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Elder Sister
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  • Well, after Amy saw and got mad, we started removing her from our avas by our own accord. But some people didn't, so the Mods did it for them and made what I have their avatars.

    Now, I for one, did change my avatar. But then we started talking about how bada*s the ava's the Mods handed out look, so, I decided to make it my avatar!
    Well, yes, she does exist, but she's not the one who made the Meet n' Greet.
    So, when Keith showed her, the actuall person, she got mad.

    Is that clearer?
    No, you see, a person used her as their ava, and that was a fake Meet n' Greet!:laugh:

    Oh, and I purposely made this my ava.
    Lol, yeah.

    Alrighty then, suit yourself with the custom title, but anyways congrats! I saw your photo, it was really good! You deserved to win!
    Big Sis! Congratulations!!!!! It's really sweet that you got first!!!!

    You were like the underdog, enterin until the last second, and you pulled through with first place!!!!!

    I'm proud of my Big Sis. ^.^
    You got 1st right?

    You'll receive an orange name, the paint brush, and a NEWW CAAAHR. Not really, but you will get to pick out the prompt and be a judge on the next AWYP :)"

    That's weird that you don't get a custom title... If you want one, I'd suggest you Private message one of the judges, and ask if you were supposed to get one.

    I was just looking through the thread since Frown told me he got 2nd, and I wanted to see who won.

    I got my custom title by whining on this one thread, lol. I was like "I'm jealous of all the random people with custom titles", I said that like 3 times and then the next time I logged on I had my custom title! It was pretty sweet!
    it's alright.
    i'll see if i can come on earlier tomorrow.

    and i'll make sure i have a pm ready for you tomorrow. i'm still making a reply.
    congratulations. after i read your pm i went to go check out the art with your power.
    What? vacation...we're still trapped in Summer Classes....
    it's lunchtime right now though! :)

    sorry, I got I just like to make a big fuss ^_^;, but that is great, I saw your peice (sp?) and I quite liked it, it's great! I posted here because I want to be the first to congratulate you.Sorry if I spoiled it for you.
    hmmmm...yep...that's how it rolls....
    didn't mean to scare ya...just goes to show that life happens...:)
    At least you follow a regular sleeping schedule since you're going to school. I sleep at 3-4 AM and wake up from 9AM-2PM. It's absolutely terrible since it seems like I've wasted half of the entire day.

    Don't worry about it. I'm just treating you the way I treat my friends IRL. The only problem is the lack of tone, inflection, pauses, sarcasm and visibility. Personally, I adore sarcasm which always makes me and my friends laugh, but that can't be done on the internet that well . . . in other words, I was sarcastically doubting you earlier, but failed because sarcasm can't be shown by text alone.
    Besides, it's good to have friendships. It's the only time where you can be yourself and open up to the ones you care for.

    Next time, I'll be sure to use something to ensure that I'm being sarcastic.

    Like I'll be able to think of anything clever /sarcasm.
    *both look drowsily* mother went off to Austin....
    doesn't allow us to stay home alone....
    went to aunt's house
    aunt doesn't have wireless internet....
    so yeah...been gone for a week...:)
    I'm pretty sure I can speak for the both of us...*looks arounds for marie...* yep...sure can...:)
    Received 2 days ago at: 04:10 PM
    Sorry there, I didn't really know what to reply. Lol.

    Anyways, yeah, I should go to bed earlier. I'm so irregular.
    I happened to go to bed at 7 AM these past 2 days. Yet, 3 days ago, I slept at midnight.
    Extremely bad for my health. :laugh:

    Good thing! Don't reply as much as usual! But only if it's because you're out with friends, don't go pretending you do xD. Alright?

    Call me Kt, it's all cool :).

    See ya around.

    I'll learn to drive when I get over my car phobia. :urg:

    Written at exactly: 7:59 PM.
    Haha sounds good. send some love whenever you come back, have fun with your cousin, Babies are cute!
    Yeah Liv is.
    don't worry about your cousin, I wasn't walking by that time, I don't remember if I spoke then either.

    aha don't worry about late responces, I think I respond later than you do lol
    4 Leaf clover thing lol.
    anyways, I have gone there a few times yes :)

    in fact I talk to the mod of that board every now and then, Livvers is the name

    eh just surfing the web really. What about you?
    well right now I'm wonedering how to do the leprechaun charm you do.

    also wondering what's First Awyp lol.

    glad to hear it :) how is it going for you so far?
    Well, it's alright! You should be able to play me sooooon! *W*

    Why, yes, yes I do!
    Not very good, but I'm learning.
    Hey Big Sis.
    Life's treating me good, actually.

    Well, at least you win those two times!

    Yeah, he did. But, he can't Brawl any of us yet. YET. He said he ordered a WiFi cable, I think. So that's good!
    too bad.
    but like i always say don't worry about it ok?
    so far it has worked for me.

    its good that we can still talk.
    actually, i have to type a reply to your pm now. :)

    i'm not really supposed to be chatting either. my mom would kill me if she found out.

    i wouldn't normally go against my mom but she probally wouldn't understand if explained it to her.
    it's ok i understand. you got your computer fixed?

    i'm about to go somewhere right now so i won't be back for about 3-4 hours. moving sucks.
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