC can make your life miserable.
Fair - His fair is also a meteor-spike. It's very strong too and if it hits you on the stage it'll send you up setting up for a uair shffl.
Fsmash - Yoshi's fsmash is very powerful. It's probably his strongest as far as strength smash attacks.

Best Stages:
Final Destination - FD is a very good stage to use against Yoshi. It's wide and you can combo him to no end.

Decent Stages:
Yoshi's Story - This is a small stage and you'll be able to kill Yoshi quicker here.
Battle Field - Edges set up for easy edgeguarding with a cape and edgehogs.

Green Greens - The ledges will limit his DJC recovery anyways and smaller stages make people that usually die on normal/bigger stages easier to destroy.

Bad Stages:
Dreamland 64 - Definitely one of the worst stages to fight Yoshi in. His recovery will be so much better and he will never die.

Possibility of encounter - 5%

Zelda (20):
1.) Grabs own her
2.) Easy vertical kills
3.) Uair combos work well
4.) Always safe to attack below her

1.) Hard to edgeguard if you don't know what you're doing
2.) Her recovery is nuts
3.) The toe(fair/bair) is deadly
4.) One of the strongest bthrows in the game

Primary effective moves:
Dthrow (8, 8, 8, 9) - This is the way you'll want to throw her for follow-ups.
Fair (9, 9, 7, 10) - This is going to be your primary killer.
Fsmash (10, 9, 6, 9) - This will destroy her earlier than the fair will if she consumes all of it.
Dair (10, 9, 8, 9) - Since she's a floater, she'll consume most of the 19% damage that this is capable of dealing.
*Megavitamins* - This will be a good way to approach her.
Uair (8, 7, 8, 8) - Juggling her is easier since she's pretty vulnerable from below from anything.
Nair (9, 9, 8, 8) - This is also a good move to use when approaching her.

Effective moves:
Utilt (8, 9, 9, 7) - This will be a good way to punish her from below.
Bair (8, 9, 10, 8) - It's a good idea to space her since her bthrow grab is ridiculous and her dthrow grab can lead to fair/bair's if you don't DI it right.
Ftilt (7, 8, 9, 7) - It's always a good idea to space her and attack. Remember that.

Kill moves:
Fair - She'll be dead at 95%.
Fsmash - Destroys her at around 95%.
Usmash - When she's above you, will kill her at near 115%.
Dsmash - Assuming she DI's well, it will destroy her close to 110%.
Nair - When it's at it's peak in strength it will most likely kill her at around 105%.

Bad moves:
Fthrow - Possibly the worst thing you can do against Zelda.
Uthrow - Right behind Fthrow. Not a good idea.
Bthrow - I can't see Zelda dieing from behind that easy.

Explanation (on Matchup):
This is a pretty awkward match, but you should have the upper-hand. The things you should watch out for primarily are her toe, her bthrow and her Nayru's Love. When you're matching her, be aware that she will be spamming the toe, and sooner or later you're going to get hit by it. Her whole strategy is to keep you away and if you get too close, to punish you as much as possible. This is why your Megavitamins are great for approach. However, watch out for her Nayru's Love, since she'll use that to reflect the pills back at you. Spam her correctly until you get in, once you're in, grab her and dthrow her. From there, you can follow up with almost anything. When you get her off the stage and she's recovering, edgeguard her like you would Sheik. Since the edge is one of the only places she'll want to go since aiming for the edge will reduce the lag of her attack, you holding that edge will give her only one option, and that's to recover onto the stage. Once she's on the stage, go onto the stage and fsmash her back off the stage or fair her. Sooner or later she'll be dead. Sometimes, when she's recovering from above the stage, she may try to up+B onto the stage for less landing lag. In that case, just watch her closely in her DI in the startup animation of her up+B so you might be able to predict where she's going to punish her. When she's grabbed you, she's either going to throw you down or backwards. If she throws you backwards, DI upwards and towards the stage like you would any bthrow. If she dthrows you, be sure to DI behind her since the next move she'll try and connect will be a fair/bair (toe). When you're recovering against her, be aware of her and be careful not to get hit again will recovering. Also, something else to note is when she's above you, 95% of the time it's always safe to attack her from below. She's so slow in the air while landing back onto the stage because she's such a floaty character. Take advantage of that and shffl her with juggled uairs, or just keep her in the air, helpless and unable to do anything. When you're on big stages, you can also camp her, so feel free to do that as well.

Beware of:
Toe - Her fair/bair's toe is ridiculous. It's her equivalent of Captain Falcon's knee. Be very careful and watch out for this since 100% of Zelda players spam this move. DI it upwards and towards the stage and Smash DI it downwards and towards the stage.
Bthrow - He Bthrow is one of the strongest in the game. Be sure to DI it upwards and towards the stage.
Dsmash - It's pretty useless besides the fact that it's the fastest downsmash in the game.
*Nayru's Love* - She'll try and use this to reflect your pills to halt your megavitamin approach game.
Dair - This is a meteor-cancelable spike.

Best Stages:
Final Destination - Have fun toying around with Zelda on this stage. You definitely have the upper-hand. This stage was made for you.

Decent Stages:
Pokemon Stadium - You will have more of the advantage on this stage. You can also camp her pretty easily on this stage.

*Final Destination* - This is your best bet against her.

Bad Stages:
Yoshi's Story - She kills early with her toe (fair/bair) so this probably isn't your best choice.
Dream Land - Her recovery on this stage is twice as bad as the other ones. Not the best stage for you.

Possibility of encounter - 3%

Mr. Game and Watch (21):
1.) He dies at lower %s than most of the other characters do
2.) He can be shffl juggled
3.) He can't L-cancel is Bair/Uair/or Nair.

1.) It's very tricky to edgeguard/edgehog him
2.) His overall priority is obscene
3.) Judgment Hammer (if that ever happens, don't get hit by it)
4.) He sticks to the ground when you dthrow him, regardless of his %

Primary effective moves:
Fsmash (10, 9, 7, 10) - This move will send G&W flying out of the stage at around 95%.
Fair (10, 9, 9, 9) - This move will destroy G&W at around 95% as well.
Dsmash (9, 8, 9, 9) - This will destroy G&W at around 105%.
Cape (7, 10, 8, 8) - You can cape his recovery if you know how to do it.
Dair (9, 8, 9, 8) - This is a good move to use vs. G&W. He's the second lightest character in the game so he'll consume all of this.
Uair (8, 8, 8, 8) - You can juggle G&W from bellow with shffled uairs. It works very well.
Nair (9, 8, 7, 8) - If this hits G&W at around 105% full force, he's going to be gone. And if he's not, he'll be so far off the stage that either way it all works out for the same purpose.

Effective moves:
Usmash (8, 8, 7, 8) - This is a good move to use when G&W is around 110%. It should kill him because he's so light.
Utilt (8, 9, 8, 7) - This is a good move to use to juggle him a bit from above.
Ftilt (8, 9, 9, 8) - It's always good to space him with this as well, and use this during edgeguarding since his recovery is haphazardly long.
Bair (8, 8, 9, 8) - This is good when jumping off the stage to gimp him (further than usual though). That way despite his up+B's length he's still going to have a hard time getting back.

