Sorry, I've been busy ever since after Monday night so I haven't had time to test this.
So here's what's up...
Top platforms don't break at the beginning, are hittable and is breakable, and reforms, but you cannot stand on it at all.
Right platform works fine. And as you expected, you can stand on the cloud while the platform is there if you jump on it the right way.
The left platform is probably the most problematic. When both parts of that platform is there, it forces you to auto-stand on it if you jump upwards from underneath it (but only when both parts are there). When the left of the two parts is broken while the right piece is there, walking from the cloud part on the left to the right makes it seem like there's an invisible wall. The wall only stops you for a moment while walking, and continually holding right would allow you to pass that "wall" after about half a second. Running is unaffected by it...