Trying to make a straightforward attack priority system for Sigma Busters. In case your wondering, it just determines what happens when two hitboxes collide at once.
My current idea is that hitboxes go from 0 to 10, jabs are priority 1 to 3 depending on the character, and slower jabs often have priority over faster ones. Characters with higher priority attacks always phase through the attacks of those with lower priority, meaning they don't get damaged. If the priority is equal, then the character with the higher percent has priority, as a bit of a minor comeback mechanic, though since it is a niche interaction it won't change anything major. When two aerial hitboxes collide, both characters will be damaged and sent back a set knockback, with the damage they take is an average of the two attacks. Finally, projectiles have their own priority system, where higher-priority projectiles will go through lower-priority ones, while certain physical attacks have properties that determine whether they remove or reflect projectiles. To be honest, I don't know if this is too complicated, especially since priority will only be determined if the hitboxes collide on the same frame, but it could have some unique applications. Anyways to improve this system in your eyes?
Speed=flexibility and so long as the sweetspot isn't super small, you're likely to have consistent combos/setups into the move, or just have an easy enough time finding places to use it raw. But I'm assuming that moves are roughly equal aside from speed and a sweetspot. In ultimate, we see plenty of characters with slower killing aerials do very well, becuase the move and character is designed around that. So their setups have enough hitstun that the slowness doesn't matter or the aerial itself is so big you can control a lot of the fight with it despite its speed. etc, etc, there's lots of different things going on of course.