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  • i did too. god some people are such douches. you shoud check out awesomeness peoplez. its going down in there
    that kinda sucks! hahaha "you're like helen keller you suck but you still win" lolooll okay samboner. he's such a sore loser
    Mom made plans today with me unaware, sorry about that. ><

    Could we play tmw at 3:30? I already checked and theres nothing that would interfere.
    dabuz, you have been chosen for your awesomeness. Ask demonfart for entry to the social group "awesomeness peoplez" it would be nice to have ya in thar. Keep it awesome.
    haha i randomly came across it some closed thread. Is there a website for all of them? if not, there ****ing should be
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    geez man 2good. Those first matches were incredibly laggy, but it settled down a bit later, which was nice
    lol wait i just checked the bracket an hour ago, i already got dq'd, im up for some friendlies though if you want :D
    haha don't you go talking me off your friend roster now. I'm online alot, and i have to take my revenge sometime for what you did to fox. You...you...murdered him! QQ
    RIP Jenkins' fox
    hellzzzzz yeah. i don't what the hell happened to marth's Dancing blade. I've never been able to do it that fast. wait, do you think that since it was so laggy that when i tried to do dancing blade it buffered it? thats the only reason i can think of.
    haha sexy. super sexy. Awesome games. I think i lost my virginity! lolololololol that was up the butt destruction! we gotta play again. too much fun. hooray for friendship?
    rc is gayyyyyyyyy. S'all good. Bring a condom. It will make you ****** not feel as painful. :bee: I'll be online in a bit
    In our 1v1 I did. I thought you'd realise that whenever I'm on wifi I'm afk. :(
    Lol I told you I was afk :mad::mad:
    CPUs are badass in lag like that.
    I'll be afk though. But ok should I just put it in my gamertag then for you to see?

    The blind CPing is choose your CP and if it doesn't come up no contest the match until it comes up.
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