Kill moves:
Fsmash - Should kill G&W at around 95%.
Fair - Should send G&W flying out of the stage at around 95 - 100%.
Dsmash - Should destroy G&W at around 105%.
Usmash - Will kill G&W at around 105 - 110%.
Nair - At full force, this will send him off the stage at around 105%.

Bad moves:
Dtilt - Sometimes when he up+Bs you could dtilt him on the ledge and it'll send him plumbing down, but that's about it and there are other better options.
Dthrow - Yes, in this match, the dthrow is useless. He sticks to the ground when you dthrow him o.O ...
Uthrow - This is also a bad way to throw him. At least with this throw he leaves the ground but he'll just float away ...

Explanation (on Matchup):
This matchup is probably the hardest out of all the low-tiers. Everything G&W has going for him nullifies what you have going for you. All of his aerials nullify your pills, and all of his aerials have amazing priority. Often G&Ws will approach you with their fair to dtilt game, because those are the only save moves they really have to approach you with. This is because they can't L-cancel their nair/uair/and bairs. When G&W gest you off the stage, he'll most likely jump off with a nair. Pray that that thing doesn't hit you because if it does, you're done. That things hitbox and priority ... plus hit's strength and knockback are insane. He can also meteor-spike you with his dair. One of the things a G&W player will periodically do is run around using their forward+B to try and make the probability of hitting you higher with their "Judgment Hammer" #9. Always be aware of that thing because that's one of the strongest attacks in the entire game with the least waiting time. When you're above him on the stage, beware of his uair, nair, and utilt. Primarily his utilt since it blocks him from all angles, and the priority on it is amazing. Now, on your side, don't every grab him unless you plan on throwing him behind because your dthrow is useless and your uthrow is pretty much useless as well. When you dthrow him, for some odd reason he'll stick to the ground. You should probably play him in close combat while spacing with fairs, bairs, ftilts, utilts, and uairs. G&Ws will usually lightshield because like DK their initial shield is terrible in that it doesn't protect them completely. In lightshielding, however, G&W can auto-space with that so be careful. If you try to approach him with your pill game, be always weary that he can down+B his bucket and absorb your pills. This can become very annoying, because once that bucket's full he'll use it on you. It won't be that strong as far as strength is concerned but it always has a decent knockback. Also, he can always fair and dtilt your pills if he knows what he's doing. Those moves are quick for him because he can L-cancel the fair and his dtilt is good, and with those moves he can nullify your pills. Now, when you get him off the stage, the best idea is to wait on the stage next to the edge to edgeguard. Be careful because if he's near the edge he may try to fair you to ensure the ledge for himself. However, if he's below the ledge, always watch out for him because his up+B is deceptively long. He can dang near touch the bottom of the screen and recovery to the ledge with an up+B. You're going to want to wait for his because the only real way to edgeguard G&W is to wait for his up+B, and at the end of the animation, cape him. You could also wait for his up+B and ftilt him away, but caping is the better option. Not to mention but if you happen to mess up on the exact timing of the cape, you could always just fsmash him back off the stage once he lands on the stage. Now, as far as his smash attacks go, watch out for his fsmash and usmash. Those are both very powerful and will most likely destroy you at about 100% each. Also, when he grabs you, he has the same animation for all throws. This match is overall just really tricky and extremely random. overall, space up close, edgeguard right, and don't be afraid to jump out there and bair him.

Beware of:
*Judgment Hammer #9* - There's a 12% chance that G&W's forward+B will be a judgment hammer. Usually they try to control the probability with using the forward+B a few times
before attempting it on you. Just be careful seeing as if this hits you at around 60% you're going to die.
Dair - His dair is very long and it's priority is amazing. It also has a spike hitbox so be careful. It wouldn't be a good idea to challenge this.
Utilt - His utilt blocks from all angles. Don't challenge this either.
Nair - His nair has awesome knockback and is very strong.
Fair - This is the move that they'll use to approach most of the time in conjunction with the dtilt. Both of these moves can nullify your pills.
Dtilt - This will be the next move they will use after a shffled fair. Both of these moves can nullify your pills.
Fsmash - This flaming (literally) move will most likely destroy you at around 105%.
Usmash - You're going to die if this hits you when you're at 100%.

Best Stages:
Yoshi's Story - Generally, small stages against G&W is a great idea. His recovery's deceptiveness will be crippled, and you can kill him quicker here.

Decent Stages:
Final Destination - This stage is decent for you in this matchup. Nothing really works against both of you in this match, except you'll be able to combo him better here.
Battle Field - Battle Field will force him to sweetspot. That sets up for an easy cape.
Fountain of Dreams - This stage is decent, but watch out because he has a lot of area to recover from below with.
Pokemon Stadium - Another decent stage with really no goods or bads.

Green Greens - A decently sized more-so small stage. Easy kills. Throwing an apple at him will probably kill him as well if it hits him.

Bad Stages:
Dreamland 64 - This stage is huge and he won't die as quickly here. Also gives him more options with his deceptively long recovery.
Kongo Jungle 64 - He has good landing lag and he'll just come from below the level with his up+B. The ledges don't help you at all as well.

Possibility of encounter - 5%

Ness (22):
1.)You can easily abuse him aerially once he loses his second jump
2.)Can be juggled with shffled uairs
3.)Edgeguarding isn't very hard

1.)Hard to cape
2.)Broken hitbox (furthest in the game if yo-yo glitched)
3.)Significantly faster combo speed
4.)Yo-Yo Glitch

Primary effective moves:
Nair (8, 8, 7, 9) - This is the best move to approach with.
Dair (9, 8, 8, 8) - This is a good move to use against Ness after dthrows and for spacing.
Bair (7, 9, 10, 9) - A very useful move against Ness as far as spacing goes. Is also the most efficient way to edgeguard Ness.
Fsmash (10, 9, 7, 9) - This is one of Doc's strongest moves and will destroy Ness at 103%+.
Dsmash (9, 8, 8, 8) - This should kill Ness at around 130%, assuming DI. This is your fastest smash attack.
Utilt (8, 9, 9, 8) - A very good move to use when Ness is above you and for spacing.
Ftilt (8, 9, 10, 8) - A great move to consider when in close hand-to-hand combat game with Ness.
Dthrow (8, 7, 6, 8) - This is the way you should grab Ness to connect dairs/nairs afterwards and combo.

Effective moves:
Usmash (8, 8, 8, 7) - A decent move to use against Ness. Will destroy him at %s higher than 120.
Jab (6, 5, 7, 7) - The move that should be a link to grabs and dsmashes. One of Doc's primary links to attacks.
Bthrow (7, 6, 7, 7) - When Ness is at high %, you can bthrow him to edgeguard/edgehog. When he's at 173%, you can destroy Ness from the middle of the stage, and at 160% near the edge.

Kill moves:
Fsmash - At 103% Ness will most likely be gone.
Fair - At around 105% Ness will most likely be gone.
Dsmash - Will destroy Ness at around 130%, assuming DI.

