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  • Man, I post on your wall a lot. I should take it down a notch

    he says, posting on your wall again
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    Reactions: Matsushi
    Milo AKA Papa
    Milo AKA Papa
    Well, we all know Marth and the ripped yaoi cast would make you very happy
    RIPPED YAOI CASTヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

    but omg what you just said summarizes my life tbh
    Milo AKA Papa
    Milo AKA Papa
    I KNOW IT DOES. If that's good or not, well that's a different topic
    I was going to leave a witty pun on here, but I couldn't think of a good one, so instead you get me, telling you how I was going to leave you a witty pun but couldn't think of a good one on here
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    Reactions: Matsushi
    Good going, Miloaf of bread. Now I'm trying to think of a witty pun, but I can't???
    Milo AKA Papa
    Milo AKA Papa
    I don't know if it's because I honestly can't think of one or i'm just too lazy to think of one AND IT WORRIES ME
    Quite the signature you got there.
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    Reactions: Matsushi
    I love how this time, Zelda can't let Wolf do that. "Can't let you do that, Wolf." Oh, how the tables have turned! Well, at least Zelda is nice, though she'll probably kick him out after E3, unless they announce Wolf's inclusion
    Your mind reading skills are as good as ever.
    Super cute avatar, Matsu! Definitely loving it! I definitely hope things have been awesome on your end and that your weekend rocked!
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    Reactions: Matsushi
    XD I can definitely see that. Definitely let me know when you're getting the Splatoon, because I would love to play that game with you, no doubt there! Well, I definitely hope the next few weeks go by quick then. Fight the powah, become stronger and smash the homework and exams and you'll be home free!
    I'll definitely let you know! I'm really excited to play with you and everyone else. c: Also, thank you very much! This week has been somewhat slow so far, but I really hope it begins to pick up the pace! ^^
    Oh, the work has been slow? Like in terms of workload I hope? I do very well hope it's not frantic in any case! I will be playing the game today and letting you know how that all goes since it is definitely something I'm very curious about! Hope you've had a good day today, Sara!
    ayy danganronpa
    i finally picked up the first gaem but like haven't played it at all
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    Reactions: Matsushi
    We should play sometime! (Smash I mean)

    I have both games on PS4 as well! But I don't really play them aha. TLoU I played on the PS3 already and Destiny... I'm not really feeling it. :c

    Yeah, that's very true! I've watched many VN to anime adaptations, and most of them just don't live up to my expectations. OTL Though, I can't really blame them because there are lots of things to consider, hence why the anime feels rushed most of the time. :O

    Ah, for me it's vice versa! ^^
    Hm, I know quite a few yaoi anime/VNs, DRAMAtical Murder has to be the best in my opinion. Togainu no Chi and Junjou Romantica are really good too, though I'm not too certain whether JR was a VN at one point, I've only heard of the anime. As for yuri, I can't really find any good VN/anime and I was gonna ask you the same question! xD
    [20:24] Milo.: you'd probably give a limb for a marth amiibo
    Deleted member
    I actually agree with him...

    Your Marth obsession is about as big as my Selena obsession.
    Well, you're not wrong! I've been obsessed with Marth for 7 years! Time sure flies.

    And anyhow, I think we can agree that both Selena and Marth are fabulous. c:
    She can rule the world and still finish all her homework
    In all honesty, I just don't wanna get into trouble by teachers. D: But then again, why would they tell me off if I rule the world??? Aaaaaaaaah
    The good news is that summer is almost here and school is almost out if it isn't already which means no more homework.

    I've been out of school for so long I sometimes forget that people still go to it.
    Hell yeah! I'm super excited for the summer so I can do nothing with my life for a few weeks. :')))

