I'd have to go Zeppelin IV. Stairway, Rock and Roll. Big fan of The Immigrant Song.
(I'm pretty sure those aren't all Zep IV, but some of my favorites (it's REALLY early))
Favorite bands would have to be:
There's others, but the top 2 are the only ones I haven't seen live (for obvious reasons.

). I've seen Muse twice live, and they're god damn AMAZING. The best live performance I've ever seen. And the second one got BETTER. :D
I generally like my 'classic rock/metal', but there's some new stuff I like. My wife is the one who got me into Muse.
Along the lines of GT names, I started with Einherjar ODIN, got tired of people mispronouncing the name. Went to Big Boss 0DIN. Account got hacked, felt it was a good idea to change name so I wouldn't be searched for and hit again. Went with a Doctor Who reference instead. <3 Doctor Who.
/life story