Hey, I know we barely talk on the General Smash Ultimate Discussion thread (you may not recognize me ^_^'...), but I just wanted to tell you that I really love your art style. It's something that not a lot of animators or artists do nowadays and do something quite similar to others instead. IDK how to describe it but yours just kind of pops with being colourful and amusing, and that fits your personality and positive attitude. Your drawings remind me on some cartoons I used to watch when I was little, so that's another reason why I love your art. Not that long ago, I saw your recent artwork with some Smashboard users like SmashingRamen, Mr. Wario, Zinith and other users, it was really good and was like an anime kind of crew except they're all just smash fans with no super powers/abilities that I was laughing. Even your Ridley art style made me love the character even more, it's so cute.
One of my hobbies (besides video games of course...) is to follow artists and see their art, I also collect a few artists' work here and there. And now I want to see your artwork because I'm in love with it! Do you have any social network where you post stuff or where you are in general besides Smashboards so I can follow you? (btw I just found out you can follow other users here too, so I'll just- *Instantly follows*) Thanks for taking the time for reading my long post