Bad moves:
Uthrow - Nothing can be connected after this throw.
Fthrow - It's a good idea to get him off the stage, but for the most part this isn't the best idea.

Explanation (on Matchup):
Ness is a very unorthodox matchup. You'll pretty much just want to watch out for the randomness in his hitboxes and expect everything that he can do to you. Most Ness players like to fair for the and approach, and spam their bair's ridiculous hitbox to destroy you. If you know what you're doing in this matchup, you'll be fine for the most part. Spacing is pretty essential since his combo speed is quicker than yours and you're going to want to avoid being grabbed by him at all costs, especially when you're at high %s since his bthrow is the strongest throw in the game and will probably destroy you at around 120%. Try to approach him more with nairs, and spaced nairs so they go right through him. Pills work very well against Ness. The only thing to really watch out for is Ness' PK Magnet. He can absorb your pills and recover about 14-16% back to his health for each pill. Usually you can abuse the lag of that tactic though and go in with a fair. They can also reflect your pills with their bat. When Ness is off the stage and recovering, they usually like to get back to the ledge, so usually just edgehogging will force him to go on the stage, and you can take advantage of the lag of his recovery and own him. Also, don't try to cape a Ness when he's up+Bing back to the stage and in the animation of it. If you try to cape him when he's in the animation, he'll keep advancing to the stage and go right through your cape. It's better to cape him when he's at the ledge so you'll turn him around. Besides this, when he PK thunders, you can just jump into it to eliminate his chances of recovery, or just cape it so it goes the other way and that will prohibit him from advancing towards the stage and will destroy him since he'll be in the helpless animation and fall. When Ness players up+B to the edge, be sure to edgehog a bit longer than normal since he'll curve back a bit and linger there for a bit longer than expected. If you don't edgehog him right, you'll regret it. When you get a grab on Ness you should always dthrow. At low %s around 40 you should dthrow to full jump dair. You can destroy him with dthrow to full jump fair at around 95%. One thing to keep note against Ness is that you want to keep a constant eye on him aerially. You want to see if he'll DJ, because if he does he's completely vulnerable. Once he loses his DJ he's basically like a free target in the air that you can feel free to SHFFL and juggle across the stage. When you're recovering against Ness be very weary of his PK moves. If he hits you in the back with his PK thunder it can pull you away from the stage so always be ready to DI upwards and towards the stage. That will also turn you around. The tail of the PK thunder can eat your jump and stop your down+B. Be ready to immediately up+B again if you're next to the stage. Also be careful against his PK Flash as an edgeguard. The safest way around this is probably to cape it or air-dodge it and DI towards the stage. Don't worry about PK fire as an edgeguard, since it will actually help you get towards the stage. Also, when you're sweetspotting the stage, beware of his angled down ftilt. If he sweetspots it right, you'll be hit back a bit away from the edge. If you're ever hit by a PK Fire on stage though, either DI out of it and away, or CC it. If you CC it you can actually dsmash and hit Ness through the flames. Usually Ness players will try to advance on you after the successful PK Fire, so they'll most likely be there to intercept the dsmash. Ness players are also very good at shield-stunning. With their DJC they can shffl bairs on you, and since their utilt comes out on frame 3, after any successful aerial they will probably shffl it to a utilt. After the DJC bair shield stun, they'll also try to jab, grab, or dtilt A-A as well. Ness players will often try to mindgame you with a full jumped aerial, then a DJC aerial. The problem isn't getting around it but the fact that it's random, so this is good to know against general Ness players because a lot of Ness players do it. Something to be aware of is something Ness players may do which is called foot-canceling. The thesis behind it is shffling so close to the ground that the aerial shows but there's no hitbox, and there's no lag so the Ness player can immediately react afterwards. That's a very big mindgame. Watch out for that because if you're expecting an attack you may shield, and you don't want to be grabbed by Ness. Very skilled Ness players have mastered the Yo-Yo Glitch. You're only real defense against this is knowing how it works. What it generally does is attach a hitbox to Ness that may be very unpredictable, or it places a hitbox in a certain part of the stage. If you can tell that the Ness player has a hitbox jacket, just shield it and you'll be fine. When you're in close quarters against a Ness, watch out for the dtilt spam since it'll keep you there for a while. DI up and up+B out of it as soon as possible to get out of it.

Beware of:
Bair - If correctly spaced, this move can be quite haphazard. It will destroy you at around 100% unless you DI. If you have all your DI's correct, you'll survive up to around 115%.
Fair - This is the move that Ness players like to approach with. It has an odd hitbox so be careful with it's randomness.
Dash attack - His dash attack is very random. The best thing to do against it is CC.
Dair - His dair is a meteor spike. Be sure to meteor cancel it.
Uair - His uair is very quick and can sometimes juggle. Be sure to DI behind him.
Bthrow - This is the strongest throw in the game. If Ness bthrows you centre stage, he can destroy you if you're at 140%. If he bthrows you near edge, he can destroy you at around 130%.

Best Stages:
Yoshi's Story - Small stage will hurt Ness's recovery, Shy guys will eat Ness's PK Thunder, and early kills are easy. Ness' worst stage.

Decent Stages:
Final Destination - Combo land. This is the stage where if you find that Ness loses his DJ, you can SHFFL him to no end.
Fountain of Dreams - The random platforms will probably limit Ness' aerial game more than yours.
Pokemon Stadium - This is an overall decent stage in this matchup.

Mute City - Forcing Ness to land on the stage is essential to take full advantage of the lag after his recovery.

Bad Stages:
Corneria - He can regenerate on this stage easily with the guns.
Dreamland - This stage is better for Ness than it is for you. Also, the huge level gives Ness more flexibility in recovery.

Possibility of encounter - 10%

Bowser (23):
1.) His size makes him hard to miss
2.) He can be chain-grabbed
3.) You can combo him pretty easily
4.) He's very easy to edgeguard/edgehog

1.) Attacking his shield is a no no
2.) His edgeguard game is insane
3.) A lot faster than he looks
4.) Platform usage is amazing
5.) Fortress
6.) Amazing strength

Primary effective moves:
Dthrow (8, 7, 8, 9) - Probably the most effective thing would be to grab Bowser so you can CG him from 32 - 70% dthrow. Grab combos against Bowsers works wanders.
Uair (7, 8, 9, 8) - Aerial combos are wonderful against bowsers, even more when it comes to juggles.
Utilt (8, 9, 9, 8) - It's a good idea to use this move when he's above you. Space it correctly and it'll be a perfect move to add in your combos as a link between other moves. It's also a good idea to space this.
Ftilt (7, 9, 10, 9) - It's always a good idea to space Bowser since he's always going to be fortressing. Keep him away from you to avoid his unorthodoxed way of mobility (since 90% of the time he attacks while moving).
Fsmash (10, 9, 6, 9) - This move will send Bowser flying at 115% once it connects. Don't be surprised if he lives some of these at random high %s since he's a very weighted character.
Fair (9, 8, 9, 9) - A good finisher to combos and a good killing move. Should kill Bowser at around 120% for sure.
Bair (8, 9, 10, 9) - This is probably the most probable move you'll use to edgeguard a bowser. After this and a successful edgehog he should be done for in most situations.
Nair (8, 8, 7, 8) - A considerable move to use while fighting Bowser. Probably moreso in approaching him, but would also be a good idea to run off of a stage and hit him with since his recovery is so terrible.
Dair (9, 10, 7, 8) - A very good move to use while you're above him since your dair has great priority. If he's caught up in this he should consume most of it's damage.

