Mewtwo, Psychic Force: Boosts the power of Psychic Moves by 30%
Articuno (and Galarian), Frosty Glide: Makes Pokemon immune to entry hazards. Priority Moves will not affect the Pokemon.
Zapdos (and Galarian), Shocking Glide: Makes Pokemon immune to entry hazards. Status moves will not affect the Pokemon.
Moltres (and Galarian), Burning Glide: Makes Pokemon immune to entry hazards. Critical Hits have a higher chance of occuring.
Raikou, Thunderous Roar: Boosts Sp. Atk and Spd by one stage upon entry.
Entei, Burning Roar: Boosts Atk and Def by one stage upon entry.
Suicune, Rainy Roar: Boosts Def and Sp. Def by one stage upon entry.
Ho-oh, Luck Flare: Critical Hits have a higher chance of occuring, and no critical hits can occur on this Pokemon. Upon switching out, this Pokemon will recover HP.
Lugia, Hydro Scale: Negates all damage dealt by 30%.
Regirock, Rock Recovery: Restores 1/16 of total HP at the end of the turn.
Regice, Permafrost: Negates all damage dealt by Fire moves. Opposing Pokemon have a 30% of becoming Frozen upon using a contact move on this Pokemon.
Registeel, Iron Body: Negates all damage dealt by any attack except for Fighting and Ground type moves.
Latias, Psychic Commune: Makes all ally Pokemon unaffected by spread moves.
Latios, Psychic Commune: Same as Latias
Kyogre, Drizzle/Primordial Sea: Same as normal.
Groudon, Drought/Desolate Land: Same as normal.
Rayquaza, Air Lock/Delta Stream: Same as normal.
Azelf, Willpower Psyche: Boosts Sp. Atk by one stage upon entry, and boosts Sp.Atk by one stage upon defeating a Pokemon.
Mesprit, Emotion Psyche: Boosts Evasion and Speed by one stage upon defeating a Pokemon.
Uxie, Knowledge Psyche: Boosts Sp.Def upon entry and by one stage upon defeating a Pokemon.
Heatran, Lava Shield: Boosts damage by Fire moves by 20%. Any Fire Moves will be drawn in and nullified by this Pokemon in a Double Battle.
Regigigas, Start Up: Doubles Atk, Def, and Spd upon entry for three turns.
Cresselia, Good Dreams: Drains 1/16 of the opponents health when they are sleeping and heals this Pokemon by 1/16 of it's health.
Dialga, Time Pulse: Lowers all Pokemon's Spd by 2 stages upon entry.
Palkia, Spatial Reconstruction: Lowers all Pokemon's Def by 2 stages upon entry.
Giratina, Temporal Distortion: Turns the opposing Pokemon into the Ghost Type.
Reshiram, Turboblaze, same as normal.
Zekrom, Terravolt, same as normal.
Kyruem, Technofreeze, nullifies the abilities of the opposing Pokemon.
Virizion, Justified: Boosts damage dealt against Dark Moves.
Terrakion, Justified: Boosts damage dealt against Dark Moves.
Cobalion, Justified: Boosts damage dealt against Dark Moves.
Thundurus, Stormy Sky: Creates Thundering Weather upon entry.
Tornadus, Windy Sky: Creates Wind Storm upon entry.
Landorus, Abundant Sandstorm: Creates Sandstorm upon entry. Boosts Ground moves power by 20%.
Xerneas, Fairy Aura: Same as normal.
Yveltal, Dark Aura: Same as normal.
Zygarde, Aura Break/Power Construct: Same as normal.
Tapu Koko, Electric Surge: Same as normal.
Tapu Lele, Psychic Surge: Same as normal.
Tapu Bulu, Grassy Surge: Same as normal.
Tapu Fini, Misty Surge: Same as normal.
Solgaleo, Full Metal Body: Same as normal.
Lunala, Shadow Shield: Same as normal.
Necrozma, Prism Armor/Neuroforce: Same as normal.
Silvally, Multitype: Same as normal.
Regieleki, Transistor: Same as normal.
Regidrago, Dragon's Maw: Same as normal.
Spectrier, Grim Neigh: Same as normal.
Glastrier, Chilling Neigh: Same as normal.
Calyrex, As One: Same as normal.
Kubfu, Unseen Fist: Same as normal.
Urshifu, Unseen Fist: Same as normal.
Zacian, Intrepid Sword: Same as normal.
Zamazenta, Dauntless Shield: Same as normal.
Eternatus, Neurovirus: Increases attacks power by 30%.
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