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Elder Sister
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  • I have nothing to do since I can't go outside and laptop broke, this is my aunts, I feel depressed :(

    Oh, and I've got two days to hand in an assessment >.>
    actually i saw it in the M&G section and it was a HUUUGE step up from the last one, which was also amazing!

    ummmmm....... im hungry... lol
    its pretty much time to eat here:laugh:
    hey elder sister! lol
    i saw your new sig!
    i think it is hands down the best one ive seen!!! hahah
    i'm back. lol
    my mom won't let me play my wii. =/

    crybaby?! ......meanie. lol
    well.....you cuss alot. lol
    that was pathetic.

    i'd rather take the depressing cold than all this sun. you can have it. lol
    umm....hot. lol
    i hate cali. too much sun.

    hmm....i suck at making conversations. lol
    but apparently i'm pretty good at flirtin. :laugh:
    No, the only next gen thingy I have is a Wii.
    I love the classics way more. Gamecube, Gameboys (up to advace), PSX, Nintendo64 (got that 2 years ago) and a computer. My bro has PS2 and 360.

    But yea, if you wanna get out, you're probably ready for the world.
    And yea, like me. I no school for 3 weeks now, but I have do an internship for 2 weeks at a natural historic museum. I'm pretty excited about.

    What are you going to study?
    it would take 10 minutes to type out and my mom likes to try to read what i like to type if i'm typing for a while. =_=
    so only vms for now.

    sawwwyy. =3

    Oh no, they've been apart for about 8 years now, I don't mind it.
    My bro's at university :O
    He still lives at home. I never see him do **** though <_< All he does is be on the computer.
    lol @ both of us being online at the same time.

    btw, should i make a msn account?
    No, I visit my dad regularly. I wasn't an N64 kid, I was definitly PSX.
    And yea, new generation is for homos :mad:

    Yea, I'm 15, but I mean my childhood before I was 10. Like when stuff happened without me knowing what it was. :( And when the whole family was still alive :D

    Oh god, I love reminscing.
    I had a Playstation 1, which was without doubt the best console I ever had the honour of playing on.
    We had the awesome Spyro trilogy, which were godly. Then there was Tekken 3 I played with my dad, but sometimes he sandbagged and I rubbed it in. Then he ***** me again and we both were content.
    I also had Croc, the little alligator. That game was too good, the music, it was hard, and more.

    My parents are now split up D: My PSX is at my dads.

    I remember trading at the camp site with my cousin, who had Pokémon Gold while I had Silver. We had every Pokémon and felt accomplished.
    I wish I could relive my childhood D:
    I like typing out the color code thing. I usually use "sandybrown" as the color. But one day,I put "samdybrown" by accident. It turns out it made a different color which was this weird green color, but I liked it. So I've been switching between the two ever since :p

    I tried sig'n the sig you made, but I couldn't figure it out. I ended up getting the new one so that's cool. The mountain dew is priceless :D
    You really got some good drawing skills. I thought I was pretty good, but nothing like this :p
    Hey, I'll reply tomorrow. Alright?
    Sorry again.

    Just a note though, I don't sleep late anymore.
    My schedule: Waking up at 5:45 AM and going to bed at 10:00 PM
    O_o I'm sorry!

    You really shouldn't have changed it though...
    everyone still calls out "Marthage" lol
    I still repsond to it! :)

    even though, this name won't be permanent either
    (I was feeling random lol, I had ta :p)

    yep that's how it goes...
    you still have PMs from that long ago??? O_o
    it's pretty cool, i didn't expect a cute little sheik :shiek:
    you should just take him out to punish him
    Hi there Miss N!
    I'm sorry for the short and cold message, I was really but oh so very dead... I passed out for several hours afterwards. And forgot to reply yesterday, a thousand apologies.

    How's it going lately? It's been a while. Did you get a few new friends? How's socials?

    My life was not really an issue to begin with. It's all about my brain and my psychological state. If you want to know what's going on, just check my 2 latest user blogs. They're not hard to find.

    Well, for now... See ya around.
    It's cool to receive messages from you :).
    hey you never showed me where i could see your sheik. PS i prefer girlier sheik for accuracy sake
    Oh lol.

    Ah, it's a long story. Basically, my one friend (Straked/:mad:) was looking at my friend list and he was like "Why is _______ person on your friends list?" so after a while I just deleted everyone else so he would get off my back. Nothing personal to anyone I deleted.
    Ey was geht....
    wo ist meine WII
    ich gehe morgen zu fridl (mein freund) und dann
    zocken wir BRAWL und ich hoffe das er auch mein Schüler wird^^
    Hi, I'll send you another message later.
    I just passed here quickly, but I'm off to bed. I'm sick, thanks for the thoughts.
    It's been a while.

    ^^^Oh yeah that's what it means btw.

    In World of Warcraft, there's a wordfilter between horde and alliance. When a horde character says lol, the alliance character sees "kek".

    New record, huh?

    I was actually writting up a response yesterday, but my laptop ran out of battery so I lost it :/

    I haz emotions, but I hide it through heavily latent sarcasm :D
    It's just kinda hard to show sarcasm with words D:

    And Pirates like Jack Sparrow are the cool ones.
    I'm not a big fan of One Piece.
    I used to be, but not anymore.

    And chicken's a cool food. A lot better than pork and beef tbh.

    I saw the sig you made M-dawg.

    Too good!
    Me want it too cuz it's awesome!
    And did you really draw it?
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