    Sadly I'm in the middle of deadlines and exams, but it'll all be over in 3 weeks. Hella~
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    Reactions: Matsushi
    I'LL BE ON SKYPE TONIGHT MILO!!! I just came back from a Con and I'm sooo tireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed
    Milo AKA Papa
    Milo AKA Papa
    AAAAAAAWWWWW YESSS, WE CAN FINALLY DO THIS, it's like i keep missing you all week. A con though? I'd like to hear abotu it laterrrrr. And man that new Zelda avatar, HNGGGG
    Hayy Matsu ~ I love your avatar once again! I always love your pictures, haha. Zelda looks so cute :DD
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    Reactions: Matsushi
    Ahh man, good luck with exams. I just had mine, and it entailed staying up late studying :DD x_x. Oh glad, you like mecha, then! Do you have a favorite genre of anime? Alrighty, it shouldn't be too bad. the timezones are surely manageable, so we can work something out C:
    Thank you very much! Yeah, I've been staying up pretty late as well, but I'm gonna try and stop that habit now because I do get a bit sleepy during exams, and that's never good! Hm, I actually don't really have a favourite genre of anime to be honest! I can watch things from mecha, slice-of-life, action, you name it! And you? :3
    Yeah, bad habit staying up late . . . even though I just did that last night x__x aha. That's the same with me, actually. I can watch pretty much any genre, just as long as like the anime C: I'm open to a wide variety!
    Hey there! When do you want to play Smash? ALSOO I think it's cool that you know Milo because I've known him for like 3 years haha.
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    Reactions: Matsushi
    That's understandable! I only use a smudge of white eyeshadow so my eyeliner doesn't go running everywhere, especially in this season. xD Ah, I can definitely see what you mean with the mascara! I wear it because I feel like having eyeliner and mascara is almost a necessity. And yus, it is. c:
    Yeah, I'm invisible! I just feel slightly uncomfortable when people know when I'm online/offline.

    ALSO, I forgot to ask; who's the fellow on your avatar? They look pretty cool! ^^
    Deleted member
    I do that too, it really helps it stay. c: Maybe I'll get back into wearing it again because I do notice that my eyelashes are still brownish and it's weird with black eyeliner o.o As much as I hate putting it on xD Okay! I'm always on invisible too so feel free to hmu whenever. I would message you now but I assume you are offline since it's 9:30 pm for me xD
    Another post hi. People were talking about you in a group and it reminded me, we need to play again sometime.
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    Reactions: Matsushi
    Milo AKA Papa
    Milo AKA Papa
    It's okay, I'll probably be laughing a lot too, BUT I'LL TRY AND TALK AS WELL. OH MAN, I did dunk you with Mario... It wouldn't be right if you didn't get me back for that!
    Oh god! I was literally in tears I remember. I SHALL TALK WITH MY HELLA BRITISH ACCENT, SMELL YEAH. I did not see that dunk coming, for that, I shall punish you with the tip of Marth's sword.. wait.
    Milo AKA Papa
    Milo AKA Papa
    That british accent though. HNNNNNGGGGG. Marth's tip? I wouldn't mind that at all subtleinnuendocoughcough
    Oh my god where do you find all of these little sprites for your signature
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    Reactions: Matsushi
    Miloooooo! I usually google [insert character here] followed by pixel art or simply just "pixel". It really works. :3
    Milo AKA Papa
    Milo AKA Papa
    WOW WHAT. I thought you would have some secret source no one else knows about
    Nope! It's pretty damn ordinary. c:
    2nd place + an internet win gets you a new follower. Congratulations!
    • Like
    Reactions: Matsushi
    I am very proud, thank you! :B
    My knowledge of internet faces is so bad I have to go to urban dictionary almost every single time I see one to find out what they mean.
    Oh, lol! It's supposed be someone with buck teeth. :B :B :B I love using emojis/internet faces hence why I know a lot, hurr. :D
    GTA V online is gdlk omg. I've played it at my friend's house and it is SO MUCH FUNNNNNZZZ.
    • Like
    Reactions: Matsushi
    OHMYGOD hell yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I've played it a few times and I literally couldn't stop laughing :')
    Checking in. *sad hug* :(
    And Happy Mother's Day.
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    Reactions: Matsushi
    Thank you so much, Mira-kun! Happy Mother's day to you too! <3 I hope everything's going well for you. I have about 5 weeks left and then I'm finished with school for the summer holiday, heck yes!
    Admiral Pit
    Admiral Pit
    Well, me being lonely hurts, but thanks. Sadly I don't think I'll ever be able to see art that I've been after for so long, and it makes me sad. I did mention I have a tumblr, right?
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