Effective moves:
Uthrow (8, 7, 7, 7) - A decent move to use at low %s to land a few utilts, uairs afterwords for some damage.
Bthrow (8, 7, 9, 8) - A great way to send Bowser far behind you and off the stage so you can get an easy edgeguard/edgehog on him.
Fthrow (7, 7, 7, 6) - I guess it'd be ok to throw him off the stage if you're quick at turning around for edgeguarding him. Not the perferred way of throwing though.
Dtilt (6, 7, 7, 6) - Could be used while spacing a bowser and to get him way behind and off the stage at %s around 100%.

Kill moves:
Fair - Usually around 120%.
Fsmash - Around 110% for sure.
Dsmash - Around 135%.
Bair - Any % once he's off the stage and trying to recover. His recovery is bad so 1 bair should suffice as far as edgeguarding his recovery.

Bad moves:
Cape - You really have to know how to use this for it to be useful in this matchup. I wouldn't suggest trying to edgeguard him with this though unless you purposely want him to land on the stage to be vulnerable to an attack.

Explanation (on Matchup):
This matchup is quite decieving. Fighting a Bowser is a very complex matchup. Usually it's a good idea to avoid platforms, but since when is that completely possible. You're going to want to watch out for levels with the three ordinary platforms (Battlefield, YS) because Bowser can fortress all day and all over the place with these platforms at his disposal. Bowser's fortress is amazingly fast and probably triples his speed, even more so on platform levels. It has no landing lag so be careful when trying to punish him. Usually it's a good general idea to NEVER try and attack his shield since he can just fortress right out of it. Beware also of his Koopa Klaw. It can grab you while you're aerial since it's the aerial grab of the game, and it can grab you right out of your shield. Bowser is pretty much a mindgame in and of himself. All of his moves are very unpredictable when it comes to watching the animation for them. His fsmash, uair, fortress, and koopa klaw are all primitive examples of this. So as long as you're NOT fighting a bowser on Yoshi's Story you should have the overall advantage if you know your grab combos and can stay away from him when he's shielding. However, if you're ever in the situation that you are fighting him on Yoshi's Story, you're in for a surprise. Don't land on platforms while he's under you since his utilt, usmash and uair can go right through them. Watch out for his platform mobility and his auto-edgeguards with his fortress as well. When you're fighting against a bowser however, don't be afraid to use your Megavitamins when you have to find an opening through his obscene defense. Once you're inside safely you can grab and CG him from 32 - 70% (even though 0 should be possible). Grab combos are your answer to fighting bowser. You really want to just keep him vulnerable and in the air at all times with your awesome juggling game with shffled uairs and utilts. Don't let him hit the ground unless it's at the bottom of the stage waiting to respawn. Bowser is deceptively fast and has complete control over most platform stages. When you get Bowser off the stage, don't try to cape him. It's usually a better idea to just bair his recovery. After a successful bair you should be able to easily edgehog him since his recovery is so bad. However, it's the other way around when you're recovering. Be very careful. Bowser has plenty of moves like angled down ftilt, dtilt, bair, dair, and firebreath that will easily void your recovery since his strength is so corrupt. Be sure to sweetspot the stage, and if you're hit, DI the attack right. Also watch out for Bowser's fair. It's very strong and the knockback is very odd. Just be very careful and don't underestimate bowser players, especially on stages with Platforms (notably, Yoshi's Story).

Beware of:
Fortress (Up+B) - This is Bowsers mobile attack. In platform levels, he'll use this for edgeguarding, edgehogging, and attacking. It has no landing lag so be careful to try and punish it efficiently.
Koopa Klaw (Forward+B) - This is Bowsers aerial-grab. Watch out for this since it can pull you right out of your shield.
Uair - Bowser's uair is a mindgame in and of itself. Don't use your double jump while recovering vertically onto the stage.
Dsmash - If you're caught up in bowser's dsmash, you'll take about 25% damage and be sent straight up. Be very careful with this one.
Ftilt - Angled ftilts are strong and perfect for edgeguarding. Be sure to sweetspot that edge.
Utilt - Don't land above Bowser on platforms since his utilt will go straight through them and pulverize you straight up.
Fsmash - This is possibly one of the strongest smash attacks in the game, period. Avoid the trickyness of it's animation at all costs.
Dtilt - A properly spaced dtilt's sweetspot is perfect for edgeguarding you. Be sure to master your magnetic hands for sweetspotting the stage, especially against this monster.
Firebreath (neutral+B) - This is a handy move to use while he's edgeguarding you and can rack up quite a bit of damage.
*Platforms* - Bowsers love platforms. They probably boost Bowsers mobile and attack game by 200%. Be careful on stages like Yoshi's Story and Pokemon Stadium.

Best Stages:
Final Destination - This is your combo land. Bowsers hate this stage and will probably ban it since they hate wide and open stages.

Decent Stages:
Battlefield - In this stage you should have the overall advantage.
Pokemon Stadium - This is also a very flexible stage when it comes to platforms, moreso for you than bowser since the platforms should be lower for bowser to be as mobile.

Corneria - A very good open and wide stage to fight a bowser on. Has a lot of flexibility for Doc., moreso than bowser.

Bad Stages:
Yoshi's Story - Bowsers are all over this stage. He has the complete advantage with platforms and the automatic fortress ability since the edges are slanted. He can also u-tilt, u-smash through platforms.

Possibility of encounter - 5%

Kirby (24):
1.) You can throw him to a kill move
2.) He dies at low %s
3.) He has to approach you (unless he gets your hat)

1.) His recovery is pretty dang good
2.) He has good aerials, and his dair spikes
3.) Don't get sucked in
4.) He's harder to edgeguard/edgehog
5.) You can't cape him unless he's up+Bing
6.) Kirby's crouch is really good
7.) Kirbycide ...

Primary effective moves:
Fair (9, 9, 9, 10) - Kirby is pretty dang light so he'll die from this at around 95%.
Fsmash (10, 10, 7, 10) - Kirby is owned at 95%. He looks like the star he plays on after getting hit by this one.
Dair (9, 9, 8, 8) - Kirby will consume all 19% damage of this attack.
Dthrow (8, 8, 8, 8) - This is the way you'll want to throw kirby to connect moves afterwards.
Bair (8, 8, 9, 8) - This is a good move to use upclose to kirby. Generally, it's always a good idea to space. I wouldn't recommend trying to bair his recovery.

