Hahahah, don't worry about 'being civilized'. One of my best friends is a self-proclaimed anti-theist. I'm totally open to people being against religion. Heck, if I didn't believe so strongly that God did exist then I'd probably be in the same boat as him.
Anyway, yeah, there's DEFINITELY a struggle with suppressing sexual desire. But that's just life. To do 'the right thing' in any circumstance is difficult. A lot of atheists hold the idea that there is no morality or anything, but that we merely have instincts. C.S. Lewis in turn describes instincts as the keys of a piano, but the sheet music, morality, tells us which keys to press when. No key on a piano is bad, but if you press a key at the wrong moment, it can turn out bad. Same with morality.
Sex is just a key I can't press at the moment. And we're always struggling against our nature. I'll be honest, I'm a terrible person. I don't want to go with my nature, honestly. After seeing what it did to my life, I want to be as far away from 'my nature' as possible.
Anyway, if you want to talk about what you think religion does to people, I would be interested. A lot of the people think that questioning God or the Bible offends me or something. It doesn't at all. I bring things into question all the time, it's just that I keep being brought back to the same answer at the end of every day: That there is a God. If it ever switches that at the end of every day I don't come to that conclusion, I'll abandon my religion. If there is no God everything I'm doing is not only worthless, but also probably incredibly detrimental to humanity. So, if there isn't, I'd like to know XD
It's just, as I said, each day I keep coming back to the same conclusion.