I know you do not like me, and I am not here to change that, but are you willing to be in the falcon backroomV2.0?
This will mean we will have to put our differences aside for falcon's meta game development.
Wich is alright with me.
You called me a jerk the other day, wich was called for, but I do not understand why you had to mention my play style, as we both know you are a good player, but you can't deny my falcon isn't bad, too.
I know my history of threads on the board has caused a certain disliking from you towards me, wich I guess, is called for, but you must understand it was never my intention to 'pollute' the board or anything along that line.
I have only posted like..3 theads(?) this month, so in that aspect, we should be good.
I am not going to lie, as I do not like you either, but we can just discuss matters wich have to with falcon's metagame in a normal manner, in the group I am asking you to be a part of.
I also heard you wanted to start a new backroom without me. If you still want this, simply tell me you do not want to be a part of the Falcon backroomV2.0, and start your own group, next to the one I will create.
Just keep it real man
So, with this profile message, I apologize, and hope we can both do what we can to advance falcon's metagame, together (no homo, lulz)
nah, seriously, All the best.