Effective moves:
Dsmash (8, 8, 9, 8) - This is a good move to use against Kirby and it will kill him at around 110%.
Uair (8, 8, 8, 7) - This will be good move to use below Kirby. You won't necessarily be able to juggle him but in situations it's good.
Usmash (8, 8, 7, 7) - This is a decent smash attack to use against Kirby and will destroy him at around 105%.
Utilt (8, 9, 8, 7) - It's good to use for spacing.
Ftilt (8, 9, 9, 8) - This is a good alternative to caping Kirby when he up+B's too high towards the ledge. It will send him further away so you can cape next time he tries to up+B.
Bthrow (8, 8, 8, 7) - At %s around 140% Kirby should die from a bthrow.

Kill moves:
Fair - Kirby is most likely going to die at around 95% on this as well.
Fsmash - Kirby is dead at 95% end of story.
Dsmash - Probably not the best choice to kill Kirby with but he should die at around 110%.
Usmash - When Kirby is above you and you get a direct hit with this one, he'll die at around 100 - 105%.

Bad moves:
Dtilt - Dtilting is pointless in this matchup.
Fthrow - This is also a pointless way to throw.
Uthrow - Another pointless way to throw Kirby.

Explanation (on Matchup):
During this matchup, make Kirby approach you. Be sure to use your Megavitamins a lot as for correct spacing. When you get inside towards him, grab him. If you grab him at around 90%, you can dthrow him to a full jump fair that will most likely destroy him. When he's off the stage, don't try to bair his recovery. Depending on the situation, if he's going to be up+Bing back to the ledge, either cape him or ftilt him. You should probably approach him as well with some full jumped dairs as to consume him with it because Kirbies jump a lot. Now, when you're next to Kirby, always be sure to space, especially when you're next to the ledge. If you're next to the ledge, Kirby player may try to grab you and either bthrow or fthrow kirbycide you. That is very annoying and you don't want that to happen, trust me. Also, when you're swallowed by Kirby and next to the ledge and around 50%, chances are the Kirby player will try to Kirbycide you. Kirbycide is when they jump off the stage towards the ground, and mindgame you to break out. When you're trying to break out, you're actually helping them. Don't break out because if you do you're granting the Kirby extra frames to survive, where as if you don't the Kirby only has 1 frame to jump after the Kirbycide attempt. If you're grabbed centre stage, the Kirby will probably dthrow you and attempt to tech-follow you with a dsmash, fsmash, hammer, or stone. The scariest one is probably the fsmash, since that's Kirby's strongest smash attack with good hitback. However, chances are that Kirby will most likey dsmash you after a tech-follow because that's the one with the longest range. When you're in the air and above kirby, heads up for a uair. Kirby's uair is very strong. Also, watch out for when Kirby is on the ground and he utilts. Kirby's like to utilt a few times then SH a bair or two. If you're off the stage and trying to recover, be aware of Kirby's bair because it will help screw up your recovery. On another note, when Kirby tries to recover he has a sequence of jumping and after each of his jumps fairing towards the stage because of a small amount of gained DI towards the stage. Just remember in this matchup to never play close to the ledge. Kirby will almost always try to Kirbycide you atleast once per match. Try to always play centre stage, and grab kirby a lot. But be sure to space ... because being grabbed by Kirby is never fun. Also, be sure to never ... ever get swallowed. If he swallows you and gains your hat, your life is going to be twice as hard now because now Kirby can approach you with your own tactics of approaching people, and that's with pill spam. That's never fun, and usually Kirby's game as a whole improves because he's now wearing your hat ... so don't let that happen.

Beware of:
*Swallowed Doc. = Doc. Hat* - If Kirby gets your hat, his game will improve 2X because now he has your approach. Don't let this happen otherwise you'll have a way harder time beating him.
*Kirbycide* - The alternative to being swallowed is being held in his mouth. He can Kirbycide you meaning jumping off the stage with you in his mouth. If he's a stock ahead it'll be safer for him. Don't try to break out. If you try to break out you're allowing Kirby more frames to safely return to the stage.
*Bthrowcide* - If he's near the ledge and he has a stock ahead of you, try to break out for your life.
*Fthrowcide* - If he's near the ledge and he has a stock ahead of you, once again, try to break out for your life.
*Hammer* - His forward+B can be pretty powerful when he uses it on the stage.
*Up+B* - Kirby's downward animation after his upwards animation of his up+B is a spike, be careful.
Dair - His dair can spike you and it will spike you making it harder to get back to the stage.
Uair - His uair is very strong and has great knockback. He will probably use this a lot when you're above him so be careful.
Bair - Even though Kirby's bair is not as great as Jiggs, it's still a very good aerial and will mess up your recovery.
Fsmash - Kirby's fsmash is very strong. Be very careful.
Dsmash - His dsmash will be used a lot when he's tech-following you.
Dthrow - This will be the throw he uses to tech-follow you with.

Best Stages:
Yoshi's Story - The level limits Kirby's recovery and you can kill Kirby quicker here as well.
Final Destination - If you watch out for Kirbycides, on this stage you have the upper-hand.

Decent Stages:
Pokemon Stadium - This is just a good overall stage moreso for you because of the flexibility of it's changes.
Battlefield - Another all-around decent stage in this matchup.
Fountain of Dreams - It's a small stage with a decent recovery area for both of you so you should have a slight upper hand.

Final Destination - You almost always have the upper hand on this stage 'cept vs. maybe Falco so in general use this stage.

Bad Stages:
Dreamland 64 - It's never a good idea to assist someone's recovery and life-time with a huge stage. I'd avoid this stage.
Mute City - In general any floaty character with a good recovery will use this stage over Doc.
Rainbow Cruise - Just be aware of this stage because of Kirbycide tricks.

Possibility of encounter - 5%

Pichu (25):
1.) He's one of the lightest characters in the game
2.) Can be thrown to a kill move
3.) He hurts himself in about 90% of all of his moves

1.) Deceptively quick
2.) Still a decent usmash to thunder kill
3.) It can be tricky trying to bair or cape his recovery

Primary effective moves:
Fsmash (10, 9, 7, 9) - Pichu is gone at 95% end of story.
Fair (10, 9, 9, 9) - This owns Pichu at around 95% as well.
Dsmash (9, 8, 9, 9) - This will send Pichu flying off the stage.
Dthrow (8, 8, 8, 8) - This is the way you'll want to throw Pichu. You can also dthrow to a fair at around 90% to kill.
Usmash (8, 8, 8, 8) - Since Pichu is so light, this will kill him at around 100%.
Dair (9, 8, 8, 9) - Pichu will consume all of the dair.
Nair (9, 8, 7, 8) - If you hit Pichu with the strongest part of this move.

Effective moves:
Uair (8, 8, 8, 8) - You can juggle Pichu a bit from underneath.
Ftilt (8, 8, 9, 7) - This is always good move to use for spacing and whatnot.
Bthrow (8, 8, 9, 8) - When you're next to the edge, throw Pichu backwards, he may die.

Kill moves:
Fsmash - Fsmash will destroy Pichu at around 95%.
Fair - Fair will destory Pichu at around 95% as well.

Bad moves:
Fthrow - This move is pointless against Pichu.
Uthrow - This move is also pointless against Pichu.
Dtilt - This move is situational, but shouldn't be relied on.

