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lil cj
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  • ya I think I might start using lucas after I get my charizard and Ice climbers as good as my zss. i've tried lucas before, and he was really fun...i'll think about it :bee:

    and what annoyed me even more playing against your lucas was the psi magnet. I'm used to using my paralyzer gun alot, so I had to completely change my normal playing style to something completely different :urg: and I kept forgetting you had the move lol
    lol i like using ice climbers cause they're so hard to use :)

    wow, I've been underestimating lucas's recovering ability this whole time....I thought all he had was pk thunder lol. btw, I wanted to shoot myself on the last stock of the game when you aimed your pk thunder right over the platform into me. that thing gave me like 30% damage :crazy: I didn't think you could aim it so well O.o
    ya Ice climbers are amazing if used right...but you still probably would have won lol

    anyways, i was wondering how you got that amazing horizontal recovery with down-b???
    thanks...you're the only lucas I've played, and probably one of the best lucas' I've seen! :p

    now that I think about it, I should of brought out my secret weapon ---Ice Climberz =P
    actually I think I'll just try to catch you online on smashboards....and I'll message you and ask you if you can play. anyways, add me whenever you want: 1976-9868-1900

    I'll add you when I get the chance
    hey, I'm against you in the round of 16. I dunno when you can play...but it might be a good idea to figure out how far apart we are in time so we can easily set up a time.. If you adjusted your clock properly on smashboards, then I should be able to figure it out. Here's how it works:

    Tell me what the time at the top right hand corner of this message says...It says 7:54 am for me.

    once you tell me, I can subtract the difference and we can set up a time or something more easily :bee:
    oh and i saved 2 matches. and i noticed that i upsmash about 20 times; most of those times i was trying to uptilt and u-air. lag
    word :coolmonke
    yeah the lag messed me up too. till we brawl again :laugh:
    and i didnt no u played Zelda! (do i sense a zelda ditto in the near future?!?)
    man...i'm still shaking from those lucas dittos lol....ur grab game with lucas is deffinitly better than mine
    it's my first online tourney as well. my first match i set up and it was a breeze :)
    who knows? i might not make it to the finals. i just have to try my best, and hopefully i do well.
    you may make it to the finals. just play your game and do your best
    hey you're in the pro brawl tourney too!?
    i won my first match and i saw you did too
    Good Luck and maybe, just maybe we'll see each other in the finals.
    idk though. the competition seems kind of tough.
    hey i'm gonna hav to postpone our match. goin on vacation 2morro, so maybe sometime next week we can brawl
    I brawled PF the other day... He is really good... but I didn't see his Lucas fight... :( I hear he's good, but don't let that discourage you. :) I still think you are great! <3
    No, MK has never caught my attention. I've tried him before, but I'm not used to his quickness. Your Lucas is good, as always, but I did notice different strategies you didn't use before. Don't worry too much though, my Lucas is still below yours anyway. lol

    My Snake still needs lots of improvement, I've managed to change a few things that will hopefully make me better. :)

    You do have a lot of mains and that kind of messes up your practice with other characters.

    For some reason, you don't look like an Ike user. But your Ike is good. And I was hoping you'd use Zelda so I could learn new tricks from you. lol
    Good games lil cj. :) I just have to say... that I dislike your MK. It's so quick and... annoying. :) In a good way.
    Hello, getting this message means you have signed up for the tournament. Since we now have 64 people, the tournament will start as of today. Keep checking the social group "Pro Brawl Tourney(s)," for a draw will soon be posted on it. Once you know your opponent, arrange a time to play with him/her, and give me the results at the end of the match. Check the rules if you don't remember.

    P.S. (very important) Make sure you tell me the score of your win or loss for example, 3-0, 3-2, etc
    I hate Ikes! Well, the noobs, that is. lol All they do is get behind you while you are fighting against somebody else and they smash attack you. :/ Yeah, your Lucas is nearly invinsible. lol
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