I haven't raised the fact up since she left here about three weeks ago.
Also, such an instance shows that perhaps the brass of the DH weren't exactly doing their jobs to the highest level of competency. Instead of getting salty @ their epic fail and raging out on them on the FS, I just let sarcasm do the work for me and call Aqua out on her apparent hypocrisy. I can call people out of their name, and you should, @ the very least, expect me to. I am not a tween who joined this site, I'm a grown @$$ man who will be out in the free world soon enough (80 some odd days). I won't address people as if they were children, because that isn't the way I would want to be addressed.
As for my worship of this place--gtfo. Unlike you, who has johned 6 times to me about why you don't play to win, I actually try to make something of my time here that isn't just mindless gifs and spider pics. I have met people, hosted tournies, online & off, went to a mid-major and a major tourney, and became a debater on here. All these things IMHO have made my time here more enjoyable, and I am fairly certain that you would have similar results if you did the same.
Of course, you'll never know if you never try. =\