Explanation (on Matchup):
This is a pretty simple matchup. Generally, you should make it so Pichu is approaching you. He can only really approach you with nairs because every other aerial will hurt himself. Once he comes in, grab him and combo him with full jumped dairs after a dthrow, shffl juggled uairs, and the like. If he grabs you, watch out for dthrow to usmash. His usmash is still pretty good and he can follow it up at higher %s with a Thunder so be very careful of that. Just cape the Thunder, DI away from it or air-dodge through it. Watch out for his bthrow and his fthrow off the stage, be may jump off and try to gimp you with a uair spike or a nair. When you get him off the stage, you probably will not want to try and bair or cape his recovery, unless you're absolutely sure it will connect. Smash attack kills and fair/nair kills will be what you destroy Pichu with. Pichu will pretty much beat himself up as well because most of his attacks will hurt him. However, smart Pichu players will use the moves that don't hurt them more often and will figure a way around hurting themselves too much so be careful. You pretty much have the upper hand in this matchup. But still, never underestimate them.

Beware of:
*Thunder* - Pichu's Thunder is very strong, so watch out for it especially after usmashes. Remember, you can always cape the Thunder.
Dthrow - This is one of the ways Pichu may throw you. Sometimes he can connect with a usmash afterwards.
Usmash - This is one of Pichu's best smash attacks. Sometimes he can follow up one of these after a dthrow.
Fsmash - Pichu's fsmash is very powerful, be sure to DI it. It's range isn't all that great but still ...

Best Stages:
Final Destination - Has always been a good stage in general for you because it's combomania and a general good stage for you.
Yoshi's Story - A very small stage that will make Pichu twice as easy to kill and will somewhat cripple his haphazard recovery.

Decent Stages:
Fountain of Dreams - Is a good stage against Pichu, but watch out for his uair spikes.
Battle Field - Even though Pichu isn't limited like you are when it comes from recovering from under the stage, it's a good decent level for you in general.
Pokemon Stadium - Even though it's Pichu's home-field, don't let that knock your hopes down. It's pretty even here.

Green Greens - The small stage will make him easier to kill.

Bad Stages:
Dreamland 64 - Bigger stages are always a bad idea against characters who's recovery is good and usually die at lower %s on smaller stages.
Kongo Jungle 64 - Pichu players can go through the level from underneath easily and can get to the barrel with no problem so this level isn't a good idea.

Possibility of encounter - 5%

Mewtwo (26):
1.) Careful pilling is good
2.) Grab to a kill move
3.) Large hit-box makes him easier to hit
4.) Can KO him at low %s

1.) Unorthodoxed movement
2.) Jab game is difficult due to CCing
3.) Haphazardly quick
4.) You're easily grabbed
5.) Hard to edgeguard
6.) His nair eats your pills

Primary effective moves:
Megavitamins (5, 5, 10, 10) - Use these a lot and make sure to spam them correctly. It's key in this matchup, regardles off his countering Nair.
Grab (3, 9, 6, 10) - This is very important in this matchup and will lead to most of the kill you'll get on MewTwo if not all of them.
Fair (9, 9, 8, 9) - This will destroy MewTwo at around 100%.
Fsmash (10, 8, 7, 9) - This will also destroy MewTwo at around 100%.
Dair (9, 9, 9, 9) - This move is a very good set-up for combos and if he is hit by the first hit-box of the move, chances are he will
consume the rest of the move and 19% damage since he's a very floaty character.
Nair (5-10, 8, 8, 9) - This is a good move to approach MewTwo with and fall down from above him with.
Bair (8, 9, 9, 8) - This is a great move to use against MewTwo in the aspect of approaching with SHBAWDs.
Uair (7, 8, 8, 8) - You can SHFFL juggled uairs on MewTwo and this is a good move to use after a dthrow when MewTwo's at lower %s.

Effective moves:
Utilt (8, 8, 9, 7) - Just in general a decent move to use against MewTwo when he's above you in certain situations.
Bthrow (8, 8, 7, 7) - This is a good throw to use when MewTwo is at %s around 140 and you're close the edge.
Cape (7, 10, 9, 8) - This is one of the only ways to nullify MewTwo's confusion.

Kill moves:
Fsmash - This will kill MewTwo around 100%.
Fair - This will also kill MewTwo at around 100%.

Bad moves:
Fthrow - No reason to use this move at all.
Uthrow - There's also no reason to use this move.

Explanation (on Matchup):
This matchup is pretty intense. Don't feel afraid, the matchup is in Doc's favor. However, you don't know what you're doing, you can be beaten. It's all about getting inside for that grab and spacing properly. The problem with getting inside though is since Doc's approach most of the time revolves around pilling and MewTwo's nair will eat through your pills, you may have a hard time getting in. Note that, even though pilling can be countered, it is the best thing to do against MewTwo if you space them correctly. MewTwo's hate it when they're being spammed with correctly placed pills. Spaced Bairs and SHBAWDing towards the opponent are pretty decent approaches as well. Short-hopping nairs is good too, since that's always quite haphazard and hard to get used to since Doc's nair get's stronger the longer it's out. Once you grab him, always throw down. Dthrow is the best against a MewTwo because it leads to combos with full jumped dairs to shffled uair juggles or the like. If you grab him at 95 - 105%, don't hesitate to dthrow him, then follow his DI with a full jumped fair. He's almost guaranteed to die, regardless of his DI after the fact. Now, as far as Mewtwo's recovery goes, the best thing to do is treat him like a Shiek. Hold the edge until he teleports ontop of the stage and jump from the ledge with a fair or just hit sideways to go on the stage and fsmash him. Also, when matching MewTwo, rainbow types of dairs (coined by KeepSpeedN), where you travel over the opponent with a dair in a rainbow like fashion, are pretty useful. Now, on the MewTwo side, watch out for his nair. His nair will eat through your pill approach game. Also, be very careful of all of MewTwo's tilts, they're all very good against Doc. He will teleport a lot to get towards you and will use baby shadow-balls as a stunner to get close to you. Once you're grabbed be very careful. If he's near the edge he'll throw you backwards unless you're at around 125% he'll throw you upwards. His uthrow isn't possible to be escaped once you're at around 130%. You'll be dead no matter what. Hope he bthrows so you can atleast have a chance at survival with your DI. Usually his fthrow will have minimul knockback and damage but against a wall the damage will increase. When you're recovering against him be careful of his bair. It's very good at spacing and will knock you away enough from the stage for an easy edgehog. His dair is also a spike so be careful. Usually it's a good idea to air-dodge diagonally and towards the stage once you're close to it. Be very, very careful of his tilt game. A lot of the times when you're attacking from the air he can hit you with angled up ftilts. Another thing not to overlook is the fact that MewTwo has the 3rd best wavedash in the game, so yes, he will be very fast. When he uses his Disable (down-B), he'll most likely dsmash you or try to tip you with a fully-charged fsmash, which will deal you 27%. MewTwo's roll is very good defensively, and his air-dodge is pretty frickin' broken since it's pretty much a mindgame in and of itself because it makes MewTwo dissappear. Also, MewTwo's Confusion (forward-B) will spin you and cast you downwards on the stage. Be very aware of the MewTwo glitch on Battle-field. The Confusion to bring you under the level is very odd, but don't panic. If you panic and lose your second jump under the stage you're done. Just DI towards the edge and then use your second jump. Don't try shielding his Confusion either, it'll still work. You can only avoid his Confusion by caping him before he does it, side-stepping, or simply not being there. Another spiffy trick of MewTwo's is to use his Disable. This move will disable your movement for a bit, and the higher your % is the longer you will be disabled. When MewTwo fairs you, be sure to DI away ... please. If you don't, you'll be done vertically. Also, when coming from above, be careful of MewTwo's usmash. That has a very random hit-box. Also, when MewTwo tries to approach you with short-hopped nairs, a good counter against that is to WD backwards and fsmash. Fsmash spacing is very good against characters that approach with the same move. Be aware also that MewTwo has the longest side-step (spot-dodge) in the game. It's also very hard to detect since his standing-animation doesn't change. To give you an idea of it's awesomeness, it's the only spot-dodge in the game that can fully dodge Peach's entire dsmash. It's coming out lag however is very punishable. When you're fighting MewTwo, it's also relatively safe to hit him from below. You can SHFFL juggled uairs on him and sometimes connect a fair if you're lucky.

Beware of:
*Confusion* - This is MewTwo's way of spinning you and casting you to the ground. It's also known for being used for the glitch on Battlefield.
*Disable* - This is MewTwo's way of paralyzing you and making you unconscious. The higher your % is, the longer you will be unconcious. Be very careful of this move since you're susceptible to anything afterwards.
*Teleport* - This is the move MewTwo will use to approach you a lot. It's very mindgamy so be careful.
^All Tilts^ - All of MewTwo's tilts are very spacy and are hard to avoid.
Fair - His fair is very strong and will send you vertically and will probably destroy you at above 115% unless you DI it properly (DI away, Smash DI towards the stage).
Uthrow - This is the strongest Uthrow in the game. Don't get thrown up at %s above 120% or you're through. However, MewTwo is 100% vulnerable with his Uthrow.
Bthrow - This is the strongest Bthrow in the game next to Ness'. Don't get thrown backwards when you're near the edge and at around 120%, otherwise you're probably dead. The whole moving animation hits people as well.
Bair - This will be used a lot to void your recovery.
Dsmash - This is a very strong smash attack that can be used to edge-gaurd the sweetspot of the edge. It can be ledge-teched, however.

Best Stages:
*Final Destination and the counterpicks*

Decent Stages:
Yoshi's Story - Both of you will die at low%s, this stage is pretty even, however.
Final Destination - Mewtwo really likes this stage, but so do you.

Kongo Jungle 64 - MewTwo will have a hard time killing you with his strong grabs, while you can still kill him with fsmash pretty well.
Jungle Japes - MewTwo also has a problem with his grab kills on this stage as well.

Bad Stages:
Battle-field - This stage is bad against MewTwo in general because of the ledge and MewTwo's flexibility with platforms, but really bad when the MewTwo player is good at using the Confusion glitch.
DreamLand64 - This stage has very high ceilings but it increases MewTwo's already haphazard recovery and he won't die at the normal %s from your kill moves
like fsmash and fair.
Mute City - This stage is better for MewTwo than it is for you since his recovery is better than yours.
*Any Stage that you have problems grabbing the ledge on are bad stages*

Possibility of encounter - 5%

Alright so the Guide is done. Thanks goes out to God, my brothers, my parents, my crew, everyone that helped me with this guide, and the Doctor Mario Community. Also, to Nintendo for creating Dr. Mario.


Smash Cadet
Feb 22, 2007
Naples, FL
love the thread and the idea behind it but it needs some better organization. ill def help u with it if u want but some of the stuff is confusing with the numbers and having to scroll up and such... but definitaly should get sticky when u finish it.


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
i ment to post on this last night. Good thread.

I can cover some stuff about lesser known characters; i.e. some bowser, pikachu, g&w, luigi.

. . . .

I've been demolished by a bowser; i know how that goes. >.>


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
2 questions...doc vs fox...can doc not nair out of upthrows to prevent upair follow ups? I know mario can at least..and doc's nair doesn't appear to be any slower...maybe doc just has longer stun time

also..i don't really understand how you can expect pilling to do any good against fox. if fox laser camps you you can try to pill him to throw off his lasering and hopefully approach..but if he just quits lasering and approaches you during the pills he has a very easy time avoiding pills.

full jumped pills can be either ran under or naired through..it's hte latter that causes the most trouble..and then short hop pills can be hopped over to get inside range..once there you either play normally..or if the doc appears to be planning to try to just pill again then you can either ftilt through hte pill..dash attack cancel the pill..or the best option...nair through the pill hitting doc.

anyways that's my experience with the matchup so far as fox...i notice that proper use of pills can really make it hard to laser camp..but in order to do that they have to be close enough that you can just forego the lasering and quickly punish their attempts to use pills


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
Great guide SmachMac, this is exactly what the Doc community needs. One thing though, I've chainthrowing Roy and Young Link at 0% before, although this was most likely due to surprise, as they were able to DI after a few throws. Someone else should test this to verify.


Smash Apprentice
May 16, 2007
*Claps* amazing thread...can't wait till this gets finished and stickied...good luck, *more claps*


Smash Journeyman
Jun 24, 2006
Pleasant Grove, UT
@knightpraetor It's all about mind gaming with the pills. full jumped pills will usually bounce right to the bottom of a platform, while short hopped pills can hit you while you stand or short hop, and standing pills will edge guard (pill ko's are just so nice..) or hit a standing opponent; if you can predict how he's going to approach you, you can put a pill there. Naired pills = backwards wavedash to charged fsmash, which is painful.

Awesome guide though Smash Mac :). I really needed the sheik and peach tips, they are my worst match ups. I'm surprised you didn't include in the sheik section that a backwards wavedash in response to a sheik dash attack = a free fsmash. There are a few typos up there too, which of course don't detract from the sweetness of the guide, but if you want me to point them out, I will.

Also, first page on an excellent post most likely soon-to-be-sticked. Epic.


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
Also, just remembered:

Captain Falcon can escape the Upthrow chainthrow at around 60% by DIing upwards and jumping out of it. I'm pretty sure a few other characters can do that as well once they approach higher damage. That needs to be taken into account for this guide.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 21, 2005
SmashMac, your Doc Mario inspired me to play him. Now i win all the time.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2005
Naples, FL.
Lolz thanks guys for the comments and stuff so far :). Let me remind you all that this guide isn't even half-way done yet. It's still a work in progress so I'm gonna be working on it for a while. Whenever I have the chance I'll be working on it. Thanks guys.


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
Naired pills = backwards wavedash to charged fsmash, which is painful.

usually you just nair through and hit both the pill and the opponent if you're spacing correctly...fox is too fast to pill against much..i mean you can..but if you continue pilling once he gets within midrange you will get punished...and at long range fox will win with lasers or just continuously dodge the pills pretty easily if he wishes to approach.

i just feel like doc almost gets no use out of pills except for an extra cover to approach when playing against fox on FD..

i shoulda specified of course..on platforms pills can be used a little better against fox probably.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
everything i read so far is good im impressed

suggestions corneria for jiggs as a counter and yoshis for decent and fod for an ok stage in my opinion


Smash Lord
Nov 7, 2006
East Lansing, MI
I just stumbled on this thread and I must say it is a well written guide :grin: I'll show it to my bud who mains doc.

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
Naired pills = backwards wavedash to charged fsmash, which is painful.

usually you just nair through and hit both the pill and the opponent if you're spacing correctly...fox is too fast to pill against much..i mean you can..but if you continue pilling once he gets within midrange you will get punished...and at long range fox will win with lasers or just continuously dodge the pills pretty easily if he wishes to approach.

i just feel like doc almost gets no use out of pills except for an extra cover to approach when playing against fox on FD..

i shoulda specified of course..on platforms pills can be used a little better against fox probably.
Fox's spam is pretty weak IMO. It does pathetic damage and it doesnt even stun. Pills are slower but are far more damaging and if you use them correctly they will screw up Foxs.

Great guide smashmac. I smell a bit of copy and paste. One small thing, in the jiggs section you've put 'can dthrow peach to fair'


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2005
Naples, FL.
Blah. Sorry Bullet Bill. I'm copying and pasting a few things but I'm editing it all so it's fresh. I'm just in a rush and trying to get the rough drafts down because I'm trying to do this while having a busy life (yesterday night I added Jiggs and CF at 12 midnight after being out for 17 hours at school and work). I'm editing it all though, trust me. Thanks for pointing that out. I'ma fix it.

St. Viers

Smash Champion
May 15, 2006
Boston MA
re: cap falcon. You can't DI up against an up throw--its the same as having no DI. Your point may still be valid however...

Bullet Bill

Smash Master
Feb 9, 2007
UK - Southampton
Blah. Sorry Bullet Bill. I'm copying and pasting a few things but I'm editing it all so it's fresh. I'm just in a rush and trying to get the rough drafts down because I'm trying to do this while having a busy life (yesterday night I added Jiggs and CF at 12 midnight after being out for 17 hours at school and work). I'm editing it all though, trust me. Thanks for pointing that out. I'ma fix it.
nothing wrong with copy and paste. Saves a lot of time really. Nice guide though. The % for kill moves are usefull


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
re: cap falcon. You can't DI up against an up throw--its the same as having no DI. Your point may still be valid however...
Ahh, but doesn't DI get taken into account as the character falls from the height of the throw? So if you DIed up and away after you were thrown, it would keep you airborne longer, possibly escaping the chainthrow with a jump. Am I wrong?


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
you can combo samus with b.air, backwards u.air, bair, backwards u.air with the help of plat forms / timing your pill between them and the stage to get rid of their grapple sets up for cape if their low and far just pilll imo , and dreamland is good for doc vs samus not many other chars doc limits her recovery to much for her to have the advantage unless u get gimped


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Are you kidding me? There isn't comboing Samus. That's a lie told to young Doc players to make them sleep better at night. In the reality of things the best combo you're gonna get against a decent or better Samus is about four Uairs in a row... if you're lucky.


Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2006
Are you kidding me? There isn't comboing Samus. That's a lie told to young Doc players to make them sleep better at night. In the reality of things the best combo you're gonna get against a decent or better Samus is about four Uairs in a row... if you're lucky.
i meen if i must i have done it multiple times on good samus players and have it on vid though i dont like vids of me up ill look into getting this up since from everyone complaining about the matchup no one knows how to play samus it sounds and if all u ever go for is u-airs against samus your going to get that ***** kick in the face maybe you should focus more on being creative and not "lucky"


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Well, I'm not sure if that post of yours was more critical or insulative because I couldn't tell from how piss-poorly it was constructed.

Alright Master of Owning Samus', get some videos of you up and show us how it is done.


Smash Rookie
Jul 8, 2007
Thank you $mash Mac this guide really helped me against Marths and Sheiks some of my hardest match ups.


Smash Ace
Jan 19, 2004
hmm for Sheik.

I think her needle is more deadly than her down smash. It stops you in track and can lead to grab which leads to fair (needle cancel grab).


Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2006
Buffalo, NY
Good guide. One little thing I kind of disagree with though is the dair's effectiveness vs. Pika. I play N64 somewhat often and it seems Pika's uair almost always goes through Doc's dair. So I'd say only use dair when you know he can't uair through it, like when he's stunned from an attack.


Smash Rookie
Sep 10, 2007
Strive to be better



The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
Good guide. One little thing I kind of disagree with though is the dair's effectiveness vs. Pika. I play N64 somewhat often and it seems Pika's uair almost always goes through Doc's dair. So I'd say only use dair when you know he can't uair through it, like when he's stunned from an attack.
that's cause n64 cheats.

I saw him when he came down to SAX.

So many **** pikachus, and all of those ****ers were cheatin hard. :(


Young Link Extraordinaire
Jul 21, 2005
Hmmm... OK, SmashMac, you'll have to translate my comments into your formatting style. I'll just share some points that I feel are not too blatantly obvious.

When I play against Doc as Young Link, I use carefully placed bombs. Bomb drops or aerial tosses really cut down on the effectiveness of Doc's cape (and oftentimes cut right through it). Bomb drops are also some of the most useful edge-guards against Doc since Doc's up-B is so quick and has ridiculous priority. After a bomb strike, Young Link can easily follow up with a neutral-air or down-air. Properly positioned boomerang throws will go through Young Link if reflected by the cape since Young Link is too close.

Doc's pills move in a path that none of Young Link's projectiles can match, so spamming pills is a great approach.

(more later)


Smash Master
Jul 9, 2007
On my 5th 4 Loko and still ****** you.
I have a question that hopefully someone can answer. Hypothetical situation: your chainthrowing fox, get to about 55-60% and you realize that after this throw fox can most likely DI or jump out of the way of the next grab. Fox realizes this too, and he instead of DIing to the left or right leaving himself open to a Uair->grab/dsmash, just DI's upwards thwarting your attempt to continue the combo. Everytime I use an Uair when this happens I tend to knock Fox behind me without a real means to continue the combo.

Any advice on what to do? Is it possible to link this into a grab? Or is a bair a better option?


The Designated Hype Man!
Jul 3, 2002
Warner Robins, Georgia
I have a question that hopefully someone can answer. Hypothetical situation: your chainthrowing fox, get to about 55-60% and you realize that after this throw fox can most likely DI or jump out of the way of the next grab. Fox realizes this too, and he instead of DIing to the left or right leaving himself open to a Uair->grab/dsmash, just DI's upwards thwarting your attempt to continue the combo. Everytime I use an Uair when this happens I tend to knock Fox behind me without a real means to continue the combo.

Any advice on what to do? Is it possible to link this into a grab? Or is a bair a better option?
--quoted from cyphus--

"If they dont DI (which is DIing upwards), just u.tilt them till they decide to DI."
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